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Special New Year Greetings from Yours Truly George Nsorani Mwita , Happy

New Year wakuria wenzangu!

My fellow Constituents at home and around the country, I greet you on this
first day of a brand new year, 2016.
Like the golden rays of warm sunshine bursting over our majestic land, a
New Year has dawned. The New Year brings with it, new hope and
possibilities for our individual lives, our families, our wards, our
constituencies, our county and our beloved country, Kenya.
Each New Year provides a time for reflection. In this time, many of us reflect
on the joys and disappointments, mistakes and achievements of the past
year. It is also a time in which we step into a new season, and get hold of
new opportunities to make greater strides for our families, our beloved
country and ourselves.

We can all accept that 2015 was a challenging year for many Kenyans,
specifically people from the Kuria Community/ Constituencies.
2015 was a tough economic year for our people. Our tobacco farmers have
not been paid their cash to date. Some are still following their payments in
Thika town where the Alliance One Tobacco Company has moved to following
their closure in Suba Kuria and Taranganya leaf centers respectively. We
remain very optimistic that leaders will do something to alleviate the
suffering from our people.
Security has been at its worst. Comrades, 2015 saw us loose many of our
people in the hands of criminals including day light shootings that happened
in Mabera, Isibania, Kehancha among others.
It is worth noting that, the recent Public Service Commission report launched
this year ranked Kuria among the least considered communities in Public
Service jobs. The report highlighted Turkana, Kuria, Maasai, Pokot and
Samburu as communities having the least number of members on PSCs
payroll. This calls for concerted efforts amongst our leaders to ensure that
this trend is reversed and that members of the community are considered for
public appointments.

The teachers national strike that paralyzed learning in the public sector.
Friends, it is important to note that staffing levels are down in our areas. In
addition, the learning materials are equally scarce and thus any small
interference from any quarter affects us directly. Therefore, for our pupils and
students to compete favorably across the country, there is need to ensure
commitment and determination from all necessary stakeholders. There is
also need to ensure total support for our teachers who are few and most
times poorly paid. I urge the Teachers Unions (KNUT and KUPPET) to
continually push for the teachers rights and privileges by putting up the
necessary legal framework. Friends, allow me now to congratulate our 2015
K.C.P.E candidates for having made it to the end of the Primary level and the
tremendous achievements. We await to see you join Secondary schools early
February. We are indeed proud of you guys!
Our health facilities are not spared either. Despite the fact that health is
devolved function, our people are not able to get quality medical care due to
inadequate staff and medicines in most facilities. Our people still travel far
distances in search of specialized services such as radiology. With the
introduction of the county governments, am sure we can do better, we can
equip our health centers, we can employ more medical personnel and save
Despite the setbacks, shortcomings and challenges, the Bible teaches us that
in everything, we should give thanks. Therefore, as we forge ahead in this
New Year we are thankful for the wisdom gained from the past. The
challenges we faced in 2015 must be teachable moments for us, helping us
to be grateful for the blessings we have in our lives, and transporting us
beyond setbacks towards future successes.
We continue to give thanks for the energetic spirit, determination and
commitment that our people continue to show. Kuria is filled with people with
great talents, potential and possibilities. And therefore, we will continue to
push our leaders to come up with economic reform programmes with a focus
on creating a more robust environment for business expansion and job

As we step into the New Year, I pray for Gods guidance upon our leaders and
the people of Kuria.
I urge all of us to let this year be a positive year for Kuria Community. Let
our thinking be shared, unselfish, creative and focused on possibilities. Let us
seek out, identify and grasp the opportunities, even those provided by the
challenges we face daily. Let us recognize that in every challenge lies a seed
of opportunity waiting to be watered and cultivated. Out of adversity can
emerge innovative ideas to create significant value and wealth for our people
and our country.
This year, from Kehancha to Ngochoni, to masaba to Nyangiti, let us all dig
deep into our reservoir of willpower, strength and determination. This cannot
just be an individualistic pursuit. Let us invest in, and bring to life, our
potential and the potential of others. This is my challenge to each and every
one of us on this first day of 2016.
Let us be a kinder and gentler society. Threads of kindness can change Kuria,
one act at a time: to reduce crime & violence and to make our community
stronger and better. I believe that there are great hidden blessings and
possibilities in our lives if we open our minds and hearts to others around us.
In this New Year let us look beyond our lives and continue to reach out to
others in particular our children, seniors and the most vulnerable among
us. I believe the New Year is an opportune time to recommit to the Vision for
Kuria a vision in which our never-ending hope in a brighter future is based
on a realistic and shared understanding of the present and our role in
building that better future.
My Fellow Constituents,
In 2016, I look forward to a wellspring of good values and positive,
wholesome attitudes by all Kurians. No society can be successful without this
vital social ingredient: this glue that keeps the community and the society

Let 2016 be the year when we see such small, but important words as
please, thank you, excuse me and I am sorry return to all our daily
expressions and to the national conversation.
Friends, as we approach the 2017 elections, I passionately ask you to be
vigilant not to be conned of your votes. My fellow constituents, lets us elect
leaders whose interest is us People of the Kuria Community and not
themselves. Let each one of us be the change we want to see in Kuria.
We are Kurians!
We are a people!
Let us live together as one family, shaping the future for a better Kuria!
Let us work with hands and hearts together under God to make 2016 a year
of unity of action, prosperity, growth and development.
Happy New Year 2016! May God grant us all His bountiful grace, and
abundant blessings for our motherland- Kuria.

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