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Race to the White house

Did you hear? Well, the

2016-2017 Presidential
election has the Democrats
and Republicans lining up
for a shot at winning the
White House. The following
candidates are running for
the Democratic and the
Republican presidential
nomination, and have been
recognized by their party
through an invitation to
participate in a primary
debate or inclusion in
national polls. There are
currently 3 Democrats and
3 Republicans still in the
presidential race.

On November 8, 2016, the

results of the 2016 Presidential
Election will be announced. It will
be the 58th quadrennial U.S.
presidential election. Voters will
select presidential electors who in
turn will elect a new president
and vice president through the
Electoral College.The series of
presidential primary elections and
caucuses are scheduled to take
place between February and
June 2016. This nominating
process is also an indirect
election, where voters cast ballots
for a slate of delegates to a
political party's nominating
convention, who then in turn elect
their party's presidential nominee.

Even though kids can't

vote, we should also
have our own opinion.
The kids of the world
deserve a chance to
speak up say whats on
their minds. We need a
president that will show
that they care for
America and the
people. said Darlene
Rumell.The people of
America did not chose
the right candidates.
Therefore, i am not okay
with the election. said
Jeffrey Hicks.

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