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EQ: How do I care for children?

The Way
We Grow

Younger Infants
Newborn to 6 months
Physical Development:
Starts out helpless
Lifts head when lying on stomach (1-2 mos.)
Lifts chest when lying on stomach (3-4
Rolls over (4-5 mos.)
Sits alone (5-6 mos.)
Reaches out and grasps (6-7 mos.)

Younger Infants
Newborn to 6 months

Intellectual Development:
Follows sounds and movement
Recognizes faces
Distinguishes between friends
and strangers

Younger Infants
Newborn to 6 months

Social Development:
Begins to smile
Shows fear of strangers
Enjoys peek-a-boo game

Younger Infants
Newborn to 6 months

Emotional Development:
Coos and laughs
Cries when uncomfortable

Older Infants
6-12 months

Physical Development:
Transfers objects from hand to
Begins to creep/crawl (7-8 mos.)
Begins to get teeth (7-8 mos.)
Stands alone (9-10 mos.)
Begins to walk (10-12 mos.)

Older Infants
6-12 months

Intellectual Development:
Says a few single words
Understands a few verbal
commands such as no
Begins to feed self
Gets into everything; enjoys

Older Infants
6-12 months
Social Development:
Enjoys getting attention by playing
dropping games
Holds out arms to be picked up
Responds to parents moods and
Likes to watch other children play
Waves bye-bye

Older Infants
6-12 months

Emotional Development:
May be easily frightened
Shows dislikes when given some
foods or when taken from a toy
or an activity he or she enjoys

12 to 36 months (1-3 yr)

Physical Development:
Throws a ball
Stacks blocks
Develops large muscles
Starts to be toilet trained

12 to 36 months (1-3 yrs)

Intellectual Development:
Learns to put words into sentences
Learns to cope with his or her
environment by experimenting
Asks many questions, especially
Remembers and can follow requests

12 to 36 months (1-3 yrs)

Social Development:
Plays beside others
Imitates others
Begins to enjoy playing with
other children
Is interested in people
May have an imaginary friend

12 to 36 months (1-3 yrs)

Emotional Development:
Likes to be read to
Expresses angry feelings through
temper tantrums
Is often negative and says No!
Becomes frustrated easily

3-5 years

Physical Development:
Rides a tricycle
Dresses himself or herself
Learns to hop, skip, assemble
puzzles, and color
Can go to the toilet by himself or

3-5 years

Intellectual Development:
Uses longer sentences and talks
a lot
Learns by playing
Is interested in simple counting
Recognizes pennies, nickels, and

3-5 years

Social Development:
Cooperates with other children
and shares
Plays with others or in groups
Makes friends and is interested
in other people

3-5 years
Emotional Development:
Gets angry easily and may kick to
show anger
Is proud of abilities and brags
May develop fear of animals, dark,
water, and so forth
Learns to control temper and cope
with some problems

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