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Aidan Bradsha

Analysis to
Opening Sequence
of a Thriller.

Thriller Film:
Kingsman: The
Secret Service (2014)

Information on Kingsman: The Secret Service


Certificate age: 15
Length: 2h 9min
Release date: 29 January 2015 (UK)
Plot: A spy organization recruits an unrefined, but
promising street kid into the agency's ultra-competitive
training program, just as a global threat emerges from a
twisted tech genius.
Director: Matthew Vaughn, he is an English film producer
and director. Born in March 7, 1971 (aged 45) in London,
England, UK. He is known for producing such films as Lock,
Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) and Snatch. (2000)
and for directing the crime thriller, Layer Cake (2004), the
fantasy epic, Stardust (2007), the superhero comedy, KickAss (2010), and the superhero film, X-Men: First Class


The 3D editing effect used when the

random circles cover the blank black
screen to reveal one of the producers
name is very questionable, this is
because it gives nothing to what the
film is about or even the general
theme. It both does and does not fit in
with the music overlay.
It is a very mystical with what is
happening which fits in with the music
however it can make the audience feel
the opposite way to relaxed as they do
not know what is going on.

The soundtrack played in the background
is really slow and peaceful, it is the kind
of music which would be expected to be
played during meditation.
The Music is essential in the opening
sequence as to understand the mood of
the film. In a thriller it adds suspense and
tension. Also another key convention is
that the pace is started off at a slow
The use of Low key lighting could also
highlight a convention of a thriller which
immediately the audience sees and the
audience may feel on the edge.

1minute 02seconds
As the camera zooms out further
two characters are revealed, they
look middle eastern and wearing
war-like clothes. The both look
relaxed, this is shown by both
characters by sitting down causally
and with one smoking a cigarette,
this can make the audience feel
relaxed as it doesnt look like
anything bad is going to happen.
One of the characters is casually
holding an RPG, by seeing this can
automatically make the viewer on
uncomfortable as it is not normal to
have an RPG and defiantly not by
just casually sitting down with one.
In the far background there looks to
be a helicopter flying towards the

The third scene is a complete contrast
towards the previous two scenes, it is
not animated but in real life, it zooms
out of an extreme close up on the
stereo to revel a small snippet of the
background surrounding it.
The background shows that this scene
is set in a dessert-like area like the
middle east, the sand bags suggest
that it could be a war area. This can
make the audience feel more
comfortable as they are finally in a
setting rather than the previous
scenes, however it can make them
feel uncomfortable and scared as the
setting looks dangerous.
The subtitles at the bottom show the
date and location of the scene, this
gives the viewer basic information
about the setting.

1minute 6 seconds

The helicopter carries on flying over the

scene like nothing has happened, the
music begins to speed up and build up
to the chorus which can almost give a
sigh of relieve to the viewer as they
find out that the helicopter features the
good guys.
It can also make the audience feel
tense about what is going to happen as
the music is building up really fats
compared to the slow relaxing music

1minute 5seconds
When the helicopter fly's closer into the
shot there appears to be two people
hanging down from it, this makes the
viewer feel on edge as they know
something bad is going to happen, when
the pervious two characters notice the
helicopter approaching them they jump
up and attempt to shoot it down, the
helicopter people shoots one bullet each
and kills both characters.
This shows the contrast between the
characters and can tell the viewer that
they are the more superior people and
can also show that they will be the main
focus in the film

1minute 15seconds
A high angle pan of the helicopter is
swiftly followed by an extreme long shot
showing a castle-like building, the music
suddenly gets to the fast beat chorus, as
soon as this happens the helicopter fires
missiles at the building,
It comes across as giving an comedy
effect to what is happening.
The lack of information is purposely
done to make the audience more
gripped as they question what is

The use of computer generated imagery

was used when editing in the production
company's titles.

1minuite 48seconds
The Focus is placed on the central character who appears to be
tied up. He is represented in such a that it is clear to the
audience that he may be the villain.
The use of low key lighting has connotations to evil, mystery
and a possible threat which this scene is causing. This follows
the thriller convention of displaying villains in a dark lighting

the entirety of the opening
sequence, One location has been fully
established, which we are able to
recognised clearly as being one of the
villains safe houses . This can be clearly
seen through the desert environment.
As a whole the opening sequence in my
opinion has been successful in
highlighting key conventions of a thriller.

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