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Subject: Principles and Practices of Administration and Supervision

Professor: Lilibeth Roa Bagtas, Ph.D.

EdAd Student: Jason S. Relator
Date: February 06, 2016

Administration of Teaching Personnel (Reading Response Journal)


Teaching personnel are those person employed in an official capacity for the
purpose of giving instruction whether a private or public. Teaching personnel covers the
school administrators, supervisors, classroom teachers and school librarian.
Selection of school teachers is based on the provisions of the B.P.S. circular no.9
s.of 1950 which state that beginning July 1950, new vacancies in elementary teaching
position shall be filed by applicants who qualify in PBET. Appointment of the teaching
personnel section 3 of Act 74, empowered the secretary of education to appoint all
public school teaching personnel with the exception of those whose appointments are
vested in the president of Republic of the Philippines.
Being an instructor has criteria. He has to obtain training, experience, efficiency and
research and publications. Instructors are classified in two categories: Full time
instructor or professors who teach a load of 15 hours or more. Twenty-four teaching
hours per week is the maximum load. Part-time instructor or professors who teach a
load less than 15 hours per week.
One faculty represent teaching personnel chosen in accordance with the rules and
qualification set by school institution. Teaching personnel is composed by teachers who
worked whether in private or public school.

Selection of teachers or hiring a school teachers before was easy. There was so
called shortage of teachers because during those old times few were taking education
course. But now a days there were more teachers who want to apply for limited position.
As a result more teachers hired and it become now more difficult to apply for the
teaching position due to over populated graduates.
Part-time instructor is a temporary job for a certain educator. It consume a little time
of teaching in a certain institution. I can relate this statement in my personal experience.
I was a part-time instructor in my alma mater in college after I passed the Licensure
Examination for Teachers. During that time, I experienced discontented because my
salary was quiet low. But still I continue teaching because in my mind and my heart I
wanted to help and I want to impart knowledge to everyone.

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