Practica Traducerii

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The Craft of Translation

Although translation is probably the most complex

event yet produced in the evolution of cosmos, it is
often underrated: there are still too many people who
believe that anybody who has a good command of a
foreign language can automatically translate into and
from it. Essentially the translation process is one in
which a person who knows both the source and the
receptor languages decodes the message of the source
language and encodes it into an appropriate equivalent
of the receptor language.
The translator is constantly faced with a series of
polar distinctions, which oblige him to choose content as
opposed to form, the closest equivalence as opposed to
any equivalence, and naturalness as opposed to formal
correspondence; in order to help translators choose
meaningfully between the above-mentioned opposing
sets of defining features, as well as to show them what
should be done in specific instances, Nida and Taber
have established certain fundamental guiding criteria
which reflect different perspectives of form and of
comprehensibility. In connection with the translators
duties to the source language text, we emphasize that
good or bad writing is good or bad writing in any
language, and nothing exposes one or the other more
tellingly than translation; one of the really valuable
outcomes of translating is the ensuing awareness of the
difficulties that should be overcome when faced with
bad writing Newmark has rightly pointed out that: a
translator must respect good writing scrupulously by
fully conveying its language, structure, content etc., and
is in duty bound to improve the writing if it is poor in the
original4. The duty of the translator of Romanian non1

literary texts into English, if the latter are poorly written,

is to improve and clarify the text, for it is only in this
way that he will be able to affect the receptor language
receptors as the author intended to affect his receptors,
even if owing to deficiencies he did not do it successfully
in his own text. The more obscure and ambiguous the
writing, the more the translator has to interpret it, and
the more the translator has to employ his creative
imagination; of course, this is a most difficult task:
students, and even translators, do not easily spot
obscurities and inadvertencies, nor even errors. It takes
time before a student can distinguish between an
efficient and inefficient text and still more time to
eliminate jargon, redundancy, errors etc. without
Following Tancock 6, we would emphasize that a
student and translator must get emancipated from the
tyranny of the parts of speech; he must beware of the
tendency mechanically to translate the verb in the
source language by a verb in the receptor language, the
adjective by an adjective etc. The message is to be
remodelled, and when necessary, a noun will be
translated by a verb, the functions of the verb may be
performed by an adverb etc. It should be noted that
students take time to put this recommendation into
practice, which clearly points to the already mentioned
gap between skill getting and skill using in translating;
intensive practice will help to narrow and plug in the
gap. As language cannot be dealt with as though verbal
communication occurred in a cultural vacuum, the
translator, discharging his function of mediator between
two languages and two cultures and acting as a link
between the two messages, each of them part of its own
cultural framework, has to account for both linguistic
and cultural factors. The process of communication is
embedded in a three-fold cultural frame: the

interpretation of the events in a particular culture; the

patterns of behaviour proper to that culture; the
common presuppositions within the respective culture 7.
Communication is not only informative, it is also
expressive, emotive, imperative and phatic; therefore, if
a translation is to serve the basic
functions of
communication (informative, expressive, imperative),
then: it must provide information which the receptors
can fully understand (the informative function); it must
present the message in such a way that the receptors
can feel its relevance (the expressive function); it must
produce a clear and explicit message so that it may
have a real impact on the receptors (the imperative
information in the first place, and the latter can be
effected by a thoroughly understandable translation 8.
Apart from weighing linguistic and cultural
disparities which raise difficulties for the translator
(though he is in the best position to appreciate them for
he knows both languages and participates in the two
cultural worlds involved in the translation process), he
has to cope with additional difficulties. Although nothing
exposes good or bad writing more tellingly than
translation, his supplementary task is by no means easy
for he has to use restraint in excising redundant source
language features, and correcting errors etc., and has to
confine himself to pruning here and there and not going
too far9. Any receptor language word found in a bilingual
dictionary and not in a complete monolingual dictionary
must be rejected, and all receptor language words found
in bilingual dictionaries have to be checked in
monolingual ones. Larbaud states that a translator must
look up even the words he knows best, to confirm
knowledge; to verify the exact meaning of a particular
word in a dictionary is essential, the translator has no

excuse for omitting to use dictionaries (it is equally

necessary that he should use the best reference
The translator seeks the closest natural
equivalent to the source language message; however,
there are two types of equivalence, one is formal and
the other one is primarily dynamic. Formal equivalence
lays stress on the message itself, in terms of both
content and form: the message in the receptor language
should match as closely as possible the different
elements in the source language message; in order to
determine standards of accuracy and correctness, the
message in the receptor language culture is constantly
compared with that in the source language culture;
dynamic equivalence is primarily concerned with the
dynamic relationship of the various receptors to the
respective message and not merely with matching the
receptor language message to the source language one.
The emphasis is thus on communication, more precisely,
on the third term of the communication relationship, on
the receptors. That is to say that the receptors of the
translation, within the context of their own culture,
should be able to respond to the message as given them
in their own language, in substantially the same manner
as the original receptors responded to the message
communicated to them, in their own language and
within the context of their own culture. This means that:
there should be a high degree of equivalence of
response for the translation to accomplish its purpose;
the translation is not measured merely in terms of
whether the words are understandable and the
sentences grammatically correct but also in terms of the
total impact the message has on the receptors. In
translating, the translator should always bear in mind
the receptors different cultural background and culture,
considering translation as an act of communication and

the translated text as a message to be received,

decoded and responded to by the receptors, with an eye
to the receptors response throughout the process rather
than to the form of the source language message; the
result of the translators endeavour will be a dynamicequivalence translation, communicating as best as
possible to and with the receptors, members of another
linguistic and cultural community, and proving that
translating means communicating.
1. Richards, J., Towards a Theory of Translating, Chicago
University Press, 1953, p. 250.
2. Nida, E.A., Science of Translation, in Language, 45, 1969, p.
3. Nida, E.A. Taber, C, The Theory and Practice of Translation,
E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1969, pp. 1427.
4. Newmark, P., The Theory and the Craft of Translation, in
Language Teaching and Linguistics Abstracts, vol. 9, Cambridge
University Press, 1976, p. 8.
5. Newmark, P., Teaching Specialized Translation, MS, 1981,
p. 18.
6. Tancock, L.W., Some Problems of Style in Translation from
French, in Aspects of Translation, Secker and Wartburg, 1958, p. 32.
7. Kasshlke, R., Linguistic and Cultural Implications of Bible
Translating, in Translation: Applications and Research, Gardner
Press, New York, 1976, pp. 282286.
8. Hatim, B. Mason, I., Discourse and the Translator,
Longman, Londra-New York, 1992.
9. Newmark, P., Translation and the Informative Function of
Language, MS, 1982, p. 15.
10. Samuelsson-Brown, G., A Practical Guide for Translators,
Multilingual Matters Ltd., Clevedon-Philadelphia-Adelaide, 1993.
11. Nida, E.A. Taber, C., [3], pp. 22160.
12. Malmjoer, K., Stylistics in Translation Teaching , in
Abstract of papers presented at the Second Language International
Conference on Teaching Translation and Interpreting, Elsinore, 1993.

Set 1
1. Mrfurile cmtarului oache/brunet sunt bune; ele
sunt rspltite ca atare. 2. Aceasta este concluzia i
gata. 3. Sunt mndru s spun c niciodat nu am czut

prad acestui impuls, n msura n care a czut prad

Arhimede, care a ieit grbit din baie i pe strad gol. 4.
m-lai/ulei comestibil/zahr pudr/zahr cubic/zahr
tos/fi- dea/macaroane/tiei. 5. Ar mai fi putut atepta o
sptmn sau dou, dei agentul subdirectoarei o
preseaz ngrozitor, sunnd-o aproape n fiecare sear
ca s-i spun c editorul vrea manuscrisul ct mai
curnd posibil. 6. Haide, haide! 7. Ne-am aezat tabra
pe malul unui lac. 8. Iar corpul ei, nc n dezvoltare,
avea mldieri ca tulpinile subiri i nalte la adierea
vntului. 9.Curtea nu va judeca acest caz astzi. 10.
Vntul va mprtia norii.
Key: 1. The dark-complexioned danists goods are fine;
they are rewarded as such. 2. So thats that. 3. I am
proud to say I have never given into this impulse quite
as much as did Archimedes who hurried out of his
bathtub and into the streets unclad. 4. Id like to buy
cinnamon/semolina/spices/vinegar/maize flour/edible oil/
sugar/vermicelli/macaroni /noodles. 5. It could have
waited for another week or two, even though the submanageresss agent is putting terrible pressure on her,
ringing her up almost every evening to tell her that the
publisher wants the manuscript as soon as possible. 6.
Come off it! 7. We pitched (our) camp by a lake. 8. And
her body, not yet fully matured, waved lithely like tall,
slender plants in the wind. 9. The court will not hear this
case today. 10. The wind will disperse the clouds.

Set 2
1. Ordinul cruaului/vizitiului posac este lege. 2. Pentru
cine e mhnit mecanicul de cnd a venit? 3. De cte ori
s-a interesat pucaul de treburile actorului (care joac
in reprezentaii)? 4. Nu c i-a pune cuvntul la ndoial.
5. Sportivul a ncercat din nou, dar degeaba. 6. Scriitorul
trebuie s fie n acelai timp glume i serios. 7.
Romancierul iret s-a lovit cu capul de strung. 8. Cnd
afl muni, acetia-i sunt prieteni, /Iar adpost, lng
oceanic val. /Unde-i albastru cerul i fierbinte, /Acolo-l
mn dorul lui fatal. /Deertul, petera, rmul abrupt i
luna/i sunt prieteni pentru totdeauna. (t: E.T.) 9. Mai
citete slujbaul, ori a ajuns la un capitol pe care nu-l
nelege? 10. Pristavul cu vederea slab i cunoate
meseria la perfecie.
Key: 1. The cheerless waggoners word is law. 2. Whom
has the hostler been grieving for since he came? 3. How
many times did the gunman inquire into the guesters
affairs? 4. Not that I would doubt your word. 5. The
sportsman tried again, but in vain. 6. The writer must be
playful and serious at the same time.(W.S.M.) 7. The
crafty fictionists head struck against the lathe. 8. Where
rose the mountains, these to him were friends; /Where
rolld the ocean, there on was his home; /Where a blue
sky, and gloving clime extends, /He had the passion and
the power to roam; /The desert, forest, caverns
breakers foam, /Were unto him companionship.(G.G.B.)
9. Is the under-clerk still reading, or has he arrived at a
chapter which he does not understand? 10. The darksighted crier has his job at his fingers ends.

Set 3

1.I-a sosit deja corespondena patinatorului (pe rotile)

rotofei/ dolofan/ plinu/ grsu? 2. Adesea natura
mbrac viciul cu un vemnt frumos. 3. Negustorului de
psri/Psrarului cu ochi de vultur nu-i venea s cread
i era beat de fericire. 4. Cltorie plcut!/ Drum bun!
5. Trebuia s faci cum a zis ngrijitorul de cini slab i
bolnav. 6. Maina condus de soia actorului american
Dennis Weaver, mai bine cunoscut de telespectatorii din
lumea ntreag sub numele de McCloud, simpaticul erif
din Taos, New Mexico, s-a ciocnit cu un alt automobil
care circula cu o vitez foarte mare, urmrit fiind de
poliie. 7. Soarele i toropea. 8. Se ateapt de la
contemporanii notri s gseasc structura materiei. 9.
Nu i-au cumprat grdinarului peisagist o can de lut
nou. 10. E mai bine aa, acum, cnd ea nu mai exist.
Splendoarea lunii ar fi o sfruntare.
Key: 1. Has the roly-poly roller skaters mail come yet? 2.
Nature with a beautous wall/Doth oft close in pollution.
(W.S.) 3. The bird-eyed bird fancier couldnt believe his
eyes and he felt a drunken elation. 4. Have a pleasant
journey!/Have a good trip!/ Have a pleasant trip!/Enjoy
your trip! 5. You should have done as the crawly-mawly
dog man said. 6. The car driven by the wife of the
American actor Dennis Weaver, better known to TVviewers throughout the world as McCloud, the likable
sheriff from Taos, New Mexico, collided with another
automobile, which was going at a very high speed, being
chased by the police. 7. The sun beat down on their
heads. 8. Our contemporaries are expected to find the
structure of matters. 9. The landscape gardener didnt
have/get a new crock bought. 10. It is much better like
this, now that she no longer exists. The splendour of the
moon would be a pure insult.

Set 4
1. Antreprenorului cherchelit/aghesmuit/afumat/ameit i
s-a artat drumul la gar de ctre bulgarul
mthlos/greoi. 2. Nu a fi fost de acord cu acest
diagnostic. 3. Venim tocmai din Belgrad. 4. Rsucete
doar acest buton la dreapta i ecranul ncepe s se
lumineze. Apoi apare imaginea, potriveti sunetul i n
curnd vei vedea crainica Acum ncearc s deschizi
singur aparatul. 5. i rsare steaua. /E n ascensiune. 6.
Astzi, dup toi aceti ani, privesc subiectul meu favorit
cu o detaare poate ceva mai obiectiv, dar nu regret c
m-am inut de el. 7. Cine zicea c houl/tlharul la
drumul mare va disprea din ora? 8. M putei lua cu
maina? mi pare ru, maina are numai dou locuri. 9.
Te vei obinui s te scoli la ora 5. 10. Sptmna viitoare
se va da un anun.
Key: 1. The buffy building contractor was shown the way
to the station by the bundley Bulgarian. 2. I shouldnt
have agreed about this diagnosis. 3. We come from as
far as Belgrad. /Were all the way from Belgrad. 4. You
just turn this knob to the right and the screen begins to
glow. Then the picture appears and you tune your set in,
and soon you see the announcer Now try to switch the
set on by yourself. 5. Her star is in the ascendant. 6.
Now, after all these years, I look at my favourite topic,
perhaps with a little more objective detachment, but I do
not regret having stuck to it. 7. Who was saying the
highwayman would disappear from town? 8. Can you
give me a lift? Im sorry, its a two-seater. 9. Youll get
used to getting up at 5. 10. An announcement will be
made next week.

Set 5

Ai permis de/fi la bibliotec? 2. Nu-l poi fora
pe acordorul de piane s fac ceva n grab. 3. A fost
(de vin) doar neexperimentatul funcionar vamal de la
aeroport, care nu a tiut unde s caute articolul
respectiv n registru. 4. Omul de tiin nu trebuie s
uite c, pentru el, autodisciplina este numai una dintre
calitile necesare deplinei realizri n domeniul ales. 5.
Toate locurile sunt ocupate. Sunt o mulime de locuri
sus. 6. Privirea rece a tinichigiului cu sprncene negre
trecu dincolo de mine, i nu mi-a rspuns, de parc nu
m-ar fi auzit. 7. Nici gnd s fii tu Phil Collins. 8. De
aceea fu vesel cnd criminala l anun c se duce cu
mimul la prinii lui, unde vor sta pn trziu, i deci s
aib grij de cas, iar dac iese, s ncuie bine i s
ascund cheia la locul ei. 9. N-am prea tras foloase de
pe urma acestei situaii. 10. Chiar P. Ozun se urca rar pe
aici, pentru c era o crare cumplit, care scotea
sufletul din om, pas cu pas, dup zvrliturile
Iablanicioarei, mai mult o scar de bolovani i de
rdcini, dect o potec.
Key: 1. Have you got a library card? 2. You cant railroad
the tuner into doing anything! 3. It was only the
inexperienced customs official at the airport who didnt
know where to look for this item in the book. 4.The
scientist must not forget that, to him, self-discipline is
only one of the qualifications needed for peakaccomplishment in his chosen field. 5. Full up inside.
Plenty of seats on top. 6. The dark-browed tinkers cold
look saw through me, and he didnt answer as if he
hadnt heard me. 7. A lot of Phil Collins you are. 8. That
is why he was glad when the murderess announced him
that she was going with the mummer to his parents,
where they would be staying late; so he should take care
of the house, and, if he was going out, he should lock it

well and hide the key in its place. 9. I didnt derive much
benefit from that situation. 10. P. Ozun himself seldom
took this way, for it was a fearful path, taking it out of
you, step by step, following the wild windings of the
Iablanicioara; it was more of a ladder of boulders and
roots than a pathway.

Set 6
1. De pe iaz se ridica o cea. 2. Consecinele cu
potenial grav emoional i legal ale unui diagnostic
incorect de sarcin ar trebui s-l fac pe medic prudent.
3. Clii au aranjat/convenit s se ntlneasc a doua zi.
4. Recolta nu a fost afectat de furtun. 5. Orice
raionament se formeaz din comparaii simple ntre
dou lucruri, pentru a vedea dac exist sau nu o
variabil ntre ele. 6. De fapt, pnzele erau pictate din
memorie, dar cuprinderea memoriei lui Monet era la fel
de limitat ca i drumul de la eleteu la atelier. 7. N-ar fi
uor pentru temnicer s cltoreasc pn n Noua
Zeeland. 8. Prevederea zilierului s-a dovedit adevrat.
9. Din scrisoarea dumneavoastr am aflat cu regret c
nu putei accepta propunerea noastr. 10. Ori de cte ori
vreunul dintre grdinari nla capul de la munca lui,
zrea pe cerul dezgolit turla bisericii de la Ilkeston.
Key: 1. A mist/fog/haze arose from the (fish) pond. 2. The
potentially grave emotional and legal consequences of
an incorrect diagnosis of pregnancy should make the
physician cautious. 3. The torturers arranged to meet on
the next day. 4. The crops were not harmed by the
storm. 5. All judgement is made up of simple
comparisons between two things to see whether there is
or is not a variable between them. 6. In fact, the
canvases were painted from memory, but the

range/span of Monets memory was as short as the path

between the pond and his studio. 7. It wouldnt be easy
for the wardress to travel to the New Zealand. 8. The
daysmans foresight proved true. 9. It is with regret that
we learn from your letter that you are not in a position
to accept our proposal. 10. Whenever one of the
nurserymen in the fields lifted his head from his work,
he saw the church tower at Ilkeston in the empty sky.

Set 7
1. Adevrat? Asta chiar m surprinde. 2. Matahala a fost
oarecum surprins vzndu-l acolo pe pandurul oache.
3. Lucrurile s-au ndreptat. 4. Precupeul discut de cinci
minute ncoace c o s mprumute bani de la servitoare?
Rndunicile/Pitulicile ar fi trebuit s soseasc de mult
timp din Africa i chiar s plece spre nord. 7. Servitorul a
nceput prin a citi poezia i a continuat prin a-i explica
mesajul. 8. Vslaul merge la teatru ca s vad o nou
pies de Horia Lovinescu. 9. i eram singuri acum, n
grdin, i nu ne desprea nimic, dect doar civa
centimetri de spaiu binevoitor i implacabila cronologie.
10. Trunchiul rsturnat, pe care am stat n noaptea
aceea de altdat cu mna n minile ei, acum era ud,
trist, prsit.
Key: 1. Really? That does surprise me. 2. The jumbo felt
some surprise at seeing the dark-complexioned pandour
there. 3. Things have straightened out. 4. Has the
huckster been talking about borrowing money from the
housemaid for the last five minutes? 5. The wardsmen
have settled in a cottage. 6. The martins/warblers should
have arrived long since from Africa and even gone north.
6. The fetcher and carrier began by reading the poem
and went on to explain its message. 8. The bencher goes

to the theatre so as to see/to see/in order to see a new

play by Horia Lovinescu. 9. And now we were alone in
the park, barely separated by a few inches of
benevolent space and by the implacable age gap. 10.
The fallen tree trunk on which we had sat on that night
with my hand between her hands was now wet, sad,

Set 8
1. Fierarul perfid nu v poate gzdui pe toi/nu are loc
pentru toi. 2. A sosit iarna. 3. A: Aproape c am izbucnit
n plns. B: Chiar aa? A: Da, din cauz c librarul a fost
att de mojic cu mine. 4. Consideri utile asemenea
anchete? 5. Vcarul necjit venea adesea s ne vad
mai demult. 6. Poetul poate supravieui oricrui lucru n
afara greelilor de tipar. 7. Exist doar un singur lucru pe
lume mai ru dect faptul de a se vorbi despre un om, i
acela e s nu se vorbeasc despre el. 8. Dumneata eti
cel care hotrte. 9. Marea ntrebare care se pune n
ntreaga lume acum este: va demonstra misiunea
spaial Viking c exist, a existat sau c ar putea exista
via pe planeta Marte ? 10. I s-au tiprit cursurile anul
accommodation for you all. 2. Winter has set in. 3. A: I
very early burst out crying. B: Really? A: Yes, because of
the stationers being so rude to me. 4. Do you believe
such inquiries (to be) useful? 5. The downsome neatherd
would often come to see us a while ago. 6. A poet can
survive everything but a misprint.(O.W.) 7. There is only
one thing in the world worse than being talked about,
and that is not being talked about. (O.W.) 8. Its up to
you (to make) the decision. 9. The big question being

asked all over the world is: will the Viking space mission
demonstrate that life exists, once existed, or could exist
on Mars? 10. He had/got his lectures printed last year.

Set 9
1. Dei au ncercat din greu cu o bucurie rutcioas,
mnuarii n-au reuit. 2. Cunoate-te pe tine nsui. 3.
Aceasta va fi mansarda n care a locuit parlagiul. 4.
Crainicul rotofei de dup draperie nu binevoiete s
intre? 5. Ridic vrful limbii. 6. Tac-i fleanca, Alec! 7.
Prezentatoarea somnoroas este ct se poate de
ntristat. 8. mprii ntre credina romano-catolic i
cea ortodox, pe oameni nu-i uneau dect superstiia lor
extrem i nenumratele boli, care fceau ravagii att
printre fiinele omeneti, ct i printre animale. 9. Cele
mai bune urri de Crciun i un An Nou fericit! 10.
Proiectantului i s-a furat grtarul (rabatabil) sptmna
Key: 1. Even though the glovers tried hard gloatingly,
they didnt succeed. 2. Know thyself. 3. This will be the
attic where the slaughterman lived. 4. Wont the plump
announcer behind the hangings come in? 5. Raise the tip
of the tongue. 6. Zip up your mouth, Alec! 7. The dozy
femcee is most regretful. 8. Divided between the Roman
Catholic faith and the Orthodox one, the people were
united by their extreme superstition and countless
diseases which played havoc among both human beings
and animals. 9. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year! 10. The draftsman had his dumping bar
stolen last week.

Set 10

1. Cred c l-am zrit pe misoginul ru intenionat/iret

acum cteva minute pe cnd ncerca s traverseze
ulia/ulicioara/ strdua/stradela. 2. Atmosfera era
extraordinar de pur n noaptea aceea. 3. Telefoneazmi cnd se va termina filmul. 4. Sulful arde cu o flacr
albastr. 5. Drcitorul s-a tiat (de pe foaie) cu un pix.
6. Se stric vremea. 7. Paznicul cu picioare scurte o
urmrea cu privirea pe vduv; i se prea c a surprins
n ochii ei frumoi o expresie de tristee; l tulbura. 8. Se
zice c exportatorul mut din natere ar fi luat-o de mn
pe portreas. 9. Instructorii militari i-au ales numai pe
cei mai buni. 10. Chelneria mnnc puin i pe alese,
dar cu poft. Are senzualitatea fin.
Key: 1. I think I noticed the mischievous misogynist a
couple of minutes ago as/while he was trying to cross
the alley. 2. The atmosphere was extraordinarily pure
that night. 3. Ring me up when the movie ends. 4.
Sulphur burns with a blue flame. 5. The hackler xd
himself out with a biro. 6. The fine weather is breaking.
7. The duck-legged wardsman was watching the
viduage; it seemed to him that there was some sad
expression in her beautiful eyes; he was moved. 8. The
dumb-born shipper is said to have taken the janitress by
the hand. 9. The drillers chose none, but the best. 10.
The nippy eats little and selectively, yet with a sound
appetite. She is endowed with refined sensuality.

Set 11
1. Eu i cerarul am fcut o plimbare. 2. Dar tcerea care
se lsase n salon l-a fcut pe pungaul iute de picior s
se opreasc la timp. 3. A dori s m nscriu (la
bibliotec). 4. Va trebui s m ntorc i s cercetez
aceasta. 5. Mi-amintesc reacia unui cercettor mai n

vrst pe care l admiram foarte mult, i a crui prere

avea o mare nsemntate pentru mine. 6. Nu am bani. 7.
Cnd a dat s mearg spre ua de la intrare, borfaul
abia i-a putut nbui un strigt: treptele nu mai erau,
nici gardul viu de pe margini. 8. Calomnia este ca
motenitorul: de ndat ce s-a ncuibat ntr-un loc,
rmne acolo pentru totdeauna. 9. Nu tiu cum poate
tri croitoreasa capricioas doar cu fructe. 10. Papa a
iertat (de pcate) pe toi cei prezeni.
Key: 1. Myself and the wax candler took a walk. 2. But
the silence in the sitting room made the fiery-footed
knave stop in time. 3. I should like to become a
subscriber. 4. Ill have to go back and inquire about that.
5. I remember the reaction of one senior investigator
whom I admired very much and whose opinion meant a
great deal to me. 6. Im short of money. 7. When the
cozener made for the front door, he could barely stifle a
cry: the stairs had disappeared, as had the hedge
bordering them. 8. Slander lives upon succession, /For
ever housed where it gets possession.(W.S.) 9. I dont
know how the fitty dressmaker can live only on fruit. 10.
The Pope granted absolution (from sin) to all those

Set 12
1. Este rndul frnghierului bine fcut (s joace). 2.
Termita/ Furnica alb nu l-a vzut pe eretele de stuf de
sptmna trecut. 3. Cu ce ai scris tema? 4. Vrul tu
era un elev mai bun dect eti tu. 5. Proprietreasa va
da s i se calce rochia ifonat. 6. Juristului mbujorat i-a
rmas osul n gt. 7. Toi, nu numai croitorul, s-au
hotrt s plece n excursie. 8. n The Pickwick Papers
l gsim pe Dickens, umoristul pur, savurndu-i
capacitatea de a crea personaj dup personaj, o lume

ntreag de astfel de personaje, bucurndu-se totodat

de limba pe care le face s o vorbeasc, o limb att de
fertil i de exuberant din punctul de vedere al
inveniei comice, nct calitatea ei liric o apropie de
poezie. 9. Acest indicator arat c exist o
ncruciare/jonciune de drumuri n acest loc. 10. O or
dimineaa valoreaz ct dou seara.
Key: 1. Its the fine-shaped rope maker/rope spinners
move. 2. The duck ant has not seen the duck hawk since
last week. 3. With what did you write your homework? 4.
Your cousin was a better pupil than you are. 5. The
landlady will have her tousled dress pressed. 6. The
bone stuck in the flushed jurists throat. 7. All besides
the renovator decided to go on a trip. 8. In The Pickwick
Papers we find Dickens, the pure humourist, relishing
his capacity of creating character after character, a
whole world of such characters, savouring, at the same
time, the language he had them speak, so fertile and
exuberant, as far as comic invention is concerned, that
its lyrical quality brings its close to poetry. 9. This sign
shows that there is a road junction at this place. 10. An
hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
Set 13
bard/poet/menestrel/flecar. 2. Asta nu face dect s
nruteasc teribil lucrurile/situaia. 3. Dintre cei trei
frai, argatul/steanul/locatarul vilei avea cei mai muli
bani. 4. ine-te pe picioare. /Pstreaz-i echilibrul. 5.
Vezi s nu conin nimic de care te poi lipsi. 6. S te ia
naiba/ dracu ! 7. O persoan sub treizeci de ani care nu
este revoluionar, dei cunoate ordinea social
existent, este un om inferior. 8. Funcionarul zpcit nu

a spus nici un singur cuvnt. 9. n restaurant erau o

mulime de cavaleri, probabil funcionari ai urbei, care
fceau spirit, toi, cu atta emulaie, de parc ar fi
concurat la un premiu. 10. La lumina felinarului de peste
drum de poarta ei, romanicierul a vzut-o.
Key: 1. The news affected the mouthy scop. 2. That only
sorely makes things worse. 3. Of the three brothers, the
cottager had most money. 4. Keep your feet. 5. See that
it contains nothing you can possibly do without. 6. Devil
take you! 7. Any person under the age of thirty, who,
having any knowledge of the existing social order, is not
a revolutionist, is an inferior.(G.B.S.) 8. The flurried
official said not a single word. 9. The restaurant was full
of young men, probably working as clerks in the town,
who were cracking jokes with such zest as if they had
been competing for a prize. 10. In the light of the street
lamp across the road from her gate, the novelist could
see her.

Set 14
1. Controlorul bun de gur fu curnd naintat n funcia
de director. 2. Cuttorul de aur nu a putut/n-ar putea
ajunge la timp. 3. Gimnasta nu i-a acceptat gestionarului
ghebos cererea n cstorie. 4. mi doresc s vii. 5.
Ferestru-i bun la tmplrie, dar n-are ce cuta la
brbierie. 6. La ce exceleaz botanistul/ specialistul n
ierburi stngaci/nendemnatic/greoi? 7. Cine cheltuiete
mult anevoie mprumut pe altul. 8. Turistul observ o
(oarecare) schimbare la negustorul de pete. 9. Pustiul
btrnilor nu vine din spaima de moarte, ci din uimirea
c au putut tri att. 10. Mi-a dat-o ca o amintire? Mi-a
dat-o ca un zlog?

Key: 1. The mouthy verifier soon advanced to the

position of manager. 2. The Forty-niner couldnt arrive in
time. 3. The gymnast did not accept the humpbacked
administrators hand in marriage. 4. I wish you came. 5.
A handsaw is a good thing, but not to shave with. 6.
What does the heavy-handed herbalist excel in? 7. Great
spenders are bad lenders. 8. The hosteler sees some
change in the costermonger. 9. The solitude of the aged
doesnt arise from their fear of death, but from their
astonishment that they could live so long. 10. Did she
give it to me as a keepsake? Or did she give it to me like
a pledge?

Set 15
1. Nababul iute la mnie/capricios s-a exprimat energic
referitor la aceast problem. 2. Aici locuia croitorul
(care repar i ntoarce haine) cnd era copil. 3. El este
cel mai bun din clas. 4. Cresctorul de vite atepta de
la duhovnic s-i fac datoria. 5. Dac ai vedea/n cazul
c, ntmpltor, ai vedea expoziia industrial, i-ai alege
ceva folositor pentru casa ta. 6. mi cer scuze pentru
ntrziere i apreciez foarte mult ajutorul pe care mi l-ai
acordat. 7. Minerul asculta cu sursul amabil care
mascheaz indiferena, n vreme ce nelinitea i rodea
inima ca un vierme flmnd. 8. Regret c te-am fcut s
m atepi. 9. Consiliul local a fcut apel la populaie
pentru a cura strzile de zpad. 10. Eram sus de tot,
aproape de poian. Prul se auzea undeva, n fund.
Key: 1. The peppery/capricious nabob expressed himself
strongly on the subject. 2. Thats where the renovator
used to live when he was a boy. 3. He is the best of his
form. 4. The cowkeeper expected the father confessor
should do his duty. 5. Should you see/If you should see

that industrial show, you would choose something useful

for your house. 6. I apologize for the delay and very
much appreciate your helpful attitude. 7. The pickman
was listening with the amiable smile which conceals
indifference, while anxiety was growing at his heart like
a hungry worm. 8. Sorry to have kept you waiting. 9. The
town council issued a call to the populace for clearing
the streets from/of snow. 10. We were very high up, near
the clearing. We could hear the stream somewhere at
the bottom.

Set 16
1. Lucrtoarea d dovad de mult gust n mbrcminte.
2. Putei s-i schimbai zugravului (o bancnot de) cinci
lire? 3. Se vede c cicatricea a fost o ran grav mai
demult. 4. Avei ceva supus taxelor vamale? 5.
Specialitii bncii n-au putut dovedi c iganca
(spaniol) furase banii, ns un detectiv particular a
prins-o pn la urm n flagrant delict. 6. Infirmierul se
ducea acolo destul de des. 7. Cresctorul de iepuri de
cas acoperi restul figurii cu latul palmei. ntr-adevr,
din gravur l priveau acum ochii surztori ai
dansatoarei. 8. Sublocotenentului i place s rspund
pe loc la telefon. 9. Strnsul recoltei se apropia. 10. Cnd
i de ce, dac nu v cer prea mult, ai nceput s fumai?
Key: 1. The worker shows taste in her dress. 2. Can you
accommodate the decorator with change for a 5 note?
3. That scar must have been a bad injury a while ago. 4.
Have you got anything liable to duty? 5. The bank
examiners couldnt prove that the gitana had stolen the
money, but a private detective finally caught her in the
act. 6. The male nurse used to go there fairly often. 7.
The rabbit farmer covered the rest of the figure with his
palm. Indeed, the smiling eyes of the dancer were

staring at him from the engraving. 8. The second

lieutenant likes to presently answer the telephone. 9.
The harvesting was drawing near. 10. When and why, if
thats not asking too much, did you begin to smoke?

Set 17
1. Profesorul de muzic a vzut urmele unei/unui
pantere/ leopard/pume/cangur/jaguar pe nisip. 2.
Norvegianca are o fire blnd. 3. Hunedoara
alimenteaz industria noastr cu oel. 4. Ajutorul de
bibliotecar e pictor amator. 5. epcarul a pronunat
greit vreun cuvnt? 6. Dup grai se cunoate c eti
chinez. 7. Muzica n general m face s m gndesc
prea intens la ceea ce lucrez n loc s-mi fac plcere. 8.
Se fac probele. 9. Este ngrozitor de frig afar. 10.
Tapierul citete de ieri romanul, dar nc nu l-a
Key: 1. The singing master saw the tracks of a panther in
the sand. 2. The Norwegian woman has a sweet temper.
3. Hunedoara is supplying our industry with steel. 4. The
sub- librarian is an amateur of painting. 5. Has the hatter
mispronounced any word? 6. I can tell from your speech
that you are a Chinese. 7. Music generally sets me
thinking too energetically on what I have been at work
on, instead of giving me pleasure. 8. The testes are
being done. 9. Its beastly/bitterly cold out. 10. The
paper hanger has been reading the novel since
yesterday, but he has not finished it yet.

Set 18
1. Multe mii de oameni au asistat la accident. 2. Dar
astzi, fiind ocupat n alt parte, nu reuise s ajung la

Chase Farm dect dup-amiaz trziu. 3. Acest dr. Jones

e un om drgu. 4. O barac este n curs de a se
construi. 5. Excursionistul plin de couri nici nu se
nsntoise bine, cnd s-a mbolnvit de altceva. 6. A
dori s tiu. 7. Dup toate probabilitile/semnele va
ploua. 8. Totul era aranjat/rnduit dinainte. 9. Merg pe
strada aceasta sau pe cealalt? 10. Escrocul i spuse c
dup ce psrile i obolanii de ap aveau s curee
oasele de carne, i va rmne destul timp ca s duc
scheletele curate i uscate pe insul i s le ngroape
cum se cuvine.
Key: 1. Many thousands witnessed the accident. 2. But
to-day having been occupied elsewhere, he had not
been able to arrive at the Chase Farm till late in the
afternoon.(G.E.) 3. That Dr. Jones is a nice fellow. 4. A
barrack is being built. 5. Scarcely had the
pimply/pimpled excursionist recovered, when he got
another illness. 6. I wish I knew. 7. There is every
appearance of (its going to) rain. 8. Everything was
arranged beforehand. 9. Do I take this street or that? 10.
The humbugger told himself that when the birds and the
water rats had picked the bones clean of all the flesh,
there would still be plenty of time left for him to take the
clean, dry skeletons onto the island and bury them

Set 19
1. Dac ar fi tiut, birjarul de noapte ar fi mngiat cu
arttorul obrazul croitoresei. 2. Modul n care s-a purtat
mscriciul ridic un semn de ntrebare asupra onestitii
sale. 3. Gazetraul scotoci n buzunarele tunicii, cutnd
briceagul cu mica ghilotin de oel pentru tiat vrful
igrii. Nu l afl. 4. Ispete cineva vreodat o crim ca
asta? 5. Cele dou vase de rzboi au intrat n lupt mult

mai trziu. 6. Fabricantul de clei a pierdut 50 de dolari n

Las Vegas la jocuri mecanice. 7. n harababura creat de
rzboi i de ocupaie, cu transferuri permanente de
populaie, prinii au pierdut legtura cu omul care-l
dusese pe copil n sat. 8. Cresctorii de vite sprgeau
baloane n parc. 9. Nu vreau s-mi asum vina pentru ceva
ce n-am fcut. 10. Felul lui sumar cu femeile, brutalitatea
cuvintelor fr ocol, i adusese pn acum succese
numeroase n lumea fetelor de magazin, i-i fcuser
reputaia de cuceritor.
Key: 1. If he had known, the night hawk would have
stroked the dressmakers cheek with his forefinger. 2. The
way the pantaloon behaved calls his honesty in question.
3. The inkster rummaged in the pockets of his tunic,
looking for the knife with the little steel cigar cutter. He
did not find it. 4. Does anyone ever atone for a crime like
that? 5. The two warships went into action much later. 6.
The glue boiler lost 50 dollars in Las Vegas to a one-armed
bandit. 7. In the havoc caused by the war and by
occupation, with permanent shifts of population, the
parents lost touch with the man who had taken the child
to the village. 8. The graziers were popping balloons in the
park. 9. I dont want to take the blame for something I
havent done. 10. His brief way with women, the brutality
of the words straight to the point had brought him until
now many victories in the world of shop girls and had
made his reputation as a lady-killer.

Set 20
1. Vezi (ceva) mai bine de acolo? 2. La ce a privit
meditativ balerina gtit, ct vreme piciul/prichindelul
lene a fost n ora? 3. Cu ce scop face aceasta
vagabondul obosit de drum? 4. Furnizorul de alimente

poate s-o vad de unde este. 5. Nu mai suflai! 6.

Grnicerul e un om ferm i totui bun. 7. Ia ct vrei. 8.
Ai veni, dac ai gsi bilete? 9. Trecnd prin faa casei am
vzut lumin la fereastra dumneavoastr, spuse
bufonul. 10. Ducesa slobozi un ipt, creznd c e stafia
logodnicului ei, Peter.
Key: 1. Can you see any better from there? 2. What has
the dapper danseuse been gazing at while the dawdling
dapperling was out? 3. For what purpose is the waybeaten waygoer doing that? 4. The victualler can see it
from where he is. 5. Dont prompt! 6. The frontier guard
is firm, yet kind. 7. Take as much as you like. 8. Would
you come, if you found tickets? 9. I saw a light in your
window as I was passing by, said the jester. 10.The
duchess gave out a cry, thinking it was her fianc
Peters ghost.

Set 21
1. fnosul/Morocnosul/Argosul trebuie s fie undeva
prin nchisoare/birt. 2. Violoncelistul este foarte tnr
pentru anii si. 3. Fabricantul/Exportatorul (de produse
dungat/vrgat/trcat/pestri pe gater. 4. Dup ce va
spla castroanele, vnztoarea de pete va face o
prjitur bun. 5. Trebuie s nelegem c avei aceeai
admiraie pentru grnicer? 6. Se pare c ai avea
dreptate. 7. nelegerea se dezvolt din mozaicul unor
astfel de rspunsuri. 8. Omlet, plcint de mere i o
ceac de cafea merg la micul dejun. 9. Uliul s-a aruncat
asupra mielului. 10. Depirea vitezei este caracteristic
adolescenilor, care doresc s demonstreze c sunt buni
conductori auto.

Key: 1. The crab must be somewhere around the

rogue/public house. 2. The cellist is very young for his
years. 3. The packer spread the freaked cloth on the
frame saw. 4. After the fish fag has washed the
tureens/bowls, she will make a good cake. 5. Are we to
take it that you have an equal admiration for the frontier
guard? 6. It looks as though you were right. 7.
Understanding grows out of a mosaic of such answers. 8.
Adam and Eve wrecked, apple pie and a cup of coffee
will do for a breakfast. 9. The eagle swooped down upon
the lamb. 10. Exceeding the speed limit is characteristic
of the teenagers, who want to demonstrate that they
are good drivers.

Set 22
1. Anul trecut, aurarul a stat n acest han timp de trei
sptmni, dar apoi a trebuit s se mute n altul. 2.
Turitii l-au pus pe bolnav n stare de arest. 3. apte fr
patru fac(e) trei. 4. Hipnotismul nu este o nevroz
provocat artificial, de ntlnit numai la isterici i la
oameni foarte impresionabili, slabi de minte i
dezechilibrai. 5. Devenea tot mai egoist pe msur ce
popice/scri- ma? 7. Pentru o clip cronicarul se tulbur,
punnd totul pe seama strii de surescitare n care se
afla. 8. De cinci sptmni i tot cer s-mi dea cartea
napoi. 9. Cmtarul are o nclinaie fireasc pentru
povestit. 10. Ddaca suia din greu, cu pieptul tot att de
smcinat ca i uvoiul de alturi, ajutndu-i pe poliiti,
i ferind pe copilul de suflet, din poal, ca s nu-l
izbeasc de pietre ori de crengi.

Key: 1. Last year the gold beater stayed in this road

house/inn for three weeks, but then he had to move to
another one. 2. The excursionists placed the shut-in
under arrest. 3. Seven minus four makes/is three. 4.
Hypnotism is not an artificially induced neurosis only to
be encountered in hysteria, in hypersensitive, weakminded and ill balanced people. 5. He became more
selfish as he grew older. 6. Are you interested in
angling/motor-racing/ mountain-climbing/gliding/horseracing/shooting/bowling/ fencing? 7. The columnist was
upset for a moment and blamed everything on his
excitability/nervousness. 8. I have been asking him to
give my book back these five weeks. 9. The pawnbroker
has a natural bent for telling stories. 10. The nurse maid
plodded on, her heart as tortured as the torrent by her
side, helping the peace officers, and gathering her skirt
around the nurse child, lest she should knock him
against boulders or branches.

Set 23
1. Menine-o pe direcie ct poi. 2. Telefonul era
ntrerupt i era imposibil ca tatl adoptiv s ia legtura
cu cineva. Gondolierul a promis c va veni i/dar nu a
venit. 4. S-ar putea s avem furtuni pe mare. 5. Butura
naional este uica, un rachiu de prune care nveselete
nceputul multor mese. 6. Deci, v spuneam c, intrnd
ntr-o diminea n salon, traficantul de stupefiante
arunc fiecruia, chiar i celui mai umil, care era
grnicerul, cte o frntur de surs. 7. Probabil c
fabricantul/vnztorul de ulei ciung a auzit-o asear pe
custoreas spunnd c are de gnd s scoat
saltelele/pernele la soare. 8. Mama nu-l poate astmpra
pe Joe, e plin de vigoare/e foarte vioi. 9. Braul Adelei
sttea prietenos sub al meu, ncredinat parc mie.
Simea i ea poate, ca i mine, nevoia de a ne ntovri

n faa singurtii infinite. 10. Judectorul a respins

aciunea din lips de probe.
Key: 1. Keep her at it as long as you can. 2. The phone
was cut off and it was impossible for the foster father to
get in touch with anyone. 3. The gondolier promised to
come, and he didnt. 4. There may be gales over the
sea. 5. The national drink is uica, a plum brandy which
enlivens the beginning of many a meal. 6. So, I was
telling you that, one morning, entering the living-room,
the dope peddler offered a bit of his smile to everybody,
even to the humblest one, I mean the frontier guard. 7.
The one-handed oiler must have heard the seamstress
say last night that she meant/was going to put the
mattresses/pillows out to sun. 8. Mother can hardly keep
Joe quiet, he is full of beans. 9. Adelas arm was
amicably resting under mine, as if entrusted to me.
Perhaps she too, like myself, felt the need for
companionship before that infinite loneliness. 10. The
judge dismissed the case due to insufficient evidence.

Set 24
1. S-ar construi o grdini de copii/un pension. 2.
Hotelul are toate dotrile moderne. 3. Voi lua pete gtit
la abur, tocan de pasre, conopid gratinat, sos de
hrean, cltite cu fructe, colunai cu brnz, rom i bere
neagr. 4. Merg ntr-acolo. 5. Roxana se crede buricul
pmntului, ntruct i nva temele pe dinafar. 6.
Lptarii i-au ndeprtat dumanii. 7. Ce l supr pe
litograf n cel mai nalt grad? 8. Bogtanul s-a grbit ca
s prind trenul. 9. Nu vzusem niciodat un crd de
gte att de mare, aa c v putei nchipui ct de
ngrijorat i de surprins am fost n prima zi, cnd, dei mi
se spusese s in gtele laolalt, mi-am dat seama c
mi-e imposibil s-o fac, ntruct iazurile, dei separate de

trestie i papur, comunicau ntre ele. 10. Pred fizica de

douzeci de ani, dar nu a avut niciodat un elev att de
Key: 1. A(n) infant/boarding school would be being built.
2. The hotel has every modern comfort/all modern
comforts. 3. Ill have steamed fish, braised/stewed
chicken, cauliflower au gratin, horse-radish sauce, fruitfilled pancakes, curd dumplings, rum and porter. 4. Im
on my way there. 5. Roxana thinks she is the bees
knees because she always learns her homework by
heart. 6. The milkmen pushed their enemies (to go)
away. 7. What is annoying the lithographer most? 8. The
gold bug hurried so that he might catch the train. 9. I
had never seen such a large flock of geese before, so
you can imagine how worried and surprised I was the
first day, when, though I had been told to keep the
geese together, I realized it was impossible to do so,
because the ponds communicated/were linked together,
though separated by reeds and rushes. 10. She has been
teaching/has taught physics for twenty years, but she
has never had such a brilliant pupil.

Set 25
1. Sondorul/Braconierul scund i gras/ndesat/bondoc a
cobo- rt/urcat muntele de ghea. 2. Nici n-a deschis
mecanicul ua c ploaia s-a npustit peste el udndu-l
pn la piele. 3. Toate povetile despre persoane
hipnotizate de la distan fr voia i tirea lor sunt
simple absurditi. 4. mi cer mii de scuze, domnule. 5.
Cnd camerista l zrise pe crciumar, traversase drept
spre el, sigur c o va recunoate, cum i ea l
prins/lapte acru. 7. Tu erai tata, iar eu eram mama. 8.

Dac ar vrea, vntorul de iepuri ar fi portarul nostru. 9.

A treia oar cnd ducesa mi-a dat telefon n noaptea
aceea, era ntr-adevr speriat. 10. Pescuitorul de perle
a mers la croitor s-i fac un costum.
Key: 1. The podgy driller/poacher went down/up the
iceberg. 2. Hardly had the repairman opened the door
when the rain dashed on him wetting him to the skin. 3.
All talk about an unwilling and unaware person being
hypnotized at a distance is sheer nonsense. 4. I do
apologize, sir. 5. When the fille de chambre saw the
victualler, she crossed the street straight towards him,
sure that he would recognize her, just as she had
yoghurt/margarine/ Greek cheese/sour cream/skim
milk/sour milk. 7. You will be Father, and I will be Mother.
8. If the rabbiter would like, he would be our goal-keeper.
9. The third time when the duchess gave me a call that
night she was really scared. 10. The pearl fisher went to
the tailors to have/get a suit made.

Set 26
1. Dei btuul/palavragiul tocmai citise extraordinarul
roman, nu putea s-i aminteasc numele personajelor.
2. Iguana este un soi de oprl. 3. Dac seniorii ar fi
stat mpreun un minut mai mult, poate s-ar fi neles
mai puin. 4. Antreprenorul e conservator din fire i
prefer s urmeze calea bttorit. 5. Uite-i c vin! 6.
Editorialistul a cumprat o mulime de maci cu prilejul
zilei ei de natere. 7. Muncitorul necalificat le-a acceptat
prostete toate sugestiile. 8. Au atacat poziiile
inamicului. 9. Am citit memoriile unor oameni care au
stat n lagre de concentrare, care au suferit tot ce o
fiin omeneasc poate suferi, care n-a murit printr-o

ntmplare, printr-un noroc, sau, cine tie, printr-o

ncpnare, i totui n povestirea lor se descifra nu
numai izbnd, ci parc umilina de a fi ieit la liman.
(A.B.) 10. Ce graios mnnc o femeie cnd e
Key: 1. Though the fire eater had just read the
flambustious novel, he couldnt remember the names of
the characters. 2. An iguana is a sort of lizard. 3. Had the
feoffors talked a minute longer, they would have
probably understood each other less. 4. The mortician is
conservative and prefers the beaten track. 5. There they
come! 6. The paragraphist has bought a good many
poppies for her birthday. 7. The hunky blindly accepted
all their suggestions. 8. They made an assault (up)on the
enemys positions. 9. I have read the memoirs of several
people who were in concentration camps, who suffered
everything a human being can suffer, who by chance, by
luck, or, who knows, by being stubborn didnt die, and
still, in their stories one can make out not only their
victory, but also the humility of having succeeded. 10.
How gracefully a graceful woman eats!

Set 27
1. Toi au venit la timp, afar de infanteristul/pifanul
necopt la minte. 2. Aceste dou planuri nu se exclud
neaprat. 3. Aud clopotul de la poart clincind. 4. Au
venit rufele de la splat? 5. S vin s te iau n jur de opt
i jumtate? 6. Toi doctorii s-au devotat trup i suflet
pregtirilor transplantului de inim. 7. Privete! Iar
plou! i a plouat i azi diminea. 8. Cnd soarta mi
surde, zmbesc la gndul/c n curnd se va-ncrunta.
9. Chelneria face curenie n camere de cinci ore i uite
nc mai e mult de fcut. 10. Cele dou navete unite au

fost direcionate nspre Jupiter. Ele s-au separat pe drum

i, n urma ndeplinirii misiunii, au fost rempinse nspre
Pmnt de imensa for a cmpului gravitaional al
planetei Jupiter.
Key: 1. All came in time but the dough-baked dough boy.
2. These two plans are not necessarily alternative. 3. I
can hear the gate bell tinkle/tinkling. 4. Has the wash
come back yet? 5. Shall I come round and pick you up at
about half past eight? 6. All the doctors entered heart
and soul into the arrangements for the heart transplant.
7. Look! Its raining again! It rained this morning, too. 8.
When Fortune smiles, I smile to think/How quickly she
will frown.(R.S.) 9. The nippy has been doing the rooms
for five hours and, look, theres still plenty of work to be
done. 10. The two united shuttles were directed towards
Jupiter. They separated on their way and, after
accomplishing their mission, they were pushed back
towards the Earth by the immense force of the
gravitational field of the planet Jupiter.

Set 28
1. Vreau s dau un telefon le Bucureti, la hotelul
Intercontinental. Pot forma numrul direct? 2. Situaia
financiar a zarzavagiului nu va avea de suferit prea
tare din cauza crizei de energie. i-a vrt coada n mai
multe afaceri. 3. Ar fi ceva neateptat ca echipa
norvegianului s piard meciul. 4. Subinspectorul a
intenionat s repare sigurana. 5. Ofierul-amiral a
reuit s ajung n vrf. 6. Pislogul a ucis-o pe
dactilograf dintr-o lovitur. 7. Ceri vreodat scorioar
cnd i se termin? 8. Amanetatorului i s-a refuzat
accesul n aceast cldire. 9. Am fcut mai bine c am
rmas aici, c n-am primit s m duc la el acas. Cine
tie, a fi fost prea aproape acolo, prea mult deodat.

10. Viziunile celei dinti nopi le ucisesem. Nu voiam s

redevin cretin.
Key: 1. I want to place a call to Bucharest,
Intercontinental Hotel. Can I dial direct? 2. The
greengrocers finances wont be hurt much by the
energy crisis. He has a finger in every pie. 3. It would be
unexpected for the Norwegians team to lose the match.
4. The sub-inspector meant to have mended the fuse. 5.
The flag officer succeeded in reaching the top. 6. The
waylayer struck the typist dead. 7. Do you ever ask for
cinnamon when you run out of it? 8. The pawnee was
denied admission into this building. 9. I did well to stay
here, not to accept to call on him. Who knows, I might
have been too close there, it could have been too much
all of a sudden. 10. I had killed the visions of the first
night. I would not turn Christian again.

Set 29
1. Judectorul a fcut praf povestea tapierului. 2. De ce
negustorul ambulant va lega eava aceea de chiuvet,
dac tot curge? 3. Gondolierul obraznic a terminat (de
mncat) budinca/plcinta. 4. Miresei i vine soarele-n
ochi. 5. Subofierilor li s-au artat mai multe cazuri de
diferite boli infecioase n stadii incipiente. 6. Vntul
scade n intensitate. 7. Peruchierul este foarte rguit. 8.
Nu ncerca s cumperi un crucior vechi, ai toate
ansele s i frigi degetele. 9. Ducesa ar fi putut veni.
10. A vrea s nu-i fi promis c voi preda manuscrisul
pn la sfritul lunii.
Key: 1. The judge knocked the paper hangers story into
a cocked hat. 2. Why will the gutter man link that pipe to
the sink/wash basin if it leaks? 3. The perky gondolier

has finished up the pudding/patty. 4. There is sun in the

brides eyes. 5. The petty officers were shown several
instances of the earlier stages of various infectious
diseases. 6. The wind is falling. 7. The peruke makers
voice is awfully hoarse. 8. Dont try to buy an old pram,
you are likely to burn your fingers. 9. The duchess could
have come. 10. I wish I hadnt promised him I would
hand the manuscript in by the end of the month.

Set 30
1. Ei bine, fiindc mi-ai salvat vidra de la nec, bate
palma, sunt foarte bucuros s te cunosc. 2. Cel ce
vorbea, directorul colii i al treilea adult prezent s-au
dat cu toii napoi i au examinat din priviri planul
nclinat al vaselor umane aranjate n ordine ici i colo,
gata s primeasc fapte turnate cu gleata pn ce
ajungeau pline ochi. 3. N-am nici timpul, nici rbdarea s
ascult povestirile toxicomanului. 4. Nu acord importan
acelei poveti. 5. D-mi, te rog, patru furci. Ba nu, nc
pe-attea. 6. Totdeauna trebuie s-mi critice el prietenii.
7. L-am ntrebat pe pislog unde locuiete primarul. 8.
Guvernul a stabilit un plafon al salariilor i preurilor. 9.
Partea din sus era aternut cu umbra pdurii, care o
domin, enorm i neagr. 10. Niciodat cuvntul
nger nu s-a potrivit unei trectoare apariii umane ca
acestei fiine ntr-adevr angelice.
Key: 1. So you saved my otter from drowning, well, put it
there, Im very glad to meet you. 2. The speaker, and
the schoolmaster, and the third grown person present,
all backed a little, and examined with their eyes the
inclined plane of little vessels then and there arranged
in order, ready to have gallons of facts poured into them
until they were full to the brim.(C.D.) 3. I have neither
the time nor the patience to listen to the dope fiends

stories. 4. I dont make much of that story. 5. Give me

four forks, please. Oh no, as many more. 6. He is always
criticizing my friends. 7. I asked the pestle where the
mayor lived. 8. The government has placed a cap on
wages and prices. 9. Its upper part was laid with the
shade of the forest, which dominates it, enormous and
black. 10. Never has the word angel fit a transitory
human apparition better than this truly angelic beauty.

Set 31
1. Plutaul/Podarul glgios le lipsete ngrozitor telalilor.
2. Locotenentul rdea ca i cum ar fi auzit un banc
bun/vechi/ prost. 3. Lptreasa gsea c e greu s caute
singur o slujb din care s ctige un ban cinstit i ar fi
preferat ca pivnicerul s spun ce gndete. 4. Jocul s-a
anulat din cauza furtunii. 5. Ai vzut deja o mare parte
a Tunadului? 6. Nu dac a putea-o face, ci dac trebuia
s o fac. 7. Garsonierele sunt complet echipate cu baie
proprie, chicinet i teras cu vedere spre mare. 8. Nu
are rost s-i faci reprouri din cauza accidentului. 9.
Precis c instructorul militar cnt la muzicu, dac
fazanii au nceput deja s danseze n jurul lui. 10. Statul
la coad pentru alimente sau la autobuzele aglomerate
este ceva normal n rile srace.
Key: 1. The rag-and-bone-men miss the raffish rafter
terribly. 2. The lieutenant was laughing as if he had
heard a good anecdote/stale joke/flat joke. 3. The dairy
maid found it difficult to look for a job to turn an honest
penny all by herself and she would rather the wine
cooper had spoken up his mind. 4. The storm rained out
the game. 5. Have you seen much of Tunad yet? 6. Not
whether I could do it but whether I should. 7. The
apartments are fully equipped with private bathroom,

kitchenette and terrace overlooking the sea. 8. Its

useless to blame yourself for the accident. 9. The driller
must be playing his harmonica if the pheasants have
already started dancing around him. 10. Queuing for
food or for crowded buses is something normal in the
poor countries.

Set 32
1. Crainicul face toate pregtirile pentru nmormntare.
2. Vezi-i de treab! 3. La umr arm! 4. Stencele au
solicitat s-l vad pe scamator. 5. Nimic nu-i putea
mpiedica s-l jeleasc pe Cezar ca s arate c totui l
iubiser cndva, i nu fr motiv. 6. Ieri la ora dou,
pugilistului i se fcea radiografia. 7. Prin nsi natura
geniului su, Shakespeare trebuia s se identifice cu
publicul; fr certitudinea existenei unui public aflat n
relaie intim cu el, n-ar fi reuit s dea tot ce avea mai
bun. 8. Am citit multe tratate despre vechimea
Pmntului i originea speciilor i compar, cu
melancolie, scurta durat a indivizilor cu lunga durat a
speciilor. 9. Dinozaurii au disprut de mult. 10. Ud
buretele, te rog!
Key: 1. The announcer is making all the arrangements
for the funeral. 2. Mind your own affairs! 3. Shoulder
arms! 4. The village women required that they should
see the juggler. 5. Nothing could withhold them from
mourning for Caesar so as to prove that they had loved
him once and not without a cause. 6. The fisticuffer was
being X-rayed at two oclock yesterday. 7. By the very
nature of his genius, Shakespeare had to identify himself
with his public; without the certainty of the existence of

an audience closely related to him, he wouldnt have

managed to work at his best. 8. Ive read plenty of
treatises about the age of the Earth, and the origin of
the species and I can draw, melancholically, a
comparison between the short life of the individuals and
the long one of the species. 9. The dinosaurs have long
been extinct. 10. Wet the sponge, please!

Set 33
1. Aceast regul se aplic tuturor. 2. Partea interioar a
automobilului pe trei roi nu este tot att de frumoas ca
cea exterioar. 3. A dori nite material din acela cu care
se fixeaz geamul n fereastr. 4. Incendiul s-a extins n
cldirea nelocuit. 5. Este un caz grav, trebuie s fii
spitalizat. Dezbrcai-v pn la bru, v rog. 6. ntr-o zi
am primit o scrisoare de la tatl meu vitreg. Scria c va
sosi aici joia viitoare. 7. ncntat de succes, tapierul ar fi
vrut s duc gluma mai departe: cunotea vastul
repertoriu de specialitate al dansatorului pe srm i nu
se ndura s renune la el. 8. Dac i doreti aceast
carte, a ta rmne. 9. Putei s-mi dai bilete la un tren
de diminea devreme spre Cluj? 10. Cine-i preia apelul?
Key: 1. This rule applies to all. 2. The inner part of the
three-wheeler is not so beautiful as the outer one. 3. I
want some of that stuff for fixing glass in a window. 4.
The fire raged through the unoccupied building. 5. Its a
severe case, you must be hospitalized. Strip to the
waist, please. 6. One day I got a letter from my step
father. It said he would arrive here next Thursday. 7.
Delighted at his success, the paper hanger wished he
could carry on with his joke: he knew the rope dancers
special act and he just couldnt give it up. 8. If you want
this book, it is yours for the asking/taking. 9. Could you

give me tickets for an early morning train to Cluj? 10.

Who will take her call?

Set 34
1. Regina mam a tiut asta (de la nceput). 2. Peste
cinsprezece mii de oameni au mers la demonstraie. 3.
Aparenele neal. 4. Sunt ud pn la piele/leoarc. 5.
Orict de mult cost aceste dopuri, trebuie s le
cumprai pe toate. 6. Acum, violoncelistul, ntrziind
asupra foii de hrtie, impresionat poate de primele cinci
cuvinte din telegram i nendrznind s adauge nimic
pn nu va nelege pe deplin tlcul i puterea lor, se
descoperi deosebit de emoionat la amintirea acelei zile
din hambarul de pe strada Teiului i nelese c
dragostea lui amenina s devin, aici, n New York, unul
din motivele pentru care viaa lui zilnic ar putea ajunge
de nesuportat. 7. Peisajul este minunat. 8. Poi mnca
mere dup pofta inimii. 9. Fata de 16 ani cu prul galben
i ochii negri avea n figur ceva de copil i de floare. 10.
Case, maghernie, de unde rsriser toate acestea?
Key: 1. The queen mother knew it all along. 2. Over
fifteen thousand people went to the demonstration. 3.
deceptive/deceitful. 4. Im wet/soaked to the skin. 5.
However much these dossils may cost, you should buy
all of them. 6. Now, the cellist, lingering above the sheet
of paper, probably impressed by the first five words of
the telegram and not daring to add anything before he
fully understood their significance and their might, found
that he was deeply stirred by the memory of the day
spent in the barn in Linden Street and saw that his love
threatened to become, here, in New York, one of the
causes why his daily life might become unbearable. 7.
The landscape is marvellous. 8. You can eat apples to

your hearts content. 9. The sixteen-year-old girl with

golden hear and black eyes had something of a child
and something of a flower in her countenance. 10.
Cottages, hovels, whence had all these arisen?

Set 35
1. Finlandezii aveau cte zece ilingi fiecare. 2. Putiul sar fi jucat, dac nu s-ar fi ntmplat nimic. 3. Triorul
cherchelit era ndrgostit pn peste cap de lptreasa
ndemnatic. 4. Aranjm noi asta imediat. Ei bine , pur
i simplu, aparatul nu este pus n priz Acum, ncearc
nc o dat Asta este! 5. Ua /Maina s-a nepenit. 6.
lenjereasi/custoreasi, te rog. 7. Barca a lovit/izbit o
stnc imens. 8. rile noastre au ajuns la o
nelegere/la un acord. 9. Investigaiile au dovedit c
circuitele electrice, precum i cele telefonice, nu
prezentau defeciuni, dar neplcerile continuau. 10. De
obicei se aplic un impozit pe venit.
Key: 1. The Finns had ten shillings apiece. 2. The kid
would have been playing if nothing had happened. 3.
The buffy diddler fell head over heels in love with the
light-fingered dairy maid. 4. Well set things right
immediately. Well, the set is simply not plugged in. Here
now, try once more Thats it. 5. The door/machine
has stuck. 6. Hand this soppy book over to the
seamstress, will you? 7. The boat struck a huge cliff. 8.
Our countries have reached an accord. 9. The
circuits/network as well as the phone networks were not
out of order but the unpleasant incidents still continued.
10. They usually lay an assessment on income.

Set 36
1. Nimeni n-a fost acolo n afar de infanteristul/pifanul
milos. 2. Acest manual este destinat elevilor de liceu. 3.
Muncitorii l-au pus la treab pe agentul de poliie. 4. E
cineva (de seam)?/ Reprezint (el) o personalitate? 5.
Cnd o s sar potrnichea scoian/cocoul de
pdure/potrnichea alb/cocoul de munte/ ierunca la
scriitoraul neghiob, care a dat n ea/el cu piciorul? 6.
Putei alege dintre malahit/cuar/chihlimbar/coral/jad i
agat. 7. Ai s nchei, dac nu te superi, cu cteva vorbe
chinezeti? 8. Timpul, domnul meu, poart-n spate o
desag./n care pune pomeni pentru uitare. 9. Explicaia
arbitrului nu l-a lmurit deloc pe subinspector.10. De
altfel, aa se explic faptul c btrnii nu sunt purtai n
triumf. 10. De altfel, aa se explic faptul c btrnii nu
sunt purtai n triumf. Atingerea btrneii e ntotdeauna
o nesrbtorit victorie, o victorie pe care sunt geloi nu
numai, de dincolo de mormnt, cei care au disprut, dar
i cei ce tiu c nu au anse s-o ating-n viitor, o victorie
pe care nsui nvingtorul o contempl nencreztor i
Key: 1. There was nobody there besides the doughhearted doughfoot. 2. This handbook is intended for high
school pupils. 3. The wage earners set the catcher to
work. 4. Is he anybody? 5. When will the
red/black/white/wood/hazel grouse jump at the grossheaded grub who kicked it? 6. You can choose from
agate. 7. Will you be concluding with a few Chinese
words? 8. Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back,
/Wherein he puts alms for oblivion. (W.S.) 9. The subinspector is none the wiser for the flagmans
explanation. 10. In fact, thats how we can explain the

fact that old age is always an uncelebrated victory, a

victory of which are jealous not only those beyond the
grave, who disappeared, but also those who know they
have no chance to reach it in the times to come, a
victory which the winner himself contemplates,
unbelieving and embarrassed.

Set 37
1. Institutoarea danseaz cu o graie excepional. 2. n
curnd, potrnichea/alul/bibanul/caracatia/racul are
s fie iari bine. 3. Chelarii se adunar. 4. Locotenentcolonelul le vorbea efilor de catedr ca i cum n-ar fi
tiut care dintre ei este/era vinovatul. 5. Regula aceasta
nu se aplic ntotdeauna. 6. Oriunde ar fi, voleibalistul
vnjos ntotdeauna face bine. 7. Infirmiera cea distrat a
fost copleit de remucri cnd i-a gsit bolnavul
mort. 8. Muncitorii fabricii au fcut grev/au ncetat
lucrul. 9. Eu n-am avut curajul s dau ochii cu ea, multe
zile. Ca s uit, lucram zi i noapte. 10. Ar trebui s
interzicem fumatul.
Key: 1. The mistress dances with exceptional grace. 2.
The partridge/zander/perch/octopus/crawfish will soon
be well again. 3. The pantrymen gathered together. 4.
The lieutenant colonel was speaking to the heads of the
departments as if he hadnt known which of them was
guilty. 5. This rule does not always apply. 6. Wherever
the marrowy volleyball player is, he always does well. 7.
The absent-minded nurse ate her heart out when she
found her patient dead. 8. The men at the factory struck
(work). 9. I dared not face her for many days. I worked
day and night in order to forget. 10. We should put a ban
on smoking.


Set 38
1. I-a fcut grozav de bine potrnichii/prepeliei/ieruncii.
2. Spune-i neaprat/negreit ramolitului farnic/cu dou
fee adevrul! 3. Violoncelistul scrie foarte prost. 4. Vei
accepta s te vad doctorul dac l chem? 5. Este un
adevrat scandal./E un scandal n toat regula. 6. Privit
dinspre mare, stucul ofer o panoram ncnttoare. 7.
Voi lua ardei grai, cartofi gratinai/ la tav, piur de
spanac cu ou, salat de castravei i vin de Xerxes. 8.
Noi facem ntotdeauna ceva pentru Posteritate, dar tare
a vrea s vd Posteritatea fcnd ceva pentru noi. 9.
Stenii din partea locului, rupi de lume, aveau tenul alb,
ochii albatri sau cenuii i prul blond. 10. Deteptarea
mea a fost iari rs i nepsare. Numai c nu simeam
aceeai libertate. Ceva, cineva se irosea, sfrmat i
Key: 1. It did the partridge a world of good. 2. Do tell the
double-tongued dotard the truth! 3. The cellist writes
very badly. 4. Will you see the doctor if I send him to
you? 5. Its an absolute scandal. 6. The hamlet has a
very fine appearance from the sea. 7. Ill have
green/sweet/bell peppers, potatoes au gratin/baked
potatoes, spinach and eggs, cucumber salad and sherry.
8. We are always doing something for Posterity, but I
would fain see Posterity doing something for us.(J.A.) 9.
The villagers in those parts were cut off from the rest of
the world, had a fair complexion, blue or grey eyes and
blond hair. 10. My awakening was again laughter and
listlessness, only that I didnt feel the same freedom.
Something, somebody crushed asunder and weeping,
was pining away.

Set 39

1. Temnicera nehotrt i-a explicat

obosit de drum c va purta o fust gri. 2. Nu v-a cutat
nimeni. 3. Chirurgul a fost fcut s atepte. 4. Doresc smi spl lenjeria. 5. Antreprenorul (de pompe funebre)
face necontenit aceleai greeli. 6. Voi lua (carne de)
/prepeli/fazan/iepure (de cmp), purcel de lapte fript,
piept de viel umplut, creier pane, sos de agrie, fasole
verde, varz de Bruxelles, dovlecei umplui i savarin
cu rom. 7. n intervalul de aproape o or ct inu
plimbarea, agenii comerciali abia dac schimbar
cteva cuvinte despre lucruri ce le erau indiferente,
lipsite de importan. 8. Croitorii i scriitorii trebuie s fie
n pas cu moda. 9. Raza de soare czu pe fruntea
azilantului. 10. Negustorul de haine vechi pare mai
ataat de cine, dect de soie.
Key: 1. The weak-minded wardress explained to the waybeaten wardrobe keeper that she would be wearing a
grey skirt. 2. No one has called for you. 3. The flesh tailor
was kept waiting. 4. I want to have my linen
washed./Please get my linen washed. 5. The mortician
makes the same mistakes again and again. 6. Ill have
venison/wild duck/partridge/quail/pheasant/hare, roast
sucking pig, stuffed breast of veal, fried brains,
gooseberry sauce, French beans/green beans, Brussels
sprouts, stuffed vegetable marrows and (Rum)
baba/baba au rhum. 7. During the walk, which lasted for
almost an hour, the fieldmen only exchanged a few
words about things that, for them, were uninteresting
and unimportant. 8. Tailors and writers must mind the
fashion. 9. The sun ray fell on the dossers forehead. 10.
The junkman seems more attached to his dog than to
his wife.

Set 40
1. Prorectorul/Directorul-adjunct trebuie s fie pe aici, pe
undeva. 2. Scorpionul are acul n coad. 3. Dac ai citit
aceast strof de attea ori, ar trebui s o tii pe de rost.
4. Conducei ncet cnd ajungei la o intersecie! 5.
Vcarul/Comandantul a hotrt s tac ca un pete, n
caz c va fi ntrebat, s declare c nu tie nimic i c
falsificatorul de bancnote, dei i era prieten, nu-i
mprtise secretul lui. Cu ct va vorbi mai puin, cu
att mai bine. 6. ncercam s uit cine sunt. 7. Nelinitea
a pus stpnire pe linguitor. 8. Vietnamezul a tras la o
ferm. 9. Aa am i vrut s fie. 10. Vagabondul simi nc
o dat c sunt anumite lucruri care nu se mai pot
ntmpla, ct ar fi fost ele de simple, la ndemna
tuturor. Ar fi fost att de simplu s fie mpreun cu
asistenta, prieteni, iubii chiar.
Key: 1. The sub-rector must be somewhere about here.
2. The sting of a scorpion is in its tail. 3. If you have read
this stanza so many times, you ought to know it by
heart. 4. Drive slowly when you come to a crossroads! 5.
The neatherd/overman decided to be as silent as the
grave, if he was asked, to declare that he knew nothing
and that the note forger, although his friend, had not
disclosed his secret to him. The less he said, the better.
6. I tried to forget who I was. 7. Anxiety got the better of
the cringer. 8. The Vietnamese put up at a farm. 9. I
meant it to be like that. 10. Once again the landlouper
felt that there were certain things which could never
happen, no matter how simple, how handy. It would
have been so easy to be together with the nurse, to be
friends, even lovers.

Set 41

1. Cmtarul hain/crud/nendurtor/cinos/hapsn spera

s l gseasc acas pe tovarul su de chef. 2. l
intereseaz aceste picturi pe poliistul/paznicul de
noapte? 3. Artistul de circ avea o expresie/fa acr. 4.
Un clasic este ceva pe care fiecare dorete s-l aib, dar
nimeni nu vrea s-l citeasc.(M.T.) 5. Etinlogului nu i-ar
plcea s lucreze de mntuial i s trag la repezeal
concluzii greite. 6. Trebuie s se ia n considerare
cunotinele de limb portughez ale cntreului trist.
7. i din marmura alb a prins via un zeu. 8.
Privighetoarea mai avea doar atta putere ct s zboare
s se aeze pe umrul ceretorului pentru ultima dat.
9. Nu voiam s tiu nimic de plagiator. l uitasem. 10.
Aceasta nu are nici o legtur cu chestiunea.
Key: 1. The cruel danist hoped to find his cup man in. 2.
Do these paintings appeal to the leather-head? 3. The
escapologist looked very sour/had a sour face. 4. A
classic is something that everybody wants to have and
nobody wants to read. 5. The ethnologist wouldnt like to
do sloppy work and jump to conclusions. 6. One must
take into account the songsters knowledge of
Portuguese. 7. And the cold marble leapt to life a god.
(H.H.M.) 8. The nightingale had just enough strength to
fly up to the beggars shoulder once more. 9. I would not
know anything about the plagiarist. I had forgotten him.
10. This has no bearing on the question.

Set 42
1. Plou cu bulbuci. 2. Mesagerul nu-i gsete tihna
pn ce nu transmite mesajul. 3. Solul vorbete din
inim. 4. De
la ce a fost mpiedicat recent
clul/patronul balenierei? 5. Trebuie s prezini

subiectul n linii generale. 6. Violoncelistului nesuferit

poi s-i pui orice ntrebare. 7. Minile nu aveau
suficient for ca s sugrume lupul, n schimb faa
hamalului era plin de pr. Dup o jumtate de or,
brbatul simi c ceva cald i se scurge pe gt. Nu era
plcut. Era ca plumbul topit forat s intre n stomac prin
voina sa. Mai trziu, omul se rostogoli pe spate i
adormi. 8. Marea lege a culturii este: fiecare s devin
ceea ce este nscut s fie. 9. Trupele noastre au naintat.
10. Problema ncetase s mai existe, pentru c
ntunericul m oprea s vd faa cititorului, oglind n
care, prin contrast, mi numr anii, i pentru c
incontient tiam c acelai ntuneric l oprea i pe el smi vad argintul care m aureoleaz.
Key: 1. Its raining cats and dogs. 2. There is no rest for a
messenger till the message is delivered.(J.C.) 3. The
footboy speaks from his heart. 4. What has the
headsman been hindered from lately? 5. You must give
an outline of the subject. 6. The plaguesome cellist
can /may be asked any question. 7. The hands had not
sufficient strength to choke the wolf, but the face of the
porter was full of hair. At the end of half an hour the
man was aware of a warm trickle in his throat. It was not
pleasant. It was like molten lead being forced into his
stomach, and it was forced by his will along. Later on
the man rolled over on his back and slept. 8. The great
law of culture is: let each become all that he was
created capable of being.(T.C.) 9. Our troops have
pressed an advance. 10. The whole issue had ceased to
exist, because the dark prevented me from seeing the
perusers face, the mirror in which, by contrast, I count
my years, and also because, unconsciously, I knew that
the same darkness prevented him from seeing the silver
that haloes my face.

Set 43
1. Pompierul i d socoteal finlandezului pentru
aceasta. 2. ine-te bine, ine-te bine de braul
compozitorului. 3. A: Voi veni s v iau de la aeroport. B:
Mulumesc, dar realmente nu este nevoie. Pot s iau un
tramvai. 4. Armata rus a izbit inamicul n flanc. 5. Acum
cultivatorii de in l cutau peste tot pe secertor, pentru
c era necesar s fie prezent la cstoria fratelui su
mai mare. 6. Grnicerii au ctigat o grmad de bani,
scznd taxele pe care au trebuit s le plteasc. 7.
Diligena sosete n sfrit, cu aproape trei ceasuri
ntrziere. Sunt doi cltori, care se aaz mpreun cu
conductorul, poftit de ei, la aceeai mas. 8. Conduci
maina ca i cum ai fi nceptor. 9. Guvernul duce o
campanie mpotriva discriminrii pe criterii de sex n
industrie. 10. Aveam n ochi, i din ochi proiectat n
suflet, expresia figurii ei, dar imaginea era rebel.
Key: 1. The fire fighter is answerable to the Finlander for
it. 2. Hang on to it, hang on to the composers arm. 3. A:
Ill come and fetch you from the airport. B: Thank you,
but theres really no need to. I can easily catch a tram.
4. The Russian army struck the enemy on the flank. 5.
Now the flax growers were looking for the reaper
everywhere because it was necessary/imperative that
he should be present at his elder brothers wedding. 6.
The frontier guards have earned a lot of money, less the
taxes they had to pay. 7. At last the stage-coach arrives
after a three hours delay. There are two passengers,
who sit down to table together with the coachman,
whom they invite to join them. 8. You are driving the car
as if you were a beginner. 9. The government is waging
a campaign against sex discrimination in industry. 10. In
my minds eye I could see the expression on her face,

but the image, thence projected into my soul, was too


Set 44
1. Pasajul acesta este luat din istoria lui Alridge. 2. Iatl, rspunse comisionarul glgios/cu albea la ochi,
piulia/pixul/placheta/pipota/pingeaua/botoeii. 3. Ct o
s in/dureze acest spectacol? 4. Putei plti n rate. 5.
Am prefera ca agenii de publicitate s vin luna
viitoare. 6. Erau, bnuiesc, un testament, cteva acte
oficiale, o grmad de tieturi din ziare i vreo dou
fotografii. 7. Furnizorul de alimente st pn noaptea
trziu. 8. Cnd ne-am ntlnit, lustruitorul (de stofe)
vede c ncerca s-i gseasc permisul de conducere,
pe care l-a pierdut acum mai multe sptmni. 9.
Televiziunea american a prezentat soldai americani
umblnd narmai n Salvador, fapt care a iscat rumoare
n Congres. 10. Trebuie c aveam opt sau nou ani.
Key: 1. This passage is taken from Alridges history. 2.
There, replied the strepitous/wall-eyed street porter,
pencil/booklet/gizzard/half-sole/ bootees. 3. How long
will this performance last? 4. You can pay by
instalments. 5. We should prefer the press agents to
come next month. 6. They were, I suppose, a testament,
some official papers, a lot of newspaper cuttings and a
couple of photos. 7. The victualler keeps late hours. 8.
When we met, the glossy glosser must have been trying
to find his driving license, witch he lost weeks ago. 9.
American television showed American soldiers carrying

arms in El Salvador, which caused trouble in Congress.

10. I must have been eight or nine years old.

Set 45
1. Aparenele pot fi dintre cele mai nesincere. /Lumea e
mereu dezamgit de podoabe. 2. Este apte i cinci
minute. 3. Ar fi trebuit s o rezolv. 4. V-ai odihnit bine
azi-noapte? 5. Psihiatrului i curge nasul. 6. A dori s fac
o plimbare cu barca/s fac o excursie pe jos/s fac bi
de soare/s fac bi de nmol/s fac plaj. 7. Cultivatorul
de in a revenit n ora iarna trziu. 8. Dar abia i-au
reluat locul cavalerii, c zarva aplauzelor s-a linitit att
de adnc i de total nct prea c mulimii i era team
chiar s i respire. 9. Tapierul st n cap. 10. Boxerul a
cumprat pudriera aa cum este.
Key: 1. So may the outward shows be least
themselves: /The world is still deceivd with ornament.
(W.S.) 2. It is five minutes after seven. 3. I ought to have
solved it. 4. Did you have a good nights rest? 5. The
psychiatrist has a running nose. 6. I should like to go
boating/to go for a hike/to take sun-baths/to take mud
baths/to lie in the sun. 7. The flax grower returned to
town in the late winter. 8. But no sooner had the knights
resumed their station, than the clamour of applause was
hushed into a silence, so deep and so dead that it
seemed the multitude were afraid to breathe. 9. The
paper hanger is standing on his head. 10. The pug
bought the puff box as it is.

Set 46
1. Sufl-i nasul. 2. Nu este frumos ca agentul de
publicitate s fie tratat n acest mod. 3. Se apropie iarna.

4. V pot oferi un sortiment bogat de trabuce. 5. Chiar

faptul c sora l evitase i insufla consilierului municipal
puin curaj. 6. Geologul a zis c a uitat. 7. Nici un fir de
iarb la vedere, nimic, doar o curte stearp, asfaltat, i
trei camionete n centrul ei. 8. Erau odat ntr-un sat doi
frai i amndoi erau nsurai. Cel mai mare era harnic,
grijuliu i chiabur, pentru c unde punea el mna, punea
i Dumnezeu mila, dar n-avea copii. Iar cel mai mic era
srac.(I.C.) 9. Cmtarul nu vrea s stea de vorb cu
zilierul, deoarece i mai poart nc pic pentru
impoliteea lui de luna trecut. 10. Dac merg pe jos, o
s fac trei ceasuri pn acolo.
Key: 1. Blow your nose. 2. It is not fair that the publicity
agent should be treated in this way. 3. Winter is drawing
near. 4. I can offer you a wide range of cigars. 5. The
very fact that the nurse had avoided him gave the town
councillor a little courage. 6. The geologist said he had
forgotten. 7. Not a blade of grass in sight, nothing, just a
barren yard, and three vans in the middle. 8. Once upon
a time there lived in a village two brothers and both
were married. The elder was industrious, careful of his
own and well-to-do, for whatever he set his hand to,
Gods blessing was on it; but he had no children. The
younger brother was poor.(t: A.C.) 9. The gombeen man
will not talk to the day labourer, as he still bears him a
grudge for his rudeness last month. 10. If I go on foot, it
will take three hours to get there.

Set 47
1. Soldatul de parad a tiut c era doar o singur cale.
2. Dac pislogul va citi aceast scrisoare, va nelege
de ce turntorul este att de trist. 3. Mseaua aceasta
nu poate fi salvat, trebuie scoas. Aceast carie trebuie
plombat./Aceast plomb trebuie schimbat. 4. N-are

rost s-i vorbeti recrutului, nu pare s aud vreodat

ceva pur i simplu e cu capul n nori. 5. Voi lua
ochiuri/ochiuri romneti, brnz proaspt de vaci i
cafea filtru. 6. Mai bine ai veni i tu. 7. Borfaul i ddu
seama imediat c acesta era nc unul din acele lucruri
ciudate, inexplicabile, care l necjeau pe infractor, un
alt semn ciudat al rului. 8. Vnztorul (cu amnuntul)
nu d nici o ceap degerat pe treaba asta. 9. Trebuie s
fii extenuat. 10. Centralista mi-a fcut imediat legtura.
Key: 1. The toy soldier knew there was but one way. 2. If
the waylayer reads this letter, he will understand why
the foundry worker is so sad. 3. This tooth cant be
saved, it has to be pulled out. This cavity needs
filling/this filling will have to be changed. 4. Its no use
talking to the quirk, he never seems to hear a word
hes just all abroad. 5. Ill have fried/poached eggs,
cottage cheese and caf espresso/filter coffee. 6. You
had better come, too. 7. The cozener knew immediately
that this was another of those odd, inexplicable things
that were troubling the law breaker, another strange
sign of evil. 8. The regrater doesnt give a bean about
the business. 9. You must be tired out. 10. The operator
put my call right through.

Set 48
1. Clugrul ceretor s-a ntors pe jumtate. 2. Stegarul/
Purttorul de steag mbrcat n costum de flanel este
de alt prere? 3. Portrelul viclean a rspuns c nu
trebuie s ia o hotrre definitiv nainte s vrea
lctuul s-o ia. 4. nsoitoarea de bord a btut recordul.
5. Leul continua s nainteze cltinndu-se pn cnd se
prbui n bot n iarba nalt. 6. Ce l interesase pe
voleibalist nainte s se apuce de spaniol? 7. Se vede

c ciubucarul/slujbaul corupt umflat n pene/ncrezut/

nfumurat/ngmfat ducea un trai mbelugat cnd v-ai
mprie- tenit, altfel n-ar fi putut s-i dea n dar un inel
de aur. 8. Rapsodul a tresrit cnd a sunat telefonul. 9.
Nu nelegeam de ce sultanul se uit mereu napoi i
suspin. 10. Pmntul negru, cu o tabl de marmur
deasupra, i strivea pieptul mort; n jurul marmurii grele,
cteva fire de iarb.
Key: 1. The mendicant friar turned half round. 2. Is the
flannelled flag bearer of another mind? 3. The quickwitted summoner replied he must not take a final
decision before the repairman wanted to. 4. The flight
attendant broke the record. 5. The lion went on
staggering till he fell on to its nose in the grass. 6. What
had the volleyball player been interested in before he
took up Spanish? 7. The grand-aired grafter must have
been living in luxury when you made friends, or he
would not have been able to present you with a golden
ring. 8. The rhapsodist started when the phone rang. 9. I
couldnt understand why the sultan kept on looking back
and sighing. 10. The black earth, with just a marble slab
above it, was crushing her dead breast; around the
heavy marble, a few blades of grass.

Set 49
1. mi poi da vreunul/vreuna din aceste arcuuri/cutii de
regina!/Dumnezeu s o aib n paz pe regin! 3. Eretele
e rareori pe antierul naval seara. 4. ntregul ctun era
n flcri. 5. Nici idealul spartan al extremei austeriti i
autongrdiri, i nici nzuina epicurian pentru un nivel

ridicat de via nu duc la o cercetare tiinific rodnic.

6. Avionul ia vitez, se desprinde de pmnt i se ridic.
7. Toat lumea simte c antrenamentul lor este acum n
stadiul cel mai jalnic. 8. Nu te-a lsa s renuni la nici
una dintre ele. 9. A ctigat capital politic de pe urma
greelilor adversarului. 10. Nimic, n afar de noi, dect
viaa obscur a pmntului, a pietrei, a vegetaiei
mrunte i civa fluturi care se urmreau, se ntlneau
o clip cu intenii de hrjoan, se ndeprtau,
disproporionat de mici, n mreia grav.
Key: 1. Can you let me have any of these fiddle
bows/fiddle cases/field glasses? 2. God save the Queen!
3. The sparrow-hawk is seldom in the shipyard in the
evening. 4. The whole hamlet was in flame. 5. Neither
the Spartan ideal of extreme austerity and self-denial
nor the Epicurean striving for a high living standard is
conducive to fruitful scientific research. 6. The plain
picks up speed, is off the ground and up in the sky. 7.
Everybody feels that their training is now at its worst. 8.
I wouldnt have you part with one of them. 9. He made
political capital out of his opponents mistakes. 10.
Nothing besides ourselves, except the obscure light of
the earth, of the stones, of the small vegetation, and a
few butterflies that were pursuing each other, meeting,
with playful intentions, for a split second, then moving
away, disproportionately small, into the grave majesty
of the place.

Set 50
fricos/temtor/la/miel/slab de nger/poltron nu poate
atepta. 3. Zoologul abtut a fost ntmpinat cu cldur.
4. Italianul are minile legate. 5. Ce-ar fi s mergem

acolo? 6. Fumul se rspndi prin aer. 7. tiu c am greit.

Nu mi-o mai repeta mereu! 8. Scoate supiera/sosiera din
cutie. 9. Formeaz trecutul acestor verbe. 10. nceteaz
s te mai agii!
Key: 1. The tide is going out. 2. The coward wedding
guest cannot abide. 3. The mopish zoologist was warmly
welcomed. 4. The Italians hands are tied. 5. What about
going there? 6. The smoke spread through the air. 7. I
know I was wrong. Dont rub it in! 8. Take the tureen out
of its box. 9. Form the past tenses of these verbs.10.
Stop fussing about!

Set 51
1. Pmntul aparine statului. 2. Moaa/Naa ei i e o
porcului/rmtorului. 4. Dansatorul pe srm cocheta cu
ideea de a-i cumpra o bascul/un clu de lemn. 5.
Fierarul vorbea foarte serios. 6. Nu vrei s vii cu noi? 7.
Guvernatorul/Viceregele i scoase un inel din deget. 8.
A face-o din nou, chiar de ar fi s sufr din aceast
cauz. 9. A fost vreun martor la accident? 10. Drumul se
bifurc aici.
Key: 1. The land belongs to the state. 2. Her
midwife/godmother is a great trial to her. 3. It was a
great tax on the rookler. 4. The rope-dancer toyed with
the idea of buying a weighing machine/rocking-horse. 5.
The hammerman was speaking very seriously. 6. Wont
you join us? 7. The stadholder took a ring off his finger.
8. I would do it again, even if I were to suffer for it. 9.
Were there any witnesses of the accident? 10. The road
branches here.

Set 52
1. Romancierul caut cu tot dinadinsul s plac/dorete
neaprat s se fac plcut. 2. Lacheul a vzut deja acest
lucru. 3. Proprietarul depozitului se mir c servitoarea
(priceput la toate) i poate permite s fie att de
generoas. 4. El poate s-i permit orice confort i chiar
lux, dar nu de dragul lor, ci numai ca mijloc pentru a-i
economisi energia pentru un drum i mai mare i fr
cruare ctre culmile tiinei. 5. S vi-l dau la telefon sau
s-l conduc la dumneavoastr n camer? 6. Pompierul a
citit numele cu voce tare. 7. I-am dat verioarei tale o
lopat luna trecut. 8. Este mai cu seam ndatorirea ta.
9. Tot cartierul fu curnd gata de lupt. 10. Satele n care
frnghierul avea s-i petreac urmtorii patru ani se
deosebeau din punct de vedere etnic de regiunea sa
Key: 1. The fictionist is anxious to please. 2. The footman
has seen it already. 3. The warehouseman wonders
(that) the thorough maid can afford to be so generous.
4. He should permit himself every comfort and even
luxury, but not for their own sake, only as a means to
save his energies for an even greater unrelenting drive
toward excellence in science. 5. Shall I put him on the
phone or show him up to your room? 6. The fire fighter
read off the names. 7. I gave your cousin a shovel last
month/a shovel to your cousin last month. 8. It is much
of your duty. 9. The entire district was soon under arms.
10. Ethnically the villages in which the rope maker was
to spend the following four years of his life were
different from his native region.

Set 53

1. Houl/Tlharul zgrcit/avar nu e chiar aa de sigur c

asta reprezint un avantaj. 2. S avei mult succes,
dragii mei! 3. Cui i-a oferit podarul bujorii? 4. Mecanicul
(de bord) avar a trebuit s piard vremea ateptnd o
or, nainte s l vad dentistul vnjos. 5. S ne sftuim
mpreun n aceast chestiune. 6. E ceva (n neregul)
cu subinspectorul. 7. Te rog nu te da n spectacol n holul
hanului. 8. Mreia unui poet este mreia celui mai
mare moment al su. 9. Dac nu ar fi gsit-o pe
infirmier, ologul ar fi fost nefericit n cea mai fericit zi
din viaa lui. 10. Prefcndu-se c nu vrea s le spun c
ei sunt motenitorii averii lui Cezar, Antoniu i ndeamn
la revolt, dei, aparent, ncearc s-i calmeze.
Key: 1. The mucky mugger is not so sure about that
being an advantage. 2. May you have good luck, my
dear people! 3. To who(m) has the ferryman offered the
peonies? 4. The curmudgeonly flight engineer had to
kick his heels for an hour before the marrowy dentist
could see him. 5. Lets go into a huddle on this matter. 6.
There is something amiss with the sub-inspector. 7.
Please dont make a scene in the inn lobby. 8. The
greatness of a poet is the greatness of his greatest
moment.(G.B.S.) 9. If the cripple had not found the
nurse, he would have been unhappy on the happiest day
of his life. 10. Pretending that he didnt want to tell them
that they were the heirs of Caesars fortune, Antony
stirred them to mutiny and rage, although, apparently,
he tried to restore calm.

Set 54
1. Patul acela se pliaz uor. 2. i d putere plutaului
senzaia c se afl n pielea goal n mijlocul unui bal
mascat. 3. V caut un domn. 4. S sunm la informaii.

5. Progresitii alctuiau un alt grup minoritar, dar

prezena lor n consiliu l surprindea plcut pe ungtorul
de vagoane. 6. Rezerv biletele miercuri cel mai trziu.
7. Infanteristul citea de trei ore cnd l-am chemat. 8. Ai
mna rece. 9. A dori o cuet sus i una jos la vagonul
de dormit, clasa nti. 10. n poian nu era nimeni dect
vara, care plutea moale, aurie, i se pierdea pe sub
crengile brazilor ce mprejmuiau aria verde ca un zid
Key: 1. That bed folds easily. 2. It makes the river driver
feel as if he were naked at a fancy-dress ball. 3 There is
a gentleman here (asking) to see you. 4. Lets ring
inquiries up. 5. The progressives formed another
minority group, but their presence on the Council was a
pleasant surprise for the waggon greaser. 6. Book the
tickets on Wednesday at the latest. 7. The doughfoot
had been reading for three hours when I called him. 8.
Your hand feels cold. 9. Id like an upper and a lower
berth in a first-class sleeper. 10 In the glade there was
no one except the summer, floating softly, golden, all
around, and disappearing under the branches of the firtrees that surrounded the green area like an irregular

Set 55
1. Bufonul n-are nici o prezictoare/ghicitoare pe care so ntrebe. 2. Agentul de circulaie e un prieten adevrat;
poi ntotdeauna conta pe el. 3. A: Am dat un anun la
ziar. B: i ce rspuns ai primit? A: Pn acum, nimic. 4.
Era trziu i maitrii sondori i fceau drum cu coatele,
ncercnd s urce n tramvai cte doi sau trei deodat. 5.
Cu cteva zile n urm, corespondenii de pres strini
senzaionale, care

pretutindeni cel mai viu interes. 6. Stai lateral fa de

tabl! 7. Avocaii erau bine dispui. 8. tiu ce urmreti.
9. Ar trebui s acorzi mai mult atenie muncii tale. 10.
i vocea nceat, nesigur, cu graseieri ca nite sfiiciuni
ale inimii, al crei ton rsun nc i astzi n mine.
Key: 1. The buffoon/jester has no soothsayer to ask. 2.
The tracker is a real friend; you can always hang your
hat on him. 3. A: I put an advert in the newspaper. B:
And what response did you get? A: Nothing so far. 4. It
was late and the drillers were elbowing their way, trying
to get on the tram two or three at a time. 5. A few days
before, foreign press correspondents had cabled
sensational news, stirring the highest interest
everywhere. 6. Stand to the side/Stand aside of the
board! 7. The jurists were in good spirits. 8. I know what
youre after. 9. You should take more care over your
work. 10. And her low, uncertain voice, with the rolled rs
like echoes of a bashful heart, still resounds in my ears.

Set 56
1. Armatorul (cu serviciul militar terminat) admir
hrnicia slujbaului surescitat/istovit. 2 Negresei i e fric
s-l trezeasc pe corespondent/trimisul special (al
ziarului). 3. Haidei s cntm cntece ca s ne
nveselim drumul! 4. Pltii la cas i aducei-mi bonul,
v rog. 5. Lampagiul i-a dat seama c antreprenorul
este surd i a ncercat s-l ajute. 6. Vcarul st mai bine
acum (dispune de mai muli bani). 7. Soldaii au o
disput de rezolvat. 8. Scrisoarea inspectorului (al
salubritii publice) pomenea, ns, de nite colecii

orientale, fr s precizeze natura i obria lor, i asta

a fost de-ajuns ca s-mi detepte curiozitatea. 9. Ducesa
arat cel mai bine dimineaa. 10. Ar fi fost cuminte s se
abat n dreapta ori n stnga, i s se ascund n
pdurea care stpnea pretutindeni, deopotriv de
Key: 1. The time-expired timberman admires the het-up
hirelings industry. 2. The Negro woman is afraid to
wake/of waking the roving correspondent. 3. Lets sing
songs to cheer the way. 4. Pay at the cash desk and
bring me the check, please. 5. The lighter realized the
building contractor was deaf and he tried to help him. 6.
The neatherd is better off now. 7. The selectees have an
account to settle. 8. But the sanitary inspectors letter
mentioned some oriental collections, without specifying
their nature or origin, and that was enough to arouse my
curiosity/whet my appetite. 9. The duchess looks her
best in the morning. 10. It would have been wiser to turn
right or left and hide in the omnipresent forest, which
was dark all around them.

Set 57
1. Ai s-l urmreti pe pensionar cnd o s se duc s-i
borcanul/glastra/lustra/parbrizul/ vitrina? 2. Joc att de
prost; mi-e de-a dreptul ruine. 3. Trgtorul de elit
strnut tot timpul. 4. Sondorul ncpnat a intrat n
curte. Nici o micare. 5. tiu, prin urmare, c nu demult
aveam ptuul meu, ntr-o camer mare dintr-o cas
veche i foarte drpnat, care a fost drmat apoi
pentru a face loc noilor cldiri ale Universitii. 6.
Salariaii au cerut s li se mreasc salariile. 7. Va trebui
s te descurci fr ca s te ngrijeasc ungtorul de

vagoane. 8. Tancurile ruseti au distrus fortificaiile

inamice. 9. Nu servete la nimic. 10. Fizica modern se
ocup de cele mai profunde structuri ale materiei.
Key: 1. Will you be watching the pensioner when he goes
and apologizes to the tzar for breaking the (glass)
jar/flower pot/ chandelier/windscreen/shop window? 2. I
play so badly; I feel quite ashamed. 3. The sharp shooter
keeps sneezing all the time. 4. The self-willed driller
went into the courtyard. Nothing moved. 5. Thus, I know
that not too long ago, I used to have my little bed in a
big room of an old and ruined house, which was
afterwards demolished to make place for the new
buildings of the University. 6. The employees demanded
that their salaries should be increased. 7. Youll have to
manage without the waggon greaser looking after you.
8. The Russian tanks beat down the enemys defenses.
9. Its never any good. 10. Modern physics deals with the
inmost structures of the matter.

Set 58
hrpre/antipatic? 2. Cntecele au animat/nviorat
dimineaa. 3. V caut cineva la telefon. 4. Voi lua sos de
elin/hrean/tarhon, crem de zahr ars, bere neagr
(tare), uic, kiwi cu sifon, whisky cu sifon i ampanie.
5. Drcitorul era, dup cum vedei, o fire simitoare. 6.
Pe msur ce naintm n vrst, dobndim un sim mai
acut al valorii timpului. Se pare c nimic altceva nu are
importan, i n aceast privin devenim avari. 7. Cnd
orele se termin, n aceast sal de cursuri este o
atmosfer zgomotoas i dezordonat. 8. A abordat
studiul limbii dintr-o nou perspectiv. 9. Glonul i s-a
oprit n coaps. 10. Dac prinesa mi-ar fi spus acum

cuvntul unic, mi-ar fi dat s sorb tot vzduhul albastru,

dar a fi regretat poate c farmecul ascuit se rupe.
Key: 1. What did you make of the hawkish/hatable
haulage mans story? 2. The songs livered up the
morning. 3. Somebody wants you/is asking for you on
the phone. /You are wanted on the phone. 4. Ill have
custard/stout, plum brandy, kiwi squash, whisky and
soda, and champagne. 5. The hackler was, as you can
see, a sensitive nature. 6. As we advance in life, we
acquire a keener sense of the value of time. Nothing
else, indeed, seems of any consequence; and we
become misers in this respect.(W.Z.) 7. This classroom is
like a bear garden when classes are over. 8. He took a
new approach to the study of language. 9. The bullet
lodged in her thigh. 10. If the princess had said that
unique word to me now she would have given me the
whole blue horizon to drink in, but perhaps I would have
regretted that the intense magic had gone.

Set 59
1. Blbitul i-a fcut un serviciu croitoresei. 2.
Purceluul/ Purcelul de lapte a i sosit. 3. Doctorul l va
vindeca/pune pe picioare curnd pe servitor. 4. Nu vor fi
locuri libere n acest hotel pn dup srbtori. 5.
Traficantul de stupefiante a zis c vine cnd vrea. 6. Ei
(actorii) sunt istoria prescurtat a vremurilor: mai bine
ca dup moarte s ai parte de un epitaf prost dect s fii
brfit de ei ct eti n via. 7. Eu te-am iubit, Ocean,
prin bucuria/De a m fi nscut pe pieptul tu. /Talazu-mi
provoca zburdlnicia/Dndu-mi plcerea spaimelor de
hu. /Eram copilul tu, o, mare dulce, /Credeam n valul
schimbtor de fum; /i brau-mi lunecam ca s se
culce /Pe coama ta-nspumat, la fel ca i acum.(t: E.T.)
8. n ce vitez erai?/Cum erai mbrcat? 9. Rspunsul

obraznic al brbierului ne-a stricat buna dispoziie. 10.

M-am dus s-o caut la ea. Am inventat un pretext ca s
intru n cas.
Key: 1. The stammerer did the dressmaker a good turn.
2. The sucking pig is already here. 3. The doctor will
soon fix the fetcher and carrier. 4. There will be no
rooms free in this hotel until after the holidays. 5. The
dope peddler said he would come when he wanted. 6.
They are abstracts and brief chronicles of the time:
after your death you were better have a bad epitaph
than their ill better report while you live.(W.S.) 7. And I
have loved thee, Ocean! and my joy/Of youthful sports
was on thy breast to be/ Borne, like thy bubbles,
onward: from a boy/I wantond with thy breakers they
to me/Were a delight; and if the freshening sea/Made
them a terror t was a pleasing fear, /For I was as it
were a childe of thee, /And busted to thy billows far and
near, /And laid my hand upon thy mane as I do here.
(G.G.B.) 8. What gear were you in? 9. The shavers
cheeky answer cast a blight on our cheerfulness. 10. I
went to her house in search of it. I invented some
pretext in order to be allowed inside.

Set 60
1. Fapte, nu vorbe. 2. Pandurul a fost gsit ntre mori
(era mort). 3. Preotul pistruiat i-a dat, cu rutate,
binecuvntarea. 4. Turntorul iret va atepta aici pn
cnd va suna telefonul. 5. n acea grdin zoologic
animalele par s triasc n mediul lor natural. 6.
Matahala nu vede nici un ru n asta. 7. Ai grij! 8. Am s
m duc oricum, indiferent dac plou sau nu. 9. Nu mai
era alt cas prin mprejurimi. 10. Aceasta este probabil
ceea ce Poincar avea n minte cnd spunea c i
simea ideile ciocnindu-se una de alta .

Key: 1. Example is better than precept. 2. The pandour

was found among the dead. 3. The freckled priest gave
malignantly the blessing. 4. The fox-like foundry worker
will be waiting here till the telephone rings. 5. In that zoo
the animals seem to live in their natural surroundings. 6.
The jumbo sees no harm in it. 7. Mind (out)! 8. I shall go
anyhow, whether it rains or not. 9. There was no other
house in the surroundings. 10. This is probably what
Poincar had in mind when he said that he felt his ideas
knocking against each other.

Set 61
1. Profesoara de matematic nu tie cum s se poarte cu
elevii. 2. Vntul i st mpotriv cumetrei viclene/perfide.
3. Unii bolnavi par a se restabili complet. 4. M-am
rtcit, m-ai putea ndruma? 5.Costumierii s-au
cstorit abia anul trecut. 6. Tietorul de lemne i-a
revenit/a luat un nou avnt/a prins aripi dup ce a urcat
pn la jumtatea muntelui i a ajuns n vrf naintea
altcuiva. 7. Aleea era strjuit de plopi. 8. Primii care au
venit au fost verii cioplitorilor. 9. Cina este o mas de
sear. 10. Va fi imposibil ca oelarul s soseasc azi.
Key: 1. The mathematics mistress cant handle her
pupils. 2. The wind is against the cunning cummer. 3.
Some patients appear to recover completely. 4. Ive lost
my way/my bearings, could you put me right? 5. The
wardrobe keepers were/got married only last year. 6.
The feller got his second wind about half way up the
mountain and made it to the top before everyone else.
7. The alley/drive was lined with poplars. 8. The first to
come were the gravers cousins. 9. Supper is an evening

meal. 10. It will be impossible for the steel worker to

arrive today.

Set 62
1. Ce a sperat pn acum hrciogul? 2. Funcionarul
fricos/plin de couri nu are prieteni. 3. Nu te poi
ncumeta s-l citeti/ nelegi pe Chaucer fr o
cunoatere temeinic a englezei moderne. 4. Cltorul
miop are o prere foarte bun despre calf. 5. Se teme
s fie operat. 6. Vslaul ar fi putut fi de acord cu
propunerea concertistului. 7. Fii atent la accent! 8. Nu-mi
place i (nu-i place) nici negustorului de jucrii. 9.
Comisionarul a fost primit cu braele deschise cnd a
fost prezentat familiei custoresei. 10. nnopta. Apele
Oltului erau acum ca dosul de cositor al sticlelor de
Key: 1. What has the hamster hoped for so far? 2. The
pigeon-hearted/pimpled official hasnt got any friends. 3.
You cannot approach Chaucer without a sound
knowledge of modern English. 4. The mope-eyed
journeyer thinks highly of the journeyman. 5. He is afraid
of being operated. 6. The rower could have agreed to
the concertists proposal. 7. Pay attention to the stress!
8. I dont like it, nor does the toy dealer. 9. The linkman
was received with open arms when he was introduced to
the seamstresss family. 10. Night was setting in. The
waves of the Olt were now glistening like the tin back of

Set 63
1. Avionul podarului/luntraului de la bac a fost cel mai
sus/jos n nlime. 2. Frumoasa nu i se cuvine dect

celui viteaz. 3. Poliia-i urmrea pe traficanii de

alcool/stupefiante/carne vie. 4. Tragei aici! 5. Vinul cel
mai bun e cel foarte vechi, apa cea mai bun e cea
foarte proaspt. 6. Dopul a srit de la sine. 7. Bncile
pltesc/dau avansuri n bani firmelor. 8. Din convorbirea
cltorilor se lmurea bine mprejurarea. La tactul de
mai sus al potii, se ntmplase peste noapte o clcare
cu omor n hanul unui jidov. 9. Am ridicat un gard care
s marcheze hotarul ntre proprietile noastre. 10. Stau
cu mnua ei mic, ngust, cu degetele subiri, cu
nasturii descheiai atunci de mine la nceputul braului ei
rotund cu miros de ambr.
Key: 1. The fernticled ferrymans plane was the
highermost/ lowermost in the sky. 2. None but the brave
deserves the fair.(J.D.) 3. The police tracked the
bootleggers/dope dealers/slave dealers. 4. Pull up here!
5. The best wine is the oldest, the best water, the
newest.(W.B.) 6. The cork went out of itself. 7. Banks
make advances to business firms. 8. The passengers
conversation elucidated what had happened. At the
previous stage, the inn of a Jew had been broken into at
night and people had been murdered. 9. We built a fence
to clearly mark the boundary between the estates. 10. I
am holding her small, narrow glove with thin fingers,
with the buttons which I undid then, at the point of
origin of her round arm smelling of amber.

Set 64
1. Vornicelul a plecat fr un singur cuvnt. 2 Nu am
nevoie de tocul de ochelari/lampa de spirt luna acesta,
aa c poi s l/o pstrezi ct doreti. 3. Este/Era/Va fi
necesar ca raportul s fie gata la timp. 4. Agentul
erifului /prefectului m-a sftuit bine. 5. Ghepardul l-a

prins pe sindicalist printr-un iretlic. 6. Umbra

pmntului cade uneori pe lun. 7. Ochii miopului erau
roii de plns. 8. S-a spart gtul sticlei. 9. Hiena are
obiceiul s ntrzie. 10. Geofizicianul galant a murit /s-a
dus pe lumea cealalt.
Key: 1. The catchpole went away without a single word.
2. I dont need the spectacle case/spirit lamp this month,
so (that) you can keep it as long as you want. 3. It
is/was/will be necessary that the report be ready in time.
4. The catchpole advised me well. 5. The sheetah caught
the trade unionist by a trick. 6. The earths shadow
sometimes falls on the moon. 7. The myopes eyes were
red with crying. 8. The neck of the bottle broke. 9. The
hyena will always be late. 10. The courteous
geophysicist has gone to his account.

Set 65
1. Munca ocnaului/condamnatului are o anumit
valoare. 2. Prorectorul a fost rnit n coaps /talp. 3.
Inscripia s-a ters. 4. S-a descoperit epava unei corbii.
5. Aceste oproane vechi trebuie s dispar. 6. Nu-i st
n fire episcopului. 7. Santinela de cavalerie
saie/zbanghie/care se uit cruci/chior/chiondor i
potrivea, n mod voalat, fapta cu vorba. 8. Atleii au mai
multe varieti de mazre. 9. Arhitectul decorator are o
minte stranic. 10. Pe zimbru/coiot l durea peste tot.
Key: 1.The convicts work has a certain value. 2. The prorector was wounded in the thigh/sole. 3. The inscription
has worn away. 4. The wreck of a ship was discovered. 5.
These old sheds must go. 6. Its foreign to the bishops
nature. 7. The crooked-eyed vedette veiledly suited the
action to the word. 8. The athletes have several varieties

of peas. 9. The decorator has a fine brain. 10. The

tur/coyote was aching all over.

Set 66
1. ura/opronul (pentru fn/paie) de peste drum este
verde. 2. Caut cuvntul compus n dicionar! 3.
Reprezint acelai lucru. 4. n Delta Dunrii, buctarii
exceleaz n frigerea crapului pe proap. 5. Aceasta este
prima ninsoare din anul acesta. 6. Dorii s servii
pstrv/cod/crap/tiuc/somn/alu/nisetru la grtar? 7.
ncurajat de aceste cuvinte, ct i de tonul vocii
muncitorului (cu ziua) i spunndu-i c trebuie s fie
persoana care deschisese ua, sudorul i adun
puterile. 8. ifonierul trebuie reparat. 9. Stpna casei ia aruncat o cuttur pe sub sprncene indonezianului,
alergnd cu un pahar de vin la custoreasa care se
necase, apoi cu un prosop la cea care-i ptase fusta.
10. Covorul trebuie strns i scuturat.
Key: 1.The Dutch barn over the road is green. 2. Look up
the compound word (in the dictionary)! 3. It comes to
the same thing. 4. Cooks in the Danube Delta excel at
roasting fresh carp on spits. 5. This is the first snowfall of
trout/cod/carp/pike/sheat fish/pike perch/stur- geon? 7.
Encouraged by these words, as well as by the tone of
the peons voice and telling himself he must be the
person who had opened the door, the welder mustered
all his strength. 8. The wardrobe must be fixed. 9. The
landlady frowned at the Indonesian, while running with a
glass of wine to the seamstress who had choked, then
with a towel to the one who had stained her skirt. 10.
The carpet must be taken out and beaten.


Set 67
1. Cum o mai duce directoarea arogant? 2.
Crpaciul/estorul elegant/chipe/dichisit s-a desprit
de ucenicul su. 3. De ce s fim att de pedani nct s
preamrim cteva forme? 4. Oricnd s-ar ntoarce
sclavul palavragiu la soia sa, ea va fi fericit s l
primeasc. 5. Se face din ce n ce mai cald. 6. Trateaz
cu indiferen ce spune politicianul veros cnd e furios.
7. Cel mai bun dintre profeii viitorului este trecutul. 8.
terge tabla! 9. Ei au ntrziat la petrecere i la fel am
ntrziat i noi. 10. Subinspectoarea se conformase
subarendaului, tot mai greu, tcea, privindu-l din cnd
n cnd scurt, fr s ntoarc spre el capul, numai cu
coada ochiului ei albastru.
Key: 1. Hows the haughty head mistress going along? 2.
The dashing darner parted with his apprentice. 3. Why
should we be such hard pedants, and magnify a few
forms? (Em.) 4. Whenever the thresonical thrall may
return to his wife, she will be happy to see him back. 5.
It gets warmer and warmer. 6. Take no account of what
the heeler says when he is angry. 7. The best of
prophets of the future is the past.(G.G.B.) 8. Clean/Wipe
the board! 9. They were late for the party, and so were
we. 10. The subinspectress had unconsciously complied
with the spirit of the moment. Hanging on to the
sublessces arm ever more heavily, she kept silent, now
and then casting a quick glance at him, though without
turning her head, only out of the corner of her blue eye.

Set 68

1. ncasrile muncitorilor (cu ziua) ating media de 300 de

lire pe zi. 2 Indonezianul a cutat/scotocit prin tot coteul
de gini, dar n-a gsit nimic. 3. Valetul a cucerit curnd
inima custoresei. 4. Se terge unguentul cu ulei
mineral, lsnd un strat subire. 5. Hotelul are dotri
moderne. 6. Dup ce fiecare student era adus n
amfiteatru, profesorul l interoga i l examina cu atenie.
7. Sudorul era originar din Londra prin natere i familie.
8. Crainicul vorbea o ciudat limb strin i am neles
ce dorea doar cnd mi-a explicat n chinez. 9. Ca s nu
ratez o aa ocazie, a fi sacrificat totul. 10. Trebuia un
om zdravn, ca s poat s iubeasc pieptul muntelui,
nu o muiere cu un copil n poal i cu ali doi trai dup
Key: 1. The peons takings average 300 a day. 2. The
Indonesian has searched the whole hen house, but has
found nothing. 3. The footboy soon won the
seamstresss heart. 4. Wipe off ointment with mineral oil
leaving a slight stain. 5. The hotel is fitted up with
modern comforts and conveniences. 6. As each student
was brought into the lecture room, the professor
carefully questioned and examined him. 7. The welder
was London in blood and birth. 8. The announcer was
speaking a strange foreign language and I understood
what he wanted/meant only after he had explained it to
me in Chinese. 9. I would have given my right arm for
such a chance. 10. It needed a strong man to climb that
tough mountain slope, not a woman with a child in her
lap, dragging two more after her.

Set 69
1. Nu face nici ct o ceap degerat. /E o nimica toat.
2. n capul cui arunc politicianul veros tocul /parul (de

gard) acela? 3. n calitate de contribuabil, i bursierul

slbu are un vot. 4. Vduvele trebuiau s in seama de
vremea urt cnd au hotrt s mearg n excursie. 5.
Pe malul ndeprtat al prului/cellalt mal al prului
era o veche cas de ar din crmid. 6. Dup ce voi
trece un minut pe la birou, vom merge mpreun la
cumprturi. 7. Prorectorul s-a apucat de pictat peisaje
mai trziu. 8. Din cauza activitilor anti-naziste ale
tatlui dinainte de rzboi, conductorii (de tren) nii au
fost nevoii s se ascund, pentru a evita munca forat
n Germania sau trimiterea la un lagr de concentrare.
Doreau s-l fereasc pe biat de asemenea pericole i
sperau c se vor regsi n cele din urm. 9. Din cauza
confecioneaz vase de cositor) i s-au adunat o mulime
de lucruri de fcut. 10. Camerista s-a comportat
scandalos la petrecere.
Key: 1. It does not amount to a row/hill of beans/pins. 2.
Whose head is the heeler flinging that heel-piece/hedge
stake at? 3. As a ratepayer, the thin-gutted foundationer
has a vote. 4. The viduages had to take the bad weather
into account, when they decided to go on a trip. 5. On
the farther bank of the rivulet there was an old brick
farm house. 6. After Ive just looked in at the office well
go shopping together. 7. The sub-rector got into the act
of painting landscapes later on. 8. Because of the
fathers anti-Nazi activities before the war, the ticket
collectors themselves had to hide in order to escape
from forced labour in Germany or from being sent to a
concentration camp. They wished to protect the child
against such dangers, hoping that finally they would be
reunited. 9. Because of his busy schedule, the tin
moulder accumulated a backlog of work. 10. The
tirewoman exhibited scandalous behaviour at the party.

Set 70
1. i mama i copilul sunt bine. 2. Tocilarul este primul
n clas. 3. Trtoarea tremura din tot corpul. 4. Ce
expoziii a vizitat taxatorul de tramvai pn acum n
oraul vagonetarului? 5. Unde naiba se duce vulturul la
ora asta din noapte? 6. F ce vrei. 7. S-a aranjat aa
nct s convin tuturor. 8. Prostii! Vorbeti prostii. 9.
Aceast chestiune poate da loc la ndoieli/ntrebri. 10.
Faptele sunt mai gritoare dect vorbele.
Key: 1. Both mother and child are doing well. 2. The swot
is the top of his form. 3. The reptile was trembling all
over. 4. What exhibitions has the tram conductor visited
in the trammers town so far? 5. Wherever is the
eagle/vulture going at this time of night? 6. Do what you
please. 7. It has been arranged so as to suit everybody.
8. Rubbish! Youre talking rubbish. 9. This matter is open
to doubt/question. 10 Actions speak louder than words.

Set 71
1. Feciorul rspunde prompt/are ntotdeauna un rspuns
pregtit. 2. Un milion de lei pe mnzul spetit i crua pe
deasupra. 3. Muzeul e plin de talange/clopote vechi. 4.
Cabotinului nu-i place s locuiasc n ora, dar i place la
ar. 5. Spiriduul rutcios se gndete adesea ce
intrigant politic i-o fi trimis atunci pateul fr carne, i
de ce a minit legistul/juristul, spunnd c primise
pachetul de la o iubit care nu putuse veni. 6. Noteaz
ce-i spun. 7. Tot ce conteaz pentru marchiz/ marchiz
acum este s fie acolo la timp. 8. Tot satul vorbete
despre studentul din anul nti. 9. Era transportat i
ncepu imediat s fac socoteli. 10. Trebuie s vezi
punctele de atracie ale oraului.

Key: 1. The hackney waiter is alert in answering. 2. One

million lei for the splay-shouldered colt and Ill throw in
the cart with it. 3. The museum abounds with old
cowbells. 4. The ham doesnt like living in town, but
enjoys the country. 5. The lewd leprechaun keeps
wondering what leg puller might have sent him the
lenten pie and why the legist had lied, saying that the
parcel was from a leman who could not give course to
the invitation. 6. Write down what I say. 7. All that
matters for the marquise/marquis now is to be there in
time. 8. The freshman is the talk of the village. 9. She
was elated and began figuring at once.(T.D.) 10. You
must see the sights of the city.

Set 72
1. Secertorul rguit/nervos/iritat i risipi tocilarului, cu
viclenie/pe un ton de repro, temerile. 2. Pe cer erau nori
de culoare trandafirie. 3. Triasc pacea n ntreaga
lume! 4. Doresc s dau costumul la clcat. 5. Naionala
noastr are s nfrunte echipa Danemarcei la urmtorul
campionat european de fotbal. 6. Avocelul strngea
ru mna pietonului. 7. Misoginul picteaz un portret.
Este al doilea portret pe care l-a pictat sptmna
acesta. 8. Dac vroiai, i ntindeai mna falsificatorului
de bancnote. 9. Doamne Dumnezeule! 10. Au inaugurat
epoca computerelor.
Key: 1. The rasped reaper allayed slimly/rebukingly the
sloggers fears. 2. There were rose-coloured clouds in
the sky. 3. Long live peace all over the world! 4. I want to
have my suit pressed. 5. Our national team will be up
against Denmarks team in the next European football
championship. 6. The lawmonger was squeezing the

footers hand. 7. The misogynist is painting a portrait.

Its the second (portrait) he has painted this week. 8. If
you had wanted to, you would have stretched out your
hand to the note forger. 9. Good Lord! 10. They ushered
in the computer age.

Set 73
1. Clugrul miop/nemulumit a clipit des ctre mine n
tot acest timp, ori am vedenii? 2. S poate s fie
religioi, dei numai pentru foloasele pe care le pot
scoate. 3. Toate propoziiile au greeli de tipar. 4.
ndrepi limba care arat orele ctre soare. 5. Dei
brazilian prin natere, geamgiul a trit n Chile toat
viaa. 6. A fost o cerere ntreit a acestui produs
sptmna trecut. 7. Aproape fiecare teorie a lui
Charcot n privina hipnotismului s-a dovedit greit. 8.
Ce s-a petrecut cu vslaul care venea s se dea cu
sania? 9. Lampagiul era un om blnd din cte mi
amintesc. 10. Prostnacul a obinut maximum de profit
din afacere.
Key: 1. Has the moon-blind/ill-pleased monk been
blinking at me all this time or am I seeing things? 2.
Religious they will be andt be but for the benefit they
receive thereby.(OED) 3. There is a misprint in every
sentence. 4. You point the short hand at the sun. 5. The
glass cutter, though Brazilian by birth, has lived in Chile
all his life. 6. There was a threefold demand of this
product last week. 7. Almost every single one of
Charcots theories on hypnotism has proved wrong. 8.
What has become of the bencher who used to come
sledging? 9. The lighter was a kind man to the best of
my recollection. 10. The nonny got the best of the deal.

Set 74

1. Cuttorul de comori viclean/mecher nva att

ebraica ct i sanscrita. 2. Arpacaul are nevoie de un
pic de sare. 3. Sunt sigur c dac ddaca i-ar fi
cunoscut mai bine pe muncitori (dintr-un arsenal naval),
ar fi avut ncredere n ei . 4. La locul acela nu se poate
ajunge. 5. Dulul a cedat ispitei. 6. Nutria aiurit are
obiceiul s se spele cu ap rece. 7. Tipografii oachei sau distrat stranic. 8. i spun ntruna, pe un ton revoltat,
s n-o faci, dar te-ncpnezi s-o faci. 9. La sfritul
toamnei se sap cartofii i se nmagazineaz n gropi.
10. Pentru astfel de articole de lux se pltesc impozite
Key: 1. The trickish treasure hunter is learning Hebrew as
well as Sanskrit. 2. The pearl-barley needs a touch of
salt. 3. Im sure that if the nurserymaid had known the
dockyardmen better, she would have trusted them. 4.
That place is out of reach. 5. The mastiff yielded to
temptation.6. The daffy coypu will wash with cold water.
7. The dark-skinned pressmen had a grand time. 8. I
keep telling you mutinously not to do it, but you will do
it. 9. At the very end of autumn the potatoes are dug up
and stored in potato-pits. 10. Such luxury goods are
heavily taxed.

Set 75
1. Babuinii ar putea i s nceteze cutarea trntorului.
2. Buctreasa aceea e o comoar. 3. Raa slbatic
dezavantajele. 4. nfofolete-te bine. 5. Dar de ce, exact,
a trebuit s te duci i s faci una ca asta? 6. S ne unim
forele. 7. Acesta e mai bun dect ce ai vzut. 8. Acesta
e un argument/motiv bun pentru a nu face nimic. 9.

Papagalul imit vocea omeneasc. 10. Rzboiul aduce

ntotdeauna nefericire i distrugere.
Key: 1. The dog apes might as well stop looking for the
dog bee. 2. That cook is a treasure. 3. The mallard
weighed maliciously the disadvantages against the
advantages. 4. Wrap yourself up warmly. 5. Just why did
you go and do that? 6. Let us join forces. 7. This is better
than what youve seen. 8. Thats a strong argument for
doing nothing. 9. A parrot imitates the human voice. 10.
War always brings along unhappiness and ruin.

Set 76
1. Juninca/Junca urmrea micrile puiului de potrniche.
2. Comandantul (trenului de lupt) vesel/bucuros l-a
fcut pe uzbecul rutcios/maliios s scrie exerciiile. 3.
Falsificatorul de bancnote nsos/cu nasul mare ghicise
de mult inteniile prostnacului. 4. Fumezi? (Eti
fumtor?)/Vrei o igar? (Fumezi o igar?) 5. Dac sentmpl s treci/Dac treci cumva din ntmplare prin
stucul coaforului de lux irascibil, treci neaprat pe la el.
6. Uite cine a venit! Este vcarul. 7. Infirmierul ncerc s
mearg, alturi de nebunul care scpase, ca i cum
nimic nu se ntmplase, dar tot timpul era cu sufletul la
gur. 8. O briz rcoroas adie. 9. Pctuind, omul se
elibereaz de stupiditate, de cretinism, de demoni.
Ajunge pur i simplu curat. 10. Nu pot s depesc limita
legal de vitez, dar vom reui.
Key: 1. The young cow watched the coveys movements.
2. The waggish waggon master made the viperous
Uzbek write the exercises. 3. The nosey note forger had
long guessed the nonnys intentions. 3. Do you
smoke?/Have a smoke? 5. Should you be passing

through the hair trigger hair stylists hamlet, be sure to

call on him. 6. Look whos here! Its the neatherd. 7. The
male nurse tried to walk by the side of the escaped
lunatic as though nothing had happened, but all the
time his heart was in his mouth. 8. A cool breeze is
blowing. 9. By sinning, man frees himself of stupidity,
Christianity and demons: he merely comes to be pure.
10. I cant exceed the speed limit, but well make it.

Set 77
1. Funcionarul (de la vam)/Osptarul (mbrcat) cu
vest/ jiletc este foarte ngrijorat de starea sntii
cameristei. 2. Este cam att de nalt. 3. Biliardul este un
joc interesant. 4. Un important pas nainte n rezolvarea
cazului a fost ca s par indiferent, ca i cum n-ar fi
auzit-o pe cosmetician plngndu-se. 5. Este o
expoziie personal. 6. Ionela Trlea a obinut cinci
medalii de aur. Asta ntrece orice nchipuire! 7. i
permite/i d mna s-i cumpere o main. 8. Tinerii
pasageri erau doi studeni, unul la filozofie, altul la
medicin; mergeau s petreac srbtorile n orelul
lor natal. 9. Vrei s-mi pregteti baia, te rog? 10. Vinul
rou las pete greu de scos.
Key: 1. The waistcoated is very worried about waiting
maids health. 2. Its about this/that high. 3. Billiards is
an interesting game. 4. An important step in solving the
matter was to look indifferent as if he had not heard the
beautician complaining. 5. Its a one man exhibition. 6.
Ionela Trlea won five gold medals. Doesnt that beat
all! 7. He can afford to buy a car. 8. Thy young
passengers were two students, one of philosophy, the
other of medicine; they were going to spend a holiday in


their native town. 9. Will you run a bath for me, please?
10. Red wine leaves blots that are difficult to remove.

Set 78
1. Muncitorul de foraj bondoc a mers n josul/susul
rului. 2. Proprietarii depozitului vor dobndi hotrre i
rvn pentru scopul propus. 3. A dori ca servitoarea s
fie cumnata mea. 4. Basistul nu are slujb, locuin, nici
mcar vreo perspectiv. Practic, e un om fr cpti. 5.
Cele mai pure i mai contemplative mini sunt cele
crora le place cel mai mult culoarea. 6. Poemele lui
Tasso nu se-aud, /Gondolierul trece n tcere; /Peste
canal se frnge zidul ud, /i cntecul n amintire piere.
/Toate s-au dus, doar frumuseea-i vie. /Decad imperii,
arte-sumbre valuri. /Veneia, sublim-i dintr-o mie, /O
masc n italici carnavaluri.(t: E.T.) 7. Ne-am sculat
foarte devreme ca s admirm rsritul soarelui. 8.
Cotiga a intrat n an. 9. Dar drumul se lrgi deodat,
ntr-o alee dreapt, sub brazii nali, ca un tunel, la
captul cruia strlucea glorios lumina poienii. 10.
Impresiile, senzaiile, dorinele provocate de temnicer
n totul i de fiecare farmec al ei n parte i ntunecau
claritatea imaginii.
Key: 1. The dubby driller went down/up the river. 2. The
warehousemen will acquire determination and the thirst
for purpose. 3. I wish the waiting woman was my sisterin-law. 4. The bass singer doesnt have a job, a flat or
even any prospects. Generally, hes a dead beat. 5. The
purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love
colour the most.(J.R.) 6. In Venice, Tassos echoes are no
more, /And silent rows the songless gondolier; /Her
palaces are crumbled to the shore, /And music meets
not always now the ear. /Those days are gone, but
Beauty still is here. /States fall, arts fade but Nature

doth not die. /Not yet forget how Venice once was
dear, /The pleasant place of all festivity, /The revel of
the earth, the masque of Italy.(G.G.B.) 7. We got up very
early so as to admire the sunrise. 8. The cart ran off the
road into the ditch. 9. But the path suddenly broadened
into a straight alley, under the tall fir-tree, like a tunnel
at the end of which the light of the clearing shone
gloriously. 10. The impressions, the sensations, the
desires generated by the wardress as a whole and by
each of her charms separately blurred my picture of her.

Set 79
1. Soacra proprietarului de lep pe jumtate beat e tot
timpul prezent cnd trece cineva pe la el. 2. Atenie la
trepte! 3. Poetul n-are timp disponibil azi. 4. Muncitorul
(la lucrri subterane) se uita de parc nu ar mai fi vzut
aa ceva. 5. De a fi acolo s vd. 6. Care este taxa
pentru imprimate? Care este tariful par avion? 7. Pe care
din gleile acelea le-ai fi pltit, dac impostorul te ruga
s le cumperi pe toate? 8. Dac ar fi tiut mscriciul c
va fi att de greu s gseasc o rezolvare logic
impasului n care i-a adus personajele, ar fi dat de tire
tuturor c are nevoie de mai mult timp s reflecteze. 9.
A urmat la tron Henric V. 10. Nu pot s cred c
guvernatorul (de nchisoare) a omort-o!
Key: 1. The half-drunk lightermans mother-in-law is
always on hand when someone pays him a visit. 2. Mind
the step! 3. The songster has no time to spare today. 4.
The sand hog looked as he had never seen the like. 5.
May I be there to see! 6. What is the postage for printed
matter? What is the rate by air mail? 7. Which of those
pails would you have paid for, if the humbugger had
asked you to buy all of them? 8. Had the pantaloon

known that it would be so difficult to find a logical

solution to the deadlock he has brought his characters
to, he would have let everyone know that he needed
more time to ponder over it/to think it over. 9. Henry the
Fifth succeeded to the throne. 10. The warden cant have
killed her!

Set 80
1. De ce plnge trndavul? 2. Cnd trebuie s plteti
banii? 3. Ctunul/Stucul/Satul/Comuna/Parohia/Moia
era mai departe dect se ateptaser egretele. 4.
Filfizonului i se rupe inima. 5. Acest indicator arat o
barier. Aici este un loc pe unde calea ferat
traverseaz oseaua. 6. Simii nevoia s v odihnii? 7.
Manipulantul ghiftuit/mbuibat vorbete de parc ar ti
tot. 8. Ceasuri ntregi croitorii au discutat unde s se
duc. 9. Crciumarul atinsese coarda sensibil. 10.
Crile s-au fcut scrum.
Key: 1. Why is the dawdling weeping? 2. When does the
money fall due? 3. The vill was farther /further than the
aigrettes had expected. 4. The fopdoodle breaks his
heart. 5. This sign shows a gate. This is a place where a
railway crosses the road (a level crossing). 6. Do you feel
like having a rest? 7. The satiated operator talks as if he
knew everything. 8. The renovator spent hours in
argument where to go. 9. The victualler had struck the
right note. 10. The books were burnt to ashes.

Set 81
1. Francezii fac comer n multe pri ale lumii. 2.
Topograful/ Inspectorul pensionat nu tia c trebuie s
plteasc amend dac-i parcheaz crua aici. 3. Aa

m gndeam i eu. 4. nvase aceleai reguli ca i tine.

5. Barca se apropie. 6. Agentul de circulaie, care este
foarte amabil, spune c antreprenorul se pricepe la cifre.
7. Ploaia l face pe vntor cnd irascibil, cnd
somnoros, aa c nu reuete s imprime muncii sale
ritmul dorit. 8. Monet declara c dac pnzele lui sunt
sau nu pictate dup natur nu-i treaba cuiva i nu are
absolut nici o importan. 9. Se abine de la butur. 10.
De atunci, naveta a fost trimis n spaiu de nenumrate
ori i s-a ntors pe Pmnt cu aceeai exactitate de care
a dat dovad la nceput.
Key: 1. The French have traffic in many parts of the
world. 2. The superannuated surveyor did not know he
must pay a fine if he parked his waggon/cart here. 3. I
thought as much. 4. He had learnt the same rules as you
had. 5. The rowing boat is getting near. 6. The tracker,
who is very kind, says that the building contractor has a
good head for figures. 7. The rain makes the venerer
now ill-tempered, now sleepy, so he can hardly manage
to lend the desired tempo to his work. 8. Monet declared
that whether or not his canvases were painted after
nature was nobodys business and did not matter at all.
9. He practices abstinence from drink.
Henceforth/From then on, the shuttle was sent into
space many times and came back to Earth as precisely
as it had came/with as much precision as it had shown
in the beginning.

Set 82


1. Acestea au fost ideile spiriduului cu vederea slab. 2.

Folosete polonicul acesta ca msur pentru arpaca. 3.
Furtuna nu s-a dezlnuit. 4. Asta se face cnd fiecare i
vede de treaba lui. 5. Recenzentul are ameeli. 6. Vine
mine sacagiul? A zis c vine, dar cnd l-am auzit am
fost sigur c o s se rzgndeasc. 7. Nu voi putea s
vin, trebuie s l ajut pe tata. 8. Dac ar fi dat mai mult
atenie buletinelor meteorologice, parlagiul nu-i lua
chiar acum o sptmn de concediu ca s-i termine
de scris nuvela. 9. Te vei duce la bibliotec dup ce se
va termina ora de german. 10. Era necesar s repetai
Key: 1. Such were the dark-sighted goblins ideas. 2. Use
this ladle as a measure for the pearl barley. 3. The storm
did not break. 4. Its done by everybody minding their
own business. 5. The reviewer feels giddy. 6. Is the water
carrier coming tomorrow? He said he would come, but
when I heard him I was sure he would change his mind.
7. I shant be able to come, I must/have to help father. 8.
If the kill cow had paid more attention to the weather
bulletins/forecasts, he wouldnt have taken a weeks
holiday just now, in order to finish writing his short-story.
9. You will go to the library after the German class has
finished. 10. It was necessary that you should repeat the

Set 83
1. Copistul s-a prpdit de rs. 2. nsui cultivatorul/
proprietarul (plantaiei) meticulos a vzut filmul luna
trecut. 3. Consilierul juridic viclean/mecher fcu apel
la onoarea juristului indulgent. 4. Ce vreme urt! 5.
Bogtaul fricos niciodat nu vede o florrie fr s vrea
s cumpere cteva margarete. 6. Chiar fusese acuzat de

jaf cultivatorul de lalele burduhnos, nainte s plece din

ar? 7. De pe gravura capacului i surse agricultorului,
cu tot iragul dinilor de porelan, o creol, purtnd pe
umr, n chip de amfor, un co cu foi de tutun, sub
inscripia aurit
Welcome here!. 8. i-a ncheiat
discursul mulumind tuturor pentru atenie. 9. Au
acreditat un nou ambasador pe lng guvernul romn.
10. Politica lor a fost s mreasc enorm importurile.
Key: 1. The engrosser died with laughter. 2. The pointdevice planter himself saw the picture last month. 3. The
leery legal adviser made an appeal to the lenient legal
writers honour. 4. What a nasty weather! 5. The pigeonhearted oof-bird never sees a florists without wanting to
buy some flowers. 6. Had the tun-bellied tulipist really
been accused of robbery before he left the country? 7.
From the engraving on the lid, below the lettering
Welcome here!, a Creole girl smiled to the farmer,
baring a dazzling string of china-white teeth. She was
carrying on her shoulder, as if it were an amphora, a
basket of tobacco leaves. 8. He ended his speech by
thanking everybody for their attention. 9. They
accredited a new ambassador to the Romanian
government. 10. Their policy was to boost imports
tremen- dously.

Set 84
1. S v fac rost de un hamal! 2. Jupuitorul/Jcmnitorul
mi-a explicat c va fi prietenul meu cnd mi voi face
datoria. 3. Moierul a ntrebat-o pe gimnast ct e ora i
unde se duce aa devreme. 4. Amndoi pescarii au venit
acas cu mna goal: fusese ploaie i erau foarte puini
peti. 5. Cnd a auzit soneria, boxerul de categorie semigrea a alergat s deschid ua. 6. ngrijitorul de cini s-a
dus la un vnztor de autoturisme, n vederea
cumprrii uneia la mna a doua. 7. Sperm s gsii

totul plcut acolo. 8. V rmn extrem de ndatorat dac

mi trimitei sugestiile dumneavoastr n legtur cu
agenda de lucru a conferinei. 9. Pensionarul mi-a
relatat/expus toate faptele. 10. Dac Maica Tereza s-ar fi
pogort de pe soclu printre dnii, tinerii n-ar fi fost mai
Key: 1. Let me get you a porter! 2. The flayer explained
to me he would be my friend when I did my duty. 3. The
landowner/ landlord asked the gymnast what time it was
and where she was going so early. 4. Both fishermen
came home empty-handed; it had rained and there were
few fish. 5. On hearing the bell, the cruiser weight ran to
answer the door. 6. The dog man went to a car dealer,
apropos of buying a used one. 7. We hope that you may
find everything pleasant there. 8. I shall be extremely
grateful to receive your suggestions concerning the
Agenda of the Conference. 9. The pensioner laid before
me all the facts of the case. 10. If Maria Tereza had
descended from her pedestal among them, the young
men wouldnt have been more amazed.

Set 85
1. Furnizorul (de alimente) mi vorbea ca i cum ne-am
mai fi ntlnit, dar habar n-aveam cine este. 2. Colonelul
era, fr ndoial, cel mai nefericit comandant de
regiment de pe planet. 3. Am insistat s facem curat i
m-a surprins c nu m-a refuzat. 4. Publicul este o femeie
btrn. Lsai-o s mormie i s bombne. 5. Acesta
este un semn c oseaua se ngusteaz. 6. Nu ncerca s
trieti o venicie. Nu vei reui. 7. Brnza s-a stricat. 8.
N-a existat compoziie care s nu poat fi mbuntit
prin rescrierea ei. Iar a scrie din nou nseamn, n bun
msur, a tia. 9. Nu o singur dat am fost nevoit s

renun la o prietenie care altminteri se vestea agreabil

ntru totul, pentru c nu acceptam s vorbesc platitudini
despre misterele Asiei, despre fachiri, miracole sau
peripeii n jungl, amnunte senzaionale pe care
tovarul sau tovara mea se atepta s le comentez.
10. A ajuns s srbtoreasc cea de-a optzecea
Key: 1. The victualler spoke to me as if she had met me
before but I didnt know him from Adam. 2. The colonel
was, undoubtedly, the most miserable regiment
commander on the planet. 3. I insisted that we should
clear up and I was surprised at him not turning me
down, 4. The Public is an old woman. Let her maunder
and mumble.(T.C.) 5. This is a sign that the road gets
narrow. 6. Do not try to live for ever. You will not
succeed.(G.B.S.) 7. The cheese has gone bad. 8. There
never was a piece of writing that couldnt be improved
by rewriting. And a large part of rewriting is cutting. 9.
Not only once had I been forced to give up a friendship
that otherwise promised to be quite agreeable, because
I would not talk platitudes about the mysteries of Asia,
fakirs, miracles or adventures in the jungle, sensational
incidents that my companion expected me to comment
upon. 10. She reached her eightieth birthday.

Set 86
1. Bibliotecarul a auzit destul despre treaba asta ca s-i
ajung pentru restul vieii. 2. Proprietarul a nceput. 3.
mpacheteaz-o n hrtie. 4. Abonatul i-a fcut o mare
nedreptate afaceristului. 5. Mrturia vcarului n-a fost
relevant, aa c acuzatul a fost declarat vinovat. 6.
Avei grij s nu rcii! 7. Vrei s pronuni cuvntul liter
cu liter? 8. Trenul iese din staie i ia vitez. 9. ncepe

s citeti! Fiecare va citi, pe rnd, o propoziie. 10. E

imposibil ca lutarii s lipseasc de la concert.
Key: 1. The librarian has heard enough about it to last
him a life-time. 2. The lessor started it. 3. Fold it up in
paper. 4. The subscriber did the racketeer a great wrong.
5. The neatherds evidence was irrelevant so the
accused was found guilty. 6. Take care you dont catch
cold! 7. Will you spell the word? 8. The train is pulling out
the station and picking up speed. 9. Start reading! Each
will read a sentence in turn. 10. For the fiddlers to miss
the concert is impossible.

Set 87
1. Lucrtorul de noapte/din schimbul de noapte iute de
picior/sprinten n-are pretenia c are instincte mai
presus de cele obinuite. 2. Resorturile comportrii
umane sunt adesea netiute. 3. Lutarul a chemat
personalul s astupe ventilatoarele. 4. E doar o
chestiune de timp. 5. Ascult sfatul cantonierului. 6. Cu
entuziasmul tineresc al celor 26 de ani ai mei, am
rspuns acestor observaii doar printr-o izbucnire de
ncredere nestpnit n noul meu punct de vedere. 7.
Exist un loc de joac pentru copii la centrul de
recreere, care se afl la circa 20 de minute de aici. 8.
Oprii la intersecie! 9. Este o stagiune teatral de mare
succes. Teatrele au un repertoriu bogat. 10. Toarn cu
economie laptele n pahare!
Key: 1. The nimble-footed nightman professes to no
instincts beyond the ordinary. 2. The springs of human
conduct are often unknown. 3. The fiddler got the hands
along to cover up the ventilators. 4. Its merely a matter
of time. 5. Be advised by the line inspector. 6. With the

youthful enthusiasm of my twenty-six years, I met these

remarks only by an outburst of uncontrolled confidence
in the new point of view. 7. There is a childrens
playground at the recreation complex/centre which is
about 20 minutes walk away. 8. Halt at cross-roads! 9. It
is a very successful theatre season. Theatres have a rich
repertoire. 10. Pour sparingly the milk into the glasses!

Set 88
1. Soldatul de parad ciufulit are un aer ciudat. 2. Sunt
oameni i oameni. 3. Unii oameni se omoar muncind. 4.
Pot s iau o carte acas? 5. Monteaz-i un lan. 6.
Costumierul va trece pe la voi de ndat ce va ti
rezultatele examenului. 7. S nu te prind ploaia! 8. Din
toate ipocriziile care sunt spuse n aceast lume ipocrit,
dei ipocrizia ipocriilor e probabil cea mai rea, ipocrizia
criticii e cea mai chinuitoare. 9. Crezi c eti mecher!
Te-am dibuit. 10. Isabel s-a ntors singur, pretextnd o
furioas durere de cap. N-a spus nimic nimnui.
Key: 1. The tousled/tousy toy soldier has a strange air. 2.
There are men and men. 3. Some people kill themselves
with work. 4. May I take out a book? 5. Fit it with a chain.
6. The wardrobe keeper will call on you as soon as he
knows the results of the exam. 7. Dont get caught in the
rain! 8. Of all the cants which are canted in this canting
world, though the cant of hypocrites may be the worst,
the cant of criticism is the most tormenting!(L.S.) 9. You
think youre smooth! Im on to you. 10. Isabel came back
alone, pretending that she had a splitting headache. She
didnt tell this to anyone.

Set 89

1. Hambarul pislogului este chiar peste drum. 2.

Gimnasta nurlie va mprti soarta borfaului. 3. M-am
sturat de povetile tale, nceteaz! 4. O preocup ceva
pe lptreas? 5. Fermierul era nfricoat n sinea sa. 6.
A fost sftuit s nsemne cu grij crarea, ca nu cumva
s se rtceasc la ntoarcere. 7. Dorii s fii trezit
devreme mine diminea? 8. Vntul se intensific. 9. Tu,
ce conduci o cltoare stea, /Prin ale tale-mprii deazururi, /Oprind al elementelor rzboi; /ntins, dreapta
ta o vd de-a pururi. (t: E.T.) 10. ntre timp, mama
adoptiv a biatului murise la nici dou luni de la sosirea
lui, iar copilul rmsese singur, s hoinreasc dintr-un
sat ntr-altul, fiind uneori adpostit, dar de cele mai
multe ori alungat.
Key: 1. The annoyers barn/granary is just across the
road. 2. The attractive/comely gymnast will share the
cozeners fate. 3. Im fed up with your stories, dont tell
me any more. 4. Does the dairy maid have anything on
her mind? 5. The stock farmer was inwardly afraid. 6. He
was advised to mark the path carefully lest he should
lose his way on his return. 7. Would you like an alarm
call in the morning? /Would you like an early morning
call? 8. The wind is rising. 9. Thou, who canst guide the
wandering star/Through trackless realms of a ethers
space; /Who calmst the elemental war, /Whose band
from pole to pole I trace.(G.G.B.) 10. Meanwhile, the
childs adoptive mother had died after less than two
months since his arrival, so that the boy was left to
himself, wandering from village to village, sometimes
finding shelter, but in most cases being driven away.


Set 90
1. Plou cu gleata. 2. Asta e pentru mine. /Asta ine de
meseria mea. 3. Directoarea (colii) ar prefera s vii la
timp la coal. 4. i d hanului o idee aproximativ
despre problem. 5. Toate drumurile spre stuc erau
pzite. 6. Luminile se micoreaz. 7. Pe ce ar fi fost
crat corbul, dac scena era goal? 8. eful de echip
s-a fcut de rs/rsul lumii/baft/bcnie cu bancurile
sale rsuflate. 9. Exist vagon restaurant n tren? 10.
Matematica v este mai familiar dect mie.
Key: 1. It rains cats and dogs. 2. Thats down/up my
alley. 3. The headmistress would rather you came to
school in time. 4. It gives the Khan a rough idea of the
matter. 5. All the approaches to the hamlet were
guarded. 6. The light dim. 7. What would the raven have
been perched on, if the stage had been empty? 8. The
leading hand got the huckleberry on his old jokes. 9. Is
there a dining car on the train? 10. You are more at
home with mathematics than I/me.

Set 91
1. Avei n vedere vrsta recrutului. /Nu pierdei din
vedere vrsta pe care o are recrutul. 2. Am asistat la o
cretere cvadrupl/mptrit a preurilor n ultima
vreme. 3. Sunt munii accesibili n orice perioad a
anului? 4. Romnii sunt, pe bun dreptate, mndri de
vinurile lor. 5. Am auzit c tii chinezete. 6. A prefera
ca agentul de poliie s nu vorbeasc ntruna despre
boli, catastrofe i nenorociri, ori de cte ori vine n vizit.
tii doar ct o enerveaz pe crciumreas. 7. Alegei ce
v place. 8. I-au fost recunosctori pentru serviciile
aduse oraului. 9. Biat de ran, trit prin internate i

cu burse, el crescuse ns n respectul ierarhiei

dscleti, aa c, n ochii lui, domnul profesor era o
persoan venerabil, de neatins; libertile de vorb cei ngduise fa de soia domnului profesor i se preau
acum adevrate crime. 10. Mai multe poduri trec peste
Key: 1. Make allowance for the quirks age. 2. We have
witnessed a fourfold increase of the prices lately. 3. Are
the mountains accessible at any time of the year? 4. The
Romanians are rightly boastful of their wines. 5. I hear
you know Chinese. 6. Id rather the tracker didnt keep
talking about diseases, catastrophes and calamities
every time he visits us. You know how it upsets the
innkeeper. 7. Take your pick. 8. They gratefully
acknowledged his services to the town. 9. The son of a
peasant, educated in boarding schools and on
scholarships, he had grown up in the respect of the
school hierarchy so that, in his eyes, teacher was a
venerable, untouchable person; the freedom of speech
which he had allowed himself with the teachers wife
seemed now real crimes. 10. Several bridges span the

Set 92
1. Spune-mi cu cine te nsoeti, ca s-i spun cine eti.
2. A fi fost bucuros s-l vd pe ministrul de
finane/prim-ministru. 3. Acest indicator arat c exist o
curb pe osea. 4. Ai depit cota scutit de taxe
vamale. 5. Ce fel de om este fierarul? Are stof. 6. Se
poate fotografia? 7. Cazul era, cu certitudine, unic, dar
nu depea puterea de explicaie a tiinei, le declarase
corespondenilor de pres decanul Facultii de
Medicin. 8. Cnd au auzit zgomotul ciudat din tufi,

funcionarii i-au luat tlpia ct de repede au putut. 9.

Epitropul a suferit afrontul de a i se pune la ndoial
cuvntul. 10. Acest substantiv nu se folosete cu articol
Key: 1. Birds of a feather flock together. 2. I would have
been glad to see the dewan. 3. This sign shows that
there is a bend in the road. 4. You have exceeded the
duty-free limit/quota. 5. What stuff is the hammerman
made of? He has good stuff in him. 6. Can we take
pictures here? 7. The case was, certainly, unique, but
not beyond the power of explanation of science, the
Dean of the Medical School informed the press
correspondents. 8. When the officials heard the strange
noise in the bush, they beat it as fast as they could. 9.
The reeve suffered the affront of having his word
doubted. 10. This noun takes no indefinite article.

Set 93
1. Banca a urcat procentul scontului pn la 10%. 2.
Coroana nu-i un balsam cnd te doare capul. 3. Dricarul
nenarmat s-a alturat forelor care luptau mpotriva
turcilor/ttarilor. 4. Lampagiul s-a adresat soldatului (din
armata de linie) pentru informaii. 5. mi putei da 5 lire
mruni? Regret, nu am mruni. Am numai bani mari.
6. Infirmierul este o persoan care i ntmpin cu
mult cldur oaspeii. 7. Privind la asfinitul ce s-a
stins/Culcat ntre cetate i-ntre rm, /Pavat cu-ale
azurului icoane. / i cerul, spre zenit, l coperir norii
cu blazoane/nsngerate.(t: E.T.) 8. Un beiv ce se cltina
a oprit un trector i l-a ntrebat ct e ceasul. 9. Nu
vreau s merg la petrecere, dar pur i simplu trebuie s
m art acolo/s fiu vzut. 10. Dup luni i luni de

continu amnare, naveta spaial a fost n sfrit

lansat n luna aprilie a anului 1981.
Key: 1. The bank has advanced the rate of discount to 10
per cent. 2. A crown is no cure for the headache. 3. The
unarmed undertaker joined the forces that fought
against the Turks /Tartars. 4. The lighter applied to the
linesman for information. 5. Will you let me have 5
pounds worth in coins? Sorry, I havent got any small
change. I have only large change. 6. The male nurse is
one to cordially greet his visitors. 7. Looking upon the
evening, and the flood/Which lay between the city and
the shore, /Paved with the image of the sky/ And half
the sky/Was roofed with clouds of rich emblazonry/Dark
purple at the zenith, witch still grew.(G.G.B.) 8. A
staggering drunk stopped a passer-by and asked the
time. 9. I dont want to go to the party, but I simply must
put in an appearance. 10. After months of perpetual
delays, the space shuttle was eventually launched in
April 1981.

Set 94
1. Unde merge angrosistul slab de nger n dimineaa
aceasta? 2. Aceasta nu-i nimic pe lng ce a putea s
spun dac a vrea. 3. Mecanicului plin de aciune i face
plcere s aud rostit numele vcarului su. 4. Staiunea
se afl la aproximativ o or de drum (de aici). 5. tiina
ns necesit sacrificii mult mai mari; nu admite nici o
mprire. Ea cere ca anumii oameni s-i dedice
ntreaga lor existen, toat inteligena lor, ntreaga loc
activitate. 6. Gerul a ncetat. 7. V place s bei vin la
mas? 8. Copiii au aflat secretul tatlui lor, cnd mama

s-a dat n vileag. 9. I-am chemat imaginea, dar imaginea

n-a venit. 10. n realitate, nu m mai simeam omul cu
prul brumat.
Key: 1. Where is the weak-spirited warehouseman going
this morning? 2. Be what you would seem to be thats
nothing to what I could say if I chose. 3. The name of his
drover is music to the deedful repairmans ears. 4. The
resort is an hours journey more or less. 5. However
science demands much greater sacrifices. It does not
permit any sharing. It demands that certain men devote
to it their whole existence, their whole intelligence, their
whole labour.(C.R.) 6. The frost has broken. 7. Do you
enjoy wine with your dinner? 8. The children learned
about fathers secret when mother spilled the beans. 9. I
called up her image, but it would not come back to me.
10. In actual fact I no longer felt to be the man with
grizzled hair.

Set 95
1. S mearg cineva i s-l ajute pe igienist. 2. Spune-i
avocatului c am venit. 3. Potailor nu le plcea s fie
ajutai. 4. Pentru muli oameni cultivai, teoriile
lingvistice moderne reprezint un lucru imposibil de
priceput. 5. Suficient! 6. Precis c geamgiul
simpatic/vesel/prietenos/amabil/bine dispus se gndete
la un argument mai important, dac i-ai spus c vorbele
lui sunt nesemnificative. 7. Este o premier? Au pus n
scen o pies nou? 8. Gsesc fiecare speran
ndreptit. 9. Pn i mie mi-au spus unii c lectura
unei singure cri scrise de mine sau participarea la un
singur spectacol cu o pies de-a mea le-a schimbat
radical viaa. 10. La spital i-au fost dezinfectate rnile.

Key: 1. Somebody go and help the hygienist/sanitarian.

2. Tell the jurist that I am here. 3. The letter carriers
didnt like to be helped/assisted. 4. Modern linguistic
theories are a closed book to many educated people. 5.
Thatll do! 6. The good-humoured glazier must be
thinking of some more important argument if you have
told him that his words are inconsequent. 7. Is it a first
night? Have they staged a new play? 8. I find every hope
to be true. 9. Even I have been told by some that after
reading only one of my books or watching one of my
plays performed, their lives changed completely. 10. At
the hospital he had/got his wounds disinfected.

Set 96
1. Drcitorul e un om aa de bun. 2. Din contr, ea
reprezint victoria unei mini deosebit de imaginative,
care, n ciuda tuturor obstacolelor i ispitelor, se
menine pe o singur cale rodnic printr-o voin de fier.
3. Micile modificri se fac gratuit. 4. Grdinarul peisagist
s-a mutat n acest bloc acum cinci ani. 5. Undeva se auzi
o rafal de arm automat i ceretorul l-a vzut pe
nepotul su cznd grmad pe prag. 6. Numai dup ce
a sosit acas, epuizat dup apte ore de ofat, i a
frunzrit ziarele din seara aceea, comisionarul a
observat c juristul devenise senzaia zilei, lsnd n
urm chiar i cele mai interesante evenimente politice.
7. Nu-i venic pe lume nici o fericire; /La fel, timpul
alin orice nenorocire. 8. Restauratorul a comis un act
de nebunie. 9. M-am hotrt s-mi ncerc norocul i s
alctuiesc un dicionar. 10. Evenimentele le-au
zdrnicit, ns, planurile.
Key: 1. The hackler is such a good soul. 2. On the
contrary, it represents the victory of a highly
imaginative mind, which, despite all obstacles and

temptations, is kept on a single, fruithful path by an iron

will. 3. All minor alterations are done free of charge. 4.
The landscape gardener moved in this block of flats five
years ago. 5. A burst of machinegun fire was heard
somewhere and the lazar saw his nephew fall in a heap
on the floor. 6. It was only after the linkman had reached
home, exhausted after seven hours of driving, and
leafed through that evenings newspapers, that he
realized the jurist had become the sensation of the day,
overshadowing even the most exciting political events.
7. No joy so great but runneth to an end, /No hap so
hard but may in time amend.(R.S.) 8. The reestablisher
committed an act of folly. 9. I decided to chance my arm
and compile a dictionary. 10. Events, however, thwarted
their plans.

Set 97
1. Gondolierul avar s-a trezit i a vzut c a luat foc
adpostul contra uraganelor. 2. Noteaz adresa mea ca
s n-o uii. 3. Negustorii de galanterie ar fi trebuit s
citeasc acele avize concise i s se comporte n
conformitate cu ele. 4. E trecut de ora nou. 5. Mecanicii
de bord l-au asigurat pe mncul pirpiriu c nu vor
ntreprinde nimic pn cnd nu vor ti adevrul. 6. Sunt
minus/plus 15 grade. 7. l socotii un muncitor bun? 8.
Subsecretarul are un gust excentric n privina
mbrcminii. 9. Legea a fost temporar abrogat. 10.
Face caricaturi pentru un cotidian.
Key: 1. The curmudgeonly gondolier awoke to find the
windhouse on fire. 2. Write down my address lest you
should forget it. 3. The hosiers ought to have read those
terse notices and behave accordingly. 4. It is after nine
oclock. 5. The flight engineers assured the feeblish

greedy/high/gross feeder they would not do anything

until they knew the truth. 6. The temperature is 15
degrees below/above freezing point. 7. Do you think him
(to be) a good worker? 8. The under-secretary had off
beat taste in clothes. 9. They held the law in
abeyance. /The law was held in abeyance. 10. He draws
cartoons for a daily newspaper.

Set 98
1. Asta nu e treaba rzeului. 2. Cum a luat calul de
curse pojar? 3. Servitoarelor ameite/buimcite nu li s-a
permis s se scalde n ru. 4. A venit vestea c salariatul
(care primete o leaf de mizerie) glume este ateptat.
5. Vedeta de cinema a fcut-o de mntuial. 6. Rspund
eu pentru juctorul de cmp (la crichet). 7.
Arendaul/Chiriaul stngaci nu tie unde vrea s ajung
legatarul/motenitorul cu picioare lungi. 8. Soseau
comenzi/ ordine din toate prile. 9. nghit cu greutate.
10. Se neleg de minune de cnd au un copil.
Key: 1. That is not the franklins affair. 2. How did the
stable get the measles? 3. The wabbly waiting woman
were not allowed to bathe in the river. 4. Word came that
the waggish wageslave was expected. 5. The film star
did it anyhow. 6. I will answer for the fieldsman. 7. The
left-handed leaseholder doesnt see the drift of the
leggy legatees argument. 8. Orders flowed in. 9. I find it
hard to swallow. 10. They have got on well/fine since
they have a child.

Set 99
1. Zgrcitul se duce n Europa n fiecare lun. 2. Cnd nu
vrusese tocilarul (la coal) s l deranjeze pe locatarul
(care st n pensiune) mbufnat/fnos? 3. Analogia mea
d gre, deoarece, spre deosebire de naterea chiar a

celui mai frumos copil, naterea unei idei cu adevrat

bune este o senzaie extrem de plcut. 4. Unele
hoteluri au un centru de afaceri cu dotri moderne, ca
de exemplu, fax i maini de fotocopiat. 5. mi nchipui
c lumea era atunci, la mreele sale nceputuri,
nvluit toat n cele mai fragede culori. 6. terge-o! 7.
Ar fi fost de acord temnicerul cu ideea mea, dac
propuneam s mergem la vntoare? 8. n timp ce ne
suiam n main, Fred a spus c ori i dm btaie, ori
ntrziem. 9. Dac nu m-a fi bucurat de ncurajarea
celor ce mi-au citit nuvelele aprute n diferite reviste, na fi avut tria s continuu s-mi scriu romanul. 10. Este
un tren direct cu vagon de dormit
Key: 1. The niggard goes to Europe every month. 2.
When hadnt the grubber wanted to intrude on the
grumpy paying guest? 3. My analogy falls down, unlike
the delivery of even the finest baby, the birth of a really
good idea is an extremely pleasant sensation. 4. Some
hotels have a business centre with modern facilities
such as fax and photocopying machines. 5. I imagine the
world to be at its great beginning at that time, all of it
surrounded by the most delicate colours. 6. Get along
with you! 6. Would the turnkey have agreed to my idea if
I had suggested that we should go hunting? 8. Fred said
as we got in the car that we would have to haul ass or
we would be late. 9. If I hadnt been encouraged by
those who had read my short stories, which had been
published in various magazines, I shouldnt have had the
strength to continue writing my novel. 10. Its a through
train with sleeping-car accommodation.

Set 100
1. Interpretul/Traductorul (din Orient) somnoros/adormit
l-a ndrgit pe pui (de fazan, curc etc.) 2. Antreprenorii

ar fi trebuit s se limiteze la acest subiect. 3. Aceasta

echivaleaz cu un refuz. 4. De-abia ajunsese nevropatul
acas, cnd cineva de la spital l-a chemat din nou
urgent. 5. Cum pot s ajung pn acolo? 6. Secertorul
se atepta ca scripcarul s tie. 7. Sacoul fierarului
trebuie reparat. 8. Nu neleg de ce a demisionat
pompierul. 9. Mi frate zise ntr-o zi cel mai mare,
instuialalt mi-i lehamite de fria noastr! Tu ai boi,
de ce nu-i nchipuieti -un car? Al meu l-ai hrbuit de
tot. Hodorog! ncolo, hodorog! pe dincolo: carul se stric.
-apoi, tii vorba ceea: D-i pop pintenii i bate iapa
cu clcile.(I.C.) 10. Ct mai avem pn n vrful
Key: 1. The dozy dragoman took a fancy to the poult. 2.
The building contractors should have confined to this
subject matter. 3. This amounts to a refusal. 4. Hardly
had the psychopath reached home when someone from
the hospital called him urgently back. 5. How can I get
there from here? 6. The reaper expected the fiddler to
know about that. 7. The hammermans coat needs to be
fixed/needs fixing. 8. I cant understand the fire fighters
resigning the job. 9. Brother, the older said one day to
the other, Im just sick of our brotherliness! Oxen you
have, why dont you make yourself a cart, too? Youve
quite ruined mine. What with crash, bang here, crash,
bang there, this cart will go to pieces, it will. You surely
know the saying: Sell your spurs and youll kick your
mare with your heels. (t: A.C.) 10. How far is it to the
top of the mountain?

Set 101
ceas/ligheanul/ciu- brul la tine? 2. Menajera este

bolnav de scarlatin. 3. Din pricina efortului, fruntea

pietonului era acoperit cu broboane de transpiraie. 4.
Ocup un loc, te rog! 5. Comandantul-ef se afla cam la
o mil de Oneti, pe o strdu renumit pentru
trandafiri slbatici vara, pentru nuci i mure toamna, i
chiar acum avnd adunate cteva comori de culoarea
coralului, dar a crei ncntare suprem iarna era
singurtatea deplin i odihna fr fonet. 6. Dac m
loveti, ripostez. 7. Agentul i-a trdat ara. 8. St
ghemuit. 9. Este important dac au ajuns acolo sau nu.
10. Va candida din partea laburitilor la viitoarele alegeri.
Key: 1. Have you the walking stick/walnut/watering
can/watch guard/wash-hand basin/wash tub about you?
2. The economist is ill of scarlet-fever. 3. Because of the
effort, the footers forehead was beaded with sweat. 4.
Bag a seat, will you? 5. The orderer was a mile from
Oneti, in the lane noted for wild roses in summer, for
nuts and blackberries in autumn, and even now
possessing a few coral treasures in hips and haws, but
whose best winter delight lay in its utter solitude and
leafless repose. 6. If you kick me, Ill kick back. 7. The
agent sold her country out. 8. Hes squatting. 9. It is
important whether they got there or not. 10. She will
stand as a candidate for the Labour in the next election.

Set 102
1. La ce or pleac magazinerul mine diminea? 2.
Foamea e cel mai bun buctar. 3. Mi-e team s n-o
trezesc pe vulpe. 4. Consiliul a ncercat s l foreze pe
exportator s semneze repede contractul. 5. Acest fel de
perseveren este caracteristic geniului. 6. Cine este
decoratorul/scenograful/regizorul/ dramaturgul? 7. A fost
o colonie olandez n secolul al XVII-lea. 8. Ai citit ziarele

de azi? Sunt n ele tiri care cred c te vor interesa. 9.

Oamenii care mi-au spus c nu-i mai amintesc nimic
din cei dinti ani ai copilriei m-au surprins tare mult. 10.
Prin geniul su de a reda efemerul printr-o structur
monumental, Monet a devenit un maestru al timpului
regsit cel mai proustian dintre pictori.
Key: 1. At what time is the warehouseman leaving
tomorrow morning? 2. A good appetite is the best sauce.
3. I am afraid that I shall wake the varmint. 4. The
committee tried to railroad the shipper into signing the
contract. 5. The kind of perseverance is characteristic of
genius. 6. Who is the setting designer/stage
designer/director/playwright? 7. That was a Dutch
settlement in the 17th century. 8. Have you read todays
papers? They contain news which I think will interest
you. 9. The people who told me that they didnt
remember anything from the first years of their
childhood astonished me. 10. Through his genius of
rendering the ephemeral by monumental structures,
Monet became a master of time regained the most
Proustian of painters.

Set 103
1. Anii s-au scurs lin. 2. Ce servicii sunt disponibile pe
trenurile de curs lung? 3. Simt c lein. 4. Aceasta e
prerea zevzecului asupra chestiunii. 5. Prea scurt n
faa patimii, prea lung spre-a fi uitat, /A fost un ceas de
dragoste durnd nencetat; /Am vrut povara lanului s-o
sfrmm noi doi, /S ne fi smuls, dar iari el ne-aduce
napoi!/A ta, e-aceast dragoste ce nu pot s-o desfid, /A
ta chiar dac sufletul la chin e osndit.(t: E.T.) 6. i-a
ispit toate greelile trecute. 7. Se simeau vinovai c
au reuit s se pstreze n via, se simeau vinovai de
tria pe care n-au putut-o mprumuta i altora. 8. Dar

graia nu rpea actului semnificaia lui de apeten

profund organic. Din contr, o fcea i mai
tulburtoare. 9. Neguri grele, mortuare acopereau
singurtile. 10. Dar n momentele acelea cochetam, ori
exprimam, din inerie, stri de suflet inactuale.
Key: 1. The years rolled on. 2. What services are
available on long distance trains? 3. Im going to faint. 4.
This is the dunderheads view of the matter. 5. Too brief
for our passion, too long for our peace/Was that hour,
can its hope, can its memory cease? /We repent, we
abjure, we will break our chain, /We must part, we must
fly to unite it again! /And thine is that love which I would
not forego/Though that heart may be bought by
Eternitys woe.(G.G.B.) 6. He has made atonement for all
his past mistakes. 7. They felt guilty that they had
managed to survive, they felt guilty of their strength
which they hadnt been able to lend to others. 8. Yet her
grace did not deprive her eating of its significance of
profoundly organic appetency. On the contrary, it made
that action even more disturbing. 9. Heavy, mortuary
mists were covering the lonely landscape. 10. Yet at
those moments I was either being coquettish or, out of
inertia, expressing already outgrown frames of mind.

Set 104
1. Cresctorul de iepuri de cas fricos/temtor s-a distrat
grozav /de minune/pe cinste. 2. Filosoful este sigur c
fierarii ar fi neles. 3. Pmntul se nvrtete n jurul
soarelui. 4. Magistratul (vechi) bogat /avut naint cu
grij, se mpiedic, dar se ridic imediat. 5. Vcarul a
parcurs rapid broura, furios de ceea ce citea. 6. I-a
rmas n minte proprietresei. 7. O s-mi spui vreodat
dac tii poezia lui Macedonski? 8. Deodat, cresctorul
de vite i aminti, cu mare bucurie: Dar sunt ochii lui

Rachel! Extraordinar cum seamn cu ochii lui Rachel!

9. Artistul ce teoretizeaz pe marginea operelor sale nu
mai este artist, ci critic. 10. Bob a primit paaportul cnd
a ntrziat la lucru o sptmn ntreag.
Key: 1. The rabbit-hearted rabbit farmer enjoyed himself
almighty. 2. The philosopher is sure the (iron)smiths
would have understood. 3. The Earth rolls round the sun.
4. The feathered bencher moved on carefully, stumbled,
but got to his feet at once. 5. The oxherd raged through
the booklet, angry with everything he read. 6. It has
stuck in the landladys memory. 7. Will you ever tell me
if you are acquainted with Macedonskis poetry? 8.
Suddenly, the cowkeeper remembered, with joy: But
these are Rachels eyes! What an extraordinary
resemblance to Rachels eyes! 9. An artist who
theorizes about his work is no longer artist but critic.
(H.G.W.) 10. Bob got the axe when he arrived late for
work one week in succession.

Set 105
1. Care sunt condiiile putiului? 2. Profesoara de dans
mpopoonat a clcat strmb (i-a nelat soul). 3. La
fiecare treizeci de membri era cte un delegat. 4. Se
cuvine s facem acest lucru. 5. Mai bine s facem
aceast operaie imediat. 6. Aceast plrie i vine bine
ca msur pensionarului. 7. Nenumrate idei mi veneau
n minte i le simeam cum se loveau una de alta, pn
cnd dou din ele s-au unit mpreun, ca s spun aa, i
au format o combinaie stabil. 8. n van am ncercat s
m justific. 9. N-a putea explica nimnui cum se scriu
crile, cu att mai puin s dau sfaturi despre ce e bine
i ce nu e bine s faci. Dac a face una ca asta, m-a
ruina, pentru c eu nsumi nu sunt dect un scriitor

nceptor, care abia nva meserie i descoper, una

cte una, vastele posibiliti ale limbii n care creeaz.
10. Unde mergei de Anul Nou?
Key: 1. What are the moppets terms? 2. The dandiacal
dancing mistress has sprained her ankle. 3. There was a
delegate for every thirty members. 4. It is fitting that we
should do this. 5. We had better do this operation at
once. 6. This hat fits the pensioner nicely. 7. Innumerable
ideas came to my mind and I felt them knocking against
each other until two of them stuck together, so to speak,
and formed a stable combination. 8. My attempts to
explain were of no avail. 9. I couldnt explain to anybody
how books are written and even less could I give advice
about what a writer should or shouldnt do. Id be
ashamed to do such a thing because as a mere beginner
in the art of writing, Im slowly learning my trade,
discovering, one by one, the vast possibilities of the
language in which I create. 10. Where are you going for
the New Years Eve?

Set 106
1. La ce bun asta? 2. Alearg de-a lungul potecii! 3.
Dropia nc mai este n via. 4. Tuierul (de rugby) arat
foarte bronzat. 5. A fost rnit grav, bietul bieel. 6.
Introducerea de noi medicamente n medicin a avut ca
rezultat o cretere a reaciilor toxice de diferite tipuri. 7.
O epoc lipsit de critic este fie o epoc n care arta e
imobil, rigid i limitat la reproducerea tipurilor
formale, fie o epoc lipsit cu totul de art. 8. Atunci,
spre matca apelor primare/A vieii mele sev va fi curs.
(t: E.T.) 9. Manipulantul a trebuit s plece, ntruct avea
restane la plata chiriei. 10. Nu ai putea s o luai pe o

rut mai puin circulat? Din nefericire, acum este or

de vrf.
Key: 1. Whats the use of this? 2. Run along the path! 3.
The bustard is yet alive. 4. The touch judge looks very
much sunburnt. 5. He was badly injured, poor little boy.
6. The introduction of new drugs into medicine has
resulted in an increase in toxic reactions of different
types. 7. An age that has no criticism is either an age in
which art is immobile, hieratic, and confined to the
reproduction of formal types, or an age that possesses
no art at all.(O.W.) 8. Thy life-blood tracks its parent lake,
/And then strike home!(G.G.B.) 9. The operator had to
leave because he was in arrears with the rent. 10.
Couldnt you take a route without much traffic?
Unfortunately, its the rush-hour now.

Set 107
1. Timonierul se mbolnvi. 2. ranul (nstrit) cu auzul
fin i aduse instrumentele cu sine. 3. A dori ca
strungarul s gseasc mult nelegere acolo. 4.
Scamatorul (cu cupe/degetare) usciv a cunoscut multe
n viaa lui. 5. Atenie! 6. Ce concert va asculta
dirigintele cnd o s sune telefonul? 7. epcarul este un
bun orator. 8. Nu ne-am mai reunit n familie de cnd
bunica a ncheiat socotelile cu viaa acum trei ani. 9.
ncearc, mai degrab, s gseti/Ghea n miez de
var, sau trandafiri pe-nghe, /Sau boabe-n pleav, sau
constan-n vnt. /Crezare d-i femeii, inscripiei pe-un
mormnt, /Sau oricrui alt lucru ce este fals, dect/S
crezi n critici. 10. A fost avertizat de o sut de ori (ca) s
nu mai mearg acolo.
Key: 1. The coxswain was taken ill. 2. The quick-eared
peasant proprietor brought his instruments along. 3. I

wish the turner might find much understanding there. 4.

The thin thimblerigger has seen a good deal in his life. 5.
Watch out! 6. What concert will the form teacher be
listening to when the phone rings? 7. The hatter is a
good speaker. 8. Our family havent got together since
grandma handed in her accounts three years ago. 9. As
soon/Seek roses in December, ice in June; /Hope
constancy in wind, or corn in chaff; /Believe a woman or
an epitaph, /Or any other thing thats false, before /You
trust in critics.(G.G.B.) 10. He was warned a hundred
times of not going there any more.

Set 108
1. Fetia/Copilia debil mintal/oligofren/srac cu
curaj/fricoas este destul de frumuic, dar are un
aspect bolnvicios. 2. tiu c ai prefera ca femeiuca s
fie aici acum. 3. O mare parte din viaa moierului a fost
irosit zadarnic. 4. Conform buletinului meteo, n-ar
trebui s plou poimine. 5. n deprtare se ivi un
vapor. 6. Editorialistul a pus piciorul pe potec. 7. A dori
nite ptrunjel/mrar/ridichi de lun/ardei iute/ardei
gras/praz/sfe- cl/vinete/spanac. 8. Expoziia a avut
succes: am vndut, n medie, cte 10 tablouri pe zi. 9.
ntr-o diminea din toamna anului 1934, un comisionar
mi-a adus o scrisoare destul de ciudat, spunnd c
ateapt rspunsul pe loc. 10. Prinii ei i-au dat
binecuvntarea pentru cstorie.
Key: 1. The feeble-minded female child is quite pretty,
but unhealthy-looking. 2. I know you would rather the
flirt/skirt were here now. 3. Much of the agrarians life
has been trifled away. 4. According to the weather
forecast, it ought not rain the day after tomorrow. 5. A

ship appeared far away. 6. The paragraphist set foot on

the path. 7. Id like some parsley/dill/early radishes/hot
peppers/mild peppers/leek/ beetroot/egg-plants/spinach.
8. The exhibition was a great success: on the average,
ten paintings were sold every day. 9. One morning in the
autumn of 1934, a(n) errand-boy/commissionaire brought
me a rather odd letter, saying that he would wait for the
answer. 10. Her parents gave their blessing to her

Set 109
1. Comportarea culegtorului l-a uimit pe comis-voiajor/
agentul electoral. 2. Trebuie s ai curaj i s pleci la
munte n luna noiembrie. 3. Cui i vorbea lutarul
ferche/elegant? 4. Obiectele din lada de zestre sunt
doar vechituri/lucruri de aruncat. 5. Partea cea mai bun
urmeaz. 6. Marc Antoniu a inut cuvntarea funerar ca
s-i conving pe cetenii romani c Cezar nu a fost un
tiran, ci un conductor care i-a iubit poporul. 7. Nu
prelum prea mult. 8. Era n zadar, totui cronicarii au
insistat. 9. S fi trit zadarnic trebuie s fie un gnd
chinuitor pentru orice om i n mod deosebit pentru acel
ce a fcut din literatur profesiunea sa. 10. Proprietarul
lepului a plantat o mulime de pomi fructiferi, de cnd
lucreaz n aceast livad.
Key: 1. The collector/type-setters behaviour astonished
the door bell pusher. 2. You must have the courage to go
to the mountains in November. 3. To whom did the dossy
fiddler speak? 4. The things in the hope chest are just
rubbish. 5. The best is yet to be. 6. Mark Antony gave
the funeral speech to persuade the Roman citizens that
Caesar had not been a tyrant, but a ruler who had loved
his people. 7. We dont take on too much. 8. It was in

vain, still the columnists insisted. 9. To have lived in vain

must be a painful thought to any man, and especially so
to him who has made literature his profession.(S.T.C.) 10.
The lighterman has planted a lot of fruit-trees since he
has worked in this orchard.

Set 110
1. Greeti dac faci asta. 2. Persoanele care sunt aici
vor primi bilete. 3. Mscriciul urmeaz s apar ntr-o
clip n faa publicului. 4. Ei, ce-i cu glgia asta? 5. Nu
intereseaz nici n cel mai mic grad. 6. Putei s-mi
spunei de la ce peron pleac trenul de Cluj? /Scuzai-m
c v deranjez, dar de la ce peron pleac trenul de Cluj?
7. Cum s spun? 8. Oriunde te-ai ascunde, te vom gsi!
9. Se pregtesc pentru lansarea unei campanii mpotriva
alcoolismului. 10. Printr-o deschiztur a copacilor,
scnteiau privelitile din vale, mrginite departe tare de
dealurile albastre, terse ca nite nori gata s dispar
sub orizont, care despart Valea Moldovei de a
ndeprtatului Siret.
Key: 1. You are mistaken in doing that. 2. Such people as
are here will receive tickets. 3. The pantaloon is to
appear in front of the audience in a moment. 4. Now
then, whats all this noise? 5. It doesnt matter in the
least. 6. Could you tell me which platform the Cluj train
leaves from? /Sorry to bother you, but which platform
does the Cluj train leave from? 7. How shall I put it? 8.
Wherever you might hide, we shall find you! 9. They are
preparing to launch a campaign to curb alcoholism. 10.
Through an opening between the trees we had a
twinkling view of the valley, bordered by the bluish hills,
fading in the distance like clouds ready to disappear
below the horizon, which separate the valley of the
Moldova from that of the remote Siret.

Set 111
pung/strngtor/ lacom/pofticios i-a aruncat pe/de pe
ele pardesiul scurt. 2. Aceasta e budinca (de orez cu
stafide) detectivului particular, iar aceea e a
vntorului /pescarului. 3. Vrjitorul beiv /alcoolic n-a
fost nevoie s-i scrie din nou preotului. A primit
rspunsul su n cteva zile. 4. Ar fi trebuit s spui
adevrul. 5. Grgria este ntr-o mare ncurctur. 6.
Creditorul nu poate nelege cum de cintezoiul/cinteza
se menine n aer. 7. Vorbete normal, nu n felul acesta
prostesc. 8. Am auzit-o noi nine. 9. Cine i-a spus asta?
10. Caprele dau lapte.
Key: 1. The covetous notary threw on/off his covert coat.
2. This is the spotters spotted dog and that is the
sportsmans. 3. The sottish sorcerer didnt need to write
the josser again. He got his answer in a few days. 4. You
ought to have told the truth. 5. The ladybird is in great
trouble. 6. The debtee can never understand why the
chaffinch stays up at all. 7. Speak naturally, not in that
silly way. 8. We ourselves heard it. 9. Who told you that?
10. Goats supply milk.

Set 112
1. Servitorul ncpnat/perfid/ursuz/suprat a aruncat
cu piatra n vidr/lutr. 2. Aceast lumin obosete ochii
ziaristului (pltit cu rndul). 3. Cuvintele muncitoarei (de
fabric) frnt/ rupt de oboseal au cntrit foarte
mult. 4. Coruptorul btut n cap/greu de cap purta
barb. 5. Frumoas scuz! 6. nfoar sabia ncovoiat
cu o crp. 7. Nu mai curge apa. 8. Crainicul se ine bine

pentru anii si. 9. Acest material s-a uzat. 10. Ai mai

dori o alt/a doua porie?
Key: 1. The dogged hackney waiter aimed a stone at the
dog otter. 2. This light tries the space writers eyes. 3.
The fagged out factory girls words weighed a lot. 4. The
mutton-headed seducer wore a beard. 5. A fine excuse!
6. Wrap a cloth round the tulwar. 7. The water stopped
running. 8. The town crier carries /bears his age well. 9.
This material has worn thin. 10. Would you like a second

Set 113
1. Vasul de pescari/Traulerul s-a sfrmat de stnci. 2.
Autorul moral e mai vinovat dect fptaul. 3. Zugravul
scrntit/atins la cap a poftit-o cu susceptibilitate
nuntru. 4. Se sper ca tunarul s-i mbunteasc
metodele de studiu. 5. nottorul subacvatic a cltorit
nspre nord. 6. Recolta ar fi fost mai bun, dac ar fi
plouat la timp. 7. Cultivatorul de lalele se adaptase
mprejurrilor. 8. Va fi aflat vagonetarul pn la ora
actual ce s-a ntmplat ieri. 9. Alearg ct te in
picioarele. 10. Milionarul de-abia mai respir.
Key: 1. The trawler was wrecked on the rocks. 2. The
abettor is worse than the doer. 3. The touched house
painter touchily welcomed her in. 4. It is hoped that the
artillery man should improve his methods of studying. 5.
The frogman journeyed north. 6. The crop would have
been better if it had rained in time. 7. The tulipist had
adapted himself to the circumstances. 8. By now the
haulage man may have learned what happened
yesterday. /The haulage man must have learned by now

what happened yesterday. 9. Run for all youre worth. 10.

The millionaire can hardly breathe.

Set 114
1. Cosmeticiana e foarte meticuloas n munca ei. 2.
Rzboinicul rutcios o cntri n minte. 3. Auzind pai
pe scar, potaul a intrat repede chioptnd/ontcontc n cariera de piatr de var/varni, i i-a dat, cu
buruiana/ferestrul cu lan tietor. 4. A vrea/dori s-o fi
avut atunci. 5. Vaca de lapte s-a oprit tocmai la timp. 6.
Gogomanul gngav trebuie s fie pe undeva pe aici. 7.
Maestra/Profesoara de muzic i-a ctigat muli prieteni
datorit amabilitii ei. 8. Preul doar a ajuns la 67, pe
urm a cobort. 9. Infractorul era omer. 10. Ministrul
fr portofoliu a fcut o treab bun.
Key: 1. The cosmetician is very thorough in her work. 2.
The malignant warrior weighed it in his mind. 3. Hearing
footsteps on the stairs, the mailman dashed limpingly
into the lime pit and listlessly put the ling/link-tooth saw
in the majordomos hand. 4. I wish I had had it then. 5.
The dairy cow stopped just in time. 6. The
stammering/lisping nincompoop must be somewhere
about. 7. The music mistresss kindness won her many
friends. 8. The price just touched 67, then fell. 9. The
malfeasant was out of work. 10. The minister without
portfolio has made a good job of it.

Set 115
1. Lncierul triete numai pentru plceri. 2. Mai ine
cinci ani. 3. Nu prea poi s-i ceri girantului s fac acest
lucru. 4. Acrobatul i petrece tot timpul jucnd tenis. /Pe
acrobat l preocup numai tenisul. 5. Apreciem pe deplin

ajutorul editorialistului nesincer. 6. Prima faz se

caracterizeaz prin nlturarea treptat a scolasticii
medievale din universitile din Oxford i Cambridge i
prin promovarea noilor discipline ce aveau ca punct de
plecare antichitatea greco-roman. 7. Desigur c ofierul
combatant i cunoate interesul. 8. Cobori la prima! 9.
De la care din erorile istoriografului ar fi pornit discursul
tu, dac nu fcea nici una? 10. Profesorul le arat
elevilor un nou mod de rezolvare a exerciiului.
Key: 1. The lancer lives only for enjoyment. 2. Good for
another five years. 3. You can hardly expect the
guarantor to do that. 4. The acrobat is absorbed in
tennis. 5. We appreciate the lip-deep paragraphists help
to the full. 6. The first period is characterized by
gradually doing away with the medieval scholasticism at
the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and by
promoting new courses based on the ancient Greek and
Roman inheritance. 7. The line officer sure knows his
interest. 8. Get off at the next! 9. Which of the
historiographers errors would your speech have
originated in if he had made none? 10. The teacher
shows the pupils a new way of solving the exercise. /The
teacher shows a new way of solving the exercise to the

Set 116
1. Nu e necesar s vin printele adoptiv. 2. Am prefera
s ne ducem pe jos pn acolo. 3. Ultimul duman e
moartea. 4. Rspunde (singur) pentru tine! 5. Regele
Stephen era un nobil de toat lauda. 6. D-i rndaului
timp s se gndeasc. 7. Diavolul e aspru i nu-i place
s fie tratat cu asprime. 8. Vizonul obinuia s vin la
timp. 9. mbrcai-v cu lucrurile cele mai groase,

nainte de a iei afar pe zpad. Este ger puternic. 10.

Dup cum am spus, simpla lene este cu totul
excepional la savani, dei muli dintre ei lucreaz n
perioade de efort maxim, ntrerupte de perioade cnd
pur i simplu nu au dispoziie s lucreze.
Key: 1. It is not necessary that the foster-parent should
come. 2. We had as soon walk the distance. 3. The last
enemy is death. 4. Answer for yourself! 5. King Stephen
was and a worthy peer.(W.S.) 6. Give the ostler time to
think. 7. The fiend is rough, and will not be roughly used.
(W.S.) 8. The mink would always come in time. 9. Put
your warmest clothes on before you go out in the snow.
Its freezing hard. 10. As I have said, simple laziness is
very exceptional among scientists, although many of
them work in spurts, interrupted by periods when they
are just not in the mood.

Set 117
1. Grbete-te! 2. Faa cltorului era ud de lacrimi. 3.
Vrei s inei palmele n fa n felul acesta? 4. Seniorul,
n adevr, aa cum socotise, ntlnise pe tapier. 5. Avei
trufandale? 6. Cu cea mai mare precauie, negustorul de
jucrii bjbi dup u i, gsind-o, ptrunse n
ncperea de unde auzise suspinele i paii. 7. Zaharia
Stancu este cunoscut ca/este considerat a fi un mare
romancier. 8. Ca s fiu sincer, trebuie s spun c, muli
ani nainte de ntmplarea aceasta, descoperisem la
unul din anticarii de pe malul Dmboviei o lad ntreag
cu cri despre China, cri care, toate, fuseser
ndelung studiate, adnotate i uneori chiar corectate cu
creionul de cel care le cumprase i a crui semntur o
regsisem pe pagina de gard a celor mai multe dintre
ele. 9. i-a cerut scuze pentru ce a spus atunci. 10.
Zgomotul de sticl spart tulbur calmul dup-amiezei
de duminic.

Key: 1. Come along! 2. The journeyers face was wet with

tears. 3. Would you hold your palms out in front of you,
like this? 4. The feoffor, indeed, as he had thought, had
met the paper hanger. 5. Have you got any early
vegetables? 6. With utmost caution, the toy dealer
groped for the door and, having found it, entered the
room from which he had heard the sobs and the
footsteps. 7. Zaharia Stancu is known/is considered to be
a great novelist. 8. To be honest, I must say that, many
years before, I had discovered, at one of the old book
sellers along the bank of the Dambovita, a crateful of
books about China, which had all been thoroughly
studied, annotated and even corrected in pencil by the
man who had bought them, whose signature I had
identified on the fly-leaf of most of them. 9. He
apologised for what he had said then. 10. The sound of
breaking glass shattered the calm of Sunday afternoon.

Set 118
1. Olandeza supus/slugarnic/smerit este liber (n-are
serviciu). 2. S pornim la drum fr grab/agale/cu pai
ncei. 3. Cnd poate vorbi seniorul cu arendaul? 4.
Cantonierului i e ruine c joac att de prost. 5. Trei la
a aptea este 2187. 6. Trecnd examenul de admitere,
violoncelistul a corespuns pe deplin ateptrilor. 7.
Inspectorul financiar promise c se va apuca serios de
treab dar numai ncepnd de lunea viitoare. 8. Cunosc
prea puin chineza. 9. Cum te descurci? 10. Detest s fac
astfel de lucruri.
Key: 1. The duteous Dutchwoman is off duty. 2. Let us set
forth saunteringly. 3. When can the liege lord approach
the arendator? 4. The linesman is ashamed of playing so

badly. 5. 3 to the seventh power equals 2187. /3 raised to

the seventh power is 2187. /The seventh power of 3 is
2187. 6. The cellist gave a good account of himself is
passing the entrance examination. 7. The T-man
promised to get down to work, but only beginning with
next Monday. 8. I have little acquaintance with Chinese.
9. Hows life treating you? 10. I have a strong aversion to
doing such things.

Set 119
1. Conferina i s-a prut studentei de la Girton College
(Cambridge) destul de interesant i destul de bine
documentat. 2. Petrolul are proprietatea de a se
aprinde uor. 3. Nu este semnalat nainte de secolul al IIlea. 4. Evenimentele sunt adeseori determinate de
ntmplare. 5. E cumplit c tractoristul a avut un
accident rutier, dar aa se ntmpl n via /asta-i viaa.
6. A: Ceva nu este n ordine cu frna de mn. B: O voi
verifica. 7. Gondolierul se pricepe la aritmetic. 8. Cci
chipeia, buntatea, /Puterea, mintea, via, vitejia,
/Prietenia, dragostea robesc/Sub vremea brfitoare i
pizma. /Un fir al firii leag-o-ntreag lume. 9. Doream
s v ntreb dac ai dori s mncm mpreun n ora
ntr-una din zilele acestea. 10. Copiii triesc, dup ct sar prea, ntr-o lume diferit de a adulilor.
Key: 1. The girtonian thinks the conference was fairly
interesting and informative enough. 2. Oil has an
aptitude to burn. 3. It is not mentioned above the
second century. 4. Events are often governed by chance.
5. Its too bad the tractor-driver had a car accident, but
thats how the cookie crumbles. 6. A: There is something
wrong with the brake. B: Im going to check it. 7. The
gondolier is apt at arithmetic. 8. High birth, vigour of

bone, desert in service, /Love, friendship, charity, are

subjects all /To envious and calumniating time. /One
touch of nature makes the whole world kin.(W.S.) 9. I
wanted to ask you whether you would like to come out
to lunch with me some day. 10. Children live, as it were,
in a different world from adults.

Set 120
1. Imediat ce voi sosi, i voi trimite o ilustrat. 2. Dulii
ltrau ca i cnd ar fi simit jderul. 3. Orict de ciudat ar
prea. 4. Ai fi de acord cu strungarul, dac i-ar spune c
greeti? 5. Ca la o strfulgerare de trznet, m-am trezit;
mi-am petrecut restul nopii elabornd consecinele
ipotezei. 6. Filmul artistic/de cltorii/de actualiti este
un adevrat succes. Este o ecranizare nou/o reluare/un
film mut/de scurt metraj/color. 7. Scripca- rul/Cobzarul a
dat deja cuiva socoteal de purtarea sa? 8. Dac
lucrurile se complic/se ngroa gluma, ar trebui s-i
spui tlharului c ntr-adevr nu vrei s o faci. 9. Se
dezbrc. i puse un halat vechi i nite papuci ieftini,
i pregti cteva igri i se aternu pe munc. 10. Sunt
att de bucuroas c ne-am ntlnit!
Key: 1. As soon as I arrive, I shall drop you a card. 2. The
mastiffs were barking as if they had sensed the marten.
3. Strange as it may appear. 4. Would you agree with the
turner if he told you that you were wrong? 5. As though
from a flash of lighting I awoke; I occupied the rest of
the night in working out the consequences of the
hypothesis. 6. The feature film/ travelogue/topical film is
a real hit. Its a new screen version/a revival/a
silent/short/technicolour film. 7. Has the fiddler already
accounted for his behaviour to anyone? 8. If push comes
to shove, you should tell the mugger that you just wont
do it. 9. He took off his clothes. He put on an old

dressing gown and some cheap slippers, prepared some

cigarettes and set to work. 10. Im so glad to have met

Set 121
vino-ncoace creia subsecretarul i-a dat strecurtoa- rea
este menajera sa. 2. Armata ataca valuri-valuri. 3.
Familia este unitatea de baz a societii. 4. A fost o
sarcin grea. 5. Filosoful avea o ruptur la hain. 6.
Laborantul este un tat model. 7. Muncitorul sprinten a
ochit cu grij i apoi a mpucat eretele. 8. Cad stropi de
ploaie. 9. Melodiile spectacolelor de music-hall ofer
prostnacilor isteime, aa cum proverbele le ofer
nelepciune. 10. La o distan de dou mile, pe culmea
unui deal, se nla un turn de biseric, iar casele
micuului trg de provincie s crau voinicete s-l
ajung din urm.
Key: 1. This hot-cha young lady to whom the undersecretary gave the strainer is his housekeeper. 2. The
army attacked in waves. 3. The family is the unit of
society. 4. That was a difficult task. 5. There was a tear in
the philosophers coat. 6. The laboratory-assistant is a
model father. 7. The feather-heeled mudlark aimed
carefully and then let fly at the sparrow-hawk. 8. Its
spotting with rain. 9. Music-hall songs provide the dull
with wit, just as proverbs provide them with wisdom.
(W.S.M.) 10. Two miles away, a church tower stood on a
hill, the houses of the little country town climbing
assiduously up to it.

Set 122

1. Ce are de gnd s fac godacul? 2. Cosmeticiana n-a

tiut c dramaturgul rotofei e soul coristei. 3. Furnizorii
de alimente au jurat solemn. 4. Era timpul ca vopsitorul
s se hotrasc. 5. Nimeni nu ar fi putut-o exprima mai
usturtor. 6. mi permit luxul oricrui confort n cabinet,
n laborator i acas, care mi poate mri capacitatea de
a face cercetri i de a m bucura de viaa care are
pentru mine sens i scop, dar nimic mai mult. 7. Mi-am
(necunoscut) a lsat o umbrel aici. 9. Raza iubirii,
frumuseea-i sfnt /n armonii fiina i-o-nvemnt,
/Pornind din dulcea-i inim, pe cnd/Ca alt inim se
zbate ochiu-i blnd.(t: E.T.) 10. Eti sigur c a putut s
gseasc ieirea?
Key: 1. What is the gruntling about? 2. The beautician
didnt know (that) the dumpy playwright was the
chorines husband. 3. The victuallers have sworn a
solemn oath. 4. It was time the dyer had made up his
mind. 5. Nobody could have expressed it more
poignantly. 6. I allow myself every comfort in office, lab,
and home that will increase my capacity to do research
and enjoy a life that to me has meaning and purpose but
not more. 7. I have sprained my ankle/wrist. 8. Someone
or other has left an umbrella here. 9. The light of love,
the purity and grace/ The mind, the Music breathing in
her face, /The heart whose softness harmonized the
whole, /And, oh! that eye was in itself a soul!(G.G.B.) 10.
Are you sure he was able to find the way out?

Set 123
1. Este o curb n faa lutarilor. Au redus la 20 de mile
pe or acum. 2. Blndeea nvtoarei le era cunoscut

tuturor i era sigur c nu-i fcuse printre ei nici un

duman, astfel nct, n naivitatea ei, ndjduia c, n
afara cazului c tinichigiul le ordonase s o caute,
timonierii mai degrab ar ajuta-o, dect s o mpiedice
s fug. 3. Revine moda din cel de-al treilea deceniu. 4.
Pe autostrad, camioanele mergeau strun. 5. Dac nu
tiai, ar fi trebuit s-o spui. 6. Lexicograf, un autor de
dicionare, un truditor nepericulos. 7. Al treilea lucru
care trebuie s v rein atenia atunci cnd redactai i
stilizai este excesul de cuvinte. Ferii-v de expresii ca
Repet asta din nou, cnd vrei s spunei, pur i
simplu, Repet. Tiai o expresie ca n lumea
publicisticii, cnd vrei s spunei publicistic. 8.
Pleac de-aici! 9. A trebuit s-i amne vizita, cci nu i sa tradus cuvntarea la timp. 10. Dar acest gest, provocat
oarecum de vorbele ei, mi se prea c-mi d drepturi
noi, c o fcuse puin a mea.
Key: 1. Theres a bend in front of the fiddlers. Theyre
down to twenty miles an hour now. 2. The school
mistresss meekness was known to everybody and she
was certain she had not made any enemies among
them, so, in her innocence she hoped that, unless the
tinker had ordered them to seek her out, the coxswains
would assist her, rather than prevent her from running
away. 3. The fashion of the twenties is coming back. 4.
On the motorway, the lorries were humming along. 5. If
you did not know, then you should have said so. 6.
Lexicographer, a writer of dictionaries, a harmless
drudge.(S.J.) 7. The third item to look out for in editing
and rewriting is wordiness. Watch out for such
expressions as Repeat that again when you mean
simply repeat. Cut out such expressions as in the
world of publishing when you mean publishing. 8. Off
with you! 9. He had to postpone his visit, as he hadnt
had/got his speech translated in time. 10. Yet this

gesture, to a great extent generated by her words,

seemed to have given me new rights over her, to have
made her mine to a certain extent.

Set 124
1. Detailistul nu trebuia s plece. 2. Lctuul i-a periat
bine hainele. 3. Era timpul s-l nfrunt pe vntorul de
zestre/ aventurier, dei abia mai vorbeam de team s
nu-mi simt slbiciunea. 4. Struina i puterea de
munc sunt dou din calitile cele mai valoroase pentru
cercetarea fundamental. 5. De fapt, echivalentul literar
mai potrivit pentru Monet era poetul simbolist Mallarm.
6. Se presupunea c paznica btea la main de dou
ore darea de seam anual. 7. Romancierul citea cnd lam sunat. 8. V convine ora unsprezece treizeci? Da,
este foarte bine. 9. Dup-amiaz am rtcit pe osea,
afar din sat. Acolo unde erau munii, nu mai era nimic.
10. Am nceput s-i in Adelei o prelegere de astronomie
sentimental i ct am putut mai elocvent, esnd
expunerea cu melancolii dup anii de altdat.
Key: 1. The retail dealer neednt have gone. 2. The
locksmith gave his clothes a good brush. 3. It was high
time I had faced the fortune hunter although I could
hardly speak for fear it might sense my weakness. 4.
Persistence and stamina are two most valuable
qualifications for basic research. 5. In fact, Monets more
suitable literary counterpart was the symbolist poet
Mallarm. 6. The wardress was supposed to have been
typing the annual report for two hours. 7. The fictionist
was reading when I rang him up. 8. Would eleven thirty
be all right? Yes, that will be fine. 9. In the afternoon I
wandered along the road, outside the village. Where
there used to be mountains, there was nothing now. 10. I

started delivering to Adela a lecture on astronomy,

sentimental and as eloquent as possible, interweaving
my exposition with nostalgic reflections about the years
gone by.

Set 125
1. Comisionarul nu suporta s o vad pe prezictoare
tremurnd i holbndu-se cu groaz n ochi. 2. Du-te i
vorbete cu acarul. 3. Este promoroac pe copaci i
ururi atrn de acoperiurile caselor. 4. Domnule,
oricine ai fi, ai mil de o biat camerist aflat pe
marginea prpastiei. Ajut-m s fug din coliba aceasta
infernal, c, dac nu, voi pune imediat capt vieii mele
nenorocite. 5. Raluca era cunoscut printre camarazii de
la coal ca fiind linguitoare, ntruct tot timpul aducea
profesorilor mici cadouri. 6. E important ca cel ce
dorete celebritatea s se bazeze pe puterile proprii, dar
tiu din experien c nu poi ajunge prea departe fr
ajutorul semenilor. S-ar putea s greesc, dar nu cred. 7.
Ai citit ziarul de azi? Scrie c Gabi Szabo a ctigat dou
medalii de aur la Jocurile Olimpice. 8. Rspunse la
chemarea datoriei. 9. Din sus, de pe valea larg a rului,
venea un vnt perfid, abia simit, dar tios. 10. A
ntocmit un dosar bun pentru clientul su.
Key: 1. The linkman couldnt stand seeing the
soothsayer shivering and staring with horror in her eyes.
2. Go and speak to the pointsman. 3. There is hoar-frost
on the trees and icicles hang from the roofs of the
houses. 4. Sir, whoever you may be, have pity of a poor
fille de chambre who is tottering on the edge of the
abyss. Help me escape from this infernal shanty or I will
put an end to my miserable life. 5. Raluca was known
among her fellow students as an apple-polisher,
because she was always bringing small presents for the

teachers. 6. It is important for one who is intent on

becoming famous to rely on his own resources, but I also
know from experience that one cant get far without the
help of ones fellow beings. I might be wrong, but I dont
think I am. 7. Have you read todays paper? It says that
Gabi Szabo won two gold medals at the Olympic Games.
8. He answered the call of duty. 9. From high above, from
the broad valley of the river, a rather perfidious wind
was blowing, almost imperceptible, yet cutting enough.
10. He made out a good case for his client.

Set 126
1. Dei agentul comercial sprinten/iute de picior vorbea
foarte rar, ranul egiptean fr picioare nu-l putea
nelege. 2. Te rog, nu m pcli chiar att de tare. 3. Di btaie/Grbete-te, Jim, e timpul s mergi la coal! 4.
n timpul rzboiului, sobarul i-a depozitat mobila. 5. Era
lume puin n sal i o linite ca ntr-un club franuzesc.
6. Muli cred c serialele pe care le urmresc zilnic la
televizor reprezint o frntur/un crmpei din via. 7.
Pompierul trebuie s se fi simit foarte singur n Tokyo,
dac s-a ntors aa de repede. 8. Se crede/Se
apreciaz/Se presupune/Se zice c Einstein a dat unele
dintre cele mai importante teorii n fizic. 9. Ct dureaz
cltoria pn la Cluj? Cred c n jur de 8 ore. 10. Ziarul
a fcut o descriere exact a situaiei.
Key: 1. Although the feather-heeled fieldman was
speaking very slowly, the feetless fellah couldnt
get/catch him. 2. Dont cheat me to this degree, please.
3. Snap to it, Jim, its time for school! 4. The stove maker
stored his furniture during the war. 5. There were few
customers inside and this silence was overwhelming,
such as you can find only in a French club. 6. Many
people think that the daily television serials they watch

are a slice of life. 7. The fire fighter must have felt very
lonely in Tokyo, if he came back so soon. 8. Einstein is
believed/is thought/is supposed/is said to have given
some of the most important theories in physics. 9. How
long does it take to get to Cluj? I think something like 8
hours. 10. The newspaper gave an accurate account of
the situation.

Set 127
1. Scriitoraul/Mzglitorul de hrtie era ct pe ce s
leine. 2. Grul se macin bine. 3. E bun i pumnalul
acesta, dac nimeni nu are unul mai ascuit. 4.
Scamatorul/Jonglerul ndurerat i-a adunat puterile. 5. Ce
spui la/de(spre) asta? 6. Se vede c flcul bun la
suflet/blnd din fire/prietenos/nelegtor/amabil/blajin a
fost ludat pentru ingeniozitatea lui, altfel n-ar fi aa de
mndru de descoperire. 7. Uite, ia pastila asta i nghiteo. 8. Aceast zon este bogat n comori arheologice. 9.
Dup cercetri minuioase, care au durat cteva luni de
zile, s-a stabilit c aceste fenomene ciudate se
petreceau doar n prezena secretarei, o tnr de 19
ani. 10. S-ar putea ca ceva s-i zdruncine certitudinea
c va reui.
Key: 1. The quill driver almost fainted. 2. The wheat
grinds well. 3. This poniard/dagger must answer if no
one has a sharper one. 4. The pangful juggler gathered
his forces (together). 5. What do you say to that? 6. The
good-natured gazebo must have been praised for his
ingenuity, or he would not be so proud about his
discovery. 7. Here, take this pill and swallow it down. 8.
This area is rich in archaeological treasures. 9. After
minute/careful investigations that lasted for some
months, they established that all these strange

phenomena only took place in the presence of the

secretary, a young lady of 19. 10. Something might
shake your assurance that he will succeed.

Set 128
1. Povestitoarea este nentrecut n frumusee. 2.
Cmtarul miop nu s-a rtcit de tot. 3. Vnztorul
ambulant amator de pescuit este cam de vrsta
negustorului (cu tarab fix) urt. 4. Poft bun! 5. Houl
de cai m face s rd. 6. Ou ochiuri pe o felie de pine
prjit i o ceac cu cafea, v rog. 7. Poate din cauza
privirii lui neschimbate, ntlnirea cu Neamul, cum i
spuneam noi n coal, mi-a fcut ns plcere. 8. Am
adus nite albume pentru ca prietenii mei s vad ce
frumoi sunt Carpaii. 9. Profesorului de clrie i se
spusese s nu mearg acolo pentru c este periculos,
dar n-a vrut s asculte i a fost grav rnit. 10. Maina lui
a fost folosit prost/n mod necorespunztor.
Key: 1. The raconteuse is alone in beauty. 2. The mopeeyed money lender is not utterly lost. 3. The piscatory
pitchman is about the plain-faced pitchers age. 4. I wish
you a good appetite! 5. The horse stealer amuses me. 6.
Adam and Eve on a raft and a cup of coffee, please. 7.
Perhaps, because of his old unchanged look, I enjoyed
meeting Fritz as we used to call him in school. 8. I
brought some albums so that my friends might see /for
my friends to see how beautiful the Carpathians are. 9.
The riding master had been told not to go there as it
was dangerous, but he wouldnt listen and he was badly
hurt. 10. His car has taken a lot of abuse.

Set 129


1. Chiar dac oftalmologul nspimntat i-ar fi adus

olandezei pilula aceea, nu cred c i-ar fi fost de prea
mare ajutor. 2. (Iei) Afar! 3. Fr dureri nu exist
rezultate. 4. Clopotul a sunat/rsunat. 5. A se feri de foc.
6. Sublocotenentul griju- liu/scrupulos rosti aceste
cuvinte ceva mai puin suprat, dar cu hotrre. 7. n
1983 naveta spaial a primit misiunea de a lansa ea
nsi din spaiu o alt navet care urma s exploreze
polii soarelui. 8. Cuvintele ei i-au insultat onoarea. 9.
ntr-o att de mare msur a tri nseamn a
supravieui, adic a reui s trieti, nct simplul fapt
de a nu fi fost nfrnt presupune un minus de onestitate,
un plus de compromis, o prsire, ntr-un punct, cel
puin.(A.B.) 10. Ochii ei rspndeau o lumin viorie, i
potirul de dantel al mnecilor scurte i punea flori de
umbr pe albul rotund al braelor.
Key: 1. Even though the panic-stricken eye doctor had
brought the Dutch (woman) that pill, it would not have
been of much help to her. 2. Aroint thee! 3. No pains, no
gains. 4. The bell sounded. 5. Guard against all risk of
fire. 6. The scrupulous second lieutenant uttered these
words a little less angrily but with determination. 7. In
1983 the shuttle was given the mission/task of launching
another shuttle from space that was to explore the poles
of the sun. 8. Her words cast aspersions upon his
honour. 9. To such a great extent does to live mean to
survive, namely to manage to live, that the simple fact
of not having been defeated presupposes a minus of
honesty, an additional compromise, an abandonment at
a given point, at least. 10. Her eyes were spreading an
almost violet light, while the lacy chalice of her short
sleeves set flowers of shade on the roundness of her


Set 130
1. Trebuie s-l previi/avertizezi de pericol pe cantonier. 2.
ruinat/scptat/deczut mi-a spus c era/este
bucuroas s m vad. 4. Asta e cu totul altceva. 5.
Oricine este/ar fi, nu deschide poarta! 6. Un lutar intr
ntr-o farmacie ca s-i cumpere o sticlu de loiune
pentru creterea prului i fu servit de un vnztor care
avea o chelie ct toate zilele. 7. Locotenenii-majori au
venit din toate direciile. 8. Scamatorul a avut o
asemenea atitudine nct croitoresele au fost uimite. 9.
Zborul n orice condiii atmosferice este controlat cu
grij. 10. Vocea lui se aude bine.
Key: 1. You must warn the line inspector of danger
/against danger. 2. What shall I do now? 3. The downfallen dressmaker told me she was glad to see me. 4.
Thats another thing altogether. 5. Whoever he may be,
dont open the gate! 6. A fiddler went into a chemists
shop to buy a bottle of hair-restorer and was served by a
shop assistant who had a very bald head. 7. The senior
lieutenants came from all around. 8. The thimbleriggers
attitude was such that the dressmakers were astounded.
9. All-weather flying is carefully checked. 10. His voice
carries well.

Set 131
1. Starea candidatului (care i-a luat diploma cu
suficient) s-a agravat. 2. Societatea era foarte
amestecat. 3. Nu este dect numele tu care mi este
duman. 4. Cu toat inteligena ei, ducesa a greit. 5.
Oricnd d vreo petrecere, lexicologului usciv i place

s fac pe grozavul. 6. Rezervm locuri n excursii la

obiective turistice, bilete de teatru i locuri de cazare. 7.
Beivanul a simit o transpiraie rece curgndu-i pe fa
i a avut senzaia c i se usuc gtlejul. 8. Vestea asta sa rspndit n locuri ndeprtate. 9. Cultivatorul de in i-a
vzut c au cumprat /cumprnd mandarine. 10.
Key: 1. The passman has been taken worse. 2. The
company was very mixed. 3. Tis but thy name that is
my enemy.(W.S.) 4. For all her intelligence, the duchess
made a mistake. 5. Whenever the scraggy lexicologist
gives a party, he likes to put on the dog. 6. We reserve
sightseeing tours, theatre tickets and accommodation. 7.
The wine bag felt cold sweat streaming down his face
and he had the feeling that his throat was going dry. 8.
That news has spread far and wide. 9. The flax grower
saw them buy/buying tangerines. 10. Flowers dont like
cold weather. Neither/Nor do vegetables.

Set 132
1. Spahiul nspimntat/nmrmurit /automutilat este un
brbat de vrst mijlocie. 2. Se spune c muncitorul
portuar/barcagiul obosit de drum/rupt de oboseal a
scris o schi buna. 3. Ce-i dulce la gustat devine, la
digestie, acru. 4. n gar este o permanent
aglomeraie. 5. L-am luat cu fora pe grjdar. 6. oferii sau revoltat la creterea preului la benzin. 7. Dac ar fi
vorba de oricine altcineva a fi de acord cu tine, dar
dup cum tii, de la Tom te poi atepta la orice. 8.
Refuzul ei, dup ce m lsase s cred c ar accepta,
ncepu dup cteva zile s m chinuie. 9. Focul a mistuit
cldirea foarte repede. 10. mi simeam sufletul alarmat

i fericit. Impreciziunea raporturilor noastre, ncordarea

de a pstra nuana momentului unic fceau clipa mai
rar i pe femeia de alturi mai preioas dect dac a
fi mers cu braul dup talia iubitei.
Key: 1. The panic-stricken/dumbfounded/self-maimed
spahi is a middle-aged man. 2. The wayworn waterside
man is reported to have written a good sketch. 3.
Things sweet to taste prove in digestion sour. 4. In the
railway station there is a constant rush. 5. We dragged
the stable man off. 6. The drivers were up in arms over
the increase in the price of gas. 7. If it were anybody
else I would agree with you but, as you know, you can
expect anything from Tom. 8. Her refusal, after she had
let me believe that she might accept it in the end,
started to torture me after a few days. 9. Fire gutted the
building very quickly. 10. I felt my soul alarmed and
happy. The ambiguity of our relationship, the strain to
preserve the nuance of that unique moment rendered
the occasion even rarer and the woman beside me more
precious than if I had been walking, holding my beloved
by the waist.

Set 133
1. Jonglerul nevoia nu tia cum s se descotoroseasc
de frnghia aceea/biberonul acela. 2. Tinichigiului nu-i
place comportarea teatral a cameristei. 3. Dup ce nu
mai simim nevoia de a mprti (cu alii) comoara
noastr nou gsit, poate exista o toan contrarie n
dispoziia noastr. 4. Picur puin. 5. Ziarul a fost dus la
tipar dis-de-diminea. 6. ngrijitorii au mers pe jos att
de mult, nct tlpile pantofilor li s-au uzat. 7. Tot se mai
plnge subarendaul/sublocatarul/subchiriaul c nepoii
lui se nhiteaz cu hoi? 8. Cnd curtea de justiie i-a
acordat soiei sale pensie alimentar, John a fost obligat

s plteasc. 9. E cu neputin s fi existat cndva pe

planet o apariie mai ncnttoare. 10. Dar prima cas
din Iai rupse farmecul.
Key: 1. The needy juggler didnt know how to get rid of
that rope /feeding bottle. 2. The tinner doesnt like the
tirewomans theatrical behaviour. 3. After the need to
share our newly found treasure wears off, there may be
a swing mood in the opposite direction. 4. Its drizzling a
bit. 5. The newspaper was put to bed early in the
morning. 6. The ground men walked so much that their
soles were worn-out. 7. Is the underlessee still
complaining that his nephews associate with thieves? 8.
When his wife was awarded alimony by the court, John
had to pay. 9. It is inconceivable that a more charming
appearance may ever have existed on our planet. 10.
But the first house of Jassy broke the spell.

Set 134
1. Grnicerul trsnit a fcut-o fr s-l previn pe
grdinar. 2. Jupneasa enervat/epuizat/surmenat l-a
reperat imediat n mulime pe popndu. 3. Matematica
este o materie grea. 4. Ne vom opri de mai multe ori ca
s ne odihnim n timpul urcuului. 5. inei-v bine, v
rog! 6. Monet a dat impresionismului demnitatea artei
clasice, dei la sfritul secolului nu mai era un
impresionist, n sensul de a lucra n are liber, inspirnduse direct din natur. 7. Cu toate c igienistul nu vede
bine, nu este pentru aceasta un spectator mai puin
obinuit al televizorului. 8. Lingurarul venea seara i
pleca dimineaa. 9. nelegnd c mntuirea mea nu
poate veni dect pe aceeai cale a libertii i pcatului,
mi-am schimbat lupta. 10. Am culcat copilul.


Key: 1. The madcap frontier guard did it without warning

the gardener. 2. The overwrought housekeeper spotted
the ground squirrel right away among the crowd. 3.
Mathematics is a difficult subject. 4. Well have several
rests/stops for rest on the way up the mountain. 5. Hold
on tight, please! 6. Monet gave impressionism the
dignity of classical art, although by the end of the
century he had stopped being an impressionist, in the
sense of working outside, in the open air, taking his
inspiration straight from nature. 7. Though the sanitarian
cannot see quite well, he is none the less a regular TV
spectator. 8. The spoon maker would come in the
evening and leave in the morning. 9. Understanding that
my redemption could not come but on the same road of
freedom and sin, I changed my fight. 10. Ive put the
baby to bed.

Set 135
1. Tapierul fricos s-a deprins s deseneze pn noaptea
trziu. 2. Pentru numele lui Dumnezeu! 3. Ct de des l-a
informat negustorul de mruniuri pe drcitor despre
ce se petrece? 4. Cnd oferii vd acest indicator/semn,
nu au voie s depeasc 30 de mile pe or. 5. Vremea
s-a nclzit. 6. Sublocotenenii au fost vzui apropiinduse de staia de benzin. 7. Politicianul independent are
prea puin/are ceva timp. 8. A dori s-mi rezervai o
camer cu dou paturi pentru cinci zile, ncepnd cu
noaptea de mine, v rog. 9. Iar tu ce Faim caui a da i
a obine, /i numele de Critic cu cinste a deine, /Fii sigur
c te tii, c i cunoti msura, /Talentul, Bunul-gust
precum i-Nvtura. 10. Avocatul a nregistrat o
depoziie n numele clientului su.


Key: 1. The pigeon-hearted paper hanger is in the habit

of staying up late at night to draw. 2. By all the powers!
3. How often did the haberdasher inform the hackler of
what was going on? 4. When drivers see this sign, they
must not go at more than thirty miles an hour. 5. The
weather has become warmer. 6. The sub-lieutenants
were seen to approach/ approaching the gas station. 7.
The free lance has little/a little time. 8. Id like to book a
double room from tomorrow night for five days, please.
9. But you who seek to give and merit Fame, /And justly
bear a Critics noble Name, /Be sure your self and your
own Reach to know, /How far your Genius, Taste, and
Learning go.(A.P.) 10. The lawyer filed an affidavit on
behalf of his client.

Set 136
1. O mare parte a actualei cldiri dateaz din secolul al
XIV-lea. 2. Vom spune sorei s-i aduc ceva. 3. Orict de
absurd ar fi prut, mercenarii se cramponau de sperana
c dresorii puteau fi convini s uite iari unul de
cellalt. 4. Maistrul sondor pipi n cutia cafenie de lemn
o igar de foi uscat. 5. Scenografii intenionau s-l
ntlneasc pe gondolier vara trecut. 6. Mritul
celuului a pornit n acelai timp cu micarea i s-a
amplificat pe cnd aceasta a ajuns la punctul culminant.
7. eful antierului nu se resimte deloc de pe urma
accidentului. 8. Banii aceia l vor ajuta mult pe maestrul
de balet la terminarea grajdului. 9. Era fatal s se
sfreasc aa legtura lui cu Nina Georgescu. 10. A
avut un conflict cu poliia.

Key: 1. Much of the present building is 14th century. 2.

Well have the nurse bring her something. 3. However
absurd it may have seemed, the hirelings clung to the
hope that the tamers could be persuaded to forget
about each other again. 4. The driller felt for a dry cigar
in the cream-coloured wooden box. 5. The stage
designers intended to have met the gondolier last
summer. 6. The puppys snarling began with the
movement, and increased as the movement approached
its culmination. 7. The field engineer is none the worse
for his accident. 8. That money will go far, towards
helping the carver and gilder in finishing his stable. 9.
His affair with Nina Georgescu was doomed to finish in
that way. 10. He had a brush with the police.

Set 137
1. Se trgea oare dinluntrul contiinei mele, de sub
stratul vieii mele n stare de trezire sau era totui
tainica for odilic, fluidul magnetic al vechilor
mesmerieni? 2. Pe legea mea! 3. Vremea promite a fi
cald astzi. 4. Nu depii viteza de 40 de kilometri pe
or pe un drum accidentat! 5. Dac erai srac, nu aveai
bani. 6. Pucriaul s-a gndit mult vreme, n acea
noapte, la iluzia acestui absolut pe care l cuta biata
vduv, i a simit o imens mil reflectnd c i-a
prsit un cmin i o libertate garantat de civilizaie
numai pentru c citise crile acelui farseur francez cu
pseudonimul Tierry. 7. Cartofii tia s-au stricat. 8. Cine
mult prea mult muncete, pn la urm se prostete. 9.
Sigur or s apar. 10. Trebuie s spun c iubeam
frumuseea acestei fete, att, capul ei frumos, nu
sufletul ei amorf i nici corpul, i cu att mai puin
mintea, i mi-ar fi fost de-ajuns pentru toat viaa, cu
condiia, ei da, ca ea s accepte s fie iubit.

Key: 1. Did it come from the stream of consciousness

within me below the level of my walking life or was it
after all the mysterious odylic force, the magnetic fluid
of the old mesmerists? 2. Upon my soul! 3. It promises to
be warm today. 4. Dont drive at more than 40 kilometres
an hour over a bumpy road! 5. If you had been poor, you
would not have had money. 6. On that night the jailbird
thought for a long time about the illusion of that
absolute which the poor viduage was after, and he felt
an immense pity on reflecting that she had left her
home and a liberty guaranteed by civilization only
because she had read the books on that French humbug
using the pseudonym Tierry. 7. Those potatoes did not
keep good. 8. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
9. Theyre bound to turn up. 10. I must say that I loved
the beauty of this girl, and only that, her beautiful head;
I loved neither her dull soul, nor her body, and even less
her mind; this would have sufficed for the rest of my life
provided that, well, provided that she accepted to be

Set 138
1. De ce boli grave a suferit legtorul dezolat? 2.
Judectorul de pace/Magistratul municipal (n Africa de
Sud) n-a putut intra cu nici un chip. 3. Nu merge. /Nu se
potrivete. / Nu face. /Nu merit. 4. Ologul i spunea
ntruna martirei s asculte, dar ea nu voia. 5. Viaa
copiilor notri devine din ce n ce mai frumoas. 6. Ce
om! 7. Nu-mi place s-mi fac loc cu coatele spre ieire.
8. Fr a cuta atitudini zadarnice pentru amndoi i
fr s-i caute nici cuvintele, n zgomot i nghesuial,
i spuse, ct mai sumar i mai clar, s vie n dimineaa
urmtoare la locuina lor, a crei adres i-o notase pe o
foaie de carnet; avea s fie vorba de un post n vederea

grajdurilor de curse pe care le proiectau. 9. Cnd a scris

Sadoveanu Baltagul? Habar n-am. 10. O att de lung
tradiie demonstreaz c pier cei mai buni, nct a nu fi
nfrnt nceteaz s mai fie o laud.
Key: 1. Has the (ag)grieved bookbinder had any serious
illnesses? 2. The field cornet could not get in anyhow. 3.
It doesnt answer. 4. The cripple kept telling the
martyress to listen, but she wouldnt. 5. The life of our
children becomes more and more beautiful. 6. Such a
man! 7. I dont like to elbow my way to the exit. 8.
Without useless gestures and without choosing her
words too much, in the middle of all that noise and
crowd, she told him as briefly and plainly as she could to
come the following morning to their place, whose
address she had written down on a sheet of paper; they
would discuss about a new job for the race horse stables
that they were designing. 9. When did Sadoveanu write
The Hatchet? Beats me. 10. Such a long tradition
proves that the best ones die, that not being defeated
stops being a praise.

Set 139
1. Vraciul (aductor de ploaie) zvelt l-a neles greit pe
vagabond/pdurarul regal/cavalerist/tlhar. 2. Nici gnd
ca preotul musulman s spun aa ceva. 3. Dup trei ore
de mers, preotul (musulman) a stabilit s se fac un
popas. 4. Cred c voi deschide televizorul. 5. Orice ai
face, eu ntotdeauna voi avea ncredere n tine. 6. E
ciudat c pleci azi. 7. Gimnasta ar fi continuat cu
mrturisirile, dac hocheistul nu s-ar fi scuzat c este
prea trziu ca s mai poat ntrzia n odaia ei. 8.
Problema cea mai arztoare este cum gsim bilete de
avion pentru mine. 9. A: Am terminat cafeaua. B: Fugi

de-aici! /Du-te, domle! E n dulapul din buctrie. 10. Au

lansat un atac mpotriva principalelor aeroporturi.
Key: 1. The rakish rain doctor mistook the rangers
meaning. 2. The mulla(h) said nothing of the sort. 3.
After having walked for three hours, the mullah called a
halt. 4. I think Ill turn on the telly. 5. Whatever you may
do, I shall always trust you. 6. It is strange that you
should leave today. 7. The gymnast would have
continued making confessions if the hockey player had
not apologized for having to leave her room because it
was late. 8. The most difficult problem is how we (could)
get plane tickets for tomorrow. 9. A: I ran out of coffee.
B: Get away (with you), it is in the kitchen cupboard. 10.
They mounted an attack on the major airports.

Set 140
1. Cine a btut recordul mondial la not? 2. Cmtarul/
Grjdarul cu prul nchis la culoare/negru nu prea te-a
putut urmri. Mai repet povestirea o dat. 3. Furgoneta
ddu colul i intr ntr-un fag/mesteacn/arar/plop
(tremurtor)/molid/sal- cm. 4. Fochistului nu-i arde de
lupt. /Fochistul n-are chef de lupt. 5. Avei buturi
nealcoolice? 6. Te duci i te culci! 7. i rndunica a luat
una cte una frunzele de aur fin pn cnd Prinul Fericit
a rmas cenuiu i posomort. 8. Interpretarea lui la
vioar la Londra s-a dovedit un succes. 9. Nu puteam smi iau bta i s sar n ap dup gte, dac nu voiam
s m cufund n noroiul de la fund. Spre marea mea
uurare, s-au potolit curnd i s-au strns n eleteul mai
mare. 10. Nu m frmntam dect s alung sfiala,
dezgustul, teama din mine.


Key: 1. Who has broken the world record for swimming?

2. The dark-haired danist/ostler couldnt quite follow
you. Go over the story again. 3. The delivery car turned
beech/birch/maple/aspen/spruce/acacia. 4. The greaser
has no stomach for a fight. 5. Do you have any soft
drinks? 6. Go to bed! 7. Leaf after leaf of the fine gold
the swallow picked till the Happy Prince looked quite dull
and grey. 8. His performing on the violin in London
proved a success. 9. I could not take my bat/cudgel and
jump into the water after these geese, unless I wanted
to sink in the mud on the bottom. To my great relief,
they soon quieted down and gathered together in the
larger pond. 10. I only fretted to drive away shyness,
disgust and fear which were in me.

Set 141
1. Aurarul orfan de mam/fr mam nu pune nici un
pre pe succesul acelui nebun. 2. Nu tot ce lumineaz se
asemuiete cu soarele. 3. Ce are pe el melomanul? 4.
Filmul acela l-a satisfcut pe cultivatorul de in. 5.
Manipulantul i-a ndreptat spatele. 6. Era att de obosit
nct nu se putea ine pe picioare. 7. Turntorul folosete
cuvinte urte. 8. Se vede c magnatul fr palton
/manta citea o revist cnd a btut ceasul ora
dousprezece, fiindc a uitat s-i comande prnzul. 9. E
ciudat c muzicianul triete singur. 10. Era o dupamiaz frumoas de var cnd l-am ntlnit pe Jim
pentru a doua oar.
Key: 1. The motherless gold beater thinks nothing of that
man of motleys success. 2. Every light is not the sun. 3.
What has the music lover got on? 4. The flax grower got
a boot out of that movie. 5. The operator straightened

his back. 6. He was so tired as not to be able to stand. 7.

The foundry worker uses bad language. 8. The greatcoatless grandee must have been reading a magazine
when the clock struck twelve, because he forgot to order
his lunch. 9. It is odd that the musician should live by
himself. 10. It was a nice summer afternoon when I met
Jim for the second time.

Set 142
1. n vremurile de belug pe altare nu se-aduc ofrande.
2. Cnd vorbeti de lup, lupul la u. 3. Tractoristul l
ngrijoreaz pe acrobat de l nnebunete/de l bag-n
mormnt. 4. Privelitea ar fi putut frnge inima ologului,
dac n-ar fi avut i un dram de umor. 5. Este o zi
sufocant. 6. Instalatorului i trebuir cteva sptmni
ca s ncarce pe plut i s transporte pe uscat tot
explozibilul sta, fiindc jumtate din timp era ntrerupt
de flux. 7. Cercettorii care au studiat acest fenomen au
constatat c A. avea caliti paranormale deosebite. 8. A
avut noroc s supravieuiasc catastrofei. 9. Accidentul
a pus capt carierei sale. 10. n varietatea haotic de
pduri, de dealuri i de vi, identificarm Bltetii
notri, care, abia vzui i rsrind din infinitatea de
arbori, preau de aici, cu cele cteva raze rsfrnte de
acoperiurile lor, nite aezri din poveti.
Key: 1. In prosperity no altars smoke. 2. Speaking/Talking
of angels one often sees their wings. 3. The tractordriver worries the acrobat to death. 4. The scene could
have broken the cripples heart unless it had had a grain
of humour. 5. Its a stuffy day. 6. It took the linesman
several weeks to load all that explosive on the raft and
take it ashore, as he was interrupted by the high-tide
half of the time. 7. The investigators who studied this
phenomenon realized that A. had outstanding

paranormal qualities. 8. He was lucky to survive the

catastrophe. 9. The accident cut short her career. 10. In
the chaotic variety of forests, hills and valleys, we
managed to identify our spa of Baltatesti; standing out
of the infinity of trees which nearly hid it from us, and
seen from our observation point with the few sunbeams
reflected by its roofs, it seemed a story-book place.

Set 143
1. Maestrul/Profesorul de muzic lipsit de for n-are
nimic mpotriv s fac cu rndul. 2. Nu cred c planul
burghezului crpnos/avar/calic/zgrcit va reui. 3. Du-te
unde vrei. 4. Culti- vatorul de in tia c pontatorul va fi
surprins cnd le va vedea acolo pe ciorile cenuii. 5. A
fost o excelent lovitur liber /lovitur de col /aruncare
de la tu. 6. Cltorul chiop ar trebui s porneasc
devreme la drum. 7. Secertorul a fost foarte fericit cnd
a descoperit ceea ce cuta: o carte cu poze pentru copii.
8. Autocarul a continuat s mearg, pasagerii admirnd
frumoasa privelite. 9. Au sortat merele n funcie de
mrime. 10. Firete, am continuat vorba cu fraze ct mai
lungi i mai susinute, ca i cum nu s-ar fi ntmplat
nimic, ca i cum gestul meu intempestiv ar fi fost foarte
la locul lui i prea obinuit ca s mai merite vreo atenie.
Key: 1. The muscleless music master does not mind
taking my turn. 2. I dont think the fast-handed fat guts
plan will answer. 3. Go where you like. 4. The flax grower
knew the timekeeper would be surprised when he saw
the flesh crows there. 5. It was an excellent free
kick/corner kick/throw in. 6. A lame traveller should get
out betimes. 7. The reaper was very happy when he
found what he had been looking/was looking for: a
picture book for children. 8. The coach continued to run,

the passengers admiring the beautiful sight. 9. They

sorted the apples as to size. 10. Quite naturally, I went
on speaking, using the longest and heaviest possible
sentences, as if nothing had happened, as if my
unexpected gesture had been very much in place and
much too common to deserve further attention.

Set 144
1. Negustorul de pete capricios o s mai atepte o zidou. 2. Orict de obosit eti/ai fi, ncearc s faci tot
posibilul s-i termini treaba astzi. 3. Mai jucai handbal,
n loc s-i ajui pe restauratorii de tablouri, dac
marinarul i-ar fi spus c se ateapt s fii devotat
prietenilor ti? 4. Pmntului deselenit i trebuie un an
ca s se aeze. 5. ntotdeauna l-am gsit pe exportator
prietenos. 6. Trompetele abia dduser semnalul, c au
i disprut campionii de la posturile lor cu viteza
fulgerului i s-au apropiat de centru. 7. n orice art e
bine s ai un maestru. 8. Dac nu s-ar fi gsit casa
prdat, s-ar fi crezut c a fost crunt rzbunare, sau
fapta nebuniei religioase. 9. A dori s fac o rezervare
pentru week-end, ncepnd cu 15 martie. Cazare i
mas. 10. Crarea pe care apucase Agripina era cea mai
scurt, dar cea mai anevoioas.
Key: 1. The fitty fishmonger will wait another day or two.
2. Tired as you may be, try to do your best and finish
your work today. 3. Would you have been playing
handball instead of helping the picture restorers if the
lighterman had told you he expected you to be devoted
to your friends? 4. The newly made ground must have a
year to settle down. 5. I have always found the shipper
(to be) friendly. 6. The trumpets had no sooner given the
signal, than the champions vanished from their posts

with the speed of lightning, and closed in the centre. 7.

In every art it is good to have a master. 8. If the house
had not been found plundered, one might have thought
this was a merciless revenge or the act of a religious
maniac. 9. Id like to make a reservation for the weekend of 15th March. Full board. 10. The path Agripina had
taken was the shortest, but the hardest to climb.

Set 145
1. Mecanicul/Lctuul de revizie avea toate hrtiile la
el/ asupra lui. 2. Mturtorul de strad tia c este n
ncurctur, a ncercat s-i adune curajul i s ias n
ploaie, dei n-avea nici un rost s-o fac din nou. 3. Nu
m pricep absolut deloc. 4. Mai degrab s discutm
acest caz. 5. Nu v ndeprtai prea mult de rm. 6.
Pompierul a simit cum se cutremur gara de mrfuri/
magazia de mrfuri cu dou etaje. 7. Brbierul i-a
dezavantajele mai greu dect avantajele? 9. M-am
ndreptat ctre alte ispite. Ispite i pcate se gsesc
peste tot n drumul crnii i aceasta e fericirea omului.
10. Le-a cerut umil iertare.
Key: 1. The repairman had all the documents about him.
2. The street sweeper knew he was in trouble, tried to
brace up and go out in the rain, although it was no use
doing it again. 3. I dont understand a thing there. 4. We
had rather discuss this case. 5. Keep/Stay near the
shore. 6. The fire fighter felt the two-storied goods
station/goods-shed shake. 7. The figaro stretched his
powers to their utmost. 8. Do the disadvantages
outweigh the advantages? 9. I turned to other
temptations. Temptations and sins are everywhere on

the way of the flesh, and this spells mans happiness. 10.
He humbly begged them for forgiveness.

Set 146
1. Dac voi gsi un bilet, voi merge la teatru. 2. Clreul
(care nsoete o trsur)/Comis-voiajorul nu era (un) om
ru. 3. Cnd au ajuns la caban, dup ce au urcat timp
de patru ore, negustorii ambulani erau mori de
oboseal/sleii de puteri. 4. Buletinul meteorologic arat
guraliv/limbut/vorbre/flecar mnca, se vede, cu
lcomie, o pricomigdal, fiindc prjitura era fcut din
nuci i prea gustoas. 6. V ateptm cu nerbdare! 7.
Juriul a dat un verdict de achitare. 8. Trebuie s plteti o
groaz de bani pentru un apartament decent ntr-un
ora mare. 9. Am auzit c tocmai v-ai ntors din China.
Cum este pe acolo? 10. Ispita luciditii care te
ndeamn s afli de ce nu te mai iubete cineva const
n faptul c ai sentimentul acut, irezistibil c, dup ce vei
afla, vei nceta s suferi.
Key: 1. If I get a seat, I shall go to the theatre. 2. The
outrider was not a wicked (ru la suflet)/an evil
(pctos) man. 3. When the gutter men reached the
chalet after having climbed for four hours they were to
drop. 4. The weather forecast says there will be storms.
5. The gossipy golfer must have been eating
gluttonously a macaroon, as the cake was made of nuts
and looked tasty. 6. We look forward to seeing you! 7.
The jury brought in an acquittal. 8. You have to pay an
arm and a leg for a decent flat in a big city. 9. I hear
youve just come back from China. Whats it like over
there? 10. The temptation of lucidity that urges one to
learn why one is no longer loved consists in the fact that

one has the acute, irresistible feeling that, by learning

the reason, ones suffering will end.

Set 147
1. Dei artificierul/alpinistul locuiete departe de
serviciu, ajun- ge totdeauna punctual la lucru. 2. Cu ce
schimbi mne- rul/ciocanul (cu coad)/coiful/stiloul
acela? 3. Ce-l supr/doare pe marchiz? 4. Din fericire,
tria voinei poate fi educat. Trebuie s dezvoltm
obinuina efortului maxim. 5. La ora aceasta, erbul ar
trebui s fie acas. 6. Cui i fusese menit dactilografa?
7. Apoi d, frate, zise istalalt, scrpinndu-se n cap, ce
s fac?Ce s faci? S te-nv eu: boii ti sunt mari i
frumoi; ie-i i-i du la iarmaroc, vinde-i i cumpr alii
mai mici i mai ieftini, iar cu banii rmai cumpr-i i
un car i iaca te-ai fcut gospodar. Ia, tii c nu m-ai
nvat ru? Aa am s fac.(I.C.) 8. Toate marile i
serioasele idei revoluionare ncep prin a fi nite glume
enorme. 9. I s-a adus micul dejun la pat. 10. Plou
tomnatic, mrunt i rece.
Key: 1. Although the fireworker/climber lives far from his
office, he always gets to work on time. 2. What are you
exchanging that helve/helve hammer/helmet/pen holder
for? 3. What ails the marquis? 4. Fortunately, will power
can be trained. We must develop the habit of maximal
effort. 5. At this time the serf ought to be at home. 6.
Whom had the typist been intended for? 7. Youre right,
brother, said the other, scratching his head, but what
shall I do? What youll do? Ill tell you. Your oxen are
magnificent big ones; take them to the fair, sell them

and buy a pair of smaller and cheaper ones; and with

the money thats left, buy yourself a cart, and there you
are, a well-so-up man. Now, you know, theres
something in what you say. Ill do that.(t: A.C.) 8. All
great and profound revolutionary ideas begin by being
enormous jokes. 9. He had/got his breakfast brought to
his bed. 10. The rain is coming down in a cold autumn

Set 148
1. S plng i pietrele, nu alta. /Te-apuc jalea. 2. Mai
bine renun. 3. Mai degrab proprietreasa ar fi spus
asta de la bun nceput. 4. Haimanaua se ndreapt spre
biroul de informaii. 5. Voi lua antreuri, icre negre, salat
de boeuf, cocteil de crevei, sup cu glute, langust,
piept de pui la grtar, niele de viel n pesmet, hrean,
salat de andive, arlot, o bezea, ap carbogazoas,
vin sec i curmale/smochine. 6. Succesul lui Sadoveanu
a fost fr precedent de la bun nceput, deoarece proza
sa se adresa, fr deosebire, tuturor claselor sociale. 7.
Cauciucul se ntinde uor. 8. O glum bun este un lucru
fundamental i sfnt care nu poate fi criticat. 9. n ciuda
faptului c podarii au lucrat mai mult de dousprezece
ore pe zi, producia nu este satisfctoare. 10. Amuir.
Chiar i Neagoe i pierduse cumptul.
Key: 1. Enough to make the angels weep. 2. Youd better
give it up. 3. I would rather the landlady had said that
from the very beginning. 4. The street arab is taking his
starters/appetizers, caviar(e), beef salad/cold meat
salad, shrimp cocktail, dumpling soup, spiny lobster,
grilled breast of chicken, veal cutlets fried in breadcrumbs, horse radish, endive salad, trifle, a meringue,
aerated water, dry wine and dates/figs. 6. Sadoveanus

success was, from the very beginning, unprecedented,

because his fiction addressed itself to all the walks of
life, without exception. 7. India rubber stretches easily. 8.
A good joke is the one ultimate and sacred thing which
cannot be criticized.(G.K.C.) 9. Despite that the ferryman
worked more than twelve hours a day, the output is not
satisfactory. 10. They became silent; even Neagoe lost
his balance.

Set 149
capricios/nehotrt a studiat toat seara. 2. Este greit
s forezi prizonierii s spun ceea ce nu vor. 3. Explozia
puternic a provocat multe stricciuni. 4. El a descoperit
cortizonul. De aceast descoperire a fost foarte
mulumit. 5. Agentul comercial e cel mai potrivit. 6.
Arbitrii l-au lovit cu un b/baston/cros (de hochei) pe
controlor. 7. Cel ce cltorete departe, multe tie. 8.
Nu-l vd pe aici pe gogoman, trebuie c joac handbal
pe undeva. 9. Mrturisesc c m interesau foarte puin,
pe vremea aceea, cunotinele pe care eram invitat s le
fac pe temeiul acestui unic motiv: c am vieuit civa
ani n Orient. 10. A mucat din sandvici.
Key: 1. Even though the fickle-minded ferreter had a
headache, he studied all evening. 2. It is quite wrong
that prisoners should be forced to say what they dont
want to. 3. The powerful explosion caused a lot of
damage. 4. He discovered the cortisone. This discovery
was to his hearts content. 5. The fieldman is fittest. 6.
The flagmen hit the ticket collector with a stick/walkingstick/hockey-stick. 7. He that travels far knows much. 8. I
do not see the gawk around, he must be playing
handball somewhere. 9. I confess that I had very little

interest, at that time, in the acquaintances I was invited

to make for that unique reason: that I had lived for a few
years in the East. 10. He took a bite out of the sandwich.

Set 150
1. De unde s tiu (eu)? 2. Subofierul cu nasul lung /fin
duce dorul munilor. 3. S-i vedem lucrarea. 4. Pnza
aceasta cu fundalul colorat nchis este o achiziie
recent. 5. Nu-mi face bine carnea de porc. 6. Producia
sa a fost de cea mai bun calitate. 7. Bustul Adelei, nalt,
elegant, era uor aplecat asupra mesei. 8. Pe drumul
plin de ap, rani cu cojoace i cciuli, femei cu saci n
cap ieeau din cea i intrau n cea. 9. De atunci,
senzaia de funebru pe care mi-o d, n momente de o
stranie luciditate, pmntul, lutul, piatra, toat materia
asta inert, idioat, inamic, i a planetei, vieti i
plante, ubrede, nesigure, trectoare.(G.I.) 10. Un avocat
foarte bun a pledat cazul n mod convingtor.
Key: 1. Ask (me) another! 2. The long-nosed/keen-nosed
non-commissioned officer misses the mountains. 3. Let
us see your work. 4. The canvas with a dark coloured
background is a recent acquisition. 5. Pork disagrees
with me. 6. His production was of the utmost quality. 7.
Adelas bust, high and elegant, was slightly leaning over
the table. 8. Along the road full of puddles, peasants
with sheepskin coats and fur caps and women carrying
bags on their heads were emerging from the mist and
stepping back into it. 9. Ever since, a funeral sensation
conveyed to me, at moments of strange lucidity, by
earth, clay, stone, by all this inert, idiotic and inimical
matter, and the pity for whatever is alive and is vainly
trying to hide the sinister death of the planet, creatures
and plants, all of them frail, uncertain, transient.(t: A.B.)
10. A top lawyer pleaded the case convincingly.

Set 151
1. Soia/Tovara comotenitorului fr picioare este
sclipitor de inteligent. 2. Rbdarea e o virtute. 3.
Ruca/Bobocul de ra a fost pedepsit() pentru
purtarea sa. 4. S ai (parte de) noroc! 5. Ctunul este
situat n mijlocul unui crng. 6. S-ar frnge graia, c-o
raz/Sau cu-o umbrire mai puin, /n prul care
scnteiaz/Sau pe obrazul ei divin, /Pe care gnduri dulci
vegheaz, /Neprihnit sla, senin.(t: V.T.) 7. Curtezana
rbda ct putea. 8. L-au acuzat de furt. 9. M interesa,
ntr-adevr, viaa acelor romni care se lsaser
stpnii de pasiunea pentru Orient. 10. Hotelul i-a fost
pltit de ctre Consiliul Britanic.
Key: 1. The feetless fellow heirs feer is witty-witty. 2.
Patience is a virtue. 3. The duckling was punished for its
behaviour. 4. All good luck may attend you! 5. The
hamlet lies amidst a grove/spinney. 6. One shade the
more, one ray the less, /Had half impaired the nameless
grace/Which waves in every raven tress, /Or softly
lightens oer her face; /Where thoughts serenely sweet
express, /How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.(G.B.)
7. The courts miss bore it as well as she could. 8. They
brought an accusation of theft against him. 9. I was
interested, indeed, in their lives of those Romanians who
had let themselves be carried away by their passion for
the East. 10. He had/got his hotel paid by the British

Set 152
1. Ei, s fie! 2. Lingurarul nu poate fi cruat. 3. Dac
dorii s fii la zi trebuie s practicai cititul n mas, dar

acesta este un proces mintal cu totul diferit, frunzrii

doar paginile, pentru a spicui din ele informaii care v-ar
putea fi de folos. 4. Se dezghea. /Zpada se topete. 5.
Drcitorul vine adesea s ne vad, dar azi citete i nu
cred c va veni. 6. Antoniu, cu permisiunea lui Brutus, a
venit s-l nmormnteze pe credinciosul i cinstitul su
prieten i s plng pe sicriul su. 7. Gestul de a le fi
trimis o scrisoare a nsemnat un act de recunotin. 8.
S-a prezentat admirabil la examene. 9. Mary l-a inut la
distan pe Joe. 10. Un om ce cltorea spre soarersare se nvoi, n schimbul unei sume substaniale, s
gseasc prini adoptivi pentru copil. Neavnd de ales,
prinii i ncredinar odorul.
Key: 1. Well, to be sure! 2. The spoon maker cannot be
spared. 3. If you want to keep up-to-date, you must
indulge in mass reading, but this is an entirely different
mental process, you merely skim through the pages to
scan them for information that might be of use. 4. Its
thawing. 5. The hackler often comes to see us, but today
he is reading and I do not think he will come. 6. Under
Brutuss leave, Antony came to bury his faithful and just
friend and to weep on his coffin. 7. Your having sent
them a letter meant an act of gratitude. 8. She acquitted
herself admirably in the exams. 9. Mary kept Joe at
arms length. 10. A man travelling eastwards agreed, in
exchange for a large sum of money, to find adoptive
parents for the child. Having no other choice, the
parents entrusted their beloved child to him.

Set 153

1. Un nemrginit pustiu de buruieni cu rdcini adnci.

2. Controlorului (de bilete) i e sil s fac asta. 3. Ce l
nelinitete/ ngrijoreaz pe pucria? 4. Hrtia s-a
rsucit n sus. 5. Stejarii aceia dau o umbr plcut. 6.
Singura cale prin care directorul teatrului umplea sala
era s dea bilete gratuit. 7. Punctul important este ca s
fie realist. 8. Vezi-i de studii /de nvtur. 9. Nu
prezenta ca nou ceea ce tie toat lumea. 10. mi face o
deosebit plcere s v rog din partea Comitetului de
Organizare s prezidai una din sesiunile de ntrunire a
Key: 1. A boundless waste of deep heath. 2. The ticket
collector abominates doing it. 3. What is the jailbird
afraid of? 4. The paper rolled up. 5. Those oak trees
afford a pleasant shade. 6. The only way the manager
could fill the theatre was to paper the house. 7. The
important point is that it be realistic. 8. Attend to your
studies. 9. Tell not as new what everybody knows. 10. It
is a great pleasure for me to ask you on behalf of the
Organising Committee to preside over one of the
sessions that is going to be held during the meeting of
the Council.

Set 154
1. Minile hocheistului nepieptnat ineau ca ghearele
cortina (lateral) uor desfcut. 2. Asta o s-i fac poft
de mncare oportunistului. 3. Spune-mi esena acestui
raport. 4. Se deschideau prvlioare de-a lungul strzii
nguste. 5. Dac tot fumezi dou pachete de igri pe zi,
nainte de 60 de ani vei da ortul popii /vei fi oale i
ulcele. 6. M putei ndrepta /ndruma ctre cea mai
apropiat staie de autobuz, v rog? 7. Pcat c drnicia
nu are ochi la spate: omul nu ar mai fi niciodat victima

inimii sale. 8. Fac prinsoare c i acum, dei stai cu

mine de vorb de un sfert de ceas, tot nu tii ce fel de
ochi am. 9. Bun, dar atunci ce ai de gnd s faci n
aceast privin? 10. M ndoiesc c triorul a citit
brourile necesare.
Key: 1. The uncombed hockey players claw-like hands
were holding the tab slightly open. 2. It will sharpen the
office seekers appetite. 3. Tell me the substance of this
report. 4. Small shops were being opened all along the
narrow street. 5. If you keep smoking two packs of
cigarettes a day, youll be pushing up daisies before
youre 60. 6. Could you direct me to the nearest bus
stop, please? 7. Tis pity bounty has not eyes behind,
/That man might neer be wretched for his mind.(W.S.) 8.
I bet you dont know the colour of my eyes now, either,
although weve been talking for a quarter of an hour. 9.
Well, then, what are you going to do about it? 10. I doubt
if the diddler has read the necessary booklets.

Set 155
1. Privighetoarea cenuie este necunoscut prin partea
locului. 2. Astfel de afirmaii pot induce lesne n eroare.
3. Poetul i nsuise toat tiina epocii sale. 4.
Temperatura este insuportabil. 5. Preul sejurului dvs.
include cazarea mpreun cu o alt persoan ntr-o
camer cu dou paturi. Pentru cazare ntr-o camer cu
un singur pat se percepe un supliment de 5 lire sterline
pe noapte. 6. Fanfaronul s-a ludat n ultima vreme cu
strmoii lui? 7. E esenial ca precupeul s tie ce s-a
ntmplat acolo. 8. Tinichigiul a vrsat apa. 9. Partea
interioar a casei nu este tot att de frumoas ct cea
exterioar. 10. Va trebui s-i plombezi mseaua dac
vrei s scapi de dureri.

Key: 1. The feather bird is unknown locally. 2. Such

statements are apt to mislead. 3. The songster had
absorbed all the knowledge of his time. 4. The
temperature is unbear- able/oppressive. 5. The price of
your holiday includes accommodation based on shared
occupancy of a twin room. Theres a single-room
supplement of 5 a night. 6. Has the huffer been
boasting of his ancestors lately? 7.It is essential that the
huckster should know what had happened there. 8. The
tinker poured the water off. 9. The inner part of the
house is not so beautiful as the outer one. 10. Youll have
to have/get your tooth filled if you want to get rid of

Set 156
1. Cum s-a ntmplat s-l ntlneti pe birjarul de noapte/
avar/zgrcit/crpnos/ meschin? 2. Chiar paznicul s-a
ncrezut n mprat. 3. De ce ginecologul credul i-a rnit
pe armurierii aceia? 4. Ne-am neles s sprijinim
candidatura tocilarului la preedinia clasei. 5. Praful s-a
aezat; ploaia a aezat praful. 6. Apa este cald. 7. Neam dus la restaurant. Ne-am aezat la o mas mic,
luminat de o lamp prins n perete. 8. Am apucat
drumul muntelui, pe unde fusesem de attea ori cu ea.
9. Trsura mergea acum repede la vale, zvrlind pietrele
n lturi. 10. i era somn, avea nfiarea dezarmat, ca
orice om cnd i e somn.
Key: 1. How did you happen to meet the niggard night
hawk? 2. The wardsman himself trusted the emperor. 3.
Why did the gullible gynaecologist inflict injuries on
those gunsmiths? 4. We were of one accord in
supporting the swots candidacy for class president. 5.
The dust settled; the rain settled the dust. 6. The water

feels warm. 7. We went to the restaurant. We sat down

at a small table lit by a wall lamp. 8. I took the mountain
path along which I had walked with her so many times.
9. The four-wheeler was now rushing down the slope,
scattering the stones of the road around it. 10. She was
sleepy, she had the disarmed appearance of any sleepy

Set 157
1. Nimeni n-a fost prezent, n afar de calul de
povar/traciune. 2. n ziar scrie c azi o s fie cald. 3.
Datorit performanei noii linii de producie, profiturile
vor fi de trei ori mai mari n aceast lun. 4. Braconierul
s-a oprit brusc (din conversaie) i a oftat. 5. Vnztorul
de ou tcu un rstimp. 6. Ce-ai spune de o brichet? 7.
topit/telemea i crnai. 8. terge propoziia aceea! 9.
Epitropul nu i-a mai vzut nepoatele de mult timp i i e
dor de ele. 10. De ce nu li s-a adus un alt magnetofon la
Key: 1. Nobody was present but the draft horse. 2. The
newspaper says that its going to be warm today. 3.
Thanks to the performance of the new production line,
the profits will be three times higher this month. 4. The
poacher broke off and sighed. 5. The egg dealer kept
silent for a space. 6. What about a gas lighter? 7. Ill
processed/feta cheese and sausages. 8. Erase that
sentence! 9. The guardian hasnt seen his nieces for a
long time and he misses them. 10. Why didnt they
have/get another tape recorder brought for the party?

Set 158

1. Prezictoarea s-a dus n pia s cumpere legume. 2.

Evazionistul fiscal va face referatul dup ce i va fi
terminat/va termina lucrarea de laborator. 3. i, n cel
mai ru caz, iganca va gsi o soluie. 4. Trebuie s
recunosc c nu am reuit s urmresc cazul mai departe
i c pn azi nu tiu cine a fost supralicitantul fericit. 5.
Explicaia cea mai elegant este c acuarelistul a fcut o
greeal. 6. Are o croial excelent! Este msura dvs. i
e bine croit. 7. Mna care druiete, orict ar fi ea de
urt, e sigur c va avea parte de o frumoas preuire.
8. Lexicologul e morocnos la culme/negru de mnie. 9.
Soldatul acela era ultimul din ir. 10. Atunci, toate ziarele
relatau despre fenomenele ciudate care se petreceau n
cabinetul avocatului Adam, unul dintre cei mai bine
cunoscui avocai din acel ora.
Key: 1. The soothsayer went to market/the market place
to buy some vegetables. 2. The tax dodger will make his
report when he has completed his lab(oratory) work. 3. If
the worst comes to the worst, the gipsy woman will find
a solution. 4. I must admit I failed to follow the case
further and, to this day, I do not know who the happy
winner was. 5. The generous explanation is that the
water colourist made a mistake. 6. Its an excellent cut!
Its your size and is well tailored. 7. A giving hand,
though foul, shall have fair praise.(W.S.) 8. The
lexicologist is like a bear with a sore head. 9. That
soldier was hindermost. 10. At that time, all the
newspapers were full of the reports about/All the
newspapers would then/at that time (only) mention the
strange phenomena/incidents that were taking place in
the office of Judge Adam, one of the best-known lawyers
in that town.


Set 159
1. Azilantul nevinovat trebuie s gseasc un avocat
priceput. 2. Intrnd, Rebecca a constatat c odaia nu era
vesel deloc. 3. Nici gnd (de aa ceva). 4. Pe msur ce
dimineaa se scurgea. 5. ntr-o zi o s vorbesc cu
lucrtorul (care purific aurul) ochelarist despre asta. 6.
Lctuul nu a pronunat corect cuvntul knee. K din
knee nu se aude, dar cred c el l-a pronunat. 7. Sora
ei e tot att de drgu? 8. Ce marc este maina dvs.?
9. Se scriau, se publicau i se vindeau multe cri noi
pentru aduli. 10. Avem cinci degete: degetul mare,
arttorul, mijlociul, inelarul i degetul mic.
Key: 1. The fleckless dosser must find an able lawyer. 2.
On entering, Rebecca found that the room was not
cheerful at all.(W.T.) 3. There is no appearance of it. 4. As
the morning wore on. 5. I will speak to the goggled gold
finer about it sometime. 6. The locksmith didnt
pronounce the word knee right. The k in knee is
silent, but I think he sounded the k. 7. Is her sister as
pretty? 8. What make is your car? 9. Many new books for
grown-ups were being written, published and sold. 10.
We have five fingers: the thumb, the forefinger, the
middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger.

Set 160
1. Antreprenorul (de pompe funebre) cu faa rotund ca
o lun merge exact ctre vest. 2. Vrei s bei ceva? 3.
Magazinerul poate parcurge o carte n timp record. 4.
Vom lua masa la iarb verde, la marginea unui pru de
munte. 5. Prostii! 6. Dup ce a plecat devreme din spital,
doctorul s-a dus drept la biblioteca medical s vad
dac putea gsi ceva nou n privina cazului pacientului

su. 7. Tramvaiul s-a ciocnit de un camion. 8. Voi lua

friptur de vac la tav cu sos de ciuperci, sos de
mutar, mazre verde, praz, pstrnac, varz dulce
clit, gogoi, ecler, fursecuri, vin dulce (de desert),
cidru i suc de lmie cu sifon. 9. Azilantul va achita
toat suma. 10. Nu numai c-i pierdu aerele de
cuceritor, ci se simea aruncat chiar dincolo de limita
sfiiciunii ngduite unui flcu att de chipe i cu
mijloace att de sigure n alt lume.
Key: 1. The moon-faced mortician is going dead west. 2.
Would you like a drink? 3. The warehouseman can open
a book and zoom through in a record time. 4. Well picnic
by the side of a mountain brook. 5. Stuff and nonsense!
6. Having left the hospital early, the physician went
straight to the medical library to see if he could find
anything new regarding his patients case. 7. The tram
ran afoul of a lorry. 8. Ill have roast beef with mushroom
sauce, mustard sauce, green peas, leek, parsnip,
stewed-in-fat cabbage, doughnuts, clair, cookies,
dessert/sweet wine, cider and lemon squash. 9. The
dosser will pay off the entire amount. 10. Not only did he
lose his airs of lady-killer, but he felt thrown even
beyond the limit of shyness allowed to a young man, so
handsome and with such sure means in another world.

Set 161
1. Vrei s-mi dai prjina/biciul/oala (de sup)/broura/
nicovala ta/tu? 2. Ancora e prins de ceva la fund. 3. O
plimbare de 12 km. pentru 50 de grame de
orez/gri/cimbru/fin/mlai e ceva ridicol. 4. Ce slujb
are pariorul? 5. Am deprins o ur ptima fa de toate
nelciunile i falsele pretenii intelectuale, ct i
mndria de a nu m lsa ncurcat de nici o problem pe
care a putea s-o rezolv.(N.W.) 6. M pasioneaz n mod

sulia/aruncarea cioca- nului/sritura cu prjina/sritura

n lungime/sritura n nli- me. 7. Dac am pleca cu
toii? 8. O s fie o plcere pentru tine. 9. Cnd ai vzut o
pies de teatru ultima dat? 10. Periuei mele de dini iau czut aproape toi perii.
Key: 1. Will you give me your sting/stock whip/stock
pot/stitch book/stith? 2. The anchor is catted. 3. A
rice/semoule/savory/ flour/corn flour is ridiculous. 4.
What work does the wagerer do? 5. I learned a fierce
hatred of all bluff and intelectual pretense as well as a
pride in not being baffled by any problem which I could
possibly solve. 6. I am particularly keen on
wrestling/weight lifting/ racing/javelin throwing/hammer
throwing/pole vaulting /long jumping/high jumping. 7.
Suppose we all left! 8. It will be a treat for you. 9. When
did you last see a (theatre) play? 10. My toothbrush lost
almost all its bristles.

Set 162
1. Ce irosire de energie! 2. Nu prea pledeaz n favoarea
spltoresei. 3. Fierarul a ncercat s se apere. 4.
Restauratorul de tablouri te poate adposti la noapte. 5.
Acest rezultat a fost att de neateptat nct a refuzat
s-l cread i la nceput nu l-a asemnat cu nimic din
rnduri/costum la un rnd/vest. 7. Voi lua cafea (filtru)
cu fric/ness/caf frapp, limb n aspic, pine prjit n
unt, sup-crem de ciuperci, sup de pasre cu tiei i
alu cu maionez. 8. Latr cinele la cineva, ori m
nel? 9. Te tocmeti deseori cu negustorii la pre? 10. A
suportat multe insulte /vorbe de ocar din partea lui.

Key: 1. What a waste of energy! 2. It does not argue

much in the laundresss favour. 3. The hammerman tried
to defend himself. The picture restorer can fix you up
for the night. 5. This result was so unexpected that he
refused to believe it and at first did not ascribe it to
anything he had done. 6. Id like a(n) dinner jacket/tailcoat/waterproof/light
suit/two-piece suit/double-breasted suit/single-breasted
suit/ waistcoat. 7. Ill have coffee and cream/instant
coffee/iced coffee, jellied tongue, canap, cream of
mushroom soup, chicken noodle soup and (boiled)
pikeperch with mayonnaise. 8. Is the dog barking at
anyone or am I wrong? 9. Do you often argue with
merchants for prices? 10. She took a lot of abuse from

Set 163
1. Juristul a luat metroul de 7.15 ca s ajung acolo
nainte de a se ntuneca. 2. Muncitorul necalificat s-a
gndit s dea vina pentru eec pe propria sa neglijen?
3. Ce interesant! 4. Hai s deschidem televizorul! Vrei
s-mi ari cum se pune n funciune? M tem c a
putea strica ceva. 5. Mergei pn la col i facei la
stnga, apoi continuai pn la a treia intersecie i
gata, ai ajuns. 6. S fim /rmnem solidari. 7. Acest
cercel e realizat din aur adevrat. 8. Uite un indicator de
intersecie! 9. n timpuri mai vechi aceast cas a fost
primria satului. 10. Dup cteva zile s-a rentors pe
Pmnt, n urma unei lungi cltorii, cu doar cteva
secunde ntrziere fa de ora de sosire anterior

Key: 1. The jurist took the 7.15 tube so that he could

arrive there before dark. 2. Has the hunky thought of
blaming the failure on his own carelessness? 3. How
interesting! 4. Lets turn on your television set. Show me
how to operate it, will you? I might spoil something, Im
afraid. 5. Go to the next corner and make a left turn.
Then walk three blocks and there you are. 6. Let us stick
together. 7. This ear-ring is made of your actual gold. 8.
Theres a sign for the crossroads! 9. In former times that
house was the townhall of the village. 10. After a few
days it returned to Earth, after a long voyage, only a
couple of seconds later than the planned arrival time.

Set 164
1. De ndat ce basistul spn a vzut-o pe femeia de
Geofizicianului i d mna s-i cumpere o rindea/un
clete de forj/o igl de argil. 4. Pajul nu prea are bani.
5. ara s-a ridicat mpotriva dumanului ca un singur
om. 6. Dac s-ar ntmpla s ai nevoie de nc o hart ca
aceasta, d-mi de tire. 7. Mai zilele trecute, chelneriei i
s-a ntmplat ceva ciudat: un strin purtnd nite haine
ciudate a rugat-o s-l nsoeasc la o galerie de art. 8.
Dac nu v suprai, mai degrab nu a veni. M doare
puin capul. 9. n aceast situaie v rugm s acceptai
scuzele noastre sincere pentru deranjul creat. 10. Nu
voiam s plng umilit i s m rog, luptnd cu un diavol
i cu un vis.
Key: 1. As soon as the glabrous bass singer saw the
office cleaner, he took to her. 2. Whats the speaking

trumpet worth to the under-secretary? 3. The

geophysicist can afford to buy a trying plane/tue
irons/clay tile. 4. The footpage has hardly any money. 5.
The country rose as one man against the enemy. 6.
Should you need another copy of this map, just let me
know. 7. The other day something strange happened to
the nippy: a foreigner wearing some strange clothes
asked her to join him to an art exhibition/gallery. 8. If
you dont mind, Id rather not come. Ive got a bit of a
headache. 9. In these circumstances we can only ask
you to accept our sincere apologies for the trouble
caused. 10. I would not cry humble and pray, grappling
with the devil and a dream.

Set 165
1. Croitoreasa brodeaz o fa de mas/un fanion cu fir
de mtase. 2. S i ajute cerul! 3. Avionul a dat peste un
gol de aer. 4. Care este cursul valutar? 5. Au adus o
jertf zeiei. 6. Deodat mi-a dat prin cap c s-ar putea
ca dricarul s nu m fi auzit. Este sigur c sondorul se
va amesteca n acea discuie. 7. Grnicerul ar fi vrut s
se ridice i s-i exprime dezacordul, dac ar fi putut,
dar i ddu seama la timp c nu avea nici un rost. 8.
Biatul avea un ten msliniu, ochi negri i pr negru.
Vorbea limba claselor educate, greu de neles pentru
ranii din rsrit. 9. ntre ei se ncinse o nalt
dezbatere academic despre crim i cauzele ei, i dac
trebuie s fim drepi, medicinistul era mai bine pregtit
dect filosoful. 10. A nceput bine.
Key: 1. The dressmaker works a table cloth/pennon with
silk. 2. Heaven help them! 3. The airplane hit an
airpocket. 4. Whats the rate of exchange? 5. They made
a sacrifice to the goddess. 6. Suddenly it occurred to

me/crossed my mind that the undertaker might not have

heard me. The driller is certain to interfere in that
discussion. 7. The frontier guard would have liked to
stand up and express his disagreement if he could, but
he realized in time that it was not worthwhile/that it was
no use. 8. The boy had an olive complexion and spoke
the language of the educated classes, which was
difficult for the eastern villagers to understand. 9. They
engaged in a highly academic debate on crime and its
causes and, frankly speaking, the medic was more
knowledgeable than the philosopher. 10. She has made a
good beginning.

Set 166
1. Numai aventurierul slbu/plpnd/timid poate s-o
fac. 2. Lumea n-o s-i in minte succesele, ci
insuccesele. 3. Boxerul de categorie semi-grea lu
carnetul/bloc-notesul n mn. 4. Sun telefonul. Trebuie
s fie santinela fricoas/temtoare. 5. D-i ascultare. 6.
La ce fac aluzie sprgtorii suprcioi de cnd au
nceput s discute? 7. Este mohort, umed, posomort.
8. Fcnd experiene n laboratorul acele, a realizat o
important lucrare de cercetare. 9. Acoperi mai multe
file cu o uurin de parc i-ar fi dictat cineva. Gndurile
i se nirau ca mrgelele pe a. 10. M tem c vom fi
inui n loc la semafoare.
Key: 1. The rabbity adventurer alone can do it. 2. The
vulgar will keep no account of your hits, but of your
misses. 3. The cruiser weight took the jotter in his hand.
4. The phones ringing. That will be/must be the weakspirited sentry. 5. Give it a hearing. 6. What have the
hot-tempered house breakers been hinting at since they
started talking? 7. It seems to be dull, damp, gloomy. 8.
By making experiments in that lab, she achieved an

important research work. 9. He covered several pages so

easily, as if somebody were dictating to him. His
thoughts were threading like beads on a string. 10. Im
afraid well be held up by the traffic-lights.

Set 167
mhnit/necjit/amrt/ deprimat/abtut miercuri sau joi?
2. n ambiana literaturii i artei umaniste se poate vorbi
ntr-adevr de evoluie, de realizri, care vor constitui
mndria epocii elisabetane. 3. Nu v expunei corpul la
soare. A nceput s vi se jupoaie pielea. 4. Rmi pe aici.
5. Vntul s-a potolit. 6. Agricultorii au discutat despre
ipoteci, ngrminte chimice, anuiti,
nvmnt, eroziune i cte i mai cte. 7. Ai ceva sare?
N-am deloc. 8. Dup ce a prsit postul, membrul
Camerei Comunelor a descoperit greutile vieii. 9.
Facem juma-juma? 10. Aa nct atunci cnd i apleca
iari privirea spre pmntul neted, i ddea seama c
mai exist ceva deasupra lui i dincolo de el, n
Key: 1. Did you meet the down-hearted driller on
Wednesday or on Thursday? 2. When looking upon the
humanistic literature and art we can obviously speak
about evolution and accomplishment which would make
the pride of the Elizabethan age. 3. Dont expose your
body to the sunlight. Your skin is pealing. 4. Stick
here/around. 5. The wind has dropped. 6. The farmers
talked about mortgages, fertilizers, annuities, recipes,
education, erosion and what not/and what have you. 7.
Have you any salt? I have none. 8. After he left that job,
the bencher found life to be a bed of thorns. 9. Do we
divvy up? 10. So that as he turned again to the

horizontal land, he was aware of something standing

above him and beyond him in the distance.


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