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14. Which of the following is not a mixture?

A. ethanol
B. petrol
C. steel
D. tap water
15. Part of the instructions in an equipment reads as
follows :
Quickly add 50cm3of acid
What is the best piece of apparatus to use?
A. a burette
B. a conical flask
C. a measuring cylinder D. a pipette
16. Untuk memperoleh air murni dari larutan gula
diperlukan alat-alat berikut.....
A. cawan uap , lampu Bunsen , kaki tiga
B. kertas saring , gelas , air
C. corong , saringan , gelas
D.labu didih , pendingin Liebig , lampu Bunsen ,
E. cawan uap dan corong
17. Zat kimia yang digunakan untuk mengisi air baterai
A. SO2
C. Mg(OH)2
D. H2SO4
E. HCl
14. Which of the following is not a mixture?
A. ethanol
B. petrol
C. steel
D. tap water
15. Part of the instructions in an equipment reads as
follows :
Quickly add 50cm3of acid
What is the best piece of apparatus to use?
A. a burette
B. a conical flask
C. a measuring cylinder D. a pipette
16. Untuk memperoleh air murni dari larutan gula
diperlukan alat-alat berikut.....
A. cawan uap , lampu Bunsen , kaki tiga
B. kertas saring , gelas , air
C. corong , saringan , gelas
D.labu didih , pendingin Liebig , lampu Bunsen ,
E. cawan uap dan corong
17. Zat kimia yang digunakan untuk mengisi air baterai
A. SO2
C. Mg(OH)2
D. H2SO4
E. HCl
14. Which of the following is not a mixture?
A. ethanol
B. petrol
C. steel
D. tap water
15. Part of the instructions in an equipment reads as
follows :
Quickly add 50cm3of acid
What is the best piece of apparatus to use?
A. a burette
B. a conical flask
C. a measuring cylinder D. a pipette
16. Untuk memperoleh air murni dari larutan gula
diperlukan alat-alat berikut.....
A. cawan uap , lampu Bunsen , kaki tiga
B. kertas saring , gelas , air
C. corong , saringan , gelas
D.labu didih , pendingin Liebig , lampu Bunsen ,
E. cawan uap dan corong
17. Zat kimia yang digunakan untuk mengisi air baterai
A. SO2
C. Mg(OH)2
D. H2SO4
E. HCl
14. Which of the following is not a mixture?
A. ethanol
B. petrol
C. steel
D. tap water
15. Part of the instructions in an equipment reads as
follows :
Quickly add 50cm3of acid
What is the best piece of apparatus to use?
A. a burette
B. a conical flask
C. a measuring cylinder D. a pipette
16. Untuk memperoleh air murni dari larutan gula
diperlukan alat-alat berikut.....
A. cawan uap , lampu Bunsen , kaki tiga
B. kertas saring , gelas , air
C. corong , saringan , gelas
D.labu didih , pendingin Liebig , lampu Bunsen ,
E. cawan uap dan corong
17. Zat kimia yang digunakan untuk mengisi air baterai
A. SO2
C. Mg(OH)2
D. H2SO4
E. HCl

14. Which of the following is not a mixture?

A. ethanol
B. petrol
C. steel
D. tap water
15. Part of the instructions in an equipment reads as
follows :
Quickly add 50cm3of acid
What is the best piece of apparatus to use?
A. a burette
B. a conical flask
C. a measuring cylinder D. a pipette
16. Untuk memperoleh air murni dari larutan gula
diperlukan alat-alat berikut.....
A. cawan uap , lampu Bunsen , kaki tiga
B. kertas saring , gelas , air
C. corong , saringan , gelas
D.labu didih , pendingin Liebig , lampu Bunsen ,
E. cawan uap dan corong
17. Zat kimia yang digunakan untuk mengisi air baterai
A. SO2
C. Mg(OH)2
D. H2SO4
E. HCl
14. Which of the following is not a mixture?
A. ethanol
B. petrol
C. steel
D. tap water
15. Part of the instructions in an equipment reads as
follows :
Quickly add 50cm3of acid
What is the best piece of apparatus to use?
A. a burette
B. a conical flask
C. a measuring cylinder D. a pipette
16. Untuk memperoleh air murni dari larutan gula
diperlukan alat-alat berikut.....
A. cawan uap , lampu Bunsen , kaki tiga
B. kertas saring , gelas , air
C. corong , saringan , gelas
D.labu didih , pendingin Liebig , lampu Bunsen ,
E. cawan uap dan corong
17. Zat kimia yang digunakan untuk mengisi air baterai
A. SO2
C. Mg(OH)2
D. H2SO4
E. HCl
14. Which of the following is not a mixture?
A. ethanol
B. petrol
C. steel
D. tap water
15. Part of the instructions in an equipment reads as
follows :
Quickly add 50cm3of acid
What is the best piece of apparatus to use?
A. a burette
B. a conical flask
C. a measuring cylinder D. a pipette
16. Untuk memperoleh air murni dari larutan gula
diperlukan alat-alat berikut.....
A. cawan uap , lampu Bunsen , kaki tiga
B. kertas saring , gelas , air
C. corong , saringan , gelas
D.labu didih , pendingin Liebig , lampu Bunsen ,
E. cawan uap dan corong
17. Zat kimia yang digunakan untuk mengisi air baterai
A. SO2
C. Mg(OH)2
D. H2SO4
E. HCl
14. Which of the following is not a mixture?
A. ethanol
B. petrol
C. steel
D. tap water
15. Part of the instructions in an equipment reads as
follows :
Quickly add 50cm3of acid
What is the best piece of apparatus to use?
A. a burette
B. a conical flask
C. a measuring cylinder D. a pipette
16. Untuk memperoleh air murni dari larutan gula
diperlukan alat-alat berikut.....
A. cawan uap , lampu Bunsen , kaki tiga
B. kertas saring , gelas , air
C. corong , saringan , gelas
D.labu didih , pendingin Liebig , lampu Bunsen ,
E. cawan uap dan corong
17. Zat kimia yang digunakan untuk mengisi air baterai
A. SO2
C. Mg(OH)2
D. H2SO4
E. HCl

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