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World History

MR. Sawtell

Age of Imperialism

By Nathaly Mendoza

Around the 1800s the Age of Imperialism and the Industrial

Revolution they were linked due to how everything was changing.

Due to

how everything was changing they needed sources for the raw materials
for example cotton. Cotton was necessary at that time to keep the textile
mills moving/running
Yet the problem was that the advance of
technology caused smaller need for the raw materials which of course
somehow made the rise of European Imperialism.
In 1493 there was a man who landed on this land whom was named
Puerto Rico, the land of the commonwealth. Puerto Rico was the
possession of the U.S with commonwealth. Commonwealth means is a
political found for like common goods more like public welfare or
advantages. Although Puerto Rico was discovered by a man called
Christopher Columbus in 1493. Yet it was called differently due to the
indians that lived there, though he changed the name himself.
Not only

did Puerto Rico have some interesting past but Madagascar did as well.
Madagascar was a favorite base for the sea pirates. Around 1614, the
island was attracted more by the pirates and the Caribbean had became
less profitable. It also became a French colony.
Alegria wasnt an independent until 1962 because they belonged
to France for about 130 years. The industry didnt grow fast enough to get
rid of poverty which made many people move to cities. A lot of rural
people moved to the cities because they wanted to work in the factories.
Eventually Alegria gained their independence because of the bloody

The link between Imperialism and WWI was that everyone

wanted land from someone. The Italy wanted land from Austria-Hungary
and it kept going. At the end everyone got land from someone. It was
more like as if the war was an excuse for everyone to end up grabbing land
from each other. I also read that it was labeled with reason, a family
affair. Its not so easy to understand this war due to the fact that it lead
to many things. IIt started in July but didnt end until early August of

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