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Basic Biological Information




Appearance Information


175 lbs

Merlin's clothing is a variation of the normal rank and file uniform. His sleeves are markedly
long and hug closely to his skin until the elbow, at which point they flare drastically, stopping at the
wrist. Lily white fabric wraps about the wrist gracing them with four inch wide cuffs transitioning
seamlessly from the ebony silk. The collar of his ebony kimono top is significantly thicker than normal,
the white-silk perhaps two-inches wide. This collar is also odd in that it leads back to excess material
that hangs upon Merlin's upper back. This gathered white silk is in fact a hood that has been
manufactured into the top. The sash, unlike in the male uniform, is long and tied at the side, hanging
down just past the knee, while the hakama seems to be unchanged. It is of note to comment on the
mirrored finished, silver circlet which rests on his forehead, bearing a single 'gem' of onyx.

General Appearance:
Merlin's appearance is somewhat foreign. His skin is that of a soft crème, more or less flawless
and untouched by age or hardship. His facial features are very angular, eyes the shape of almonds,
irises the color of bright sapphire. In direct contrast to this bright color, long, kept locks of ebony,
tinged indigo run from his scalp to hang like silk against his upper back. A lean, fit, figure with agile
muscles brushes against his silk clothing. Altogether he is an attractive though seemingly weak, young

Yubiwa no Kami - Rings of the Gods
These 7 rings represent 7 different 'gods' of the Roman mythos. Each of these gods
corresponds to a specific subcategory of Hado as defined by Merlin. The rings themselves are
constructed of a specific kind of metal that draws in reiryoku up to a point, chanelling it into focusing
crystals, which then store the energy in a larger gem, that is attributed to the specific type of shaped
Each Ring may be used as device through which Merlin channels his spells, increasing
their potency by a factor of 1.5. This effect, however, may only be used 3 times per day, per each ring.
The true nature of these rings, however, was their use in casting high-level, devastating hado. So long
as a ring has 2 of its charges, it's pent up energies may be discharged to allow the use of a specific Kido
with the name sake of a roman god. In the process, of using the ring, its pent up reiryoku and reishi are
exhausted, leaving it in need of being recharged over a period of days by Merlin.

Yubiwa no Oumahoutsukai – Rings of the Arch-Mage

These 4 rings, unlike their element-born counterparts, store any spell placed in them up
to number 40. in rank. The basic principles on which they operate is the same, however, Higher level
spells may be split up between rings in order to be cast instantaneously, without causing the user to
loose any significant amount of spiritual energy.

Maryoku no Oukan – Crown of Magical Power

Seated upon Merlin's head is a silver crown, a bright, sapphire gem placed into its center
point. Small, invisible lines lead from this gem, inscribed in the 'silver', leading to contact points of the
'mind chakra' a simple access point to to one's reiryoku. The gem itself holds an excess of pent up and
stored Reiryoku that can be drawn upon to revitalize the user, or alternatively released in the form of a
concentrated beam, similar to a Gran-Rey Cero.

Yoken no Fukumen -Mask of Foresight

Personal Data

Kido Master
Casting of kidou without the use of incantation
Double Incantation
The melding of two incantations to quicken a spell and/or confuse an opponent.
Gouchou no Jumon – Corporal (Somatic) Incantation

Dai Jumon – Great Incantation

Musei no Jumon – Silent Incantaiton

Hoho Master
Keen Intellect
Master Inventor
Arcane Artifacts
These artifacts were created through intensive study and research on the nature of
magic. As a member of the Kido Corps, later its Lieutenant and finally its Captain, Merlin had near
unrestricted access to the world of the living, from which he obtained various ancient tomes and scripts
regarding Alchemy and the Arcane.
Utilizing his Keen intellect, he then set to work finding analogues to the kido and
constructions of objects in soul society with the documents he had procured from the Human world.
These studies, coupled with intense research on the nature of a zanpakuto of one Shinigami by the
name of “Minku” and the analysis of construction of Quincy weaponry, Merlin came to the conclusion
that he could in fact create many of the objects that his fantastical texts of magic spoke of.
Master Manipulator
Immense Spiritual Pressure
Immense Speed
Immense Physical Endurance
Expert Swordsmanship Specialist

Poor Physical Strength

Above all things, Merlin is a strategist. His physical shortcomings in terms of strength and
endurance are overcome by a Goliath intellect coupled with a superb analytical skill. Though often
rational, Merlin is not without creativity, as exceptional tactics often require a certain degree of artistry.
Sage-like in his musings and conversation, Merlin's appearance often deceives his opponent and
strangers, for he commands a wisdom well beyond his years.

Long ago, in the times of yore, there lived a man. This man, unlike most men, was of an
exceptional sort. He had certain special talents; Some called it the channeling of demons, others the gift
of magic. Whatever it was this fact alone was true: He was something more than simply human. Deeds
of his vast abilities spread throughout the known realms like wild fire and all knew his name. Yes, that
legendary magician, and conjurer of arcane secrets, Merlin.
Merlin's travels are much too numerous to record here. Suffice is to say, his age passed, the age
of knights, sorcerers, beasts and dragons. All things must come to an end, so too is true of life. That
being as it is, Merlin allowed him self to slip away having seen the termination of his personal
A time passed, fraught with wandering in a seemingly inescapable purgatory, until a foreign
barbarian, clothed in shades of ebony and ivory rose their blade, let it fall upon him. In that instant all
that Merlin once was, all that he had done, all that he had known, everyone he once knew, vanished.
Rebirth. In the outskirts of Soul Society, a young child walked the garbage littered streets of Rukungai.
This was a child born for great things, a legend incarnate, however humble he now seemed. A unique
spiritual pressure followed this child, as well as that of his brother, Draco. The two were very much so
inseparable in their younger years, and still maintain a close relationship.
But allow us to move on now, and tell of why Merlin was such a unique youth. Walking through the
forest, as the two young boys often did, Merlin noticed something peculiar about the rocky face
of a near-by crag. Informing his brother of this oddity, the two moved forward to inspect the irregular
rock face, only to discover the entrance to a cave.
Long did they crawl and climb, navigating its twisting passage-ways. Eventually, the winding cavern
opened up into a large, furnished, and ruined study, the inhabitant of which had long since passed. In
Merlin's search of the place, he discovered a large, leather bound book. Embossed onto the surface of
its cover were letterings of an unknown sort. Strangely, however, Merlin was able to innately
understand them. "Principles of the Arcane."
Many a day did the two boys spend in the cavern, musing over the strange artifcats they found
there. Often, however, Merlin would retreat to a chair to read and study the strange Grimoire. It was
from this pages of this arcane script that he learned the basic principles of kidou, both bakudo and
hadou, even the construction of spells, and manipulations of elements.
On the streets of Rukungai, practicing the arts of , what he called the "Arcane," Merlin gained
the attention of many a passerby. Overtime, his name reached the ears of the 13 protections squad and
he was recruited into the Kidou Corps. Well above the skill of many of his seniors, Merlin found
himself to be in the 3rd seat of the corps in no time. Eventually, he was recruited by a member of the

Kido Corps

Commander of the Kido Corps, Captain of the Kido Corps, Grand Chief of the Kido Corps


Sealed form:
Khaos whilst in its sealed form takes on the appearance of a tanto, the blade of which is
approximately 12 inches. The sheathe of the tanto isa polished an lacquered black wood, a kind of
ebony in color with distinct swirls of sapphire. The tsuba of the weapon is square in construction, its
surface a mirrored steel. White silk wrappings secure a ray-skin hilt. The cap of the weapon is a
mirrored silver in color, yet within the cap a sapphire of comparative size in inset.


Sealed form:
Khaos whilst in its sealed form takes on the appearance of a tanto, the blade of which is
approximately 12 inches.The sheathe of the tanto is a polished an lacquered black wood, a kind of
ebony in color with distinct swirls of sapphire. The tsuba of the weapon is square in construction, its
surface a mirrored steel. White silk wrappings secure a ray-skin hilt. The cap of the weapon is a
mirrored silver in color, yet within the cap a sapphire of comparative size in inset.

Shikai Information:
Distort the fabric of space and time; Dissimilate into nothing. Khaos!
When unsealed, the high-quality tanto blade is transmogrified into a metallic rod the
length of a forearm and hand. This rod, or as Merlin often refers to it 'wand', is silver in color appears
to be ornately carved or smithed into the image of an eastern, serpent-like dragon. The dragons short
fore and hind limbs, lay flat against the wand, as if is gliding through the sky. Its maw is open, yet
thrusting out from it is an irregularly carved and markedly large blue crystal which gives off a haunting
illumination. This crystal has various shades of blue which dance across it surface, mimicking flame. It
is of importance to note that this crystal has the same structural strength of steel, and it's edges are
fatally sharp, allowing the wand to be used as a piercing or superficially slashing weapon. At the
opposite end of the rod, the dragon's tail curls around a cut orb of black crystal. Unlike its blue
counterpart, this crystal seems to draw in the ambient light around it giving it an unnatural darkness and

Khaos has a unique ability among zanpakuto. It allows its wielder to literally transport
himself into a demi-plane, or as an alternative explanation it phase-shifts the wielder. In this phase-
shifted state, Merlin may still be heard, seen and smelled in non-phase shifted space. Likewise, he can
see, smell and hear at normal range. He cannot, however, be struck physical attacks, there is an oddness
to the plane where he is transported, and strangely only concentrated and shaped reiryoku can enter and
like-wise leave the phase-shifted space. To clarify, this reiryoku would be kido spells, cero, Quincy
arrows, and the like. Upon further study of his zanpakuto, Merlin has learned the true release phrase
and mechanics behind his transportation. Every shinigami houses within them their own dimension, an
inner self. Khaos uses this dimension as a reference point for its transportation. By resonating with this
dimension, and drawing on its extant energy, Khaos then transports itself and wielder to a plane
somewhere in between the 'real' world and the 'inner world'. It is for this reason that physical attacks
and unconcentrated reiryoku cannot affect Merlin. It is because they are not native to his 'inner self'.'

Oidasu - Expel;
While not phase-shifted himself, Merlin may touch, or strike an object, even an
opponent with his wand, specifically the blue crystal at its forward end, generating a fantastic effect .
Utilizing the unique abilities of his zanpakuto he can then transport whatever he strikes to the phase-
shifted realm, up to a maximum volume of 3 cubic meters.

Hikiageru - Withdraw;
While not phase-shifted himself, Merlin may touch, or strike an object even an opponent
with his wand, specifically the black crystal at its hind end, generating a fantastic effect. Utilizing the
unique abilities of his zanpakuto he can then recall or withdraw whatever phase-shifted thing he strikes,
back to its unshifted state, up to a maximum volume of 3 cubic meters.

Note-1: With both of the above abilities it should be noted that Merlin cannot
himself phase-shift, if the combined volume of his form and possessions and the objects he has
transported exceed 3 cubic meters.
Note-2: Unattended and attended transported objects remain suspended in their
previous location. They do not fall into nothingness due to the unique traits of the phase-shifted space.
Note-3: It should also be noted that the above abilities have a strict time limit per
usage of 30 seconds.

Zanpakuto's Spirit:
Khaos is a Zanpakuto of majestic, yet frightening appearance. He takes on the form of a large
eastern-dragon. His scales are a shimmering, mirror-like silver in color and his eyes are pools of
burning sapphire blue. Often he coils, suspended in the air, cradling a large spherical cut gem which
draws in the light around it between his fore-claws.

Zanpakuto's Element: Kido

Birth from the Void
"Tear away at the construct of consciousness; Disjoint the self; Step forth from the
shadows, gods of old. Be born from the Void!
Utilizing the dimension transporting properties of his Zanpakuto, Merlin is
capable of evoking a bankai, both powerful and previously unseen by the world of shinigami. As
previously explained, Khaos operates by altering the location of the 'inner world' within the greater

Merlin takes this a step further with his bankai, however. Using the zanpakuto's
unique ability, he literally disjoints facets of his own consciousness, creating artificial alters, which are
then transported into this new demi-plane. Each of these Alters act independently from one another, but
can communicate instantaneously on a telepathic level through their connection with Merlin's 'inner

Each Alter has the same statistics and power as the original Merlin from which
they are born. If one alter is damage, or killed, however, Merlin himself will feel a physical whiplash,
due to the link he shares with them all. This damage, however, will not affect the existing alters,
meaning they can still act independently unhampered while Merlin may be distracted by damage.
Furthermore, if an alter is destroyed, Merlin does not lose that aspect of his consciousness, it simply
returns to his "Inner World" And cannot be used until he next summons his bankai.

The Alters which Merlin has created each hold sway over a specific type of
Kidou that Merlin has mastered. That is to say that if an alter controls hadou with the aspect of fire, it
cannot cast a hadou that has the aspect of lightning. It is difficult to discern which Alter controls a
specific aspect, however, as all of them have the appearance of the original Merlin.

Ares - Force (Hadou)
Hephaestus - Fire (Hadou)
Zeus - Lightning (Hadou)
Poseidon - Water (Hadou)
Hades – Ice (Hadou)
Hermes - Wind (Hadou)
Hestia - Earth (Hadou)
Dionysus - Status (Hadou + Bakudou)
Athena - Shield (Bakudou)
Apollo - Binding (Bakudou)



1. Sai
4. Hainawa
8. Seki
9. Geki
9. Horin
21. Sekienton
26. Kyokko
30. Shitotsu Sansen
37. Tsuriboshi
39. Enkosen
58. Kakushitsuijaku
61. Rikujokoro
62. Hyapporankan
63. Sajo Sabaku
73. Tozansho
75. Gochutekkan
77. Tenteikura
81. Danku
99.(Part 1) Kin
99.(Part 2) Bankin

1. Sho
4. Byakurai
11. Tsuzuri Raiden
31. Shakkaho
33. Sokatsui
54. Haien
58. Tenran
63. Raikoho
73. Soren Sokatsui
88. Hiryugekizoshintenraiho
90. Kurohitsugi
96. Itto Kaso


30. Scream - Open thy throat; Gasp for breath; Pant in terror at suffocation; Vibrations spook the wind.
The caster shouts, amplifying the sound of his voice with kidou. The frequency and pitch of this sound
is also altered to resonate with the systems of the ear, causing extreme vertigo and nausea.

30. Bellow - Open thy throat; release thine breath; Shout in expectation; Vibrations rattle the wind.
The caster shouts, amplifying the sound of his voice with kidou. The frequency and pitch of the sound
is also altered to resonate with the systems of the ear, attempting to burst the eardrums, causing
temporary deafness.

Offense: 70
Defense: 60
Mobility: 100
Kido/Reiatsu: 120 ( + MAX )
Intelligence: 100
Physical Strength: 70 ( End: 50 [MAX], Str: 20)

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