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Hector Juan Salvador Ortiz Muoz


MIII-U1 Actividad 2. Forming the Past

Continuous/Formacin del pasado continuo.

Karen Cruz Milans

Fecha de entrega: 02 de febrero del 2016

Exercise 1. Past continuous practice

1. Completa los verbos faltantes utilizando was o were.

a. I _was_ typing my homework at the computer lab when the lights went off.
D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013


My sister __was__ traveling on a business trip when she met her husband.
Peter __was__ skiing in Colorado when he had an accident.
Students got higher grades when they _were_ studying in small groups.
Adam _was__ watching a movie when he remembered he had to pick up his
parents from the airport.
Sam _was_ playing the piano while his family listened and enjoyed his concert.
Last week, the plumber _were_ fixing Toms kitchen.
I remember last summer, when we __was__ riding our bikes to find a good place
to have a picnic
One of the children _was__ giving an oral report in front of the class, while we
took notes.
The waiter __were_ bringing us our coffee when his cell phone rang.

2. En el cuadro que se muestra, clasifica las actividades (de los enunciados) en diversin
(entertainment), trabajo (work) y escuela (school).
C, F, H, J



G, B, E

A, D, I

Exercise 2 Composition
Write a short composition about what you did last weekend. Try to use verbs of entertainment,
or work if necessary. Remember to use verbs in present continuous. Write at least 100 words.
What do last week was prepared to compete in Mexico City was the qualifier for nationals of
karate, in which failed to qualify, we were 12 hours sitting on the racing complex to see
hundreds of athletes of the country; Then we continued with our daily activities go training,
work, and retrain to be one of the best.
Another thing that was made to go a while to distract outet places with my niece, my girlfriend
and my brother-in where we were seeing things that he needed the girl; advantage to eating
each ices; to conclude the weekend with a trip to camp as work by one of my teachers of
karate which accounts for certain animal species to carry them SEMARNAT and allows them to
give us permits for hunting.

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

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