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CHM102A Assignment-1

1. Calculate the energy of one mole of UV photons of wavelength 300 nm

and compare it with a typical single-bond energy of 400kJ/mol.
2. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of
(a)a mass of 1 g travelling at 1.0 cm/s.
(b)an electron accelerated from rest through a potential difference of
(i)1.0 V, (ii)10 kV.
3. The work function of very pure sodium is 2.75 eV, where 1 eV = 1.602
1019 J.
(a)Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted
from sodium exposed to 200 nm UV radiation.
(b)Calculate the longest wave length that will cause the photoelectric
effect in pure sodium.

4. Show that 1/i=-i where i= (1). Use this to write the momentum
operator in two different forms. You should be aware both forms are
used in the text books.
5. Give the quantum mechanical operator for the following physical quantities: (a) p3y ; (b) (xpy )2 .
6. Which of the following functions are eigenfunctions of operator
2 /x2 + 2 /y 2 ? (a) e2x e3y ; (b) x3 y 3 ; (c) sin 2x cos 4y;
(d) sin 2x + cos 3y. For each eigenfunction, give the eigenvalue.
7. Commutator of operators A and B is defined as [A,B] = AB - BA.
To familiarize yourself with operator operations, find out xpx f (x)
px xf (x). This written as [x, px ]f (x). Commutators are not included
for this course but it makes the understanding somewhat easier and
better. I will refer to commutators whenever it helps but not included
for the examination.
8. Sketch rough graphs of (x) and (x) (x) for the n=4 state of a
particle in a box. Calculate the slope of the (x) (x) curve for this
state at x=L/2 where L is the length of the box and make sure this is
consistent with your drawing.
9. For a macroscopic object of mass 1 gm moving with speed 1 cm/s in
a 1D box of dimension 1.0 cm, find the quantum number n. Find
the energy difference between the states n and n+1 and justify why
translational energy could be treated as continuous.
10. The carbon frame work in 1,3-Butadiene(CH2 =CH-CH=CH2 ) could
be approximately considered as a 1D box of length 7.0
A where the
electrons could be considered as non-interacting particles. We have 4
electrons and occupy the lowest two states. Pauli exclusion principle
will allow only two electrons for each state. The electron in the highest
occupied state is excited to the lowest-vacant state. Find the wavelength of the absorbed electromagnetic radiation. The experimental
value is 217 nm.

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