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Weekly Update 7

(Friday 16th October)

Location: A29
Start time: 13:25
End time: 14:10
- Natalia Cotonou
- Marcus Stamp
- Keanon Mcsween

We have successfully filmed our second scene. Our train

station scene after being told that we could not use our
original location we chose a station closer to school
which would also decrease our travel time allowing use
more time to film and the ability to start later in the
day. We chose to start after school instead of having to
leave in the middle of the day. This filming session
turned out to be harder than we thought as we had to film
at the station during operating hours and on a moving
train and to add to this again our director was unable to
make this session due to another clash of plans.
Nevertheless we had a good time and were successful in
getting the shots we wanted even after a slow start. In
this meeting we looked through the footage making sure
that our director was happy with what we did and making
sure that as a group we were happy with the quality and
didnt want to film again. After deciding we were happy
me began to make plan for when will would film our main
scene during the half term.

Next meeting
Friday 23rd October 2015

Keanon McSween

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