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Organizational Vision:

"We envision Adamson University Chemical Engineering Students

Society to be an academic, non-profit, non-political student organization that
will develop responsible, competent, productive and God-fearing chemical
Organizational Mission:
We, the Adamson University Chemical Engineering Students Society,
commit ourselves to the following missions:
1. To foster closer relationship among its members, the ChE faculty, the
studentry, the academic community and the general public;
2. To provide B.S. ChE students a medium and opportunity to develop their
organizational abilities and other talents;
3. To achieve and maintain a good reputation and fine distinction as the
representative student organization of the ChE department;
4. To encourage association and cooperation with other legitimate student
organizations, as well as professional, technical and scientific organizations
and agencies;
5. To help the administration in improving the academic community, assist
the university in the upliftment of its mission and objectives;
6. To develop among B.S. ChE graduates a strong and steadfast inclination
towards the AdUChESS and their Alma Mater.

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