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---- 9 -V-j 2014

y d- L lx u-iC
-N-p- l (G u CK).
b Ja vd Jb- v vA--C. l v Ny 15 GL
q- Np x pC. Np x h- -E
* - N-x ---oE, Ny V V E
yf Y-h G u C-KE
Y E--.
1964 ->-, d Nq l
Y--h Ny -- E, C Np x p---E -vE -Jn-.
J--- OJ wj \C.
Ny h ---- p --- o -x h- E
C. O E-J- (Nebulas) .
E-J- ~-v- t-n. Eo x ~v -- q . q Ny Eo NL-x o. \\
-q - 1 * 10 GL-- ~v .
vA ~-v h E---E --u
x uiN jv-, L.
v M y N--u h x ~v v--- E--h. -
- J--p ~-v 10 x
\ gEo, AE N- h, *-J
Np -. vv- --
(Super Novae) . Np x
O -n --
d --. O %g G (xq) .
%g G- -*C - d. Y E-dC d q.
N A O-
o ~v u.
jv, L - M y
C -g h E- x u v -- Eho. - J- -*-
u Np- -E - - . DE
50 GL -q - C.

-- j---
NE Jg Y --Y. DEo x Geography
. vU - p-C.
Geo N, Graphe g. g 18 -l h
\o , -v _ x Y JC.
>-v Eo --T-*C --hq.

--u-i- vo

>-v Eo --T-*C?
) p-\
G) O
) xF
) --hq
2. G u C-KE vA--C-* uh?
) Jb- v
G) yf
) d Nq
) E->-
3. Ny, Np x pE,
- E E--d -->-,
Nq A---Y -AE
p v--?
) 1960 G) 1964 ) 1966 ) 1969
4. ~-v- t-n C?
) q
G) ~v R
) E-J-
5. - -o ~-v C AE,
g--hE N- , Np-E j E
G) \
) --\
) q-
6. %g G- E--d Y-h?
) -d
G) --f
) d q
) yf
7. u - v-- -
) 10 GL-x -q-
G) 25 GL-x q-
) 50 GL-x q-
) 100 GL-x q-

'-E-J- -- --N-?
. v * u Eo x
.O. o, v d 250
.O J-v-N-h-o. J A--E 250 NLx -q- -C.
Eo t -q (Cosmic year)
u-E v E v, -v-
d--q (xE--q), R
h- J-v-N-h-. - --. --E h
J-- 99.8 u u*
u -y--{ h x Eo
y-v- E h- -v-- EKg ~u D`-%-h- J-v-N-h-o. O
v . N h E-NC.
(Mercury), v (Venus),
N (Earth), V (Mars),
(Jupiter), E (Saturn), v
(Uranus), - (Neptune).
2006 -q- - v Nt-E N-. Nt v
(Pluto). DE vn E 2006 d- 26
-v J-T - BtE.
v- - N->--a. (i) P v (Terrestrial Planets). N:
, v, N, V. O v
\ ( v).
(ii) o v (Giant Planets). N: ,
E, v, -. N - l
o O v \. OE u v
E .

N _x o ~v vq
J (Proxima Centuari). C 38 NL-
NL-x .O. C. ~v *
A NE --E -x C. --i - ---E
-O-x - - J-.
A -q l v
u 2,99,793 .O. v-- A -q- v-
Eo A q Eg--.
A -q 9.4625 1012 .O.
2012 A -Eo
L-\ (Hubble
Telescope) *, -Eo
Nx-h C 13.3 GL-x A
-q- * *a-E LC.
A s-N-* -q J -J~ J- - n
() MACS 0647 JD -. --%-g
- C. vh--E
L- A q .


N * j h v----i
x s- EhC. DEo --
- (Milky way) E ho. C -x .O. u-* Eo ~v -
. v d 400 NL--
~-v J-v-N-h-o. vE ~v
pAh v -{ x ~-v
v d J-v-N-h-.
--- E x--C ~vx u

h- u Eo L E-
) - ix
G) A -q
) q
) -O-
9. 2012 \o A- o -q
d ?
) MACS 0647 JD G) MASC 6047 DJ
) MCSA 0764 JD ) MSAC 4076 DJ
10. t -q ..?
) v-Fo uE \-J d-
G) N u d -x A-
) u d vN-
) u - v d Jv- N- -
11. -- h J-- u
u-* ?
) 1% G) 9.8% ) 59.8% ) 99.8%
12. v- ~ O N?
) -y--{ , -v
G) v %A, J-
) v, v
) v u v-, -v
13. -- u-, p uh-
v a?
) G) v ) V ) v
14. x v-n * p -T- ?
) 2006 -J 26 G) 2006 Ja 26
) 2006 d- 26 ) 2006 - 26
15. -E Eo vx \
v oC?

) N G) -- ) ) E
u d N AJ EJld _Eo
) %h-
G) N- -
) D`-%-h-
) ~u
17. d--- p--* A Fx x
-q -?
) d-E
G) d
) v
) v-
18. 2013 v-J 15 ----
a *a d--- E
G) 2012 DA 14
) 2010 DA 14
) 2013 DA 14
) 2015 DA 14
19. - -\o v v ?
) 55 Cancri e G) j x
) x ) h j
20. 2013 v-J 15 -j \
x y--u?
) To--q\ (Magnitogorsk)
G) x--d (Vladivostok)
) -q-_ (St. Petersberg)
) u-Gq\ (Chelyabinsk)






(-- --v -E- -u-Md, j---)

, v u v--- d-q -u- J-v-N-h-. \-J

d--q E ~u * j, v--j
h. l d--
NE - x j-x -J*

-- --Z-E l (Buldana)
>x y d- p-J-* A
Fx J, C -q - CC.
-q- 'v .
---E A l v . -C --Z- --C.

v-J 15 d- N
.O. O- 69,000 .O.
v--*C. DE - jH-J-E uGq\ (Chelyabinsk) -
- x --d--u. d-- (---J ---J~ -J--- n)
2012 DA 14 -- C. v---
N O v O -.
2012 d- 14 Y--h N 40 A
-q- vEo \o.
DE vu- N-, DE Et
v jC. v vE "55
Cancri e" -- C. DE J-
N C.
2014 v 17 N vEo
E-dC. N J- o
v 'x - 186 f'.

j---E - -d-u
--- (-----) vd vA--C-
q-d d- Kh -C.
S: 5
|-: jq- @, 55 -- -\- N vT--a >-F-J vU Bhgj L. C *
-x -.
: 60 x- --L.

- h: Jh N-- - -h d
y - a - a.
*J C: 21 Vj.
-N-u --u --, ---K~- --C-*-
d- ---J-- ---...

-- 9 -V-j 2014
1. On 1 July 2014, which committee submitted
the report on Data and Information
Management in RBI?
1) Anand Sinha
2) H.R. Khan
3) Arundhathi Bhattacharya
4) Rakesh Mohan
5) D.K. Mohanty
2. Who headed the advisory group submitted a
report to RBI on Estimates of Productivity
Growth for the Indian Economy on 11 June
1) K.R. Kamath
2) Varada Raja Guptha
3) B.N. Goldar
4) Sambamurthy
5) K.U.B. Rao
3. A Working Group on Resolution Regime for
Financial Institutions set up by RBI submitted the recommendations on 2 May 2014. It
is headed by......
1) Anand Sinha
2) Aditya Puri
3) B. Mahapatra
4) Prakash Bakshi
5) None
4. Dr. Anil Kumar Sharma committee submitted
a report to RBI on 22 April 2014 relating to
Enabling PKI in Payment System
Applications. PKI stands for.......
1) Payment of King size Instruments
2) Pull and Kill Information
3) Priority Key Infrastructure
4) Public Key Infrastructure
5) None
5. Working Group on Pricing of Credit submitted a report to RBI on 10 April 2014. It is
headed by.....
1) Smt. Shikha Sharma
2) K.K. Vohra
3) Anand Sinha
4) K.C. Chakrabarty
5) None
6. ........Committee submitted a report to
Recommend Data Format for Furnishing of
Credit Information to Credit Information
Companies on 22 March 2014.
1) Narasimham
2) M.V. Nair
3) Aditya Puri
4) M. Damodaran
5) None
7. Which panel suggested to set-up specialized
banks to cater to the low income households
on 7 January 2014?
1) R. Gandhi
2) Parthasarathy
3) Nachiket Mor
4) Vijay Bhaskar
5) None
8. Internal group to review the guidelines relating to commercial paper headed by.....
1) R. Gandhi
2) Raghuram Rajan
3) Shyamala Gopinath 4) Y.V. Reddy
5) None
9. Saraf committee relates to......
1) Use of human resources in banks
2) Recruitment of minorities in banks
3) Auditing of foreign banks
4) Technology issues in banking
5) None
10. The high level committee to review Lead
Bank Scheme headed by......
1) Kalanidhi
2) Urjith Patel
3) Nachiket Mor
4) G. Srinivasan
5) Usha Thorat
11. Working group on Benchmark Prime
Lending Rate committee headed by.....
1) C. Ranga Rajan
2) Y.H. Malegam
3) Deepak Mohanty
4) Rakesh Mohan
5) None
12. By mid June 2014, the bank deposits grew
by ...... percent year - on - year to
Rs.9,00,894 crore
1) 18.25
2) 13.91
3) 11.45
4) 19.25
5) 21.35
13. CER was established to prevent frauds in
loan cases involving multiple lending from
different banks on the same immovable
property. CER means.......
1) Central Electronic Recognition
2) Central Ethics Registry
3) Central Electronic Registry
4) Central Election Registry
5) Central Entry Registry

-- j---

Conversations with Myself the book written by.....

1) Obama
2) Jairam Ramesh
3) Nelson Mandela
4) Bill Clinton 5) Warren Buffet
Ans: 3
Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays written by.....
1) Isaac Newton
2) Stephen Hawking
3) Einstein
4) Kurtz Eveanders
5) C.Subramanian
Ans: 2

First transgenic crop of India..

24. Men's Hockey World Cup 2014 winner......
1) Belgium 2) England
3) Australia 4) Netherlands 5) Argentina
25. Men' Hockey World Cup 2014 venue is.....
1) Australia
2) India
3) Netherlands
4) Pakistan
5) Argentina
26. Women's Hockey World Cup 2014 winner...
1) New Zealand
2) USA
14. Union Government granted Navarathna
3) Netherlands
4) Australia
status to EIL and NBCC on 24 June 2014.
5) Argentina
NBCC stands for.......
27. In 2018, the Hockey World Cup host by.....
1) National
1) Australia
2) Germany 3) Malaysia
2) National
4) India
5) None of above
28. Which of the following term not related to
3) National Buildings Construction Co-operbasket ball?
1) air ball
2) ball hog
4) National
3) boundary line
4) chucker
5) double dribble
5) None
29. As on 1 July 2014, who became
15. National Buildings Construction
World Number 1 pistol shooter
Corporation (NBCC) was estabin the men's 10 m air pistol
lished in......
1) 1951
2) 1964 3) 2000
1) Jitu Rai
4) 1960
5) 1991
2) Abhinav Bindra
16. NBCC head office located at.....
3) Jaspal Rana
1) Mumbai
2) Bangalore
4) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore
A. Veera Swamy
3) Hyderabad
4) New Delhi
5) Samresh Jung
5) Chennai
30. To Track Alien' life, who plans to build
17. To set up industrial parks, share hydrologiATLAST (Advanced Technology Large
cal information during Brahmaputra floods
Aperture Space Telescope)?
and impart training to public officials which
1) Russia
2) EU
3) Israel
nation and India made agreement on 30
4) France
5) USA
June 2014?
31. India ranked eighth in the list of ten coun1) USA
2) Canada 3) Pakistan
tries in terms of digital governance as per
4) New Zealand 5) China
the study of Accenture. Which nation
ranked first?
18. Union Minister of Commerce and Industry
(Independent Charge) is......
1) USA
2) UK
3) China
1) Nirmala Sitharaman
4) Singapore
5) Australia
2) General VK Singh
32. M.K.Narayanan resigned as the governor
3) Dharmendra Pradhan
1) AP
2) Karnataka 3) West Bengal
4) Prakash Javadekar
5) None
4) Odisha 5) Jammu and Kashmir
19. Horticulutre crop is.....
33. Jean-Claude Juncker was named as the
1) Wheat
2) Rice
3) Mango
next President of.......
4) Bajara
5) All of above
1) WTO
2) WEF
20. First transgenic crop of India is......
4) World bank 5) European Commission
1) Bt. Cotton
2) Bt. Brinjal
34. Which Indian-origin judge appointed as the
3) Bt. Paddy
4) Bt. Papaya
eighth Attorney-General of Singapore?
5) None
1) Dalwari Bhandari
2) Kala Vatsava
21. In the insurance terminology, the word
3) V.K. Rajah
ULIP used. ULIP stands for.....
4) Santosh Kumar Agarwal
5) None
1) Universal Linked Insurance Plan
35. Singapore currency......
2) Union Linked Insurance Plan
1) Pound
2) Rupee
3) Franc
3) Unit Loan Insurance Plan
4) Dollar
5) Peso
4) Unit Linked Insurance Plan
36. Tejinder Virdee, known for his work for the
5) None
Large Hadron Collider conferred with an
22. On 2 July 2014, Cabinet Committee on
honorary knighthood by.....
Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the
1) USA
2) UK
3) Russia
inclusion of which commodities under the
4) Spain
5) Britain
purview of stock holding limits under the
37. Sudarsan Pattnaik has won the People's
Essential Commodities Act 1955?
Choice Prize for his work "Save Tree, Save
1) Onion and paddy
the Future" at the World Cup of Sand
2) Cabbage and potato
Sculpting-2014 held in the Atlantic City of
the USA on 28 Jun 2014. He is a famous.....
3) Onion and chilli
1) Canvas painter
2) Music player
4) Sugar cane and potato
3) Reality show player
4) Sand artist
5) Onion and potato
5) None
23. CCEA headed by......
38. Sudarsan Pattnaik belongs to......
1) Commerce minister 2) Finance minister
1) Delhi
2) Tamilnadu
3) Assom
3) Prime minister
4) President of India
4) Odisha
5) Meghalaya
5) None

General Awareness

39. John XXIII and .......were declared as saints

of the Roman Catholic Church on 27 April
2014 by Pope Francis at Vatican City.
1) Mother Teresa
2) Nelson Mandela
3) Tomas Halik
4) Sister Niveditha
5) John Paul II
40. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna is the highest
award in.......
1) Literature
2) Dance
3) Sports
4) Technology
5) Information Technology
41. Recipient of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna,
Ranjan Sodhi is a.....
1) Kabaddi player
2) Football player
3) Shooter
4) Cricket player
5) None
42. Passport Seva Divas is.....
1) 24 June
2) 27 June
3) 1 July
4) 15 June
5) None
43. Passport Seva Divas celebrates on every
24th June, because.....
1) Passport Act in 1967 came in to effect on
24 June.
2) All citizens of India must get passport by
24 June 2015.
3) On 24th June, 1950 Nehru got first
4) On 24th June every year all passport
holders must renew their passports.
5) None
44. International Day against Drug Abuse and
Illicit Trafficking observed on......
1) 28 Jan
2) 28 Feb
3) 28 May
4) 26 June
5) 26 Dec
45. Which city will be the World Book Capital
(WBC) for 2016 in recognition of its
promoting the publishing and bookselling
industries as said by UNESCO on 26 June
1) Canberra (Australia)
2) Rome (Italy)
3) Warsaw (Poland)
4) Berlin (Germany)
5) None
46. Poland capital is Warsaw and Poland
currency is.......
1) Zloty
2) Forint
3) Lev
4) Koruna
5) Euro
47. 11th century step well Rani-ki-Vav has been
approved for placement on the World
Heritage site list by UNESCO. Rani-ki-Vav
is in..
1) Gujarat
2) MP
3) UP
4) Bihar
5) Tamilnadu
48. European Union temporarily banned the
import of which of the following items from
India recently?
1) Alphonso mangoes 2) Snake gourd
3) Bitter gourd
4) 1 & 2 only
5) All of above






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