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Amendment 10

Unenumerated Rights of
the States
GOP to insist on 10th Amendment

Amendment 10

Tenth Amendment
This amendment limits the power of federal government by reserving for the states
all powers that are not explicitly granted to the federal government by the
Constitution, nor denied to the states. This amendment counterbalances Article VI,
which invests the federal government with ultimate legislative authority.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the
States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Republicans are so determined to stop what they say is abusive and unlawful expansion of
the federal government under President Obama that they are willing to abdicate power to
the states to do it. Taking its cue from the Bill of Rights, the Republican Study Committee, a
group of conservative House Republicans, says that the 10th Amendment dictates that
initiatives such as the health care reform law and other massive government programs are
the business of state governments, not Washington. So the RSC this week announced that
it had formed a 10th Amendment task force to help "Usher in a new era of federalism" and
to work to disperse power from Washington back to regions, states and local governments.
Washington's treatment of the 10th Amendment, which decrees that powers not granted to
the national government nor prohibited to the states by the Constitution are reserved to
the states, has been "Out of kilter" for decades, said committee co-founder Rep. Rob
Bishop of Utah. The task force will work, it says, to "Educate" Congress and the public about
the importance of maintaining a proper balance between state and federal governments.
"We don't believe that state legislatures and state governors are an anachronism. We don't
think they're a relic of things gone by," said Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.


This article clearly connects to the Tenth Amendment just based on the name itself. It
announced numerously in the article specifically the words 10th Amendment. Since the
whole article is based on the Tenth Amendment I think it is clear how this connects. Since
the states have certain rights that arent written down it is shown that they are talking
about states.

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