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General Assembly

Syria (Atlantia Aquarian)

Israel Palestine Conflict


The General Assembly,
Having studied that there are 1.4 million Palestinians still living in Israel and are having
problems with not being able to work freely, owning a house and not being able to move
Keeping in mind that Palestinians and Israelis have been in multiple conflicts since the
founding of Israel, efforts have been made from time to time to achieve peace between
the two neighboring states,
Fully aware of the fact that Palestinians were forced to leave, because of the result of
clashes between the two, according to the article Israel-Palestine conflict, the Israeli
Palestinian conflict has formed the core part of the wider ArabIsraeli conflict. It has
been referred to as the world's "most intractable conflict,
Noting with deep concern that Palestinians have restricted civil rights within Israel that
has caused the Gaza Strip to sealed off and effectively turned into the worlds largest
open-air prison,
Taking into consideration the contentious history between the governments of Israel and
Syria, according to the article Israel-Syria relations from Wikipedia it states the two
countries have since the establishment of the State of Israel been in a state of war,
1. Strongly supports Palestinian refugees to settle into other Arab countries because of
the shared culture and language;
2. Encourages Israel to help transport Palestinian refugees to Syria and other Arab
countries to get legalized citizenship;
(a) Releasing some of the tension between the Palestinian refugees
who still live in Syria;
(b) Helping Palestinians settle down and start over in other Arab
3. Draws the attention to Syria who will allow Palestinian refugees to come to Syria and
become legalized citizens, which will include;

(a) All of the rights and support that Syrian born citizens have;
(b) As a benefit to Syria, Palestinians that do become citizens are
legally allowed to fight with the Syrian military without objection from Security
4. Further invites the Security Council to help improve the Palestinian refugee camps by
making it a sustainable living area for the people to live in just incase the Palestinians can't go
and become legalized citizens especially since this would be their temporary homes;
5. Expresses with hope that the following resolution will be fulfilled within the next three
years so peace can ensee.

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