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Moroccan Editions

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What is?
Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant. That directly affects the brain.

Mood symptoms: Anxiety; Feelings of superiority; Euphoria; Panic

Behavioral symptoms: Stealing or borrowing money; Violence

Physical symptoms:

Malnutrition; Nasal perforation; Decreased appetite; Dilated pupils; Tremors

Psychological symptoms:

Intense paranoia; Hallucination

Health risks
If you take cocaine the risks will be very dangerous:
- Coma
- Heart attack
- Death

The life is beautiful, dont kill yourself!

Theymay seem excited and act more confidentexhibit a
greater sense of well-being. They may be more excited
sexually and talkative. Their energy will be pumped up and
they probably willnot have very much appetite for
foodwill not have a normal sleep pattern.

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