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Famous Doctors

Today, diseases such as polio, smallpox and malaria have been successfully eliminated from major
parts of the world. Not only that, highly complicated surgeries which were not possible some years
ago are being performed on a daily basis.
Yes, advancements in medicine have benefited millions, but a major part of appreciation goes to the
following doctors, who with their hard work discovered cures for many medical ailments and saved
millions of lives.
With their consistent efforts, they also ensured that every human in this world gets the best medical
facilities and retains optimum health.
As a result today the world has become a better place to live, and most nations have successfully
eradicated diseases like smallpox and rinderpest, and are on the mission to eliminate more dreaded
diseases like polio and malaria, thereby increasing the lifespan of the common man.
Hippocrates (460 BC - 370 BC)
It was Hippocrates who pioneered the correct usage of medicine. One of the most exceptional people
in the world, he was the first individual to study and describe the symptoms of pneumonia and
epilepsy in kids. In an era where everyone believed that feelings, ideas and senses come from the
heart, Hippocrates was the first one to believe and teach that it is the brain and not the heart that
controls feelings, ideas and thoughts. He also developed the 'Hippocratic Oath' which is still
followed by physicians all over.
Edward Anthony Jenner (1749 - 1823)
Known as 'The Father of Immunology', Anthony Edward Jenner was an English physician whose
research and work has saved more lives than the work of any other physician. He is credited as the
discoverer of the smallpox vaccine which proved to be the first successful prevention against a fatal
disease, and still remains the only effective measure against smallpox. Edward Jenner started
working in medicine when he was 13 under the leadership of Joseph Hunter and became a legit
physician in 1773. His curiosity about natural phenomena and dedication to medicine played a major
part in his quest to search an effective treatment against smallpox.
Ren-Thophile-Hyacinthe Laennec (1781 - 1826)
Ren Laennec is most famous for the invention of the stethoscope in 1816. Before that, the only way
to understand a patient's heartbeat or other chest sounds was by placing the ear on his/her chest.
But this technique wasn't helpful in the case of obese patients. However, with the introduction of
stethoscope physicians were able to explore sounds of the chest and lungs. Laennec also developed
an understanding of peritonitis and cirrhosis and coined the term melanoma. He is remembered as
the 'Father of Auscultation' and authored many journals which are still used by healthcare
Ignaz Semmelweis (1818 - 1865)

Fondly remembered as the 'Savior of Mothers', Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician that
advocated the use of hand disinfection at obstetrical clinics to reduce the incidents of puerperal
fever. During the 19th century, hundreds of women died after childbirth due to puerperal fever.
These incidents were extremely common in charitable maternity clinics where illegitimate kids were
born. These clinics were run and divided between surgeons and midwives and it was observed that
the surgeons section had a death rate 3 times higher than the midwives clinic. Through his careful
study, Dr. Semmelweis found that the only difference between the sections was that midwives
regularly washed their hands. He strongly advised all the doctors to wash their hands in a
disinfectant solution which gradually improved the survival rate of women giving birth.
Elizabeth Blackwell (1821 - 1910)
The first female doctor of the United States, Miss Blackwell was the first openly identified woman to
graduate medical school. A pioneer in acquiring equal rights for women in the field of education, she
was also a well-respected social and moral reformer in England and the US. After she decided to
study medicine, her application was rejected by all medical schools and she was admitted to Geneva
College by mistake. After all her attempts to secure a job in the medical field failed, she along with
her sister Emily and Dr. Marie Zakrzewska established the New York Infirmary for Indigent Women
and Children. During the Civil War she trained hundreds of nurses to help the Union. In 1868, she
established a medical college for women, physicians and doctors. She also opened the first nurses
training school in the United States and later headed to England in 1869 and opened the Women's
Medical College in London with Sophia Jex-Blake, her previous student.
Theodor Billroth (1823-1894)
This article would really be incomplete if Dr. Christian Albert Theodor Billroth was left out. He was
one of the most important figures in the field of medicine and invented practices that are still
followed today. He started his career as a doctor with the Charit, taught at the University of Zurich
and became the Director of the Surgical Hospital and Clinic in Zurich. He was also the first doctor to
perform an esophagectomy (1871), the laryngectomy (1873), and gastrectomy (1881). His devised
procedures are still practiced by doctors, but with some modifications. He also introduced the
concept of audits, and the publishing of good and bad results to have an honest discussion on the
condition's diagnosis.
Joseph Lister (1827 - 1912)
During the 19th century doctors all around the world were trying to understand, the causes of
wound infections after surgery. After decades of research, it was Dr. Lister who advocated the use of
carbolic acid as an antiseptic, thereby pioneering the concept of aseptic surgery. Traditionally, a
clean environment was a rare sight in hospitals, the staff used to wear dirty aprons, surgical
instruments were never cleaned and doctors didn't even washed their hands before operating. After
Lister's remarkable discovery, carbolic acid was extensively used to sterilize surgical instruments
and to clean wounds, thereby reducing the number of surgery related infections.
Henry Gray (1827 - 1867)
Dr. Henry Gray was an English anatomist and surgeon who made headlines by publishing the book
Gray's Anatomy. This authoritative book is specially designed for students studying anatomy and is
still in demand. The first edition was published in 1858 and contained 750 pages with 363
illustrations created by Henry Vandyke Carter, a skilled draughtsman and former demonstrator of
anatomy at St. George's Hospital. Dr. Gray practiced and learned anatomy mostly on corpses and

was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Society (FRS) at 25. He soon became a lecturer of anatomy
at St. George's hospital and published his globally acclaimed work at the age of 31.
Emil Theodor Kocher (1841 - 1917)
One of the most famous doctors in the history of medicine, Emil Theodor Kocher was awarded the
Nobel Prize for his work involving the thyroid gland. He was a marvelous researcher and wrote
many journals on aseptic treatments, surgical infectious diseases and gunshot wounds. He also did
meaningful research in the fields of strangulated hernia and abdominal surgery. There are many
surgical instruments named after Kocher. The famous Kocher-Debre-Semelaigne syndrome is also
named after him.
Christiaan Eijkman (1858 - 1930)
A world renowned Dutch physician, Christiaan Eijkman started studying medicine in 1875 and
earned his doctorate in 1883. After working as a medical officer of health on the Java islands.
Eijkman was sent back to Europe on a sick leave and he started working in the laboratories of E.
Forester and Robert Koch in Amsterdam and Berlin. Later, he came in contact with C. Winkler and
Pekelharing and joined them in the mission of investigating beriberi in Batavia (Jakarta) sponsored
by the government of Netherlands. It was here that Eijkman accidentally discovered the true nature
of beriberi. He observed that chickens that were fed refined rice showed symptoms of beriberi and
those that ate unrefined rice were not affected. This observation led to the conclusion that beriberi
was not contagious or caused by blood transfusions. It occurred due to an unstable diet and a
deficiency of vitamin B1.
Charles Horace Mayo (1865 - 1939)
One of the most famous American doctors, Charles Mayo was one of the founders of the world's most
famous medical clinic; Mayo Clinics. Today, Mayo Clinic is a globally known non-profit medical
organization which has its headquarters in Rochester, Minnesota. His contributions in the field of
cataract, nervous system and thyroid surgeries have proved immensely helpful for doctors of future
generation. With his brother William James Mayo he was one of the pioneers in making sure modern
medicine was available to the one in need.
Alexander Fleming (1881 - 1955)
One of the most influential personalities in the field of medicine, Alexander Fleming is remembered
as the discoverer of penicillin, a drug that destroys harmful bacteria causing syphilis, gangrene and
tuberculosis. In addition to this discovery, his research on bacteriology, immunology and
chemotherapy is considered nothing less than a miracle. Though, penicillin is hailed as a miracle
drug it was discovered by accident. Before going on a month's vacation, Dr. Fleming had left several
bacteria cultures growing in various dishes. After returning, he noticed all the dishes except one
were contaminated with fungus. He successfully isolated the non-contaminated fungus and found out
that it belonged to the Penicillium group. His research was received with a mixed reaction but slowly
it was recognized and penicillin was hailed as a magic drug.
Frederick Banting (1891 - 1941)
This name is in the prayers of almost anyone who knows about diabetes. Frederick Banting is
credited as the co-founder of insulin with his assistant Charles Herbert Best. Dr. Banting started his
career with the army in World War I. After the war, he started his own practice and also taught

medicine. It was common knowledge that lack of insulin in the body causes diabetes. After realizing
the shortcomings of the previous experiments, Banting with the cooperation of Dr. Charles Best
devised a successful procedure of extracting insulin from the pancreas, thereby discovering a
method of controlling the sugar levels in diabetic people. In 1932, Banting and his partner Dr. John
Macleod received the Nobel Prize for their hard work in the field of medicine.
Alfred Blalock (1899 - 1964)
Another great name whose contributions opened doors to a new era in the world of medicine. Dr.
Alfred Blalock started his career as a resident surgeon in the Vanderbilt University Hospital and also
did part-time teaching job. After spending enough time in residency and teaching, he decided to get
into research. Blalock started working on the nature and treatment of hemorrhagic and traumatic
shock and observed that they usually occur due to severe loss of blood from the system. He
performed experiments on dogs and encouraged the usage of blood plasma or blood products as
treatment for the shocks. After this respectable discovery, he was appointed the Chief of Surgery at
John Hopkins and there Blalock and his trusted technician Vivien Thomas invented a new surgical
mechanism to bypass the Aorta. With the help of Dr. Helen B. Taussig and Vivien, he developed the
'Blalock-Taussig' shunt that would prove helpful to infants suffering from Blue-Baby Syndrome.
Benjamin Spock (1903 - 1998)
Dr. Spock is credited for sparking a revolution of confidence among the moms of the United States.
His book "Baby and Child Care" is one of the best-selling books of all time. With this book he taught
mothers to believe in themselves and not in doctors who claimed that a medical professional is the
best judge of their child's well-being. Dr. Spock was one of the first pediatricians to understand the
psychoanalysis of children, their needs and the overall family dynamics. After many years of
observing discipline enforced on kids and child rearing, Dr. Spock's theory that parents should be
more affectionate towards their children and treat them like responsible people were path breaking,
no matter how simple and obvious this process seems today.
Charles Drew (1904 - 1950)
One of the most famous African-American doctors during the US segregation period, Dr. Drew got
his M.D. in 1933 and started working at Columbia University where he was the first AfricanAmerican to earn a Doctor of Medical Science degree. He is still remembered for his
groundbreaking innovations in blood transfusions that helped saved millions of lives. Looking at his
excellence, he was made the director of 'Blood for Britain': the first blood bank project established
during World War II to aid British soldiers. He also protested against racial discrimination in blood
donation, and was removed from service temporary. He also authored 19 papers among which the
majority focused on blood transfusions and his brilliant research in the field of medicine is still
referred by physicians around the world.

Virginia Apgar (1909 - 1974)

This miracle woman is best known for developing the Apgar Newborn Scoring System (Apgar Score),
a simple method to check the vitality of a newborn. After doing her graduation from Columbia's
College of Physicians and Surgeons, she completed her residency and became the director of the
newly Formed Division of Anesthesia at Columbia in 1938. It was in 1949 that she came up with
Apgar Score which helped reduced the mortality rate of infants and saved millions of lives. This
score determines the heath of a newborn on the basis of five factors: Appearance, Pulse, Activity,
Respiration, and Grimace. Due to her expertise in the fields of teratology and anesthesiology, she
played an important role in developing the field of neonatology (a branch of pediatrics for studying
the medical condition of a premature or an ill newborn).
Jonas Salk (1914 - 1995)
This miracle man was born in New York City and was the son of Jewish Russian immigrants. He
studied microbiology at NYU's School of Medicine, where he worked hard to develop the vaccine for
influenza. In 1947 he started teaching at the University of Pittsburgh, where he developed the polio
vaccine. Although many doctors had tried to develop a vaccine for polio earlier, Dr. Salk was the first
one to achieve success. His contributions in the field of medicine ensured that the polio virus was
eradicated and people would not require the use of braces to walk.
Christiaan Neethling Barnard (1922 - 2001)
After completing his internship and residency at the Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, Dr.
Barnard began his career as a cardiothoracic surgeon at Groote Schuur Hospital in 1958, where he
established the hospital's first heart unit. Soon he was working as a full-time lecturer and Director of
Surgical Research at the University of Cape Town. Gradually, word of Barnard's brilliance spread
and soon he was known as an exceptional surgeon that made immense contributions in the
treatments of cardiac conditions. After performing the first successful kidney transplant in 1953, he
started experimenting with the concept of animal heart transplants. Under his supervision, more
than 50 dogs received heart transplants. After years of research, he performed the world's human
heart transplant in 1967. The operation lasted 9 hours and required a team of 30 people. Although
the patient died after 18 days due to pneumonia complications, Barnard's achievement was hailed as

an important landmark in the field of medicine.

Carlo Urbani (1956 - 2003)
He is the man that identified SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) as a highly contagious
disease and warned the WHO (World Health Organization) to take strict action against it. Urbani
was working as an infectious disease expert at a WHO office in Hanoi. In February 2003, he was
called in to check a bad influenza case. After looking at the patient, Urbani realized that it wasn't flu
but a new and dangerous disease which is highly contagious in nature. He immediately alerted the
WHO and Vietnamese government and effective measures were taken to control the spread. Due to
his amazing and valiant efforts millions of lives were saved and the growth of SARS was controlled.
George Richards Minot (1885 - 1950)
George Richards Minot is one of the brilliant physicians who shared the Noble Prize in medicine with
William P. Murphy and George Hoyt Whipple for discovering the treatment of pernicious anemia or
PA. Born into a medical family, he was interested in medicine from an early age and was particularly
curious about blood disorders. During his research, he found out that anemia was caused due to the
malfunctioning of the bone marrow which was indirectly connected to poor dietary habits. Minot was
also impressed with Dr. George Whipple's experiment of curing anemia in dogs by feeding red meat.
He decided to conduct a similar experiment on anemia patients and it proved successful. Minot and
Murphy also played an important role in the discovery of 'Fraction G' (pure liver extracts) which
could be injected or administered orally to patients.
Alois Alzheimer (1864 - 1915)
One of the most prominent German physicians of his time, Alois Alzheimer's is credited for
discovering the first published case of 'Presenile Dementia'. After completing his medical degree
from Wrzburg University, Alois began assisting mental patients and later started working at a
mental asylum in Frankfurt am Main. It was here that he met Dr. Franz Nissl whose research in the
field of neurology played an important role in Alzheimer's future success. While working at the
asylum, Dr. Alzheimer became particularly interested in Auguste Deter who was suffering from
strange behavioral symptoms. Eventually, she became the first documented case of presenile
dementia and after her death, senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles were found in her brain.
This new discovery proved to be extremely useful and for the first time pathology and clinical
symptoms of a condition were presented together, which was a remarkable feat.
Paracelsus (1493 - 1541)
One of the most important figures in the history of medicine, Paracelsus was a German polymath
who made remarkable contributions in the field of science and is credited for naming zinc, calling it
zincum. He pioneered the usage of chemical elements and minerals in medicine. He also advocated
the usage of minerals and herbs in daily diet for optimum health. Also known as the 'Father of
Toxicology', he was the first one to differentiate between toxic and non-toxic elements in human
surroundings. He is also known for writing 'On the Miners', a book about all the sicknesses
contracted through metal exposure.
Carl Wood (1929 - 2011)
Dr. Wood was a renowned Australian gynecologist known for developing and commercializing the
IVF or (In-Vitro Fertilization) technique. He first made headlines in the 70s for his brilliant research

and work in the fields of obstetric physiology, gynecology and fetal monitoring. However, it was the
first IVF breakthrough that got him universal acclaim. Carl Wood and his team made headlines with
the world's first IVF pregnancy 1973, developing the worlds first IVF baby using a frozen embryo
1983, the first donor egg baby 1983, developing the first IVF baby using sperm retrieval surgery
1986, and in 1992 the world's first Microinjection Intra Fallopian Transfer IVF baby.
Harvey Cushing (1869 - 1939)
Known as the 'Father of Modern Neurological Surgery', Harvey Cushing was inclined towards
medicine from an early age and is credited in bringing bold and improved innovations in the field of
medicine and surgery. He began his medical career by working at the John Hopkins hospital and
wrote several papers on the spine and strongly advocated the use of anesthesia. He also developed
theories on the effects of blood pressure which are used even today. Cushing is commonly associated
his most famous discovery, the Cushing's Disease. In this condition, the pituitary gland releases an
excess amount of adrenocorticotropic hormone which gradually develops in a tumor.
Pierre Fauchard (1678-1761)
A prominent French physician who is credited for being the 'Father of Modern Dentistry', Pierre
Fauchard was the pioneer of various medical practices that are still used today. He also authored the
book Le chirurgien dentiste (The Surgeon Dentist), in which he explains the basics of oral anatomy,
methods of treating decayed teeth, tooth transplantation, and orthodontics. He was the first one to
introduce the concept of dental fillings and dental prosthetics. Fauchard is also the inventor of
dental braces. Initially they were made of gold, but when he discovered that teeth can be aligned
with the help of wires, he started using wax linen or silk.
Norman Bethune (1890 - 1939)
A Canadian physician who dedicated his entire career for the welfare of humanity. Dr. Bethune is
credited for the development of the first mobile blood-transfusion service in Spain in 1936 for
helping the soldiers of the Spanish Republican government. His discovery helped saved millions of
lives in the Spanish Civil War. In 1938, he traveled to China and helped established modern medical
facilities and also trained the young generation in basic medical techniques. Before he went to
Spain, Dr. Bethune also invented many surgical instruments which are used even today. In order to
ensure that the best medical care is available to poor people, he opened a free clinic for
tuberculosis-infected patients.
William James Mayo (1861 - 1939)
A brilliant American surgeon and one of the founding members of the Mayo Clinic, the world will
always be indebted to his dedication and endless service in the field of medicine. William Mayo
began his medical career at a young age under the guidance of his father, who also was a noted
surgeon. After completing his education, he started assisting his father and took control over his
father's clinic with his brother. The Mayo brothers along with Starr Judd, Henry Plummer, Melvin
Millet, Donald Balfour and Dr. Graham formed the world's first private integrated group practice. He
also served as a Colonel and a Chief Adviser of the medical services and was made the Chairman of
the American Physician for Medical Preparedness in 1916.
Charles Best (1899 - 1978)
An American-Canadian scientist best remembered as the co-founder of insulin with Dr. Fredrick

Banting. He was an important part of the research team but he did not qualify to win the Nobel prize
because he hadn't completed his graduation. However, Dr. Banting was highly impressed with Best's
hard work shared the Nobel Prize with him. Dr. Best is also credited for the discovery of the vitamin
'choline' and the enzyme 'histaminase'.
Jean-Martin Charcot (1825 - 1893)
Considered the 'Napoleon of 'Neuro-Sciences', Jean-Martin Charcot was one of the few names that is
synonymous with greatness. He was one of the few pioneers of neurology and was the first one to
identify and describe multiple sclerosis. He defined it as a condition that would damage the sheaths
of the spinal cord and brain resulting in seizures, disability and improper movements. In addition to
neurology, Jean-Martin Charcot is known for his extensive work on hypnosis and hysteria. He was
also the first one to describe Charcot joint and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.
Allen Whipple (1881 - 1963)
Another respected American surgeon, Allen Whipple is known for introducing the treatment of
conditions affecting the pancreas. This treatment was known as pancreaticoduodenectomy or
Whipple's Procedure. After completing his education, Whipple began working on the surgical
removal of the pancreas and was successful in 1935. Five years later, he shortened the procedure
into a single step process. He is also credited for developing the Whipple's triad for diagnosing
James Parkinson (1755 - 1824)
Though James Parkinson was active and highly interested in geology, paleontology and politics, its
his contributions in the medical field that have made him a public figure. He was the first person
who systematically described six cases of paralysis agitans in his essay titled 'An Essay on the
Shaking Palsy.' The essay describes the conditions of six people who were not his patients.
Parkinson observed them daily or simply gathered their medical history from a simple inquiry. It was
Jean-Martin Charcot who named the condition Parkinson's disease to honor his hard work.

Carlos Chagas (1879 - 1934)

One of the most brilliant minds of his time, Carlos Chagas is credited for discovering Chagas disease
or American trypanosomiasis which is prevalent in Latin America. After completing his M.D. Carlos
Chagas started working at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute and was sent to nearby location to tackle
large number of malaria cases. There he observed the infestation of the 'Kissing Bug' and discovered
that the intestines of these insects contain Trypanosoma (parasitic protozoa) which could be
transferred to the victim if bitten by the bug. He suspected that this parasite could affect humans
and after doing some thorough research, he completed the pathology of this new disease.
Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)
One of the most controversial and respected figures in medicine, Dr. Sigmund Freud is also known
as the 'Father of Psychoanalysis'. His theories and research in the fields of psychotherapy and
neurology still fascinates scholars all around the world. He was a great believer in hypnosis and
often used it to treat mentally-ill patients. He also devised the 'tripartite' version of the mind which
helped him have a better understanding of the psychological development of the brain. His interest

in understanding repressed sexual thoughts in children was considered as an evil practice and faced
much criticism from students and various science departments. It was much later, that his research
found admiration and Freud's work became an important part of psychology.
Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson (1878 - 1937)
Samuel Wilson was a brilliant pathologist and made important contributions in the field of
neurology. His most famous discovery is the description of hepatolenticular degeneration in his gold
medal winning M.D. thesis titled 'Progressive Lenticular Degeneration'. In this condition copper
starts accumulating in tissues which damages the liver and the person also suffers from neurological
and psychiatric symptoms. To honor his research, hepatolenticular degeneration later came to be
known as Wilson's disease. Dr. Wilson is also globally recognized for his contributions in the field of
epilepsy, narcolepsy, speech disorders and apraxia.
Thomas Hodgkin (1798 - 1866)
Considered to be one of the most prominent pathologists of his time, Thomas Hodgkin is best known
for the discovery of Hodgkin's lymphoma. After completing his M.D. Hodgkin worked in various
areas of medicine and it was only in 1832, that he first described his world famous discovery. While
working at Guy's hospital, he studied seven patients who suffered from painless lymph nodes
enlargement and submitted his research in a report entitled, 'On some morbid appearances of the
Absorbent Glands and Spleen' which went unnoticed. Three decades later, Samuel Wilks researched
on the same subject and after coming across Hodgkin's work named the disease in his honor.
John Langdon Down (1828 - 1896)
John Langdon Down is best known for his discovery of a genetic disorder which is now known as
Down syndrome. After completing his M.D. in London, he started working as an assistant physician
at the London Hospital. He first described Down syndrome as a mental illness in 1862 and published
a detailed report in 1866 titled, "Observations on the Ethnic Classification of Idiots". Though the
report largely emphasized on its symptoms and affects and displayed no mention of its cause, he is
often credited as the discoverer. It was only in 1958 that an extra chromosome was discovered to be
actual cause of Down syndrome, this discovery was made by Jrme Lejeune with the help of karyotype
Sir Magdi Habib Yacoub (1935)
A master of the Ross procedure and currently serving as the Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at
Imperial College London, Dr. Yacoub is one of the most important figures in the world of cardiac
conditions. He is credited in pioneering the modern arterial switch operation, making UK a leading
center for heart transplantation, advocating the usage of left ventricle assist devices, performing the
first UK live lobe lung transplantation, and establishing the Chain of Hope Charity that provides
cardiothoracic surgical care to the developing countries.
George Huntington (1850 - 1916)
An extremely talented physician, George Huntington was the first person to give a thorough clinical
description of a condition which is now called Huntington's disease. Originally called 'chorea'
because of the irregular muscle actions it causes in the body, Huntington was defined many times by
different physicians. However, it was George Huntington's classic paper that reveals the actual
effects of the condition and it particularly impressed Sir William Osler who lauded it with positive

William Osler (1849 - 1919)
A renowned medical practitioner, William Osler is remembered as the 'Father of Modern Science'
and was one of the founding members of John Hopkins Hospital. History will always remember Osler
for the revolutionary changes he brought in the medicinal field. He started the concept of medical
residency and taught medical students to speak and interact with patients to establish a healthy
rapport. He also wrote various books in his time which are still extremely popular and his most of his
coveted work can be found in the Osler Library of the History of Medicine at McGill University. He
also conceived the Postgraduate Medical Association and acted as its first President.
It is because of the courageous efforts of these professionals that millions of lives are being saved on
a daily basis. These doctors worked tirelessly for years for the betterment of humanity and by
looking through their miraculous feats it is clear that working for the betterment of mankind is one
of the most humane things to do.

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