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Literature Review
Rafael Miravete
National University
Stacia Levy


Comprehension through Conversation by Maria Nichols provides the reader with

suitable techniques and demonstrates the importance on why conversation is important when
having students learn a subject. Her structure of incorporating read-alouds in the subject in
questions provides students the capability of bridging their acquired knowledge with that
new material that is being presented. Providing the student with the opportunity to share
what they are learning creates a sense of understanding of the material since the students are
able to share what they comprehend. (Nichols, 2006) Our childrens ability with language
affects every aspect of their academic lives and beyond. (p.12)

Learning a new language has no flavor if the student does not apply it to real life
scenarios. Thus, students must understand what they are learning, and apply it to their
surroundings. This is achieved through conversation since 90% of the time, the student will
be faced with having to have talk to someone in the target language. This book has helped me
in creating bridges from the acquired read material to creating conversations with the
Spanish language. Her view on read-alouds has been a great help in breaking the ice and
getting conversations in play.


Nichols, Maria. Comprehension through Conversation: The Power of
Purposeful Talk in the Reading Workshop. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2006. Print.

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