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Monday 14th December 2015

Dear Parents / Carers

Wear a Christmas Jumper/T-shirt Day Thursday 17th December
We will be having a non-uniform day in school on Thursday, 17th December, and we are encouraging
children and staff to wear a Christmas jumper or t-shirt if you own one. If you dont own a Christmas
jumper, this is not a problem, as children will be given an opportunity to design a Christmas picture and
stick this on the front of their t-shirt with double sided sticky tape.
We are asking for a voluntary 1 donation towards school funds which helps pay for transport for our
school visits.
As children in Year 1 and Year 2 will be having their Christmas Party on the afternoon of Thursday 17th
December, they can also bring their party clothes into school to change into after lunch if they wish to.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely

Mrs Coverdale
Deputy Headteacher

Monday 14th December 2015

Dear Parents / Carers

Wear a Christmas Jumper/T-shirt Day Thursday 17th December
We will be having a non-uniform day in school on Thursday, 17th December, and we are encouraging
children and staff to wear a Christmas jumper or t-shirt if you own one. If you dont own a Christmas
jumper, this is not a problem, as children will be given an opportunity to design a Christmas picture and
stick this on the front of their t-shirt with double sided sticky tape.
We are asking for a voluntary 1 donation towards school funds which helps pay for transport for our
school visits.
As children in Year 1 and Year 2 will be having their Christmas Party on the afternoon of Thursday 17th
December, they can also bring their party clothes into school to change into after lunch if they wish to.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Coverdale
Deputy Headteacher

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