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Carla Abarca

Professor Forsythe
College 1
4 November 2015
Reading Response Journal 7
1. The team arrives at the University of California Santa Barbara for their robotics

competition. The next morning Carl Hayden was scheduled to use the pool for
practice. When stinky was loaded in the pool they realized the robot was having a few
glitches. The cables were loose and there was a leak. Fredi and Allan were worried
that the team didnt have enough time to fix the robot and besides that the team was
scheduled to meet with NASA and Navy experts. What concerned Fedi and Allan was
if the team had the adequate speaking skills to talk to professionals. As they waited
for the team to come out they were worried not until Oscar said they did great with
enthusiasm. Oscar and Lorenzo stayed up late to fix stinky while the rest slept. They
were able to fix the cables and fix the leak with tampons. The 2004 National ROV
Competition was held the next day. As a few schools began performing some robots
were having difficulties which made the Carl Hayden feel more nervous that they
might encounter problems as well. When the Carl Hayden were called up front they
were given thirty minutes to perform and show the functions of their robot. When the
team began performing they were having trouble controlling the robot but once they
got used to it they realized the glitches they were having. The camera that was in the
robot began malfunctioning which didnt allow them to see what their robot was

doing inside the water. Oscar didnt want to waste any time so he decided that the
fluid-sampling. They were nervous since they couldnt what was happening but in the
end they ended up having five hundred milliliters of fluid being the first team in
having the most fluid. Their time ended and then it was time for the awards ceremony.
The teens were relieved to know their presentation had ended and felt positive. They
felt they did well but not as good leading to winning anything. Surprisingly they won
a Special Award, Design Award, and lastly the Marine Advanced Technology
Education ROV Explorer-class championship Award. Carl Hayden placed first place,
the beat M.I.T. which was a success that will never be forgotten.
2. The fact that Fredi and Allan were never negative gave the team a better chance to
succeed. The team had a rough time knowing that their competition was in a day and
their robot was having difficulties. Fortunately the team was able to resolve the
problem effectively. When the team was competing with the other schools I felt
butterflies in my stomach. It was almost obvious that Carl Hayden would win because
of the cover of the book, I mean why else would they be with smiles of triumph? But
either way I still felt nervousness and excitement. Knowing they were having
difficulties while presenting doubted that theyd win but surprisingly they were
successful! I like the fact that the enthusiasm of others can bring positive vibes. That
feeling that you might not win but having everyone cheer you and say youll do fine
makes one feel better, more confident. For example when I were nervous because we
had a volleyball game versus a tough team made me sick in the stomach but having
the energy from others and that excitement made my adrenaline keep going which
excites one.

3. What do you think would have happened if the team wouldnt have found the
problem the robot was having a day before the tournament? Would they break down
the robot down again and rebuild it regardless how long it would take them or give
What do you think about the fact that Carl Hayden High School beat M.I.T.? What
was your reaction?
4. The section assigned to read was easy and went fast. I think that the excitement to
read and know what happened at the tournament made me keep reading without even
realizing how fast I finished. Knowing that a book is at a point where it is getting so
good makes one want to read without stopping. Having that excitement leads one to
want to read and get to enjoy it and complete it without hesitation.
5. Grunted: make a low inarticulate sound, typically to express effort or indicate assent.
I chose this word because I found it interesting. I dont know why I find this word
funny. But the fact that it also means indicating something that is ready without
saying it but replacing it with a word is interesting.
Obscuring: keep from being seen; conceal.
I chose this word because its a word one could apply into their daily lives. Its a word
one can use which makes one vocabulary expand and makes one grow as a person.
Ignominiously: deserving or causing public disgrace or shame.
I found this word interesting because its a big word that means shame. Using big
words that also mean the words we say in our daily lives increases ones vocabulary to
an extant where we sound smart, more educated.

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