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Plot Overview

1984 follows a man named Winston

Smith. Winston lives in the dystopian
future continent of Oceania, which is
ruled by a totalitarian government known
as the Party. He is constantly supervised
by said government, in order to prevent
anybody from doubting in the Party.
Winston works at the Ministry of Truth,
where he alters all media to the benefit
of the Party. Working here Winston
witnesses first hand, the misdeeds that
is taking place by the Party Winston has
developed beliefs that a man named
OBrien is part of the anti-Party group
the Brotherhood. One day Winston gets
a love note from a woman named Julia,
a promiscuous and cunning brunette,
and the two form a sexual relationship.
Winston finds out that Julia shares his
belief that what the Party is doing is
wrong. One day Winston and Julia get
an invitation from OBrien to join the
Brotherhood. Winston and Julia take the
opportunity and after this learn a terrible

About the Author

George Orwell, born Eric Arthur Blair,
was born June 25, 1903. He wrote
mostly political books about dystopias or
satire. He had two wives, both of which
died while they were married to him.
George Orwell's writing inspired many,
many other famous authors.

Novel Notes
George Orwell
Eduardo Dominguez

Historical Context
This book was written in a time when
Spain was fascist, Germany was in a
dictatorship, and Russia was
communist. All of these governments
had harsh restrictions on its citizens,
suppressing their freedom, and
restricting their actions. An event that
greatly inspired George Orwell was his
trip to Fascist Spain as a correspondent
for the BBC. Seeing how the
government worked against citizens,
and how the media was nothing more
than lies, and propaganda, greatly
inspired his novel 1984. This novel is a
warning to western audiences about the
dangers of totalitarianism

Essential Quotes
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength (Orwell,6)
Who controls the past controls the future: who
controls the present controls the past (313)

Orwell, George. 1984. New York: New American

Library, n.d. Print. Signet Classics.

Character Analysis


Winston- Winston is a thirty nine year old everyman.

He has an idea of the oppression his government is
committing, however he does not say anything that
would incriminate him of being against his
government. He does however write in his illegal
journal about the unjust oppression by his
government. Due to this he has accepted that the
Thought Police will one day detain him for his
thoughts about his government.

Psychological Manipulation- The two minute hate is

a video that is showed to the inhabitants of Oceania
in order to reinstate the treachery of Emmanuel
Goldstein and his followers. This video contains
photos and a narration that forces the otherwise
calm residents, into angry individuals, screaming
shouting and throwing things.

Julia- Julia is a middle aged brunette woman. She

agrees with Winston in his disagreement with the
Party. She is an avid member of the Anti-Sex
League and gets rambunctious during the Two
Minute Hate. Her personal life however, is much
different. She constantly has sex with many men,
including Party members, to fulfill her own desires.

O'Brien- OBrien large burly man who wears black

overalls. Winston idolizes him as he believes that
he is the leader of the anti-Party group, the
Brotherhood. In the end OBrien tricks Winston and
Julia, having them captured by the Thought Police
and tortured. OBrien reveals to Winston that he
once wanted to rebel against the Party, but has
since accepted their control

Invasion of privacy- In the story, the inhabitants of

Oceania are constantly under surveillance in order
to prevent anybody trying to revolt against, or even
doubting the government. This is not unlike the
American Patriot Act which allows government
officials to search private property, not only without
a warrant, but without knowledge of the owner.
Control of Information- The Party alters all types of
media, so that it matches what their spokesman,
Big Brother, is always correct. This promotes the
idea that the Party's all powerful, and that they
should not be doubted.
Censorship- The Party does not allow any media
that has the possibility to instill thoughts of revolting
against the government. They also created a new
language that does not allow any words that will let
people think about revolting.

Motifs and Symbols

Doublethink- Doublethink is the ability to hold two
contradictory ideas in the same sense. This
symbolizes the brainwashing conducted by the
government, as they convince citizens that
completely opposite things are one and the same.
Big Brother- Big Brother is the supposed leader of
Oceania and the Party. He is the ideals of the Party
incarnate. People trust him and feel that he protects
them all, however to all the criminals he is a sign of
fear, as he is constantly watching everything that
anybody does.

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