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- How languages are learned

- Skills and subskills: ANYTHING
- General books:
Hedge, T. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom, OUP,
(New and best)
Ur, P. A Course in Language Teaching, CUP, 1996
Bowen T. & Marks J. Inside Teaching, Heinemann, 1994
- Experimental practice- Possible topics include: Suggestopedia,
Community Language Learning, the Silent Way, Total Physical
Response, Task-Based Learning, the Lexical Approach, Dictation etc.
The book by Larson-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language
Teaching, gives and overview of some of these methods. For the
Lexical Approach, read The Lexical Approach by Michael Lewis. For
Dictation, look at Dictation by Rinvolucri et al and for Dictogloss,
Grammar Dictation by Wajnryb.

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