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Ross 1

Nicole Ross
Mrs. Recktenwald
History 1H
15 January 2016
Lady With An Ermine
The painting I recreated is known as the Lady With An Ermine by Leonardo Da Vinci, and
it was made during the High Renaissance period. The woman in the painting is Cecilia Gallerani,
who was the teenage mistress of Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan,. The ermine was a wellknown symbol of purity and moderation during this time, and it supposedly protected pregnant
women. The ermine could represent Cecilias pregnancy, because Cecilia was pregnant by her
lover, Ludovico. Furthermore, the ermine could also act as an allusion to Ludovico himself,
because he was awarded the order of the Ermine by the King of Naples and was known as
L'Ermellino. This portrait is a characteristic of Renaissance art because it is very detailed and
Da Vinci used much light and shadow to create depth. Also, the piece reflects the Renaissance
values of individualism and secularism. Cecilia is very well known for her beauty, which was
masterfully conveyed by her twisting pose and nuanced expression. The piece is currently held in
the Wawel Castle, which is located in Krakow, Poland.

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