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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the

progression from it to the full production?

Looking back at my preliminary task, it looks very simple in comparison with the
cover of my rap magazine. I think I have been more adventurous with fonts and
targeted the magazine more towards the reader. I have also given much more
thought to cover lines and how they look. I think the puff is inappropriately placed on
my preliminary magazine cover. It dominates the right hand side of the magazine. In
the full production I have included a much smaller puff and kept it away from the
image slightly. I think in the full production of my cover, I have been much more
adventurous with language, including puns and alliteration and a film reference in
order to attract my reader. I was able in the full production to think of my own
masthead which suits the creative process, and also the font used for the masthead so
that it suited the subject matter. Although I chose the font in the preliminary task it was
an easier font to choose to suit an academic theme. I have used in the full production a
wide variety of fonts, echoing the masthead with the list of rappers above it in the
same font and using a different font in the puff and the website details at the bottom
of the page. My preliminary cover contained only one font in the cover lines, either
uppercase or lower. I was not experimental in the use of font. I have given more
thought in the final production as to lighting and costume in order to attract the
reader. There are similarities in the lay out of my preliminary task and final
production, but I have added much more detail to the final production cover as it
seemed more of a commercial product and aimed at a more specific target market
than a college magazine and therefore I needed to think of ways of attracting a
reader. I have learned to use all of the page in the final production partly because my
back ground was white and therefore the interest had to come from the content of the
cover lines. In my final production, I have sometimes outlined the text in a different
colour, which provides more interest.

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