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Nicole Tomczyk

AM Capstone

Alternate Energy
Solar energy can be an alternative to a battery to power our bristle bot project. Solar
panels consisting of groups of solar cells connected by wires, and solar cells consist of
semiconducting materials placed between positive and negative charges. Sunlights hits solar
cells. Photons move electrons from the semiconducting material. Conductive plates placed on
the sides of cells collecting electrons moving them through the wires. The flow of the electrons
through the wires is the flow of electricity, like that of a battery. By exciting electrons across the
semiconductor solar cells capture photons. which in turn creates electron pairs that are then
separated by charges. The excitement pushes electrons in two directions creating energy
(Crabtree,G. W., & Lewis, N. S. 2007.)
By replacing the dead battery with a small solar panel you can use the sun's energy
outside to vibrate the motor and push it forward. The sun will travel into the solar cells and
create flow of electrons in the semiconducting material, moving energy through the wires,
therefor then creating electricity to power the bristlebots motor. By creating chemical energy the
sun will power the cell phone vibrator to vibrate creating movement equivalent to that of the

Balzani, V., Credi, A., & Venturi, M. (2008). Photochemical conversion of solar energy. Chemsuschem,
1(1-2), 26-58. doi:10.1002/cssc.200700087

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