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December 4th, 2015

The Honorable Brian Jarvis

Mayor, City of Beavercreek
1368 Research Park Dr,
Dayton, OH 45432
Dear Mayor Jarvis:
First of all, I would like to thank you for the great work you have
done here in Beavercreek. My name is Emily Barnhill and I am writing
to inform you about a problem I have been experiencing in my
neighborhood. I am currently enrolled in Sinclair Community College
and in my English 1201 class we were asked to take a walk through our
neighborhood, and take notes as we did. As I was on my walk I noticed
how many cars were speeding as they drove by. Because of my
observation I chose to research how to prevent residential speeding. In
my research I found that the most effective way to slow down speeders
is more police presence, especially with radar guns. I know this can be
costly but I believe it would really make our neighborhoods safer.
Another option to help residential speeding is by putting radar signs on
the street to create awareness. If you wouldnt mind please consider
these options, as speeding is a very dangerous issue that our
community faces.
Again, I thank you and I await your timely response.

Emily Barnhill
4307 Vineland Trail
Beavercreek OH, 454430

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