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To calculate the A/C cooling load at split unit / AHU / ACPU / WCPU

and compare with actual capacity:

Testing equipment:

Air Flow meter

Measuring tape.
Psychrometric chart or schedule

Data required:
1- Measure return air velocity (air flow rate) using the unit Liter/second
2- Measure return and supply dry air temperature and relative humidity
3- Measuring the area of return air flow (area of air filter) using the unit : Foot
To Calculate sensible heat in KWr use the formula below:
KW s = 1.21 * l/s * (T) C / 1000 = KWr
To calculate Latent heat in KW should use Psychrometric chart to get moisture content for each temperature
KW l = 3 * l/s * ( m) g/kg /1000 = KWr
Total A/C heat load = KW s + KW l = KWr

Convert to BTU = KWr * 3,412

T in Celsius (return air temperature - supply air temperature)
m in g/kg Humidity ratio (Moisture content at return air Moisture content at supply air)
Measure Air speed in foot /Minute
Air flow = air speed * Area = CFM the convert to Liter/Second


May you down load Psychrometric chart calculator at you PC from web address as below:
Enter your Temperature and Relative humidity can get Moisture content in kg/kg
Then multiply by 1000 to get Humidity ratio (moisture content) in (g/ kg).

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