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Player Profile Questions


Charlie Tribolet

Nickname and player shirt number:


What school do you attend and what year

are you in:

Rouse Hill Anglican College. Yr 10

What cricket club do you play for:

Rouse Hill Rams CC

How long have you played cricket:

4 Years

Playing role:

All Rounder

Best bowling / highest score:

4 for 32 off 13 overs.

Favourite cricketer:

Nathan Lyon

Favourite Food:


Favourite Movie:

Straight Outta Compton

Favourite TV show:


Favourite Football Team:

Sydney Roosters

Favourite Footballer:

Jared Waerea-Hargreaves

Favourite Music Artist:

George Ezra

If I could be one person for a day I would be:

(elaborate and let us know why)

I would be Bill Gates and just buy a ton

of stuff I dont have!

What are you looking most forward to when

you tour Sri Lanka:

Visiting all the different places like the


Any other comments you might like to


Looking forward to the tour with the


Shirt No. 6

53 NO

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