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Weapon Modifications

Dust Infused Clothing-Remove Special Requirement of Mixed Capacity for multiple

instances of Dust Infused Clothing on a single character.
DIC's mixed capacity requirement was based on the conclusion that if a character needs it to
put two dusts on her weapon the same should be done for two dusts in their clothing.
However the nature of DIC as little more than a "backup" made the limit unnecessary.
Skill Thresholds

New skill threshold level of 10, and labeling of the existing thresholds. Effectively all
descriptions are one threshold (5 points) lower than before.
10: Simple- Beyond everyday action, but easy enough even for the unskilled. A test to "not
15: Average- Impressive to normal civilians, but par for the course for Huntsmen and
20: Challenging- Can only be accomplished by a normal human with a lifetime of training,
natural talent, and luck.
25: Amazing- Feats well beyond the normal human, usually associated with popular culture
action heroes.
30: Superhuman- Reserved for the very experienced Huntsmen and those with literal super
35: Legendary- Accomplishments that can last forever as rumor or myth.
40: Impossible- The very fabric of reality moves aside for the Huntsman. Even laws of nature
stand in the way, but the Huntsman that accomplishes this task pays no heed.
Skill thresholds are maintaining their 5 point gaps, but it was very apparent that my
descriptions of what actions fell at each level was too high. The intended effect of this change
is to effective boost all characters abilities so they can accomplish superhuman feats faster
and easier.

Beowolves are increasing their attack and health to match an Ursa. New Special
ability: Howl.
Health: 75
First Turn: 1
Special Abilities: Howl- Nearby Grimm Increase their Damage by one and decrease attack
values by 5.

Melee: 20/3- Claws

Defense: 20
Bonus Damage: +2d6
Group: 1

Ursas are increasing their attack, defense and health to match a Creep. New
Special ability: Boulder Toss
Health: 80
First Turn: 3
Special Abilities: Boulder Toss, Active. Make a ranged attack of 25/3 to any target within 25ft,
affecting all characters adjacent to the target.
Melee: 25/4-Claws
Defense: 25
Bonus Damage: +2d6
Group: 3

Creeps are decreasing their attack, defense, and health to match the (old) Beowolf.
Special Ability unchanged.
Health: 20
First Turn: 4
Special Ability: Burrow, Active. The Creep digs into the ground and moves undetected
(Detection PER+DIS 20 to know location of a burrowed Creep). While burrowed cannot
attack or be attacked through conventional means. Ground based attacks through certain
semblances or Dust still function.
Melee: 15/3-Bite
Defense: 20
Bonus Damage: +1d6
Group: 4
Grimm Eclipse is being treated as canon for the balance of The Unofficial RWBY tabletop,
and the Creep has been shown to be significantly weaker than was assumed from Volume 2.
It has been moved down to the bottom of the Grimm hierarchy, with Beowolves and Ursas
are both moving up to fill the vacancies.

Brutes are increasing all of their attack and defense values by 5. This was a
mistake from a previous patch that was never fixed.

Health: 160
First Turn: 1
Special Abilities: Fast healing, active.
The Brute can increase his health by 10 points
Melee: 25/4- Chainsaw
Ranged: 30/4- Crossbow
Defense: 25
Bonus Damage: +2d6
Group: 1
Character Progression

Level 3 Characters get a bonus weapon modification, Dust, or an additional

Semblance Aspect. The additional aspect is basically an additional semblance that the
character has access to, but is still inherently part of their base ability.
Weiss's Summoning Glyphs have drawn attention to an existing weakness of the Semblance
system. The fact that some Semblances are simply more versatile (read : more powerful)
than others cannot be helped, but now we have a character who is able to do so much
more than others that there should be a way to differentiate between the strong and weak
semblances. For now, modifying the leveling system is a temporary hotfix for the larger
problem until a more robust mechanic is in place.

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