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Abhishekha, India

1. Introduction
2. Jyotish Reference on Venus
3. Jyotish Fundamentals on Eclipse Of

He was introduced to jyotish by his

Kulguru at the age of eight. After the
initial trigger early in life, he has pursued
the study of jyotish with utmost passion
ever since. He writes with the pen name
Abhishekha and is the Editor/Publisher of
AIAC Times, Chicago.

the Sun
4. The Spot of Eclipse
5. Thus The Prediction
6. Way Out, Remedies


ransit of Venus on June 5 and 6

2012 is one of the hottest topics in
the astronomical and astrological
circles. United Astrology Conference 2012
was held recently [May 24 to May 29 2012]
in New Orleans, US and was an august
gathering of world class astrologers across
the globe. The conference had a tag line
called Venus on the Rise, implying the
transit of Venus having some major
astrological and astronomical implications
and influence on human life. Wikipedia

mentions on the page Titled Transit of Venus a very interesting sentence Ancient
Indian, Greek, Egyptian, Babylonian and Chinese observers knew of Venus and recorded the
planet's motions.
I am a jyotish so I obviously got recent inquiries on this forthcoming event. Thus, after
coming back from a wonderful Saturday evening with friends, I thought it best to pen my
thoughts on this subject before I retire for the day.
A transit of Venus across the Sun takes place when the
planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth,
becoming visible against (and hence obscuring a small
portion of) the solar disk. This means, from Earth, Venus,
Sun and Earth are on the same plane.
During a transit, Venus can be seen from Earth as a small
black disk moving across the face of the Sun. A transit is
thus identical to a solar eclipse by the Moon.
While the diameter of Venus is almost four times that of the
Moon, Venus appears smaller, and travels more slowly
across the face of the Sun, because it is much farther away
from Earth.
Transits of Venus are among the rarest of predictable
astronomical phenomena. They occur in a pattern that
repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits eight years
apart separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years.
The periodicity is a reflection of the fact that the orbital
periods of Earth and Venus are close to 8:13 and 243:395
The next transit of Venus will occur on 5 and 6 June 2012,
and will be the last Venus transit this century; the prior
transit took place on 8 June 2004. The previous pair of
transits was in December 1874 and December 1882. After
2012, the next transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and
December 2125.

The most recent transit of Venus

that was last observed from
Earth took place on June 8, 2004.
The event received significant
attention, since it was the first
Venus transit after the invention
of broadcast media. No human
alive at the time had witnessed a
previous Venus transit since that
transit occurred on December 6,

Jyotish Reference On Venus

aharaja Ballal Sen was the son of Vijay Sen. Vijay Sen founded the Sena Dynasty
in Bengal. In the year 1169, Maharaja Ballal Sen wrote a very cryptic jyotish text
called Adbhuta Sagara. This text is amazing because it has secrets which even
though encrypted holds the key to interpretation of many celestial events which does not
find mention in other classical works.
Adbhuta Sagara also has references of lost jyotish works by Garga, Kashyap, Parasara and
Bhrigu. I personally consider this book a treasure to interpret matters related to mundane
In one such reference to Venus in astrology, Maharaha Ballal Sen quotes a very interesting
phrase from jyotish works of Vriddha Garga Hora. The phrase in Sanskrit is
Shyamavarnaoabhighataya. This is can translated as When Venus appears dark in the
sky, it would indicate death and destruction.
As I have mentioned numerous times earlier to my students in jyotish, every text should be
studied with reference to Sthana, Kala and Patra. This was 12th century CE Bengal, text
written by a King who was always worried about attacks on his kingdom and the sustenance
of his rule. The context is another important factor to be considered. Before the above
citation, Ballal Sen was referring to the various colors of Venus as it appears in the sky being
a factor that would indicate the kind of events to foresee.
In summary, after citing various ancient works, he tries to stress on a simple rule Brighter
the Venus, the better for humanity, darker its shade, the worse the news for mankind.
The next several quotes in the book deal with specific nakshatras Venus transits to predict
finer results of its outcome. I will go to this area in a bit but before that let me revisit a very
fundamental concept on its transit that I have already highlighted in the introduction.

Jyotish Fundamentals On Eclipse Of The Sun

f I have to quote one favorite pastime of an ancient jyotishas, it would surely be

encryption. Making very simple concepts difficult to decipher was almost a habit for the
ancients and I am sure they must have had their reasons to do so. Nevertheless, leaving
all jyotish jargons and complicated terms and terminology aside, let us just visit a very
simple astronomical concept called Solar Eclipse.

When the Moon, the Sun and the Earth align in such a way on the ecliptic such that the
Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, a solar eclipse happens. Jyotish links the Moon
to the mind, Sun to the soul and thus the Solar Eclipse happens on a New Moon
[Amavasya] that causing the eclipse of the Sun. Eclipse of the Sun is related to Death and
thus this time is very sensitive to all beings on the planets. The Graha that causes this eclipse
is the Moon and thus the mind makes mistakes that cause serious damage to the soul.
In the Transit of Venus, the Eclipse of the Sun appears to happen by Venus. In such a transit
Venus appears black and doesnt cover the Sun completely. Thus, this event can be
interpreted as Venus [lust, desire, love] making a mistake and the soul suffering the

The Spot Of The Eclipse

he place where the eclipse occurs is of amazing importance. On June 5, 6 2012, the
eclipse of the Sun happens on Rohini [about 21 degrees Taurus].

This zone is a very sensitive zone of the Zodiac and deals with sustenance of the
human race.

Thus, The Prediction

y prediction is that the next 6 months after the Eclipse the world will see
draughts, fire disasters and natural calamities of a great extent. Particularly in
South East Asia and the West Coast of the United States will need to alert and
ready for such events. Deaths of people are possible in these disasters.
In politics, sexual scandals will rise and prominent leaders will face such charges which
could ruin their political career.
Celebrities will go through a time period and the film industries across the globe will suffer
due some defamation and criticism.
Signs of economic revival will be extremely slow and stagnant for the next 6 months.

Way out, Remedies

ove and Compassion will be required for the next 6 months around the globe. People
will need to be more tolerant and accepting. Violence should not have any place in
society and every individual should act with wisdom and understanding.

Lack of rain this year and extreme heat is very probable and thus people should take adequate
provisions to sail through this period.
Vedic texts prescribe worship of Laxmi during this period of crisis.

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