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Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients Needs to be Dismissed.

As Americans we take for granted all the commodities we have. We forget to see that
what we are used for hasnt been here all the time just because we were born in a country where
freedom and rights were handed to us doesnt mean its always been that way. For the course of
the semester my chosen topic was: Should people be drug tested when applying for welfare? In
my own opinion and based on the research I gathered no it should not be done because its
The reason that I state that its Unconstitutional is because for the seven states that had
participated in passing the law of drug testing an individual when applying for government
assistance if that person seem as if they were using drugs. The problem with this clause and or
statement is very simple the workers of the government office when looking at a person and they
seem like they use drugs they will be referred to being drug tested. How fare is that? Is it really
okay to be sending people to being tested because they appear as if they would or are using
illegal substances, that is a clear violation of rights. Especially how since I can remember Ive
always heard how people shouldnt be judged by there appearance or where they come from that
in America we are all equal.
The second reason why I think that drug testing for welfare assistance is wrong is
because this primary came about to save taxpayers money and ensure that only people who
needed it would get it. Now a study was shown that the 7 states all together have spend about 1
million dollars trying to save money, when in reality instead of saving they are spending more
than before. Maybe the idea of drug testing individuals for welfare assistance seemed good but

the only thing that its doing is demoralizing the innocent people that are having a hard time to
make a living for themselves and family and adding the shame to be thought of using drugs is
added on top of that.
What my stand on this law is that it should be dismissed. I am all finding ways to see who
is taking advantage of the welfare programs. I am sure that we have all taxpayers have seen
people that instead of using welfare programs as an aid they see it as a lifelong portal to a free
living. That is wrong but having people drug test is not the way to go. It is only spending more
money from the taxpayers than gaining money back, from all the research that I did non of the 7
states who initiated the law back in 2011, 2013, and 2014 have seemed to have been able to say
that it has made a change but on the opposite it has only caused more expense.

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