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Argument 2

Teachers and students should be able to be able to defend themselves from campus killers.
According to the article Sandy Hook, Gass said For years schools have been trying to find ways
to become more safe and prevent the next shooting.The task is easier said than done. Especially
in a way that doesn't scare young students or disrupt the learning environment(Gass). This
demonstrates that they are trying to find more safety for schools.
The article School Attacks, talks about why schools shouldnt allow guns on school grounds.
Ellison says, Moreover, there is disagreement about how schools should respond to shootings or
other threats. Some experts argue that schools should be locked down with students staying put,
while others advise that an evacuation should occur as fast as possible(Elinson). This shows that
many schools are trying to find many other ways to be protected than to use guns.
Gun legislation is saying that schools should be allowed with guns on campus to protect
themselves and everyone else. According to the article Gun Legislation Con Bitto said, The
Second Amendment states that citizens have the right to "keep and bear arms." People feel that
the amendment has played a vital role in our history and independence and should be understood
how important it is to be able to own and carry weapons (Bitto).The outcome of this is they are
allowing teachers and students to carry weapons on campus.

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