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A man in his early 30s is living alone in London and has a serious obsession with Nutella, made by
Ferrero. So much so that he has even married a pot of the product in order to suffice for the lonely
hole in his life. One morning John turns on his television after having woken up and made breakfast.
There is an urgent News Report broadcasted concerning the years' bad harvest for Hazelnuts and the
ceasing of production of John's favourite product; Nutella. In a panic John dashes through the house
trying to find his keys, coat and wallet. He knows he must get to the nearest shop to buy as much as
he can before everyone else does.
Once at the supermarket John bulk buys as much Nutella as he can carry and begins his much calmer
walk home.
John opens his front door and makes his way back to the living room where he proceeds to rest his
bags on the floor and turn back on the television. There is an unsuspected knock at the door and John
opens it to find his Landlady, particularly angry at the fact that John is overdue on 3 months' rent, she
demands the money. Worried and in a panic John tries to explain his circumstances having spent an
extorionate amount of money on Nutella. His Landlady serves him an Eviction Notice as she realises
that he can't pay.
Only a month later John finds himself homeless and out on the street with only an empty pot of
Nutella to collect money in. A newspaper boy on a bike rides past and drops a paper at John's
feet. The title reads 'Nutella Hoax Increases Sales!!!'.
The UK we decided was the best place for us to set
our film. The 2007 Recession still being fresh in the
minds of audiences, it seemed the best location to
provoke a more meaningful reaction. Our location
also had to be chosen on the basis of product
consumption, the UK alone boosts Ferrero's sales
by 22% on an annual basis, officially making Britain
one of the largest consumers of the product
globally. This location therefore seemed a perfect
target for my film.
Although in theory I would hope that the film would
be distributed nationally, I am aiming to provoke a
more localised reaction from the audience who
would've had plenty of first hand experience with
the use of credit cards and troubling rent bills.
When it came to focusing on certain areas of the
UK, in and around London seemed best wherever
audiences are concerned, particularly considering
that the majority of workers outside of the city
would fall into socio economic categories C1-C2.

Character 2) John's Landlady will

be made to look tall and strong as
she has the upper hand over John.
Having a woman in a more powerful
position both financially and
proffessionally challenges the more
commonly used stereotypes of
casting a woman into a weaker role.
To do this however it means that
mis en scene and camera angles
will have to be used extensively in
order to demonstrate the power of
the character.
John's Landlady will be dressed
fairly casually, not in anything too
smart that would suggest that she
works in an office. The idea of her
having to come to his home herself
to collect the Rent will suggest to
the audience that the situation is
desperate and this is not a common

Character 1) John is the main

character within the film and is
represented as a lonely man living
alone in his early 30s. Already by
suggesting that he lives alone the
audience begin to stereotype his
character as weird, maybe slightly odd.
His obsession with the product Nutella
will only worsen this representation
making the characater seem ridiculous.
The fact alone that he has married a jar
portrays the extent of his obsession.
Costume and Make Up will also be used
on John in order to ridicule his situation
further. Having him leave the house in
only his pyjamas and coat will portray a
sense of indifference to the views and
opinions of others. This will only leave
the character open to ridicule as he is
portrayed as naive. Although, John's
costume will change slightly towards
the end of the film as his circumstances
change. If the character is to become
homeless then John will have to be
dressed in more suitable clothing to
portray his role. Props will also have to
change in order to compliment his new
role. For example having a sleeping bag
and fingerless gloves will fulfill the
audiences expectations of someone
homeless. In this final scene I am
hoping that the costume will provoke
sympathy from the audience as now
rather than looking like someone who
has bought the harm upon himself he
will now look like someone who has
been convincingly 'conned' into this
profit increasing scam.
Another aspect of mis en scene that
will encourage the mocking of my main
character will be his body language and
movement. John will have a tendency
to over-react and create large
exagerated actions, therefore
representing him as a fool.

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