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Artifact Reflection - Senior Capstone Project


Yasmeen Morales

Date 10/27/15

Period 6

Name of Journey
Origin Interview

Explain your artifact final product and ALL the steps you took to create it.
The final product of my 16 minute interview was getting to know a little more about my sister.
Not only about her but to learn more about our backgrounds and how they have benefited or
affected us. I used the story corps app to record and on there I chose questions and also made
up some questions as we were having the conversation.

What is the most important thing you learned during this process?
The most important thing I learned is that not always family will be there to support you through
every decision. I also learned that I am not the only one that has gone through the same
struggles as me. She also mentioned a lot more things on college which really made me realize
that college is the start of my success.

Explain the significance of your artifact and how it connects to the narrative.
This artifact connects to the narrative because we both have learned from our parents
experiences. We are both using all of the opportunities given to us in order to be someone
successful. Not only that but we share one thing in common, use what other people say about us
as a strength to prove them wrong.

What do you wish you had spent more time on or done differently?
I wished I would have asked more about her childhood. Like why she has chosen to do what shes
done so far. Also I would have added more about our families although we do not have much
communication with them.

What did you find most challenging during this task?

Keeping up with the conversation and not repeating ourselves was probably one of the hardest
things. Also, hearing her struggles made me realize that we actually have been through similar

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