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Simple Past Regular Verbs

Grammatical Rules

1.- Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple.

a) They collect Pokemon cards.
__________________________________________ last year.
b) You arrive late.
___________________________________________ to the class yesterday.
c) She listens to music.
___________________________________________ during Mondays morning.
d) He plays basketball.
___________________________________________ a few days ago.
e) Does Martin carry an umbrella?
___________________________________________ last night?
f) Do they live together?
___________________________________________ last year?
g) Do Fernanda and Camilo walk their way to school?
___________________________________________ during the rainy days?

2.- Rewrite the sentences in the negative form:

a) The gang robbed the bank last night. They took all the money from the safe
deposit box.
b) I drank a lot of coffee last night.
c) Martha played chess with her partner during yesterdays evening.
d) You studied hard last weekend.
3.- Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative form:
a) Daryl carried Beths body.
b) I missed my parents during my journey.
c) You arrived late to the conference.
d) He watched TV for more than 8 hours in a row.

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