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El Paso Economy at Risk

El Paso Texas a city dependent of its sister city Ciudad Juarez in the other side of
the border in Mexico and likewise. This city has become dependent of its sister city
Juarez, the connections are families, jobs, education, nightlife, etc. Donald Trump
immigration plan if its effective would make a big damage in El Paso economy,
because in this area occurs 20% of all U.S.-Mexico trade. We are very dependent of
the relationship The U.S. has with Mexico and this plan would affect this

Donald Trump Immigration plan has three core principles, deport all undocumented
immigrants, reverse law that grants American citizenship to any child born in the
U.S., and rescind President Obama executive orders. One of the main things Trump
want to do is build a wall, and he is intended that Mexico pays for the wall, if this
doesnt happen, according to Trumps plan, he will take actions against Mexican
CEOs and adding fees in any NAFTA treaty transactions. This by this action would
affect the relationship with Mexico.


El Paso's economy
is impacted
significantly by
the Mexican government's Maquiladora Program.
Established in 1965, the program was created to help alleviate unemployment on
the U.S.Mexico border by allowing non-Mexican companies to establish
manufacturing operations in Mexico to produce goods for exportation. Ciudad
Juarez, El Paso sister city has more than 300 maquiladoras employing 195,000
workers, many of the corporate employees are El Paso residents. Some companies
establish in El Paso Texas, are owned by Fortune 500 companies.

El Paso economic output is 28.8 billion dollars, according to Representative Beto

ORourke Juarenzes and other Mexicans come to El Paso and spend 1.5 billion
dollars every year. El Paso personal income is 33,667 dlls per year. If Donald Trump
stops the relationship with Mexico for one year, that is a lot of jobs lost. Let me
explain why I am saying this. 1.5 billion dollars are spend yearly by Mexicans in El
Paso lets assume that only half of it stayed in El Paso that is 22,227 jobs that would
be gone, 33,667 / 750 millions ( half of 1.5 billion) equals 22,227. This is just one
example of how if Donald Trumps immigration plan was effective, El Paso area
would be affected.

There must be the understanding that we must not re do the past, but learn from it
and move forward. Trumps immigration plan, states that people must be deported,
citizenship of anchor babies could be taken away, he wants to build a wall. Lets
take the example of a wall to explain how this is moving backwards instead of
forward. In Germany there was a wall once, and after a long time that wall was
destroyed and that was a sign of peace, and unity. Mexico helps U.S. economy,
Illegal immigrants are not anymore from their native countries, they have develop a
life here in our country, we must understand that, deporting illegal immigrants is
not only taking illegal aliens out of the country, it also mean separating families,
taking your life that you have created in the U.S. away. If this immigration plan
would be effective, I would be a candidate to lose my citizenship, I already migrate
once and my life change completely, this happened when I was 14 years old, my life
was just starting, but now at 24 years that all the important decision of my life have
been plan according to live in the U.S. and having that at risk of being taken away is
something that really worries me, this is my future my life that is at risk of being
taken away.

We should inform ourselves more about who is running for president and see how
each candidates plan could affect out economy, well we live here we might as well
inform ourselves to live better.


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