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SET 1:

>Foetus: 3-4 months
>Clasp Knife
>X-Ray of wrist and elbow joint: 9-12yrs
>Stab wound/ Incised wounds n weapons causing it
>Nux vomica Strychnine : MOA, active principle, antidotebarb & mephanesin , fatal dose(15-30mg)
>Cantharides: (Spanish fly)(Blister beetles) specific action in
males priapism, severe renal damage, abd pain, bloody
diarrhea, anuria, hematuria, convulsions, delirium n death
MOA, active principle: canthridine , illegitimate use:
abortifacient. legitimate use- aphrodisiac.

>Injury report
>Mandible male 12-14
>Death certificate: 1.hemorrhage, hemoptysis
2. pulm TB 3. Alcoholic cirrhosis
>Cartridge Smooth bore unsused
>H2SO4: Stomach pathology , classify, Cause of death
perforation leading to collapse, spasm or oedema of
glossitis, toxaemia
1. Blackened disorganized ulcerated
2. Collapsed and contracted
>Poppy Capsule: MOA, active principle, fatal dose, legitimate
uses, treatment: Pinpoint pupil, cold sweating
Addiction signs: Progeria- premature aging, scratching at
back, periorbital/ perioral darkening
>Marbling of veins
Hb >> Meth Hb>>Sulph meth Hb>> Brown, bluish green or
purple color in veins of axilla, inguinal and shoulder region.
>Extradural hemmorhage: medicolegal Importance

>Rape victim
>Sickness/ Fitness
>Foetus: 5 months
>Yellow Arsenic(arsenic trisulphide): MOA, active principle,
fatal dose, legitimate uses taxidermy preservation of skin,
calicography,mordant in drying,indigeneous med for Rx of
syphilis.. treatment, Signs: Rain drop, mees line, milkdrop
>Whisky: definition of proof spirit is one which at 10.5degC
weighs exactly 12/13 part of an equal measure of distilled
water (57.1% alcohol w/v) , delirium tremens, chronic
Legitimate use: increase in appetite, increase in warmth,
used for cough, used as an antiseptic, antidote in methanol
>Depressed/ Signature fracture of skull
3 basic types of skull fractures: fissures, suture, depressed
> X-Ray elbow: 12-13 years

>Death Certificate
>Bone mandible 2-6 years, deciduous teeth, 1st molar not
>Accused rape
>Bicycle chain
>Aconite (Meetha jehar): MOA, active principle: aconitine,
pseudo aconitine, aconin, picraconitine, indaconitine
ECG Changes: Increase in PR interval, depressed QT and ST
segment, T wave inversion, AV block, arrythmias
>Common krait: Distinguish between krait and russel viper
Antidote:Pysostigmine, pilocarpine
>Hanging/ Strangulation (photograph)
>Gastric lavage, antidote for cyanide poisoning

>Age in living
>Sickness/ Fitness
>Foetus: 4 months
>Iron pipe
>HNO3: pathological features, xanthoproteic test, MOA,
active principle, fatal dose, legitimate uses, treatment
>Dhatura: classify, distinguish between dhatura and
capsicum seeds its given well in reddy (Pg533) , MOA,
active principle, fatal dose, legitimate uses - aphrodisiac,
decoction, paste as counterirritant treatment
>Dactylography: 2 civil and 2 criminal uses
>Medicolegal Autopsy Form, Uses, Other documents
requisition letter, inquest report (panchnama), Accidental
death report, dead body challan

>Foetus: 4-5 months
>Sickness/ Fitness
>Roller pin
>CuSO4: identify, classify, MOA, active principle, fatal dose,
legitimate uses- emetic, antidote for phosphorous poisoningforms nontoxic Cu phosphide, treatment, External
diagnostic signs: greenish blue froth at nose and mouth,
jaundice, bluish green skin, greenish secretions of skin
>Tobacco leaves: MOA, active principle, Rx, fatal dose: 3060mg of nicotine OR 15-30 gms of crude tobacco, legitimate
uses-tapkhir, insecticide, rodenticide, used in chinese med.
>Tattoo- ml imp
>Bullet injury (photograph): location, describe wound

>Injury report
>Bone femur male
>Death certificate
>Abrus Precatorius: active principle, fatal dose, legitimate
uses: gold smith for weighing as it has constant weight, in
ayurveda used for purulent ophthalmitis, conjunctivitis;
illegal uses: Sui poisoning, malingering
>Ethanol : classify- neurotoxic cerebral inebriant, whats
added to increase its potency(kick)-chloral hydrate, opium,
barb, KBr
>Ligature mark of Strangulation-describe, diff it from
hanging, cause of death, circumstance of death
>Viscera dispatch form:
Strychnine- Brain, spinal cord, heart
CO- lung and brain
Snakebite- muscle and skin

>Rape accused
>Bone skull- male 17-22
>Screwdriver vernacular name pechkas
>Death Certificate
>Carbolic acid: identify classify, diagnostic signs: carboluria,
froth at mouth, vomiting, pupil constriction, phenolic odour,
pupil constriction
>Ganja: MOA, active principle, fatal dose, legitimate uses,
>Medicolegal importance of summons
Definition of evidence and types
Prim-direct, indirect
Sec- a) direct-oral n documentary b) indirect-hearsay,
circumstantial, corroborative
4 exceptions to oral evidence-dying declaration, opinions in
std. textbooks, public records (death n birth cert), reports of
chemical analyser n director-FSL, Haffkine, finger print
>Extradural haemmorhage
What is concussion??

>Rape victim
>Foetus: 6months
>Sickness/Fitness: Malaria
>Russels viper: classify poisoning characteristics,
treatment of viper bite, MOA, active principle, fatal dose15mg, antidote
>Rum: What is proof spirit??, legitimate uses- cooking,
cough, chocolate, : increase in appetite, increase in warmth,
used as an antiseptic.
>X-Ray: ankle joint fracture
>Bullet wound photo, odd and even rule-when sum of the no.
of wounds of entry n exit are even then the no. of bullets in
the body are even n vice versa. exceptions to the rule:
tangential bullet, wound of entry n exit is the same, when
wound of exit is through an orifice, bone fragmentation

SET 10
>Age certificate
>Bullet rifle bore
>Sickness/Fitness: Pulmonary TB
>Foetus: 5 months
>Dactylography: 1 civil use and 2 criminal uses
>Medicolegal autopsy form: in tabular form differentiate
between ml autopsy and clinico-pathological autopsy
>TIK 20(2% fenitrothione) classify (acc to vaz its an
irritant), Rx, Froth at mouth, pinpoint pupil, increase
lacrimation chromolachyorrhoea (SLUDGE), diagnosis-RBC
ans plasma ChE <50%, P-nitrophenol test, thin layer
>Tobacco snuff powder: active principle, fatal dose,
legitimate uses- rhinitis, sneezing, insecticide, fumigation in
horticulture, treatment

SET 11
>Foetus 5months
>Sickness/ fitness- Malaria
>Weapon: Gupti(Swordstick)
>Cut throat injury
>Elbow X ray(med n lat epi fused, olecr fused, head of radius
not fused)so 14-16confirm it frm back of jnl..(he gave me
1.5 for answering this)
>Lead tetroxide-3 ext signs-Blue line on junction of gums n
teeth, wrist n foot drop (Pb palsy), complexion- sallow &
>Bhang-classify, active principle, running amok

SET 12
>Injury report
>Mandible 2-6 years
>Death certificate
>X ray: tibia fracture, ant dislocation of fibula
>PM lividity
>Arbus precatorius
>Arrack(country liquor)- Methyl alcohol

SET 13
>Skull male >45
> Sickness/Fitness
>Claw hammer
>rape victim
>Malunified fracture of radius: MLI- antemortem because
callous is present, identification of individual, type of
weapon which caused it, exact stature cant be determined
>Castor seeds-active principle ricin, poisonous part of seed
is oil cake, Rx Anti-ricin, legitimate uses-castor oil(no ricin
in it)
>Saw scaled viper : identify, toxin, treatment

SET 14
>Rape accussed
>Shotgun weapon
>Death certificate
>Mandible Male >17
>Witness, summon, expert witness
>Semicarpus anacardium- classify, alctive principlebhilwanol,semecarpol.. legitimate use-used by dhobi when
mixed with lime juice for marking clothes, ml imp-vitriolage,
abortifacient, fabrication of bruises
>Cobra-gross, Rx

SET 15
> Age
>mandible female >25
>Claw hammer
>Sickness/ fitness
>Viscera preservation, additional viscera in snake bite
>Firearm injury, odd and even rule
>Vodka- McEwans sign
> Abrus precatorius : identify, active principle

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