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Cotejo, Kyle Marc T.


Importance of (Electronics) Engineering

Every time people hear the term engineering, they think about building roads, bridges and other
infrastructures but it is more than just that. Engineering is a broad field that encompasses almost every
aspect of the surroundings, from circuitries to chemistry. In general though, engineering concerns
primarily with design, building and use of engines, machines, and structures. Therefore, all fields of
engineering are vital for developing the world and every facet of it.
Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE), in particular, is a field that is, as the name
indicates, a combination of Electronic Engineering and Communication Engineering; both fields are as
important as each other, and intertwine in studies and application.
Electronic Engineering deals with the application of electrical components to design electronic
circuits, devices and systems. In todays world, it is hard not to see electronic devices, such as phones,
tablet, game consoles and the likes, for we are living in a technological era. As our society progress,
technology progresses alongside, I claim as a futurist. It is evident that the importance of Electronic
Engineering is in a high tide and will continue rising as time passes by. Moreover, the evolution of
technology will not cease and it will, at all cost, adapt with the changing environment, economy, and
necessity of this world. It is up to Electronic Engineers to accommodate such development.
On the other hand, Communication Engineering deals with, as the name suggests, communication
systems. Mankind has been progressing because one of the most important factors communication. And,
as we develop new-found knowledge, our means of communication advances. For we live in a
technological era and with the recent telecommunications revolution, our communication process is as
advance it could ever be. Information dissemination, transfer and reception travels through intricate
systems designed and developed by Communication Engineering, hence, the grave importance of the field
today and tomorrow.
Engineering is and will always be a part of human development. Its importance lies within the
needs and desires of us, human beings. In our world where technology exists as our vehicle to progress,
engineering will only adapt and flourish.

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