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Champion @warriors4life


Warriors are the best class there is. Neither archers nor mages can compare to the
might of a Warrior. Warriors FTW!!!

Gandalf the Blue @magicmik


@warriors4life WHAT!!! Warriors are just obnoxious brutes who cant even tell their
left from their right. Newsflash I can make Yeol potion that will make me twice as
strong as anybody ever. MAGE FTW!!!

The Orange Arrow @seeme


@warriors4life @magicmik HAAAA!! Dont make me laugh. Both warriors and mages
cant compare to the awesome might of an arrow from nowhere. Wheres your
magic now @magicmik.

Champion @warriors4life


@seeme First of all, youre trained to run away. Secondly, my shield blocks arrows.
So, that wont do much good in combat.

Champion @warriors4life

@magicmik you cant even fight. You just, use spells to heal other. Go to a real
medical school.

Gandalf the Blue @magicmik


@warriors4life WOW!!! You should finish first grade before, you make such a grand
statement like that. The only reason our stronghold is holding together is because of

Gandalf the Blue @magicmik


@seeme my magic is everywhere thats why you and @warriors4life are still alive in
the first place. If it wasnt for mages the Massacre of 1611 would have wiped out
the whole stronghold. #Massacreof1611 remembers the fallen.

The Orange Arrow @seeme


@magicmik if it wasnt for us archers the enemy would have slaughtered a lot more
people in the #Massacreof1611. Our reconnaissance and cunning gave us the
information we needed to strike back against the enemy. Archers FTW

Champion @warriors4life

@seeme @magicmik Warriors are the first line of defense and most of the casualties
were warriors #Massacreof1611 #RealHeroes.

The Orange Arrow @seeme


@warriors4life I respect that. The #Massacreof1611 was a real tragedy that affected
everybody in the kingdom no matter which class you are. Warriors took the blunt of
the force, Archers did preemptive strikes and attacked from long distance. And the
mages healed the wounded. #Confessionals if it werent for mages many warriors
and archers would have died @magicmik #Respect.

Champion @warriors4life

@seeme Agreed.

Gandalf the Blue @magicmik


@seeme @warriors4life If we work together to build the kingdom up despite our

roles and many differences than we can make a society strong enough to hold off
any threat. To prevent another #Massacreof1611. MAGES, ARCHERS, and WARRIORS

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