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Jordan Stevens

Jordan Stevens
1232 Pleasant View Dr.
Rexburg, ID 83440

of Contents
Event Ad
Business Card
Web Page

An offset (two-sided) brochure.


Comm 130 Section 03
Ben Pingel.

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign

I wanted people to feel a sense of urgency by showing the post apocalyptic
pictures and to realize they will be doomed without a bomb shelter. I wanted
my text to captivate anyone interested in survival and to make them feel like
they had a chance.

I designed my logo in Adobe Illustrator. I Googled a vault shape to trace out
the shape I wanted. I used Adobe Photoshop to create that same shape and
added a concrete texture to it for my vault shape on the inside. I then went
into Adobe InDesign and organized my logo, images, and text into a nice
format for my brochure. I placed all of my images where I wanted them,
making some larger than others and positioning them in the appropriate
places for the offset design I was going for. I created several text boxes and
colored boxes to put my text into. I then found an image of a helicopter for
the back of my design and clipped it to wrap my text around it. I added drop
shadow to the text on the back of my brochure to give it more contrast.

A logo I made for personal branding of myself, a videographer and editor.


Comm 130 Section 03
Ben Pingel.

Adobe Illustrator

I wanted the logo to have a unique and sleek design, because that is how I
like to do my videos. I thought keeping the design sharp and clean
demonstrates professionalism and style.

I first drew out the letters of my name because I wanted to figure out a cool
way to use my initials in a design. I came up with a design that I liked for
my initials and then opened up Adobe Illustrator to translate it from paper
to software. I used the pen tool to draw the initials. I added a 5 point basic
stroke with pointed edges to make for a cool sharp design. I then added a
curve on the J so I could line up the edge of the J with the slanted Ss. After
that I added a rectangular box to the design and placed it to the right of my
initials on the J. I wrote out Jordan S. Stevens with a cool downloaded font
and put it in the middle of the box. I used the select tool to alter the anchors
and made the corners of the rectangle come out for the sharp look to match
the initials. I then created a smaller box with the same shape rectangle and
placed it below the big box with the videographer/ editor text in it. I then
chose my favorite color which is cyan and made one of the Ss that color. I
then found a cool monochromatic color from Adobe color and used it for the
other S and the lower text box. I then created a grayscale copy and a copy
with the design mostly white and I put a red rounded rectangle behind it.

Black and White promotional flier intended to promote a graduate leadership conference.


Comm 130 Section 03
Ben Pingel.

Adobe InDesign.

I am trying to reach recent graduates who want to improve their leadership
skills and who would be interested in a conference to host this. I was trying
to create imagery that would advertise the conference spirit to my audience
by showing multiple graduates in the picture, and silhouettes of people
involved as well at the bottom of the design.

Once I had heard what the flier was going to promote I instantly started
imagining how I wanted my flier to look. I visualized it and then sketched it
on paper to see if it translated from my mind to paper. I liked the layout in
sketch form and then created it in Adobe InDesign. I used black boxes and
white boxes for contrast as well as black and white text. I kept the flier in a
horizontal alignment and aligned the title with the location information/
logo and then centered the body text between those two. I left plenty of
white space in all of the text areas. I created some shapes at the bottom to
resemble people by repeating varied ellipse shapes, adding some repetition
and irregular rhythm. The image I used makes it look like the people in the
image are looking down at the people, thus creating a conference vibe to it.
I chose the image that showed multiple students because it illustrates that
many people are involved. I also thought this image best reflected the
professionalism I was aiming for in the design. I was given the logo, image,
content for this flier.

Event Ad
An ad designed for a local fund-raiser event to raise money for the Aviary
Preservation Society.


Comm 130 Section 03
Ben Pingel.

Microsoft Word.

I wanted this design to be very interesting and to have an image that
emphasized the event visually. By showing the feathers, I felt it would make
people curious about the event. Part of my message was to also explain what
the event is for and who it will benefit. The details of how it will benefit the
Aviary Preservation Society is very evident in my ad which is what I wanted
people to see.

I first scanned the image, which I found in a magazine. After that, I used
Adobe Photoshop to verify the size of the image. I then scaled the image for
the right margins in Microsoft Word and added the rest of the content in this
program as well. I underlined the title with a lime green color to contribute
to the color scheme I wanted to achieve. I aligned the description of the
event with the place and time at the bottom. I think the feathers are a good
example of repetition. I wanted to organize the text in a simple, yet elegant
way. There is kerning on the date below the title which I thought added some
variety to the design. I feel like I have a lot of white space throughout the
design as well that works nicely with it.

Business Card
A business card designed to promote my video business and provide potential clients with the companys information.


Comm 130 Section 03
Ben Pingel.

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign.

I wanted the logo to reflect professionalism and creativity. Potential cilents
are interested in a skilled and unique style for videos they want and I
thought this logo and design would reflect that. I wanted to emphasize
simplicity and used cerulean blue because it reflects things like stability,
wisdom, confidence, and it is calming.

I created my logo in Adobe Indesign and then imported it into Adobe
InDesign to organize my business card layout. I created a square shape and
applied some color and effects to it for an appealing design. I added a line
shape to the back of it to tie it into my color scheme. I then added all of my
text to the design. I put my logo on the back with 50% opacity and put some
relative clip art to the left of my contact info rmation.

A letterhead designed to promote my video business and provide potential
clients with the companys information.


Comm 130 Section 03
Ben Pingel.

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign.

To showcase my Logo/company in an appealing letterhead for anyone
involved. I wanted to incorporate all of the same elements that were
present in my business card to this letterhead. I used the same graphics,
color scheme, and logos to accomplish that.

I placed the logo in the middle of the page with a very light opacity for a
watermark. I then drew a large rectangle with the same inner glow effect as
the background to my business card, making it more subtle. I placed the logo
once more in the top left of the letterhead inside the rectangle I drew. I left
room for a white rectangle towards the top right of the letterhead where I
could put the company members names and the information. I then drew 2
blue thinner rectangles to separate everything at the top of the letterhead.
That was my entire process to create the stationery.

A motivational montage poster created by blending two images together,
accompanied by some relative typography.


Comm 130 Section 03
Ben Pingel.

Adobe Photoshop.

To motivate people to remember to always pray, as it will help God to be on
your side. I wanted to show God with his arms open above willing to listen to
us praying below, and positioned my images in such a manner to deliver that

I found some images on Google and imported them into Adobe Photoshop.
I made the heaven image my background. I added the image of the hands
praying to the heaven picture. I then resized the praying image and applied
a mask. I used the brush tool with soft edges to blur the images together
for a nice montage. I applied a difference clouds filter to the hands image to
create a cool look on the praying hands picture. I positioned the images how
I wanted them and then added my text with some blue drop shadow to add
contrast. I applied a bevel and emboss effect to the prayer title.

Web Page
A web page I created to showcase an original logo design of mine, and to
promote myself professionally.


Comm 130 Section 03
Ben Pingel.

Notepad ++.

I am sending a message of elegance and professionalism by implementing
design elements that were in my logo into my web page. I wanted to ensure
that my web site reflected the functionality that I have to offer.

I used Notepad ++ to edit the HTML and CSS. I first off copied the codes from
the example assignments into Notepad ++. I then used Photoshop to find the
hex-codes for all the colors in my logo. I applied all of these colors through
out the CSS to make everything match up nicely together. I changed the font
families of the text within my web page as well within CSS. Once I had this
done, I centered my image using the div tag attributes and applied a link to
my Facebook profile when it is clicked on. After this I created some buttons
in the HTML that would link to my blog and some of the videos I have made.
I centered these using the div tags as well and then applied color and style to
these buttons in CSS and made it so they fade to a cyan color when hovered
over. Finally, I revised my code to make sure the indentation was right,
adding ing several page breaks where I desired. I then uploaded my CSS and
HTML documents to a validating site and had to fix a few things. I got the
success from the validating sites eventually and then my web site was complete.

A poster showing off puppies and pumpkins with an evident color scheme
implemented throughout the entire design.


Comm 130 Section 03
Ben Pingel.

Adobe Photoshop.

My message was to show how adorable my dog looked next to these
pumpkins that were at my house, through a playful and fun color scheme.

I first chose this color scheme because I noticed a lot of pumpkins around my
house and I loved the color. I then found my dog and her color which went
perfectly with the pumpkins and gave me all three colors I wanted for the
split complementary scheme. I took the picture then imported it into
Photoshop. I adjusted the levels, vibrancy, saturation, selective color, and
sharpness of the image. I first used the ellipse tool to make a shape around
the image, I then selected the inverse and deleted everything else. I created 3
more ellipse shapes to match the roundness of the pumpkins and put them
behind my image. I added the title and then used the text warp option to
give it the arc so it follows the ellipse shapes in my design. I then added some
more ellipses for the top of the design, I left the fill blank and then gave them
varying strokes for a more stylistic look. I created 3 more small ellipses to fill
them with the colors I used in the design. I then added the remaining text
to label the colors and color scheme. I put the labels underneath the ellipses
with the colors in them, and arced the split complementary text around
one of the ellipses in the design.

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