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o Most of us lost all sense of shame, any notion of privacy, any concerns about
boastfulness when Facebook and other social networks tricked us into thinking
that we would enjoy becoming the star of our own Internet experience. The
commodification of our privacy and the gamification of our popularity
transformed our social lives at electric speed. No longer were our thoughts and
feelings our own they were a currency to be swapped publicly. We soon became
self - publishers of misery and joy. The Facebook wall became a community
noticeboard, on to which we would announce births, engagements and deaths.
o Yet this passive aggression of boasting online, the uploading of expensive plates
of food in restaurants, checking into airports, and the photographing of our own
faces rather than the view, are all strands to the new social web that Facebook is
now feeding back to us. People I know are starting to leave, exhausted by what
one described as a bragbook effect.


o After 20yrs of Beijing declaration and 35yrs of Convention on Elimination of all
forms of Discrimination against women situation has not improved much.
Womens rights are not recognized in full means countries like Iran doesnt even

recognize feminist organization.

At +ve side, increasing trend with more and more men standing up for women
rights it was learnt that womens rights cant be protected until males are not

made partner HeforShe programme and MenEngage are two such programs by
o According to UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 62
women employed per 100 employed men difference in employment and also
nature most women in low paid, low status, unskillful and un-organized sector
with wage difference of 10 to 30%

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