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Observing Motor Development

Directions: Observe several children from newborns to preschoolers (birth to 5 years old). You want a
variety. Determine their level of locomotion or gross motor skills (e.g., lifting head, rolling over, sitting
up, crawling, cruising, walking alone, walking up stairs, running, etc.) and fine motor skills (e.g.,
reaching, grasping, picking up objects, feeding self, holding a cup, etc.). Share at least three examples
for each child in each gross and fine motor area.

Gross motor skills

Fine motor skills

Put shoes on right feet

Draw shapes

Can dress self

Uses scissors

Rides two wheel bike

Can copy a picture

Lift up heads

Holds bottle

Waves bye bye

Reaches for toys

Copies rolling a ball

Feeds herself snacks


Feeds herself

Rolls a ball

Drinks from a cup


Turns book pages

Kicks a ball

Cuts with scissors


Holds a pencil

Climb to slide

Make shape from play doh


Puts her hat on

Climbs on stairs

Feeds herself

Child #1
Sex: Male
Age: 5

Child #2
Sex: female
Age: 10 mos

Child #3
Sex: female
Age: 18 mos

Child #4
Age: 4

Child #5
Sex: female

Attempts to zipper coat

Likes to color

Age: 20 months

Did any of the children you observed have skills that surprised you? Explain.
The 18mos and 20 mos are two months apart. The skills they each had were different. I
would have thought they would have been close. One was an early walker the other one just
started walking. They also show different interest in what they wanted to do.

Did any of the children you observed appear to be struggling with certain skills? Explain.
One of the older boys had problems holding scissors. He was also struggling with holding a
pencil. He would hold them incorrectly. He had a hard time writing his name. I think with
practice in the next couple months he would be able to do these skills without a problem. He
just needs practice and hopefully the parents are willing to help him gain these skills.

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