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Andrew Zableckis

LA Times 2
1. A misdemeanor is a more minor offense than a felony. A misdemeanor can
lead to much less jail time.
2. Proposition 47 was passed in November of 2014 and its consequences involve
reclassifying 8 nonviolent felonies as misdemeanors.
3. Because of the 3 strikes rule in California a criminal act can act as a scarlet
letter in their lives. Scarlet letter is a reference to the Nathaniel Hawthorne
book The Scarlet Letter.
4. Massive overcrowding of prisons.
5. It allows judges to dismiss any old convictions of people who have proven
that they have changed.
1. A criminal record acts as an indelible scarlet letter.
2. People who have successfully completed their sentences should be free to
rejoin society without disabling consequences.
3. Dismissal laws are obscure and complex.
4. We already know that clean-slate interventions increase a persons ability to
get a job and provide him or her with a profound sense of relief.
5. Proposition 47 takes an important step toward addressing the consequences
of mass incarceration in California.

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