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The lack of bike lanes which where there is nothing separating cars from cyclists on a ton of
roads which is terrifying given the speed differences and if an accident were to occur, the
outcome would almost certainly be an injury or death to the cyclist.
2. This would affect everyone who bikes on a road where cars pass by. I think this is a primary
concern towards new cyclists who are still getting the hand of biking steady and staying focused
on the road whereas others with experience have a better idea of what goes on, on the road
and they have everything figured out which significantly reduces the risk of an accident initiated
from the cyclist.

That is a chart that shows the percentage of how much people wear helmets, for teenagers 12-14, they
only wear helmets around 50% of the time so it’s a 50-50 chance you will be protected from a head
injury if you were to crash or fall. The older the ages got, the percentage went down which is even
worse because most cyclists are in the 15-25 column.

 There are estimates 1 billion bikes in the world

 There are 364,000 bikes being produced every day
 The us bicycle market wash worth $6.2 billion in 2015
 60% less air pollution is breathed by cyclists than motorists

4. Some factors influencing this issue is accidents that are caused because a car and cyclist were
too close since there isn't a line or anything separating them. Cars are very much faster than
bikes and most people don’t acknowledge them while they're driving which causes cyclists to be
even more frightened. There also aren't sidewalks everywhere and even when there is, some
are pretty small so the cyclists would need to slow down for people to pass by which slows them
down significantly.
5. Based on the information above, I would say I do have an informed opinion about this issue but
I'm sure there is much more to know about it since I don’t personally bike on main roads right
next to zooming cars.
6. I think the next steps into resolving this issue is for the government to put bike lanes on as many
roads or even large sidewalks so pedestrians and cyclists can use them.

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