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Discussion Topics, Chapter 15, Assessing Head and Neck

Discussion Topics
1. A 75-year-old arthritic client with a lump in the neck needs to

Learning Objective(s)
5, 6, 7, 8

undergo a physical assessment. The nurse needs to assess the

clients head and neck.
a. What should the nurse keep in mind when assessing the
neck of the client?
2. A client visits a health care center with complaints of

5, 6

insomnia, thinning hair, palpitations, and weight loss.

a. What should the nurse include during assessment of the
head and neck to elicit data regarding the clients
3. During a physical examination of a client, the nurse finds that
the client experiences pain upon opening the mouth and cannot
open it fully.
a. What should the nurse focus on when collecting data
from the client?

3, 5, 6, 8

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