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Senior Service Learning Project Proposal

Project Description and Community Involvement

I will be going down to Helfric Park to help with the band students after school at least once a
week for about an hour. Mr. Goodwin has approved my helping of his students and the results of
this will be seeing them progress and get better with playing their instrument.
Mr. Goodwin is the band director at Helfric Park.
Wednesdays after school from 3-4:00. any extra days or changes in schedule may occur
Statement of Commitment
It is benefiting the future community by having students develop and learn the proper way to
play an instrument.
Student Signature:


Parent/Guardian Statement
I have read my students project proposal and understand that my student is responsible for the
completion of this project upon approval of this proposal. I also understand that this project is
worth 10%-20% of my students English grade each grading period and should be considered a
priority throughout the year.
Guardian Signature:
Printed Name:

Mentor Statement
I understand that as mentor for the Reitz High School Senior Service Learning Project, I will
provide guidance and expertise documenting the students struggles and strengths in
completing the project and by making myself available for a minimum of four consultations with
the student.
Mentor Signature:
Printed Name:
Affiliation w/ Organization:
Mentor Email:
Mentor Telephone:
Proposal must be printed out, have all signatures, and be placed in your SSL folder for your proposal hearing.

Reitz Senior Service Learning Project

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