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Jessica Parada #21

Ms. Stronks

1. Grueling: (Adj.) demanding/ Controlling [The boy was grueling the game.]
2. Guile: (Noun) Smart [He was guile.]
3. Gullible: (Adj.) easily tricked [She isnt gullible.]
4. Haggard: (Adj.) Not in the best condition [The dog was haggard after the walk.]
5. Haughty: (Adj.) Proud [The man was haughty after he ate the fish.]
6. Haven: (Noun) Safe place [The family went to the haven.]
7. Heinous: (Adj.) doing something wrong [They thought they did something heinous.]
8. Hybrid: (Noun) Different parts of animals on an animal [The hybrid was at their house.]
9. Illiterate: (Adj.) Writing [The teacher taught us to illiterate.]
10. Impair: (Verb) To weaken [The villain impaired the hero by eating a mushroom.]
11. Impede: (Verb) To stop [The dog impede.]
12. Implore: (Verb) Begging [The man was imploring for money.]
13. Inane: (Adj.) Not good decision/playful [The cat was being inane.]
14. Incense: (Noun) Scent of something [The food was incense.]
15. Incite: (Verb) Making someone happy [The boy incite the dog by playing fetch.]
16. Indolent: (Adj.) Lazy [The girl become indolent during spring break.]
17. Irascible: (Adj.) Easily irritated [The woman was irascible.]
18. Jocular: (Adj.) Funny [The girl was jocular because of her jokes.]
19. Laud: (Verb) Worshiping [They laud the doll house until they got it for their birthday.]
20. Lax: (Adj.) Strict [Their teacher wasnt lax.]

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