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Maze Runner: The Death

Section 1
Part A
Thomas is a runner from the maze, but he has to deal with a
lot more than the maze since the scorch and WICKED capturing him
and his fellow Gladers.

Part B It has been a little bit more than a year since the events of the
maze and the scorch. It begins with Thomas awakening in his
room/holding cell next to his pals Minho and Newt. They also wake up
to a loud metal banging coming from under their beds. Thomas looks
under his to see Brenda looking smug as ever saying shed been banging
on it for a whole 30 minutes. But their conversation ends short when
Dr. Rat face Janson opens the door and sees them all talking when he
suddenly says it is time for an announcement. Thomas, Newt, Minho,
and Brenda arrive at the common area when Thomas catches Teresas
eye and group B. Janson tells the Gladers and Group B that there is a
deadly virus called The Flare, and it is inside all of them eating away
at their brain cells. But he stops and says slowly that some are immune
including Thomas, Teresa, Minho, Brenda, Jorge, Frypan, Naomi, and
some other Gladers and Group B. Then he says some arent, including
Newt. The Gladers are offered the chance to restore their memories
and remove the controllers in their heads. But Thomas, Newt, and
Minho dont want to. Soon afterward, the Gladers discover that
everyone who had undergone the restoration procedure had abandoned
them, and Newt begins to succumb to the Flare, suffering sharp mood

swings. Newt gives Thomas a note and tells him to open it "when the
time is right."

Section 2
The most profound passage in the story was one that made me
Newt looked horrible. His hair had been torn out in patches, leaving
bald spots that were nothing more
than red welts. Scratches and bruises covered his face; his shirt was
ripped, barely hanging on to his thin
frame, and his pants were filthy with grime and blood. It was like hed
finally given in to the Cranks,
joined their ranks fully.
But he stared at Thomas, as if he recognized that hed stumbled upon a
Lawrence had been talking, but Thomas only now processed his words.
Were okay. Shes shot to hell, but hopefully shell get us another
couple of miles to the hangar.
Lawrence shifted into reverse and the van wobbled away from the
cement wall, the crunch of broken
plastic and metal and the squeal of tires erupting in the complete
silence that had fallen. Then he started to
drive off, and it was like a switch clicked in Thomass head.
Stop! he yelled. Stop the van! Now!
What? Lawrence replied. Whatre you talking about?
Just stop the freaking van!
Lawrence slammed on the brakes as Thomas scrambled to his feet and
went for the door. He started to
open it when Lawrence grabbed his shirt from behind and yanked him

What the hell do you think youre doing? the man yelled at him.
Thomas wouldnt let anything stop him now. He yanked the gun out of
his pants and pointed it at
Lawrence. Let go of me. Let go of me!
Lawrence did, throwing his hands up in the air. Whoa, kid. Calm down!
What is wrong with you?
Thomas backed away from him. I saw my friend out thereI want to
see if hes okay. If any trouble
starts, Ill run back to the van. Just be ready to get us out of here
when I do.
You think that thing out there is still your friend? the pilot asked
coldly. Those Cranks are way past
the Gone. Cant you see that? Your friend is nothing but an animal now.
Worse than an animal.
Then itll be a short goodbye, wont it, Thomas answered. He opened
the door, then backed out onto
the street. Cover me if I need it. I have to do this.
Im going to kick your butt before we get on that Berg, I can promise
you that, Lawrence growled.
Hurry. If those Cranks by the garbage heap head this way, we start
firing. I dont care if your mommy and
Uncle Frank are out there.
Good that. Thomas turned away from them, slipping the pistol back
into his jeans. He walked slowly
toward his friend, who stood alone, far away from the pack of cranks
still working on their pile of refuse.
For the moment they seemed satisfied with thatthey didnt seem
interested in him.
Thomas walked half the distance to Newt, then stopped. The worst
part about his friend was the
wildness in his eyes. Madness lurked behind them, two festering pools
of sickness. How had it happened
so quickly?

Hey. Newt. Its me, Thomas. You still remember me, right?
A sudden clarity filled Newts eyes then, almost making Thomas step
back in surprise.
I bloody remember you, Tommy. You just came to see me at the
Palace, rubbed it in that you ignored
my note. I cant go completely crazy in a few days.
Those words hurt Thomass heart even more than the pitiful sight of
his friend. Then why are you
here? Why are you with them?
Newt looked at the Cranks, then back at Thomas. It comes and goes,
man. I cant explain it. Sometimes
I cant control myself, barely know what Im doing. But usually its just
like an itch in my brain, throwing
everything off-kilter just enough to bother memake me angry.
You seem fine right now.
Yeah, well. The only reason Im with these wickers from the Palace is
because I dont know what
else to do. Theyre fighting, but theyre also a group. You find yourself
alone, you dont have a bloody
Newt, come with me this time, right now. We can take you somewhere
safer, somewhere better to
Newt laughed, and when he did his head twitched strangely a couple of
times. Get out of here,
Tommy. Get away.
Just come with me, Thomas begged. Ill tie you up if it makes you
feel better.
Newts face suddenly hardened into anger and his words shot out in a
rage. Just shut up, you shuck
traitor! Didnt you read my note? You cant do one last, lousy thing for
me? Got to be the hero, like
always? I hate you! I always hated you!
He doesnt mean it, Thomas told himself firmly. But they were just

words. Newt
It was all your fault! You couldve stopped them when the first
Creators died. You couldve figured
out a way. But no! You had to keep it going, try to save the world, be
the hero. And you came to the Maze
and never stopped. All you care about is yourself! Admit it! Got to be
the one people remember, the one
people worship! We shouldve thrown you down the Box hole!
Newts face had colored to a deep red, and spit flew from his mouth as
he yelled. He started taking
lumbering steps forward, his hands balled into fists.
Im going to blast him! Lawrence yelled from the van. Get out of the
Thomas turned. Dont! Its just me and him! Dont do anything! He
faced Newt again. Newt, stop.
Just listen to me. I know youre okay in there. Enough to hear me out.
I hate you, Tommy! He was only a few feet away and Thomas took a
step backward, his hurt over
Newt turning to fear. I hate you I hate you I hate you! After all I did
for you, after all the freaking clunk I
went through in the bloody Maze, you cant do the one and only thing
Ive ever asked you to do! I cant
even look at your ugly shuck face!
Thomas took two more steps back. Newt, you need to stop. Theyre
going to shoot you. Just stop and
listen to me! Get in the van, let me tie you up. Give me a chance! He
couldnt kill his friend. He just
Newt screamed and rushed forward. An arc of Launcher lightning shot
from the van, skidding and
crackling across the pavement, but it missed him. Thomas had frozen in
place, and Newt tackled him to
the ground, knocking the breath out of him. He struggled to fill his

lungs as his old friend climbed on top

of him and pinned him down.
I should rip your eyes out, Newt said, spraying Thomas with spit.
Teach you a lesson in stupidity.
Whyd you come over here? You expected a bloody hug? Huh? A nice
sit-down to talk about the good
times in the Glade?
Thomas shook his head, gripped by terror, very slowly reaching for his
gun with his free hand.
You want to know why I have this limp, Tommy. Did I ever tell you? No,
I dont think I did.
What happened? Thomas asked, stalling for time. He slipped his
fingers around the weapon.
I tried to kill myself in the Maze. Climbed halfway up one of those
bloody walls and jumped right off.
Alby found me and dragged me back to the Glade right before the
Doors closed. I hated the place,
Tommy. I hated every second of every day. And it was all your
Newt suddenly twisted around and grabbed Thomas by the hand
holding the gun. He yanked it toward
himself, forcing it up until the end of the pistol was pressed against his
own forehead. Now make
amends! Kill me before I become one of those cannibal monsters! Kill
me! I trusted you with the note! No
one else. Now do it!
Thomas tried to pull his hand away, but Newt was too strong. I cant,
Newt, I cant.
Make amends! Repent for what you did! The words tore out of him,
his whole body trembling. Then
his voice dropped to an urgent, harsh whisper. Kill me, you shuck
coward. Prove you can do the right
thing. Put me out of my misery.

The words horrified Thomas. Newt, maybe we can

Shut up! Just shut up! I trusted you! Now do it!
I cant.
Do it!
I cant! How could Newt ask him to do something like this? How could
he possibly kill one of his
best friends?
Kill me or Ill kill you. Kill me! Do it!
Do it before I become one of them!
KILL ME! And then Newts eyes cleared, as if hed gained one last
trembling gasp of sanity, and his
voice softened. Please, Tommy. Please.
With his heart falling into a black abyss, Thomas pulled the trigger.
Part B
The importance of this long passage is to show the relationship
Thomas had to Newt and losing him was like losing family. It shows the
human emotion in him.

Section 3
I had no trouble reading this book therefore I have nothing to
write here.

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