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Ozymandias Post reading

Jonatan Shahar
two vast and trunkless legs of stone
,Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand
,Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command

Ozymandias Reflection
Jonatan Shahar
I enjoyed reading this poem a lot, I like the (1
place that Shelly created with words, I find the
colossal desert with a broken statue a very
.powerful image
Also, the volta in the poem ("Nothing beside
remains") and the irony included in this sentence
made me smile a bit. The story of a powerful
.king who has been defeated is very interesting
In summary, this one of the best poems I have
ever read and I will be more than happy to keep
.reading American sonnets

It It helps me understand the message better (2

by presenting the tyrant king who represents the
opposite message of the song in a negative way,
by that to understand the real message of the
poem. The message of the poem is that
arrogance in a leader is a bad thing and is
destined to fail. The irony is a tool which
presents the idea of the poem it laughs about
.the great dictator who comes to nothing
We can see an example of imagery in the
sentence "The hand that mocked them".Mocked
can mean to the verb "copy" and the verb "to
laugh at. The poet is laughing at the dictator

Learning about the skill of identifying parts (3

influenced my understanding of the poem by
seeing the parts of the poem and knowing what
is the role of each part, for example I know that
the first 8 lines are the octave - the
problem/question of the poem is presented
When I have that information I
can understand the order of the events of the
poem, the meaning of the parts of the poem and
.by that to understand the poem better

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